Monthly Archives: January 2020

2020-01-01: News Headlines

teleSUR, JGN (2020-01-01). Miles de chilenos reciben el Año Nuevo con protestas. Miles de chilenos volvieron a colmar la Plaza Dignidad, en Santiago de Chile, para recibir el Año Nuevo con una cena masiva y enfrentando la represión de la militarizada policía de Carabineros, en el marco de las protestas antigubernamentales que se prolongan por más de dos meses. | LEA TAMBIÉN: | Cientos de personas despiden a manifestante fallecido en Chile | Los manifestantes recibieron el 2020 con una cena masiva en la Plaza Italia, rebautizada como Dignidad, bajo la consigna "Año Nuevo…

Staff (2020-01-01). The Town That Refuses to Drown. It'S 9 A.M. and a grey cloud that had been shrouding one of four mountains surrounding Temacapulín, in the highlands of western Mexico, has begun to lift. "SINCE THE SIXTH CENTURY, TEMACAPULÂN WELCOMES YOU." The bold white letters emblazoned on the side of one of the mountains, Cerro de la Cruz, emerge through the mist, Hollywood-style, as the town's inhabitants scurry to live up to the promise. It's the first day of the Tenth Annual Chile de Arból Fair and a steady rain has been threatening to flood the town's two-day festival of resist…

teleSUR, JGN (2020-01-01). Gobierno de facto de Bolivia desmiente que prepare ingreso a embajada mexicana. El Gobierno de facto de Bolivia desmintió la noche del martes que estuviera preparando el inminente ingreso de las fuerzas del orden a la embajada y la residencia oficial de México en La Paz, con el presunto fin de cumplimentar varios órdenes de aprehensión. | LEA TAMBIÉN: | Tribunal Electoral de Bolivia ratifica habilitación del MAS para comicios | "ESTA NOTA ES FALSA. El contenido de la misma es un absurdo jurídico y fue elaborado para crear conflicto y debilitar el proceso democráti…

yenisafak (2020-01-01). Mexico says goodbye to turbulent year. As 2019 draws to a close, Mexico leaves behind a volatile year marked by high and low points, from the launch of the country's #MeToo movement to confrontations with Bolivia.The following is a brief rundown of the main events.January 2019: Hidalgo pipeline explosion: A pipeline in Hidalgo, Mexico exploded, killing at least 137 people. The blast reportedly occurred while people were attempting to steal fuel. Stealing fuel from pipelines has long been a problem for Mexico, which experienced extremely high gas prices around this time. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador campaigned on fighting corruption and…

Medea Benjamin (2019-12-31). 10 Good Things About 2019. Impeachment, Trump, impeachment, Trump. It's hard to think of this year without obsessing about the occupant of the White House. But yes, there were lots of other events going on in the world this year. Some of them were tragic, like the coup in Bolivia, but some are hopeful and move us in a positive More

teleSUR (2019-12-31). Latin America: A Decade in Review. The period between 2010 and 2019 seems to be "the bittersweet decade" for the Latin American peoples. In its first part, the winds of economic development with social justice and equity were fueled by progressive governments that arose all over the continent as a result of the tenacity of workers, farmers, students, human rights defenders, gender activists, and environmental activists. | RELATED: | Venezuela's Maduro Gives Message of Peace in Address To Nation | In the middle of…

teleSUR, pha, JCM (2019-12-31). Colombianos despiden el año con cacerolazo contra el gobierno. Los colombianos tienen previsto este martes para la noche de fin de año, y la apertura del año 2020, un cacerolazo en rechazo a las políticas del gobierno del presidente Iván Duque, como parte de la ola de protestas que se vive en la nación suramericana desde hace más de un mes. | LEA TAMBIÉN: | Duque anuncia aumento de salario mínimo en Colombia para 2020 | La convocatoria fue impulsada a través de su cuenta en la red social Twitter por la activista social Cielo Rusinque y el llamado de la…

teleSUR (2019-12-31). Colombia: Over 10,000 Homicides, 230 Activists Killed in 2019. A total of 10,468 homicides have been officially recorded in Colombia between January and November 2019 according to the Foundation Peace and Reconciliation, corresponding to a rise of 2.34 percent compared with the previous year. | RELATED: | Colombian Attorney Asks to Stop Murder of Social Leaders | The Foundation's Director Ariel Avila highlighted the failure of the conservative government's "tough" approach against crime in the country in an interview with EFE. | The violence an…

teleSUR, lsl, JL (2019-12-31). Revelan motivos sobre homicidio de pareja ambientalista colombiana. Uno de los acusados del asesinato de la pareja de activistas ambientales colombianos, Natalia Jiménez y Rodrigo Monsalve, que fueron atacados durante su luna de miel, reveló ante la Fiscalía que el móvil del crimen fue el robo del automóvil de las víctimas para venderlo. | LEA TAMBIÉN: | ONU: 2019 el año más violento para exmiembros de las FARC-EP | Presuntamente, Giovanni Abelardo Ortiz Calderón; Jaider Lozano Jaramillo, alias El Negro; Luis Rodríguez Tovar, conocido como Luchit…

teleSUR (2019-12-31). Venezuela's Maduro Gives Message of Peace in Address To Nation. In a speech to the nation given on national TV on Monday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro gave a message of "peace, solidarity, and Christian spirit." | RELATED: | Putin Sends Congratulations to Maduro and Venezuela on New Year | "The media has tried to show an image of a country drowned in anarchy but we will come out victorious," he added, insisting that "the Christian spirit and solidarity" will help overcome any obstacle. | "We have overcome all the myths surrounding…

teleSUR, pha, JL (2019-12-31). Cientos de personas despiden a manifestante fallecido en Chile. Cientos de personas asistieron este martes al funeral del manifestante chileno, Mauricio Fredes, quien falleció el pasado viernes en la denominada "Plaza de la Dignidad" de Santiago tras caer a un foso con agua en medio de las protestas antigubernamentales. | LEA TAMBIÉN: | Presentan acusación contra intendente Metropolitano en Chile | Los actos fúnebres comenzaron en la mañana, en la residencia de la abuela del fallecido en la comuna de La Pintana, para luego trasladar sus restos al cem…

teleSUR, JCM (2019-12-31). Celebran en Mendoza, Argentina, derogación de "ley cianuro" La ciudad de Mendoza, en el oeste de Argentina, considerada junto con otras metropolis, la "Capital Internacional del Vino", celebró jubilosa la derogación de la "ley cianuro", luego de masivas protestas en contra de la norma. | LEA TAMBIÉN: | Suspenden reglamentación de ley minera en Mendoza, Argentina | Primero, el Senado aprobó la derogación con 34 votos a favor y 2 en contra. Después, ya en Diputados, y tras menos de dos horas de debate, con 43 votos positivos, 4 negativos y un ausente, el pro…

teleSUR, ats, JL (2019-12-31). Bananeros exigen incremento de salario mínimo en Panamá. Los trabajadores bananeros protestaron este martes en Panamá, cerrando calles y alzando la voz, para exigir el aumento del salario mínimo al presidente Laurentino Cortizo, quien ha pospuesto la respectiva decisión. | LEA TAMBIÉN: | Celebran en Mendoza, Argentina, derogación de "ley cianuro" | De acuerdo con el vicepresidente de Panamá, José Gabriel Carrizo, el gobierno ha apoyado a la ministra de Trabajo y Desarrollo Laboral (Mitradel), Doris Zapata, en la atención de las inquietude…

teleSUR, pha, JCM (2019-12-31). Congreso ecuatoriano aprueba nueva ley tributaria. La Asamblea Nacional (Congreso) ecuatoriana aprobó una nueva ley tributaria, llamada Ley Orgánica de Simplificación y Progresividad Tributaria, y se ordena su publicación inmediata en el Registro Oficial, a pesar de las críticas contra la norma. | LEA TAMBIÉN: | Justicia ecuatoriana revoca sentencia de prisión contra prefecta de Pichincha | De acuerdo con un comunicado oficial de la Asamblea, el proyecto de ley fue aprobado por 61 votos en pleno, por lo que luego se dispuso para su promulgación…

Zoà´ Carpenter (2019-12-31). This Was the Decade of Feminist Uprisings in Latin America. This Was the Decade of Feminist Uprisings in Latin America…

teleSUR (2019-12-31). 10 Trends and Events that Marked the Decade in Europe. As the decade ends, teleSUR looks back to the ten most important events that have shaped the lives of millions across the region. | 1. The Rise of Far-Right: | One of the most concerning trends that have hit not only the United States and many other South American countries, the last decade has seen numerous parties from the ultra-right gaining momentum and in some cases, winning elections, like Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Hungary, Poland's ruling nationalist Law and Justice (PiS), or Italy's former Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, whose League party became the driving eurosceptic force until the rece…

teleSUR (2019-12-31). Bolivia's TSE Ratifies MAS Participation for The 2020 Elections. The Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) of Bolivia announced this Tuesday that the party "Movimiento al Socialismo" (MAS) will be able to participate in the general elections of 2020. | RELATED: | Evo Morales Condemns Expulsion of Diplomats from Bolivia | After rejecting two challenges and a written note requesting the cancellation of MAS's legal status, the TSE…

teleSUR, JCM (2019-12-31). Evo Morales rechaza expulsión de diplomáticos de México y España. La expulsión de diplomáticos de México y España por parte del Gobierno de facto boliviano es un acto de desprecio al derecho internacional, consideró este martes el presidente legítimo de Bolivia, Evo Morales,quien rechazó esta medida tomada por "los golpistas". | LEA TAMBIÉN: | MAS rechaza expulsión de diplomáticos por gobierno de facto en Bolivia | En un tuit, Morales detalló que el Gobierno de la presidenta de facto, Jeanine àÅñez, expulsa a embajadora de México y a diplomáticos españoles, rom…

Orinoco Tribune (2019-12-31). IACHR Identified 68 Thousand Twitter Accounts Created in Support of Bolivia's de Facto Government. The Commission (an appendage of OAS) explained that since the (forced) resignation of Evo Morales, the accounts have supported hashtags such as #BoliviaLibreyDemocratica and #NoHayGolpeEnBolivia. | *** | The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) detected, as part of the campaign to …

teleSUR, lsl, JL (2019-12-31). Tribunal Supremo Electoral de Bolivia ratifica habilitación del MAS para comicios de 2020. El Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE) de Bolivia, anunció este martes que el Movimiento Al Socialismo (MAS) podrá participar en las elecciones generales de 2020, después de desestimar dos memoriales y una nota escrita que pedían la cancelación de la personalidad jurídica del mencionado partido. | LEA TAMBIÉN: | Evo Morales rechaza expulsión de diplomáticos de México y España | "El MAS mantiene todas las prerrogativas y los deberes de las organizaciones políticas bolivianas y se encu…

Stansfield Smith (2019-12-31). The Coup in Bolivia: Lessons for our Movement. The US engineered another coup, this time Bolivia, and again our movement could not effectively counter pro-coup propaganda the US was selling to the public, let alone taking any action to stop it. There is an imperative need for much greater long-term cooperative work to combat US interventions. Needed is a qualitatively higher level of …

teleSUR (2019-12-31). Evo Morales Condemns Expulsion of Diplomats from Bolivia. The expulsion of diplomats from Mexico and Spain by the de facto Bolivian regime is an act of contempt for international law, the democratically elected President Evo Morales said on Tuesday. Morales condemned the move by "the coup plotters," highlighting the fact that they have been hurting the Andean nation's diplomatic ties. | RELATED: | Spain Expels 3 Bolivian Diplomats in Tit-For-Tat Move | "The coup plotters seek legitimacy, but only exert violence against sister countries," Mora…

teleSUR, lsl, JL (2019-12-31). Denuncian deceso de trabajadora por falta de seguridad laboral. La Confederación General de Trabajadores de Perú (CGTP), mayor organización obrera del país suramericano, indicó que la ministra de Trabajado, Sylvia Cáceres, debe renunciar a su cargo por no garantizar la seguridad del proletariado. | LEA TAMBIÉN: | Exigen justicia para trabajadores peruanos muertos en McDonald ¥s | El pronunciamiento de la CGTP llega después de que la joven trabajadora, Morelia Chávez, falleciera en la empresa agroexportadora Santa Patricia, situada en la provin…

teleSUR (2019-12-31). Brazil Fines Facebook US$1.6m in Cambridge Analytica Case. Brazil's Ministry of Justice and Public Security has sentenced Facebook with a US$1.6 million fine for sharing data belonging to 443,000 Brazilian users in relation to the Cambridge Analytica case. | RELATED: | Facebook's Black Employees Denounce Company's Racism in a Letter | According to the government, there is evidence of an "abusive" practice wh…

Prof. Ociel Alí López (2019-12-31). Crisis and Critique: Venezuela, a Paradox of Stability? For Venezuelans, the start of 2019 was perhaps the tensest moment in the past seventeen years. Unlike the political violence of 2017 and the electoral abstention drama of 2018, we faced a real scenario of foreign military intervention in Venezuela. …

teleSUR, ats, JL (2019-12-31). Presidente de China desea un Hong Kong estable y próspero en 2020. El presidente de China, Xi Jinping, consideró este martes en su mensaje de año nuevo que espera lo mejor para Hong Kong y resaltó la necesidad de conservar la estabilidad para el año 2020. | LEA TAMBIÉN: | Pdte. de Venezuela cierra el año con mensaje de paz | Entre las palabras que emitió en torno a la espera del año próximo, el jefe de Estado manifestó que espera "un Hong Kong estable y próspero", reiterando que desea lo mejor para la región administrativa especial china y sus compatriotas. | To…

Peoples Dispatch (2019-12-31). Antonio García: "The government forgets that the conflict in Colombia has social, political and economic causes" Commander of the ELN, Antonio García, reflects on the mobilizations that have shaken the continent in the last couple of months and the response of the Colombian government to the mobilizations…

teleSUR, JCM (2019-12-31). ONU: 2019 el año más violento para exmiembros de las FARC-EP. Al menos 77 excombatientes de las FARC-EP fueron asesinados en Colombia este año, con lo cual se eleva a 173 el total desde que se firmó la paz con el Gobierno, en noviembre de 2016, según informe de la Misión de Verificación de la Organización de Naciones Unidas divulgado este martes. | LEA TAMBIÉN: | Líder social en Colombia es asesinado pese a tener protección | "El número total de asesinatos desde la firma del Acuerdo Final de Paz llega ahora a 173, además de 14 desapariciones y 29 intentos d…

Surangya (2019-12-30). Cracks in the neoliberal wall. The last year saw major protests erupt across the world against neoliberal, anti-people regimes, such as in Chile, Lebanon, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Haiti and France. We review some of the largest struggles, the reasons people are fighting, and what they are fighting for.

Wyatt Reed (2019-12-28). Evo Morales' potential successor speaks out after far-right Bolivia coup: Interview with union leader Andrónico Rodríguez. Andrónico Rodríguez could be the next president of Bolivia. The 30-year-old labor organizer speaks about the far-right US-backed coup, repression…

Luiz ignacio lula Da silva (2019-12-28). Prison gave me a greater will to fight. Interview on the reality that Brazil is experiencing and the social protests that have occurred in several Latin American countries…

Prensa Latina (2019-12-27). Evo Morales marcha junto a las Madres de Plaza de Mayo en Argentina. BUENOS AIRES — A los pies de la pirámide emplazada en la Plaza de Mayo, testigo de tantas luchas en Argentina, el expresidente boliviano Evo Morales acompañó hoy la marcha dos mil 176 de esas madres que siguen pidiendo justicia por los desaparecidos de la última dictadura militar (1976-1983). Con whipalas multiplicadas junto a las …

Alan Macleod (2019-12-27). Pro-Coup Venezuelan Soldiers Who Fled to the US Now Locked Up in ICE Detention Center. In an ironic twist worthy of an Alanis Morissette song, participants in U.S.-backed coup are now in an ICE detention camp.

Vijay Prashad (2019-12-27). We are the ones who will awaken the dawn. Millions of people are on the streets, from India to Chile. Democracy is both their promise and it is what has betrayed them. They aspire to the democratic spirit but find that democratic institutions—saturated by money and power—are inadequate. They are on the streets for more democracy, deeper democracy, a different kind of democracy. | Source

Staff (2019-12-27). Headlines for December 27, 2019. In Confidential Videos, Navy SEALs Say Gallagher Was "Toxic" & "Freaking Evil", Hospitals & Health Clinics Shuttered by Heavy Bombing in Idlib, Syria, Japan to Deploy Destroyer to Middle East Amid Rising Tensions in Gulf of Oman, Nigerian-American Journalist Omoyele Sowore Released from Prison, In India, Protests Rage Against "Anti-Muslim" Citizenship Law, Netanyahu Staves Off Party Leadership Challenge Ahead of General Election, Mexico to Bring Complaint Against Bolivia's Interim Government to ICJ, Congolese Asylum Seeker Died in Border Patrol Custody on Christmas Day, Los Angeles Prosecutors Consider Filing Cri…

Eds. (2019-12-27). Bolivia's free territory of Chapare has ousted the coup regime and is bracing for a bloody re-invasion. Spending time with the union members of Chapare, who run society in a collective fashion, offers special insights into the resistance to the coup. They succeeded in expelling the police, but now fear a bloodbath in retaliation. | Source

news.un (2019-12-27). Accelerating towards a fairer future. Cutting child mortality by a third in Brazil, reaching carbon neutrality in Finland and redirecting trillions of dollars of investment to funds that promote sustainability: these are some examples of initiatives from governments, civil society and the private sector, designed to speed up the UN's goal of achieving a fairer society for all.

Staff (2019-12-26). Headlines for December 26, 2019. Murkowski "Disturbed" by McConnell's "Coordination" with White House for Impeachment Trial, Trump Attacks Windmills with a Series of False Claims, The Intercept: Bloomberg Used Prison Labor to Make 2020 Campaign Calls, Thousands of Syrian Civilians Flee Government Offensive in Idlib, 35 Civilians Killed in Attack in Burkina Faso, China Calls on U.S. to Take "Concrete Steps" Toward Peace with North Korea, At Least 21 Killed as Typhoon Phanfone Slams into the Philippines, U.S. Ambassador to Zambia Recalled After Criticizing Criminalization of Homosexuality, Evo Morales Vows to Return to Bolivia by Next Christmas, H…

Eds. (2019-12-23). Chile: TV broadcast live when two armored cars crushed citizen. Real-time scenes evidenced once again how the Chilean state acts with rampant and absurd violence. | Source

Ricardo Vaz (2019-12-23). Venezuela Repels 'Terrorist' Attack on Military Bases, 1 Soldier Dead. The assailants stormed several military installations before being engaged by the Venezuelan army.

Joe Emersberger (2019-12-20). Notes on a private TV newscast in Bolivia. The contrast with Venezuela is clear as day. In August, I took detailed notes a news broadcast on one of Venezuela's largest TV networks. I summarized these notes in an interview I did with the Real News Network making the point that Venezuela's private media (which reaches 60-90% of households) is remarkably free — most especially when you consider the US is openly Read more…

Staff (2019-12-20). Headlines for December 20, 2019. Pelosi Delays Sending Impeachment Articles to Senate, 7 Democratic Candidates Debate in Los Angeles, Senate Passes $1.4 Trillion Spending Package, House Passes USMCA to Replace NAFTA, Protests Erupt in Lebanon as President Names New Prime Minister, Number of Killings by Police Soars in Brazil, Sudan Protesters Mark Anniversary of Uprising That Ousted Omar al-Bashir, Report: WA Republican Rep. Matt Shea Participated in Domestic Terrorism, Amazon Facing Criticism over Data Breach with Ring Home Security System…

Staff (2019-12-19). Chileans Demand New Constitution as Protests Continue. For two months, Chileans have been protesting all over the country on a daily basis.

Lucas Koerner and Ricardo Vaz (2019-12-18). Venezuela: Guaido Introduces Remote Voting in Bid to Secure Reelection. The opposition leader has been under fire amid recent scandals.

The Grayzone (2019-12-17). US Venezuelan embassy protectors denied right to fair trial. Four US activists protecting Venezuela's embassy in Washington, DC face prison time after the Trump administration illegally arrested them. And now…

Candice Yanez (2019-12-16). Viral Chilean feminist anthem reveals powerful international sentiment against sexual violence. The protest song was first performed for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on November 20 in Valparaíso, Chile.

Anya Parampil (2019-12-16). Why Elliott Abrams is Smurf villain Gargamel. Trump Administration Special Representative for Venezuela Elliott Abram is not only the spitting image of Gargamel; the Smurfs are a…

Paul Dobson (2019-12-16). ALBA Summit: Venezuela Promises to Relaunch PetroCaribe in 2020. Heads of state also pledged to bolster various regional social programs including the Miracle Mission and Latin American Medical Schools.

Joe Emersberger (2019-12-16). Francisco Rodriguez answers some questions I asked about Venezuela. Venezuelan economist Francisco Rodriguez, formerly of Torino Economics, answered a few questions of mine about his country. He was the economic adviser to Henri Falcon, the second place finisher in the May 2018 presidential election. His updated estimate for 2019 is that Venezuela's real GDP will contract by 25% . That's horrific, but less severe Read more…

Wyatt Reed (2019-12-15). While Evo's MAS party regroups, Bolivia's coup leaders are eating each other alive. Humiliating scandals are destroying right-wing leader Luis Fernando Camacho and the right is fracturing as a more militant MAS party…

2020-01-01: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

Miles de chilenos reciben el Año Nuevo con protestas
teleSUR, JGN | | 2020-01-01
Miles de chilenos volvieron a colmar la Plaza Dignidad, en Santiago de Chile, para recibir el Año Nuevo con una cena masiva y enfrentando la represión de la militarizada policía de Carabineros, en el marco de las protestas antigubernamentales que se prolongan por más de dos meses. | LEA TAMBIÉN: | Cientos de personas despiden a manifestante fallecido en Chile | Los manifestantes recibieron el 2020 con una cena masiva en la Plaza Italia, rebautizada como Dignidad, bajo la consigna "Año Nuevo…

The Town That Refuses to Drown
Staff | | 2020-01-01
It'S 9 A.M. and a grey cloud that had been shrouding one of four mountains surrounding Temacapulín, in the highlands of western Mexico, has begun to lift. "SINCE THE SIXTH CENTURY, TEMACAPULÂN WELCOMES YOU." The bold white letters emblazoned on the side of one of the mountains, Cerro de la Cruz, emerge through the mist, Hollywood-style, as the town's inhabitants scurry to live up to the promise. It's the first day of the Tenth Annual Chile de Arból Fair and a steady rain has been threatening to flood the town's two-day festival of resist…

Gobierno de facto de Bolivia desmiente que prepare ingreso a embajada mexicana
teleSUR, JGN | | 2020-01-01
El Gobierno de facto de Bolivia desmintió la noche del martes que estuviera preparando el inminente ingreso de las fuerzas del orden a la embajada y la residencia oficial de México en La Paz, con el presunto fin de cumplimentar varios órdenes de aprehensión. | LEA TAMBIÉN: | Tribunal Electoral de Bolivia ratifica habilitación del MAS para comicios | "ESTA NOTA ES FALSA. El contenido de la misma es un absurdo jurídico y fue elaborado para crear conflicto y debilitar el proceso democráti…

Mexico says goodbye to turbulent year | 2020-01-01
As 2019 draws to a close, Mexico leaves behind a volatile year marked by high and low points, from the launch of the country's #MeToo movement to confrontations with Bolivia.The following is a brief rundown of the main events.January 2019: Hidalgo pipeline explosion: A pipeline in Hidalgo, Mexico exploded, killing at least 137 people. The blast reportedly occurred while people were attempting to steal fuel. Stealing fuel from pipelines has long been a problem for Mexico, which experienced extremely high gas prices around this time. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador campaigned on fighting corruption and…

10 Good Things About 2019
Medea Benjamin | | 2019-12-31
Impeachment, Trump, impeachment, Trump. It's hard to think of this year without obsessing about the occupant of the White House. But yes, there were lots of other events going on in the world this year. Some of them were tragic, like the coup in Bolivia, but some are hopeful and move us in a positive…

10 Good Things About 2019
Medea Benjamin | | 2019-12-31
Impeachment, Trump, impeachment, Trump. It's hard to think of this year without obsessing about the occupant of the White House. But yes, there were lots of other events going on in the world this year. Some of them were tragic, like the coup in Bolivia, but some are hopeful and move us in a positive…

Latin America: A Decade in Review | 2019-12-31
The period between 2010 and 2019 seems to be "the bittersweet decade" for the Latin American peoples. In its first part, the winds of economic development with social justice and equity were fueled by progressive governments that arose all over the continent as a result of the tenacity of workers, farmers, students, human rights defenders, gender activists, and environmental activists. | RELATED: | Venezuela's Maduro Gives Message of Peace in Address To Nation | In the middle of…

Revelan motivos sobre homicidio de pareja ambientalista colombiana
teleSUR, lsl, JL | | 2019-12-31
Uno de los acusados del asesinato de la pareja de activistas ambientales colombianos, Natalia Jiménez y Rodrigo Monsalve, que fueron atacados durante su luna de miel, reveló ante la Fiscalía que el móvil del crimen fue el robo del automóvil de las víctimas para venderlo. | LEA TAMBIÉN: | ONU: 2019 el año más violento para exmiembros de las FARC-EP | Presuntamente, Giovanni Abelardo Ortiz Calderón; Jaider Lozano Jaramillo, alias El Negro; Luis Rodríguez Tovar, conocido como Luchit…

Colombia: Over 10,000 Homicides, 230 Activists Killed in 2019 | 2019-12-31
A total of 10,468 homicides have been officially recorded in Colombia between January and November 2019 according to the Foundation Peace and Reconciliation, corresponding to a rise of 2.34 percent compared with the previous year. | RELATED: | Colombian Attorney Asks to Stop Murder of Social Leaders | The Foundation's Director Ariel Avila highlighted the failure of the conservative government's "tough" approach against crime in the country in an interview with EFE. | The violence an…

Colombianos despiden el año con cacerolazo contra el gobierno
teleSUR, pha, JCM | | 2019-12-31
Los colombianos tienen previsto este martes para la noche de fin de año, y la apertura del año 2020, un cacerolazo en rechazo a las políticas del gobierno del presidente Iván Duque, como parte de la ola de protestas que se vive en la nación suramericana desde hace más de un mes. | LEA TAMBIÉN: | Duque anuncia aumento de salario mínimo en Colombia para 2020 | La convocatoria fue impulsada a través de su cuenta en la red social Twitter por la activista social Cielo Rusinque y el llamado de la…

Venezuela's Maduro Gives Message of Peace in Address To Nation | 2019-12-31
In a speech to the nation given on national TV on Monday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro gave a message of "peace, solidarity, and Christian spirit." | RELATED: | Putin Sends Congratulations to Maduro and Venezuela on New Year | "The media has tried to show an image of a country drowned in anarchy but we will come out victorious," he added, insisting that "the Christian spirit and solidarity" will help overcome any obstacle. | "We have overcome all the myths surrounding…

Cientos de personas despiden a manifestante fallecido en Chile
teleSUR, pha, JL | | 2019-12-31
Cientos de personas asistieron este martes al funeral del manifestante chileno, Mauricio Fredes, quien falleció el pasado viernes en la denominada "Plaza de la Dignidad" de Santiago tras caer a un foso con agua en medio de las protestas antigubernamentales. | LEA TAMBIÉN: | Presentan acusación contra intendente Metropolitano en Chile | Los actos fúnebres comenzaron en la mañana, en la residencia de la abuela del fallecido en la comuna de La Pintana, para luego trasladar sus restos al cem…

Bananeros exigen incremento de salario mínimo en Panamá
teleSUR, ats, JL | | 2019-12-31
Los trabajadores bananeros protestaron este martes en Panamá, cerrando calles y alzando la voz, para exigir el aumento del salario mínimo al presidente Laurentino Cortizo, quien ha pospuesto la respectiva decisión. | LEA TAMBIÉN: | Celebran en Mendoza, Argentina, derogación de "ley cianuro" | De acuerdo con el vicepresidente de Panamá, José Gabriel Carrizo, el gobierno ha apoyado a la ministra de Trabajo y Desarrollo Laboral (Mitradel), Doris Zapata, en la atención de las inquietude…

Celebran en Mendoza, Argentina, derogación de "ley cianuro"
teleSUR, JCM | | 2019-12-31
La ciudad de Mendoza, en el oeste de Argentina, considerada junto con otras metropolis, la "Capital Internacional del Vino", celebró jubilosa la derogación de la "ley cianuro", luego de masivas protestas en contra de la norma. | LEA TAMBIÉN: | Suspenden reglamentación de ley minera en Mendoza, Argentina | Primero, el Senado aprobó la derogación con 34 votos a favor y 2 en contra. Después, ya en Diputados, y tras menos de dos horas de debate, con 43 votos positivos, 4 negativos y un ausente, el pro…

This Was the Decade of Feminist Uprisings in Latin America
Zoà´ Carpenter | | 2019-12-31
This Was the Decade of Feminist Uprisings in Latin America…

Congreso ecuatoriano aprueba nueva ley tributaria
teleSUR, pha, JCM | | 2019-12-31
La Asamblea Nacional (Congreso) ecuatoriana aprobó una nueva ley tributaria, llamada Ley Orgánica de Simplificación y Progresividad Tributaria, y se ordena su publicación inmediata en el Registro Oficial, a pesar de las críticas contra la norma. | LEA TAMBIÉN: | Justicia ecuatoriana revoca sentencia de prisión contra prefecta de Pichincha | De acuerdo con un comunicado oficial de la Asamblea, el proyecto de ley fue aprobado por 61 votos en pleno, por lo que luego se dispuso para su promulgación…

10 Trends and Events that Marked the Decade in Europe | 2019-12-31
As the decade ends, teleSUR looks back to the ten most important events that have shaped the lives of millions across the region. | 1. The Rise of Far-Right: | One of the most concerning trends that have hit not only the United States and many other South American countries, the last decade has seen numerous parties from the ultra-right gaining momentum and in some cases, winning elections, like Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Hungary, Poland's ruling nationalist Law and Justice (PiS), or Italy's former Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, whose League party became the driving eurosceptic force until the rece…

The Coup in Bolivia: Lessons for our Movement
Stansfield Smith | | 2019-12-31
The US engineered another coup, this time Bolivia, and again our movement could not effectively counter pro-coup propaganda the US was selling to the public, let alone taking any action to stop it. There is an imperative need for much greater long-term cooperative work to combat US interventions. Needed is a qualitatively higher level of …

Evo Morales rechaza expulsión de diplomáticos de México y España
teleSUR, JCM | | 2019-12-31
La expulsión de diplomáticos de México y España por parte del Gobierno de facto boliviano es un acto de desprecio al derecho internacional, consideró este martes el presidente legítimo de Bolivia, Evo Morales,quien rechazó esta medida tomada por "los golpistas". | LEA TAMBIÉN: | MAS rechaza expulsión de diplomáticos por gobierno de facto en Bolivia | En un tuit, Morales detalló que el Gobierno de la presidenta de facto, Jeanine àÅñez, expulsa a embajadora de México y a diplomáticos españoles, rom…

Evo Morales Condemns Expulsion of Diplomats from Bolivia | 2019-12-31
The expulsion of diplomats from Mexico and Spain by the de facto Bolivian regime is an act of contempt for international law, the democratically elected President Evo Morales said on Tuesday. Morales condemned the move by "the coup plotters," highlighting the fact that they have been hurting the Andean nation's diplomatic ties. | RELATED: | Spain Expels 3 Bolivian Diplomats in Tit-For-Tat Move | "The coup plotters seek legitimacy, but only exert violence against sister countries," Mora…

Bolivia's TSE Ratifies MAS Participation for The 2020 Elections | 2019-12-31
The Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) of Bolivia announced this Tuesday that the party "Movimiento al Socialismo" (MAS) will be able to participate in the general elections of 2020. | RELATED: | Evo Morales Condemns Expulsion of Diplomats from Bolivia | After rejecting two challenges and a written note requesting the cancellation of MAS's legal status, the TSE…

Tribunal Supremo Electoral de Bolivia ratifica habilitación del MAS para comicios de 2020
teleSUR, lsl, JL | | 2019-12-31
El Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE) de Bolivia, anunció este martes que el Movimiento Al Socialismo (MAS) podrá participar en las elecciones generales de 2020, después de desestimar dos memoriales y una nota escrita que pedían la cancelación de la personalidad jurídica del mencionado partido. | LEA TAMBIÉN: | Evo Morales rechaza expulsión de diplomáticos de México y España | "El MAS mantiene todas las prerrogativas y los deberes de las organizaciones políticas bolivianas y se encu…

IACHR Identified 68 Thousand Twitter Accounts Created in Support of Bolivia's de Facto Government
Orinoco Tribune | | 2019-12-31
The Commission (an appendage of OAS) explained that since the (forced) resignation of Evo Morales, the accounts have supported hashtags such as #BoliviaLibreyDemocratica and #NoHayGolpeEnBolivia. | *** | The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) detected, as part of the campaign to …

Denuncian deceso de trabajadora por falta de seguridad laboral
teleSUR, lsl, JL | | 2019-12-31
La Confederación General de Trabajadores de Perú (CGTP), mayor organización obrera del país suramericano, indicó que la ministra de Trabajado, Sylvia Cáceres, debe renunciar a su cargo por no garantizar la seguridad del proletariado. | LEA TAMBIÉN: | Exigen justicia para trabajadores peruanos muertos en McDonald ¥s | El pronunciamiento de la CGTP llega después de que la joven trabajadora, Morelia Chávez, falleciera en la empresa agroexportadora Santa Patricia, situada en la provin…

Brazil Fines Facebook US$1.6m in Cambridge Analytica Case | 2019-12-31
Brazil's Ministry of Justice and Public Security has sentenced Facebook with a US$1.6 million fine for sharing data belonging to 443,000 Brazilian users in relation to the Cambridge Analytica case. | RELATED: | Facebook's Black Employees Denounce Company's Racism in a Letter | According to the government, there is evidence of an "abusive" practice wh…

Crisis and Critique: Venezuela, a Paradox of Stability?
Prof. Ociel Alí López | | 2019-12-31
For Venezuelans, the start of 2019 was perhaps the tensest moment in the past seventeen years. Unlike the political violence of 2017 and the electoral abstention drama of 2018, we faced a real scenario of foreign military intervention in Venezuela. …

Presidente de China desea un Hong Kong estable y próspero en 2020
teleSUR, ats, JL | | 2019-12-31
El presidente de China, Xi Jinping, consideró este martes en su mensaje de año nuevo que espera lo mejor para Hong Kong y resaltó la necesidad de conservar la estabilidad para el año 2020. | LEA TAMBIÉN: | Pdte. de Venezuela cierra el año con mensaje de paz | Entre las palabras que emitió en torno a la espera del año próximo, el jefe de Estado manifestó que espera "un Hong Kong estable y próspero", reiterando que desea lo mejor para la región administrativa especial china y sus compatriotas. | To…

Antonio García: "The government forgets that the conflict in Colombia has social, political and economic causes"
Peoples Dispatch | | 2019-12-31
Commander of the ELN, Antonio García, reflects on the mobilizations that have shaken the continent in the last couple of months and the response of the Colombian government to the mobilizations…

ONU: 2019 el año más violento para exmiembros de las FARC-EP
teleSUR, JCM | | 2019-12-31
Al menos 77 excombatientes de las FARC-EP fueron asesinados en Colombia este año, con lo cual se eleva a 173 el total desde que se firmó la paz con el Gobierno, en noviembre de 2016, según informe de la Misión de Verificación de la Organización de Naciones Unidas divulgado este martes. | LEA TAMBIÉN: | Líder social en Colombia es asesinado pese a tener protección | "El número total de asesinatos desde la firma del Acuerdo Final de Paz llega ahora a 173, además de 14 desapariciones y 29 intentos d…

10 Good Things About 2019
Medea Benjamin | | 2019-12-31
It's hard to think of this year without obsessing about the occupant of the White House. But yes, there were lots of other events going on in the world this year. Some of them were tragic, like the coup in Bolivia, but some are hopeful and move us in a positive direction. Here are ten…

Cracks in the neoliberal wall
Surangya | | 2019-12-30
The last year saw major protests erupt across the world against neoliberal, anti-people regimes, such as in Chile, Lebanon, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Haiti and France. We review some of the largest struggles, the reasons people are fighting, and what they are fighting for.

Evo Morales' potential successor speaks out after far-right Bolivia coup: Interview with union leader Andrónico Rodríguez
Wyatt Reed | | 2019-12-28
Andrónico Rodríguez could be the next president of Bolivia. The 30-year-old labor organizer speaks about the far-right US-backed coup, repression…

Chileans Demand New Constitution as Protests Continue
The Real News | | 2019-12-28
For two months, Chileans have been protesting all over the country on a daily basis…

Prison gave me a greater will to fight
Luiz ignacio lula Da silva | | 2019-12-28
Interview on the reality that Brazil is experiencing and the social protests that have occurred in several Latin American countries…

We are the ones who will awaken the dawn
Vijay Prashad | | 2019-12-27
Millions of people are on the streets, from India to Chile. Democracy is both their promise and it is what has betrayed them. They aspire to the democratic spirit but find that democratic institutions–saturated by money and power–are inadequate. They are on the streets for more democracy, deeper democracy, a different kind of democracy. | Source…

Headlines for December 27, 2019
Staff | | 2019-12-27
In Confidential Videos, Navy SEALs Say Gallagher Was "Toxic" & "Freaking Evil", Hospitals & Health Clinics Shuttered by Heavy Bombing in Idlib, Syria, Japan to Deploy Destroyer to Middle East Amid Rising Tensions in Gulf of Oman, Nigerian-American Journalist Omoyele Sowore Released from Prison, In India, Protests Rage Against "Anti-Muslim" Citizenship Law, Netanyahu Staves Off Party Leadership Challenge Ahead of General Election, Mexico to Bring Complaint Against Bolivia's Interim Government to ICJ, Congolese Asylum Seeker Died in Border Patrol Custody on Christmas Day, Los Angeles Prosecutors Consider Filing Cri…

Headlines for December 27, 2019
Staff | | 2019-12-27
In Confidential Videos, Navy SEALs Say Gallagher Was "Toxic" & "Freaking Evil", Hospitals & Health Clinics Shuttered by Heavy Bombing in Idlib, Syria, Japan to Deploy Destroyer to Middle East Amid Rising Tensions in Gulf of Oman, Nigerian-American Journalist Omoyele Sowore Released from Prison, In India, Protests Rage Against "Anti-Muslim" Citizenship Law, Netanyahu Staves Off Party Leadership Challenge Ahead of General Election, Mexico to Bring Complaint Against Bolivia's Interim Government to ICJ, Congolese Asylum Seeker Died in Border Patrol Custody on Christmas Day, Los Angeles Prosecutors Consider Filing Cri…

Bolivia's free territory of Chapare has ousted the coup regime and is bracing for a bloody re-invasion
Eds. | | 2019-12-27
Spending time with the union members of Chapare, who run society in a collective fashion, offers special insights into the resistance to the coup. They succeeded in expelling the police, but now fear a bloodbath in retaliation. | Source…

Evo Morales marcha junto a las Madres de Plaza de Mayo en Argentina
Prensa Latina | | 2019-12-27
BUENOS AIRES — A los pies de la pirámide emplazada en la Plaza de Mayo, testigo de tantas luchas en Argentina, el expresidente boliviano Evo Morales acompañó hoy la marcha dos mil 176 de esas madres que siguen pidiendo justicia por los desaparecidos de la última dictadura militar (1976-1983). Con whipalas multiplicadas junto a las …

Accelerating towards a fairer future | 2019-12-27
Cutting child mortality by a third in Brazil, reaching carbon neutrality in Finland and redirecting trillions of dollars of investment to funds that promote sustainability: these are some examples of initiatives from governments, civil society and the private sector, designed to speed up the UN's goal of achieving a fairer society for all.

Pro-Coup Venezuelan Soldiers Who Fled to the US Now Locked Up in ICE Detention Center
Alan Macleod | | 2019-12-27
In an ironic twist worthy of an Alanis Morissette song, participants in U.S.-backed coup are now in an ICE detention camp.

Headlines for December 26, 2019
Staff | | 2019-12-26
Murkowski "Disturbed" by McConnell's "Coordination" with White House for Impeachment Trial, Trump Attacks Windmills with a Series of False Claims, The Intercept: Bloomberg Used Prison Labor to Make 2020 Campaign Calls, Thousands of Syrian Civilians Flee Government Offensive in Idlib, 35 Civilians Killed in Attack in Burkina Faso, China Calls on U.S. to Take "Concrete Steps" Toward Peace with North Korea, At Least 21 Killed as Typhoon Phanfone Slams into the Philippines, U.S. Ambassador to Zambia Recalled After Criticizing Criminalization of Homosexuality, Evo Morales Vows to Return to Bolivia by Next Christmas, H…

Headlines for December 26, 2019
Staff | | 2019-12-26
Murkowski "Disturbed" by McConnell's "Coordination" with White House for Impeachment Trial, Trump Attacks Windmills with a Series of False Claims, The Intercept: Bloomberg Used Prison Labor to Make 2020 Campaign Calls, Thousands of Syrian Civilians Flee Government Offensive in Idlib, 35 Civilians Killed in Attack in Burkina Faso, China Calls on U.S. to Take "Concrete Steps" Toward Peace with North Korea, At Least 21 Killed as Typhoon Phanfone Slams into the Philippines, U.S. Ambassador to Zambia Recalled After Criticizing Criminalization of Homosexuality, Evo Morales Vows to Return to Bolivia by Next Christmas, H…

Bolivia's free territory of Chapare has ousted the coup regime and is bracing for a bloody re-invasion
Ollie Vargas | | 2019-12-25
Spending time with the union members of Chapare, who run society in a collective fashion, offers special insights into the…

Chile: TV broadcast live when two armored cars crushed citizen
Eds. | | 2019-12-23
Real-time scenes evidenced once again how the Chilean state acts with rampant and absurd violence. | Source…

Venezuela Repels 'Terrorist' Attack on Military Bases, 1 Soldier Dead
Ricardo Vaz | | 2019-12-23
The assailants stormed several military installations before being engaged by the Venezuelan army.

Notes on a private TV newscast in Bolivia. The contrast with Venezuela is clear as day
Joe Emersberger | | 2019-12-20
In August, I took detailed notes a news broadcast on one of Venezuela's largest TV networks. I summarized these notes in an interview I did with the Real News Network making the point that Venezuela's private media (which reaches 60-90% of households) is remarkably free — most especially when you consider the US is openly Read…

Headlines for December 20, 2019
Staff | | 2019-12-20
Pelosi Delays Sending Impeachment Articles to Senate, 7 Democratic Candidates Debate in Los Angeles, Senate Passes $1.4 Trillion Spending Package, House Passes USMCA to Replace NAFTA, Protests Erupt in Lebanon as President Names New Prime Minister, Number of Killings by Police Soars in Brazil, Sudan Protesters Mark Anniversary of Uprising That Ousted Omar al-Bashir, Report: WA Republican Rep. Matt Shea Participated in Domestic Terrorism, Amazon Facing Criticism over Data Breach with Ring Home Security System…

Chileans Demand New Constitution as Protests Continue
Staff | | 2019-12-19
For two months, Chileans have been protesting all over the country on a daily basis.

Venezuela: Guaido Introduces Remote Voting in Bid to Secure Reelection
Lucas Koerner and Ricardo Vaz | | 2019-12-18
The opposition leader has been under fire amid recent scandals.