Daily Archives: October 20, 2021

2021-10-20: News Headlines

Editor2 (2021-10-20). The US Peace Council Strongly Condemns The Illegal "Extradition" of Venezuelan Diplomat Alex Saab and Demands his Immediate Release (Statement). orinocotribune.com October 18, 2021 | Once again, U.S. imperialism revealed its outlaw nature by resorting to kidnapping and extraordinary rendition (reminiscent of its similar illegal actions in Afghanistan and Iraq) of Venezuelan diplomat, Alex Saab, for trying to buy humanitarian supplies for Venezuela — a fully legal act according to international law, but one that defied illegal U.S. sanctions on that country. | Venezuela is among some three dozen nations illegally sanctioned by the U.S. for striving tyo chart its own future. Venezuelan people are dying from lack of medicine and starving from lack of food due to those sa…

Editor2 (2021-10-20). US Illegally Extradites Venezuelan Diplomat from Cabo Verde to the US (Statement). orinocotribune.com The Free Alex Saab Committee issued the following news release | October 18. For further information see The Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab was renditioned and kidnapped to the U.S. on October 16 without waiting for a final extradition decision. The action was taken in secret, without notifying his defense team and without relevant documentation. Saab had been imprisoned in Cabo Verde since June 12, 2020, for trying to buy humanitarian supplies for Venezuela in legal international trade but in violation of illegal U.S. s…

Staff (2021-10-20). Alex Saab's Statement Before Being Extracted from Cape Verde by United States Regime (Letter). orinocotribune.com Editorial note: This letter was read—with tears in her eyes—by Camila Fabri, Alex Saab's wife, during a demonstration in repudiation of the second kidnapping of the Venezuelan diplomat from Cape Verde by the US, held in Plaza Bolívar of Caracas on Sunday, October 17, attended by a crowd of indignant Venezuelans. | Statement of Alex Nain Saab Moran (translation from Spanish by Alex Saab's legal team), October 16, 2021. | My name is Alex Nain Saab Moran, with Venezuelan diplomatic passport number 045778720. I am a special envoy with diplomatic immunity [officially granted by] the Russian Federation and…

Staff (2021-10-20). President Maduro Appoints New Ministers for National Commerce and University Education. orinocotribune.com The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, appointed new authorities in the Ministry for National Commerce and the Ministry for University Education on Tuesday, October 19, as reported on his Twitter account. | Tibisay Lucena, who has been serving as the president of the National Experimental University of the Arts (UNEARTE) since September 2020, was named minister of university education. "Her extensive experience and pedagogical vocation will contribute to raising the quality of education for national development," said the head of state regarding Lucena, who also chaired the National Electoral Council for 14…

Editor (2021-10-19). The U.S. flies Alex Saab out from Cabo Verde without court order or extradition treaty. mronline.org On October 16, Colombian businessman and Venezuelan Special Envoy Alex Saab was in practical terms kidnapped for the second time, first by Cabo Verde under pressure from Washington, and now by the U.S., in flagrant violation of international law.

teleSUR, jaa, JL (2021-10-19). Pdte. de Venezuela: Secuestro de Alex Saab viola los instrumentos de protección diplomática. telesurtv.net El mandatario venezolano destacó la integridad del diplomático Alex Saab en su labor de colaborar para ayudar al país.

Peoples Dispatch (2021-10-19). Outrage following illegal extradition of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab. peoplesdispatch.org Hundreds of Venezuelans took to Plaza Bolivar in Caracas on Sunday, October 17 to reject the illegal extradition of special diplomatic envoy Alex Saab to the US. His wife Camilla spoke to the rally and read Saab's last letter declaring that he maintains his innocence and will not fold under US pressure.

Staff (2021-10-19). President Maduro Condemns Illegal Extraction of Alex Saab: 'When the Blockade Intensified, He Brought Food & Gasoline'. orinocotribune.com This Sunday, October 18, the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, labeled the illegal extraction of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab to the United States as a "kidnapping." This past Saturday, Saab was illegally flown out of Cape Verde to face a court in the US. International mobilizations and demonstrations are being taken in his favor. Maduro recalled the numerous actions that Saab carried out for the Venezuelan people in the most critical time of the US-imposed blockade. | "The food that arrived, which had an international label, was brought by Alex Saab, in silence" said the Venezuelan president. "And he did…

Staff (2021-10-19). 'State Terrorism': Alfred de Zayas on Alex Saab Kidnapping. orinocotribune.com This Sunday, October 17, the human rights expert Alfred de Zayas, through his Twitter account, asserted that the case of "lawfare" presented during the kidnapping of the Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab by the United States, apart from revealing the corruption that reigns in Cape Verde, attempts to place a sheen of "legality" on the abuse of Cape Verde's extradition treaties. | "'Lawfare' is a modern epidemic. In the past, governments did what they wanted and got away with it. Today they attempt to throw a cloak of legality over their abuse of extradition treaties and subvert the administration of justice in the pro…

Jesús Rodríguez-Espinoza (2021-10-19). Demonstrations in New York Against Alex Saab Abduction, Campaigns Relaunched, Russia & Iran Protest (Photos & Video). orinocotribune.com Caracas, October 18, 2021 ( In New York this Sunday, October 17, a group of local activists gathered in support of the diplomat to demand justice for the arbitrary actions of the United States last Saturday, when the ambassador of Venezuela to the African Union was illegally extracted from Cape…

WSWS (2021-10-19). US kidnaps Venezuelan diplomat for defying sanctions regime. wsws.org Dragged before a Florida federal court on charges of money laundering, Alex Saab's real "crime" is negotiating international deals to evade Washington's economic blockade against Venezuela.

Editor2 (2021-10-19). Statement on the Illegal Extradition of Venezuelan Diplomat Alex Saab. orinocotribune.com By Frente Hugo Chavez para la Defensa de los Pueblos | Vancouver, October 17, 2021 | Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab has been kidnapped for the second time by the United States government on October 16 and forcefully removed from the Archipelago nation of Cabo Verde (West Africa). We have learned that Mr. Saab was picked up at 4 a.m local time and airlifted on a jet aircraft leased by the US Justice Department to Miami, Florida to be locked in a security prison. He was

Staff (2021-10-19). Headlines for October 19, 2021. democracynow.org Trump Sues to Block Release of Documents to Congressional Committee on Jan. 6 Riots, FDA Panel Recommends Third Shot of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine for Certain Groups, Colin Powell Died of COVID-19 Complications After Blood Cancer Left Him Immunocompromised, Sen. Joe Manchin Wants Strict Limits and Work Requirements for Child Tax Credit, Justice Department Asks Supreme Court to Halt Texas's Near-Total Ban on Abortions, SCOTUS Decisions Bolster Doctrine of Qualified Immunity for Police Officers, Kenosha, WI Police Accused of "Deputizing" White Nationalists Ahead of Shooting Deaths, Venezuelan President Maduro Says U.

Fight Back (2021-10-19). Entrevista con un líder de los embotelladores Peruanos de Coca-Cola: "Vamos a parar la producción" fightbacknews.org °Lucha y Resiste! entrevistó a Cristiano Mayta, un sindicalista peruano y un internacionalista, el 14 de octubre para aprender sobre de la lucha de su sindicato. | °Lucha y Resiste!: øCuál es su organización? | Cristiano Mayta: Tengo el cargo de secretario de exteriores del sindicato SINATREL (Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de Embotelladora Arca Continental Lindley), también soy militante de la organización política Izquierda Socialista Perú. | °Lucha y Resiste!: øCuándo se va a comenzar la huelga? | Cristiano Mayta: el 20 de octubre a las 7am hora peruana, del presente año reci…

Fight Back (2021-10-19). Interview with leader of Peruvian Coca-Cola workers: "We are stopping production" fightbacknews.org On October 14, Fight Back! interviewed Cristiano Mayta, a trade unionist in Peru, to learn more about an upcoming strike of Coca-Cola bottling plant workers. | Fight Back!: What is your organization? | Cristiano Mayta: I am the International Secretary of the union SINATREL at a Coca-Cola bottling plant. I am also a member of an organization called Socialist Left of Peru (Izquierda Socialista Perú). | Fight Back!: When is the strike set to begin? | Mayta: At 7 a.m. in the morning of October 20 this year. | Fight Back!: Why is your union going on strike? | Mayta: Because the company does want to offer a solution to…

_____ (2021-10-19). Coup Regime Sought To Assassinate Luis Arce. popularresistance.org Bolivia's Interior Ministry has revealed that Colombian mercenaries, who participated in the assassination of President Jovenel Moise in Haiti, entered Bolivia days before the 2020 election. Fernando Lopez, Defense Minister under Jeanine Añez, was in contact with mercenary groups, with whom he intended to carry out a second coup.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-10-19). David Choquehuanca: Decolonization Drives Bolivia's Climate Agenda. libya360.wordpress.com Justine Teba David Choquehuanca: An Earth-Centered, Anti-Capitalist Climate Policy from the South Watch full speech here: Transcript: October 11, 2021 Everything is at risk, brothers. Our God is at risk. Our mountains are at risk. The animals are at risk. Life itself in the world is at risk, brothers, it is in danger. All these…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-10-19). Bolivia: Coup Regime Sought to Assassinate Luis Arce. libya360.wordpress.com Kawsachun News Fernando Lopez, Defacto Minister of Defense during the Añez coup (left) and President Luis Arce (right) Bolivia's Interior Ministry has revealed that Colombian mercenaries, who participated in the assassination of President Jovenel Moise in Haiti, entered Bolivia days before the 2020 election. Fernando Lopez, Defense Minister under Jeanine Añez, was in contact with…

Peoples Dispatch (2021-10-19). Renewed protests mark anniversary of Chile's 2019 'Estallido Social' and other stories. peoplesdispatch.org Today we look at protests in Chile marking 2 years since the 2019 Social Outburst, the mercenaries identified in an assassination plot against Bolivian president Luis Arce, and more…

teleSUR, JCM (2021-10-19). Bolivia denuncia intento de magnicidio contra Luis Arce. telesurtv.net El plan se ejecutaría antes de que Luis Arce asumiera el poder en noviembre de 2020.

Ana Perdigón (2021-10-19). Leopoldo López will Sue Calderón Berti — Monómerosgate. orinocotribune.com The fugitive from Venezuelan justice, Leopoldo López, announced that he will sue Humberto Calderón Berti, also a prominent opposition politician, for "slander and unfounded attacks." López issued the statement after Calderón Berti—who served as the supposed ambassador to Colombia of the former deputy and would-be usurper Juan Guaidó—held López responsible for the problems faced by the multi-million dollar petrochemical corporation Monómeros, belonging to the Venezuelan state. | During an interview, López said that he made the decision to file a criminal complaint in Spain against Calderón Berti, accus…

Victoria Torres (2021-10-19). CNE Considers Impasse Over Borrell's Statements Resolved — EU's Electoral Observation Mission. orinocotribune.com This Monday, October 18, Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE), through its Twitter account, issued a statement consisting of several posts in a lengthy thread, confirming that the impasse generated by Joseph Borrell's comments regarding the upcoming elections of November 21 has been overcome. | After a telephone conversation between the president of the electoral body, Pedro Calzadilla, and the head of the European Union (EU) Election Observation Mission (EOM), Isabel Santos, the impasse resulting from statements made by the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Joseph Borrell,…

Staff (2021-10-19). Venezuela Receives 430,000 New Doses of Sputnik V Vaccine. orinocotribune.com This Monday, October 18, a new batch of 430,000 doses of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine arrived in Venezuela to bolster the immunization campaign carried out by the Venezuelan government in its heroic fight against COVID-19. | The information was released through the Twitter account of the Russian vaccine provider, @sputnikvaccine. | 430,000…

teleSUR, JL (2021-10-19). Pdte. de Ecuador decreta estado de excepción por 60 días. telesurtv.net El banquero y también presidente del Ecuador instó a las Fuerzas Armadas y de Policía a actuar con "valentía y contundencia".

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2021-10-19). Exigen liberación de presos chilenos a dos años de la revuelta. telesurtv.net También quienes se manifestaron recordaron a Mauricio Fredes, quien cayó luego de la represión policial en una fosa electrificada y murió ahogado.

teleSUR, JGN (2021-10-19). Denuncian que persisten asesinatos de venezolanos en Colombia. telesurtv.net Saab calificó este hecho como un plan de exterminio contra los ciudadanos venezolanos en Colombia.

teleSUR, JDO, JCM (2021-10-19). Hallan sin vida en Colombia a líder Víctor Orlando Mosquera. telesurtv.net Trabajaba en defensa del medioambiente, la restitución de tierras y la soberanía alimentaria. Participó en el Paro Nacional.

teleSUR, JL (2021-10-19). Responsabilizan al Estado colombiano por torturas a periodista. telesurtv.net La Corte determinó que el Estado colombiano es responsable por la violación de los derechos de Jineth Bedoya en el 2000.

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