(2021-09-22). Argentina: Pandemia+ajuste = anomia social. globalizacion.ca El ilustre politólogo Perogrullo sostiene que cuando la salud se siente hostigada por un virus mortal, la estabilidad laboral tambalea, la desocupación crece exponencialmente, la inflación se descontrola, el dinero escasea y la pobreza o el hambre castigan a la…
(2021-09-22). Latin American And Caribbean Leaders Approve Historic Agreement. popularresistance.org The VI Summit of the Heads of State of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) was held in Mexico City on Saturday, September 18 and concluded with the approval of a 44-point declaration. The historic summit saw the participation of 31 countries and the presence of several important leaders, such as Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro, Bolivian president Luis Arce, Peruvian president Pedro Castillo, Cuban president Miguel Díaz Canel, Uruguayan president Luis Lacalle Pou and others. | Despite the political differences among the participants, the joint declaration was approved unanimously and a…
(2021-09-22). Indigenous People of Brazil fight for their future. mronline.org Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has given new license to the killing of Indigenous people in Brazil. Before he came to power in 2019, it wasn't clear what he wanted to build, but he knew exactly who and what he wanted to destroy: the Indigenous people and the Amazon rainforest, respectively.
(2021-09-22). Denuncian que hay más de 20 lideresas colombianas amenazadas. telesurtv.net La denuncia la hizo una plataforma de defensa de mujeres, la cual da cuenta del clima de violencia imperante en Colombia.
(2021-09-22). Venezuela Denounces Colombia's Violation of Airspace & Biden Impugns Venezuela, Cuba & Belarus at UN. orinocotribune.com This Tuesday, September 21, Venezuela's Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) denounced the illegal entry into Venezuelan airspace of a remotely manned Hermes drone belonging to the Colombian Air Force. | Through a statement, the FANB indicated that the infraction was recorded on Monday, September 20, at 4: 48 p.m., when the aircraft in question was detected flying over the territory of Jesús María Semprúm municipality, in the state of Zulia, by the scanning systems of the Comprehensive Aerospace Defense Command of Venezuela. | The FANB assured that this action constitutes a threat to the security of the nation,…
(2021-09-22). Denuncian en Ecuador criminalización de líderes ambientales. telesurtv.net "Las empresas nos persiguen, el Estado nos hostiga", señalaron las organizaciones ecuatorianas.
(2021-09-22). Peru on the Path to Constituent Assembly. orinocotribune.com Parliamentarian of Peru Libre party, Wilson Rusbel Quispe Mamani, has presented a bill for the implementation of a popular referendum for the formation of a Constituent Assembly to reform Peru's 1993 Political Constitution. | The initiative consists of a national consultation that will ask Peruvians if they agree with the convocation of a Constituent Assembly to draft a new constitution. | Peru Libre is hoping for a triumphant "Yes" vote, so that an election will be called to elect the members of the Constituent Assembly. The election would be scheduled to take place simultaneously with the regional and municipal…
(2021-09-22). Perú — El viaje de Pedro Castillo. globalizacion.ca Buenas relaciones con Biden y Almagro | La política exterior peruana no ha sido parte de ninguno de los tres debates en el balotaje y tampoco durante la crisis que condujo a la salida del ex canciller Héctor Béjar. Ahora que…
(2021-09-22). Latin America: 2021 has been a year of struggle. workers.org Mass demonstrations and strikes targeting unpopular governments and foreign business interests are taking place all over Latin America. Throughout 2021 Argentinians have been in the streets, opposing everything from unemployment to fracking to the Zionist occupation of Palestine. A Sept. 4 march, in memory of those lost to COVID, protested . . . |
(2021-09-22). Venezuelan Red Cross Denies Fake News About "Colossal Outbreak" (COVID-19). orinocotribune.com Recently, a message, attributed to Alberto Urquiola, director of the Venezuelan Red Cross, has been circulated on various social media such as WhatsApp and Twitter. The message states that there is a "colossal COVID-19 outbreak" in Venezuela and that the number of deaths in Caracas' Poliedro (sports complex) and in other care centers in the city is high. | This has been an attempt to spread the perception of chaos and of a health and social crisis in the country, providing numbers of COVID-19 related deaths and infections much above the official numbers on the pandemic at the national level. Such fake news only i…
(2021-09-22). Maduro and Díaz-Canel in Mexico. orinocotribune.com By John Ackerman — Sep 20, 2021 | The successful meeting of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) which took place on Saturday, September 18, implied a definitive step towards a true Latin American integration, fully autonomous and independent from Washington. The active participation of the presidents of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, and of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, was particularly symbolic, since both leaders have been constantly slandered and threatened by both the United States government and the Organization of American States (OAS), headed by unpresentable coup facilitator, Luis Alm…
(2021-09-22). Italian 'Justice' Rules Not to Extradite Former PDVSA Czar Rafael Ramírez. orinocotribune.com Regarding the case of the fugitive from the Venezuelan justice, Rafael Ramírez, a decision was made by the Italian courts, where the former official is residing. This was reported by the defendant's team of defense lawyers. | According to a statement released by the lawyer Roberto de Vita, on Monday the Rome Court of Appeals published the sentence that was issued on September 14. The court rejected the extradition request filed by the government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. | Ramírez also released the document through his Twitter account, and stated that it is a final decision that cannot be appealed.
(2021-09-22). Pdte. de Venezuela denuncia conspiración de Iván Duque contra el proceso de diálogo en México. telesurtv.net "Iván Duque encabeza la conspiración contra la paz de Venezuela y los diálogos en México", acusó el jefe de Estado.
(2021-09-22). 21N: Candidate Substitution on Electoral Ballot Ends this Wednesday. orinocotribune.com The period provided for the political parties of Venezuela to present modifications and/or substitutions of candidates on the electoral ballot ends on Wednesday, September 22. | This was informed by the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Venezuela through a post on its Twitter account, stating that "according to the schedule for the regional and municipal elections, this Wednesday 22 is the deadline for political organizations to submit modifications and/or substitutions of candidatures so that they can be incorporated in the ballot." | De acuerdo al cronograma para las Elecciones Regionales y Municipales, este…
(2021-09-21). Argentina — La carta tiene algo para agarrarse. globalizacion.ca Es mejor ir derechísimo al grano, y tomar la única o sobresaliente punta que permite distinguir cierta salida de este tembladeral. Cristina Fernández, sin nombrarlo porque no hace falta, dijo que no es ni será Julio Cobos. | Sorprende que en…
(2021-09-21). Elecciones 2021 en Argentina: Los otros que no ganaron. globalizacion.ca La inesperada y aluvional pérdida de votos del Frente de Todos en las PASO ha dado y seguirá dando lugar a múltiples y encontradas interpretaciones. Incluso ha desatado en la semana posterior un inusitado conflicto al interior del FdT, expresado…
(2021-09-21). Photo: Bolsonaro Forced to Eat Pizza on NYC Sidewalk Because He Is Not Vaccinated. sputniknews.com The Brazilian leader was pictured ahead of the UNGA meeting in New York, where pandemic-related restrictions are still in force that prohibit indoor dining for those who have not received the jab.
(2021-09-21). Vaccine Equity Coalition Warns Trickles of Charity Won't End Pandemic. truthout.org Ahead of U.S. President Joe Biden's global coronavirus
(2021-09-21). Chile, September 11, 1973: The Ingredients of a Military Coup. globalresearch.ca Almost half a century ago on September 11, 1973, the Chilean military led by General Augusto Pinochet, crushed the democratically elected Unidad Popular government of Salvador Allende. | The objective was to replace a progressive, democratically elected government by a …
(2021-09-21). Chile, 11 de septiembre de 1973: Los ingredientes del golpe militar. globalizacion.ca Hace casi medio siglo, el 11 de septiembre de 1973, el ejército chileno dirigido por el general Augusto Pinochet, aplastó al gobierno democráticamente elegido de la Unidad Popular de Salvador Allende . | El objetivo era reemplazar un gobierno progresista y…
(2021-09-21). Climate crisis and vaccine inequity on the agenda for UNGA meeting and other stories. peoplesdispatch.org Today we look at the start of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly, assassinations of social leaders and Indigenous people in Colombia, and more…
(2021-09-21). SOUTHCOM's Admiral Faller Returns to Colombia. orinocotribune.com In the midst of tensions with Venezuela generated by the Duque administration, Admiral Craig Faller, head of the United States Southern Command, announced that he is once again in Colombia—"a vital and reliable ally in security"—to meet with its military leadership. |
(2021-09-21). Asesinan a líder social en Colombia, el número 119 en 2021. telesurtv.net La Defensoría del Pueblo había emitido una alerta temprana en el Valle del Cauca por reclutamiento de menores por parte de grupos residuales armados.
(2021-09-21). Denuncian asesinato de excombatiente en el Chocó, Colombia. telesurtv.net Colombia contabiliza 36 excombatientes asesinados en 2021 y 286 desde la firma de Acuerdo de Paz en 2016.
(2021-09-21). This Might Be the Reason Paraguay Refuses to Recognize President Maduro. orinocotribune.com After the president of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benítez, stated that his participation in the CELAC Summit of Heads of State and Government did not imply his recognition of the Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, several reactions emerged, including that of Executive Vice President of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, who exposed the reason behind this refusal by the Paraguayan president. | The reason | The Paraguayan state-oil company Petropar has a debt of more than $300 million to Venezuela's state-owned oil and natural gas company PDVSA (Petróleos de Venezuela SA). In addition, the Paraguayan president himself, Abdo B…
(2021-09-21). Supporter rally in D.C. to greet Peruvian President Pedro Castillo. liberationnews.org In honor of his first visit to the United States, Peruvians and other supporters of the country's movement for change rallied outside Pedro Castillo's hotel in Washington, D.C. to greet the newly sworn-in President.
(2021-09-21). Workers Struggles: The Americas. wsws.org Nurses across Canada participated in a Day of Action against provincial governments' mishandling of the pandemic and miserable working pay and working conditions while workers in Uruguay protested government policies.
(2021-09-21). CELAC reinvigorated in Mexico. peoplesdispatch.org The VI Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) held in Mexico City on Saturday, September 18 concluded with the approval of a 44-point declaration. The declaration called for an end to all unilateral coercive measures like the ones suffered by Cuba and Venezuela.
(2021-09-21). CELAC To Choose Between Dignity Or OAS' Monroe Doctrine. popularresistance.org After five years without meeting, Heads of State and Government of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) will convene on Saturday for the VI Summit in Mexico City. | Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, whose late Friday arrival upstaged all other participants of the Summit, has submitted a proposal to his Mexican counterpart, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to create a General Secretariat of CELAC and appoint a consensus Secretary General based in Mexico. President Maduro says the new institutional framework is necessary for CELAC in the context of the debate taking place on the Organization…
(2021-09-21). World Leaders Praise Heroism, Solidarity of Venezuela & Cuba Throughout Pandemic (CELAC 2021). orinocotribune.com September 20, 2021 (OrinocoTribune.com)—At the Sixth CELAC Summit of Heads of State and Government—the highest organ of the CELAC's regular conferences held on September 18—political leaders praised both Cuba and Venezuela for their solidarity during the pandemic. | "Without Cuba, every single Caribbean country would have had great difficulty in fighting this COVID-19 pandemic," said Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister of Dominica. "We have Cuban doctors, nurses and technicians working in our hospitals ensuring that we can do everything possible to keep people alive, those who have been infected b…
(2021-09-21). Social Movements in Mexico Reiterate Support for Venezuela (CELAC). orinocotribune.com Held on Saturday, September 18, the successful Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), at which Venezuela was the main promoter of a new stage in the regional cooperation of free peoples, will have a great impact for the future sovereignty of participating nations. | The sixth such highest-level CELAC summit strengthened Venezuela, and elicited the support from various Mexican social movements, who confirmed the importance of the union between Mexico and Venezuela. | In this sense, following the CELAC summit, the Meeting for Latin American and Carib…
(2021-09-21). Spanish 'Justice' System Rules Against Venezuelans (CVG Bank Accounts). orinocotribune.com Spain's Ninth Commercial Court rejected the request by Venezuela to regain access to ‚Ǩ25 million belonging to the Venezuelan people. These included assets of the Corporación Venezolana de Guayana (CVG) held in three financial institutions in Spain: Cajamar, BBVA and Banco de Sabadell. | The new decision comes after the February request by the government of Venezuela to suspend the appointment of Enrique Castell, former deputy Guaidó's henchman. Castell was illegally appointed as the sole administrator of CVG Internacional's European subsidiary, SLU, in January 2020. The government of President…
(2021-09-21). Campesinos Occupy Sugar Mill, Demand Government Answers. venezuelanalysis.com The producers pointed the finger at the private management for the plant's paralysis and vowed to "rescue" it.
(2021-09-21). CELAC: Latin America's Greatest Strength is Its Unity in Its Diversity. orinocotribune.com By Alejandra Garcia — Sep 19, 2021 | Saturday the world's eyes were upon Mexico, which hosted the Sixth Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC). The historic summit saw the participation of 31 countries with 17 leaders of the member countries, including Cuba and Venezuela, who traveled to the capital of the North American nation to outline joint strategies to help overcome the COVID-19 pandemic and underdevelopment. While there was some dissension the overriding atmosphere of the meeting was to come together to get things done for the improvement of life in the region and concl…