Monthly Archives: October 2021

2021-10-27: News Headlines

Fight Back (2021-10-27). South Florida protesters unite to free Alex Saab. Miami, FL – On October 24, 30 protesters rallied against the illegal U.S. extradition of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab. The U.S. Hands Off Cuba and Venezuela South Florida Coalition hosted the event at the Torch of Friendship Park in front of a Simón Bolivar statue. Other groups in attendance included the Bolivarian Circle, POWIR and the Committee to Stop FBI Repression. | Alex Saab was arrested in Cabo Verde in June 2020 while in route to Iran for a trade deal that would help Venezuela amidst the historic U.S. blockade. Venezuela has struggled to provide its people with food and other basic necessities because o…

teleSUR, JDO, JCM (2021-10-27). Gobierno de Bolivia inicia diálogo con víctimas de masacres de 2019. Ministros del Ejecutivo asisten al diálogo, que prevé cubrir los 22 puntos del pliego de peticiones presentado por familiares de víctimas.

Staff (2021-10-27). Headlines for October 27, 2021. U.N.'s Guterres Warns World on Track for Climate Catastrophe, Even with Gov't Pledges Ahead of COP26, Brazilian Senators Back Report Accusing Bolsonaro of Crimes Against Humanity for Pandemic Response, Deborah Birx Says 130,000 Lives Could Have Been Saved, But Trump Admin "Distracted" by Election, FDA Panel Recommends Pfizer Vaccine for Children Aged 5-11; Moderna to Sell 110M Vaccines to African Countries, Afghanistan Heading Toward Collapse as Half the Country Faces Acute Food Insecurity, Four People, Including 3 Children, Drown Off Greek Coast, Dozens Arrested as Protesters in Ecuador Condemn Fuel Price Hike,…

teleSUR, SH, JCM (2021-10-27). Reprimen marchas en Ecuador en el marco del Paro Nacional. Las protestas de este 26 de octubre apuntan a ser las más nutridas desde que Guillermo Lasso asumió el poder en mayo.

teleSUR, SH (2021-10-27). Movimiento indígena de Ecuador convoca a un segundo día de protesta. Los convocantes de las movilizaciones exigen una política económica y social que favorezca a los sectores populares más vulnerables.

Staff (2021-10-27). Lawyer Steven Donziger, Who Sued Chevron over "Amazon Chernobyl," Ordered to Prison After House Arrest. The environmental and human rights lawyer Steven Donziger joins us just before he is ordered to report to jail today, after a years-long legal battle with the oil company Chevron and 813 days of house arrest. In 2011, Donziger won an $18 billion settlement against Chevron on behalf of 30,000 Indigenous people in Ecuador for dumping 16 billion gallons of oil into their ancestral land in the Amazon. Since the landmark case, Donziger has faced a series of legal attacks from Chevron and a New York federal judge, who has employed a private law firm linked to the oil company to prosecute him. Earlier this month, he was…

WSWS (2021-10-27). Rank-and-File Committee for Safe Education in Brazil organizes meeting on "The need for school closures and the means to end the pandemic" The meeting will arm teachers and parents fighting against the reopening of schools with a program that is science-driven and aligned with the objective interests of the working class.

teleSUR- jaa -HIM (2021-10-27). Gobierno extiende estado de emergencia en provincias chilenas. Hay alrededor de 2.000 efectivos militares desplegados en pos de reducir la violencia en las zonas.

teleSUR, SH (2021-10-27). Colombia suma 145 líderes sociales asesinados durante el 2021. De acuerdo a Indepaz desde la firma del Acuerdo de Paz en 2016 han sido asesinados 1.260 líderes sociales.

teleSUR, JDO, JCM (2021-10-27). JEP de Colombia realiza audiencia sobre desapariciones forzadas. Tiene lugar en Puerto Berrío, localidad de Antioquia afectada por este tipo de violencia hacia víctimas del conflicto armado.

teleSUR, JL (2021-10-27). Asesinan a otro líder social en el Cauca, Colombia. Además de los asesinatos sistemáticos contra líderes sociales, Colombia registra 80 masacres durante el año.

teleSUR, JL (2021-10-27). Colombia registra la masacre número 81 en el 2021. En tan solo un día, en Colombia se perpetró una masacre y se asesinó a un líder social.

_____ (2021-10-26). The US Will Break Any Laws To Protect The Elites: The Saab And Assange Cases. The United States government demonstrates repeatedly that it will do whatever it takes to protect the economic and political interests of the elites, even if it means total disregard for human rights and international law. Two cases that highlight this are the recent kidnapping and prosecution of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab and the attempts to extradite the Australian Wikileaks publisher and journalist Julian Assange. Clearing the FOG speaks with Roger Harris of Task Force on the Americas who travelled to Cabo Verde where Saab was detained and tortured for over a year before his rendition to Miami and with Joe…

teleSUR, SH (2021-10-26). Gobierno boliviano se reunirá con víctimas de masacres. Tras una semana de caminata víctimas sobrevivientes y familiares de las masacres de Sacaba y Senkata llegaron a la ciudad de La Paz.

teleSUR, JDO -HIM -JCM (2021-10-26). Víctimas de Sacaba y Senkata realizan vigilia en La Paz, Bolivia. Demandan acelerar los procesos para identificar a responsables de ambas masacres, ocurridas en noviembre de 2019.

Staff (2021-10-26). In-Person Classes and Youth Vaccination Successfully Begin in Venezuela (Video & Photos). As planned by Venezuelan authorities, this Monday, October 25, in-person classes and youth vaccination began for the 2021-2022 academic schedule at all academic levels. | The Executive Vice President of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, and the Minister for Education, Yelitze Santaella, visited the Alberto Màºller Rojas educational institution in Caracas to monitor compliance by children and teachers with the COVID-19 health protocols on the first day of classes. | The resumption of face-to-face classes will be supervised with strict epidemiological monitoring in order to avoid contagion. The option of suspending…

teleSUR, SH (2021-10-26). Arranca en Ecuador nueva jornada de movilizaciones contra el Gobierno. Las protestas de este 26 de octubre apuntan a ser las más nutridas desde que Guillermo Lasso asumió el poder en mayo.

teleSUR, JL (2021-10-26). Organizaciones sociales denuncian prácticas violentas policiales en Colombia. Entre las prácticas perpetradas por la fuerza pública figuran agresiones sexuales, detenciones arbitrarias y disparos contra manifestantes.

jz 2021-10-28 02:36 | 22:36 EST | 18 | 0 | 6 | 12 | 0

2021-10-26: News Headlines

_____ (2021-10-26). The US Will Break Any Laws To Protect The Elites: The Saab And Assange Cases. The United States government demonstrates repeatedly that it will do whatever it takes to protect the economic and political interests of the elites, even if it means total disregard for human rights and international law. Two cases that highlight this are the recent kidnapping and prosecution of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab and the attempts to extradite the Australian Wikileaks publisher and journalist Julian Assange. Clearing the FOG speaks with Roger Harris of Task Force on the Americas who travelled to Cabo Verde where Saab was detained and tortured for over a year before his rendition to Miami and with Joe…

teleSUR, SH (2021-10-26). Gobierno boliviano se reunirá con víctimas de masacres. Tras una semana de caminata víctimas sobrevivientes y familiares de las masacres de Sacaba y Senkata llegaron a la ciudad de La Paz.

teleSUR, JDO -HIM -JCM (2021-10-26). Víctimas de Sacaba y Senkata realizan vigilia en La Paz, Bolivia. Demandan acelerar los procesos para identificar a responsables de ambas masacres, ocurridas en noviembre de 2019.

Staff (2021-10-26). In-Person Classes and Youth Vaccination Successfully Begin in Venezuela (Video & Photos). As planned by Venezuelan authorities, this Monday, October 25, in-person classes and youth vaccination began for the 2021-2022 academic schedule at all academic levels. | The Executive Vice President of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, and the Minister for Education, Yelitze Santaella, visited the Alberto Màºller Rojas educational institution in Caracas to monitor compliance by children and teachers with the COVID-19 health protocols on the first day of classes. | The resumption of face-to-face classes will be supervised with strict epidemiological monitoring in order to avoid contagion. The option of suspending…

teleSUR, SH (2021-10-26). Arranca en Ecuador nueva jornada de movilizaciones contra el Gobierno. Las protestas de este 26 de octubre apuntan a ser las más nutridas desde que Guillermo Lasso asumió el poder en mayo.

teleSUR, JL (2021-10-26). Organizaciones sociales denuncian prácticas violentas policiales en Colombia. Entre las prácticas perpetradas por la fuerza pública figuran agresiones sexuales, detenciones arbitrarias y disparos contra manifestantes.

Staff (2021-10-25). International Social Movements Denounce Illegal US Move Against Alex Saab (Photos and Videos). On Sunday, October 24, social movements from different countries, including the United States, peacefully demonstrated in favor of the release of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab. He was illegally extracted from Cape Verde to the US, as part of the interventionist and violent policies of the US authorities against the peoples of the world, and especially the criminal strategy of starving millions of Venezuelans with the sole objective of ousting democratically elected President Nicolás Maduro. | Groups of activists in defense of human rights expressed condemnation for the arbitrary and irregular measures by the gove…

Global Research (2021-10-25). Alex Saab: Grave atropello de Estados Unidos. La arbitraria extradición a Estados Unidos por el gobierno de Cabo Verde del empresario y diplomático venezolano Alex Saab, el 16 de octubre, es en realidad un secuestro, como acusó el presidente de Venezuela Nicolás Maduro. Saab fue detenido y…

Staff (2021-10-25). Evo Morales: Plurinational America Not Compatible With Imperialism. On Saturday, October 23, the former president of Bolivia and current president of the Movement towards Socialism (MAS) party, Evo Morales, in an exclusive interview for the international TV station teleSUR, discussed the role of indigenous movements to recover territories and fight against colonialism. | "The invasion of 1492 was under an alliance between the monarchy and the Catholic Church," said Morales. "Pope Francis apologized to the indigenous movement, but not the Europeans… From Bolivia, from South America, we are proclaiming plurinational states." | The former president reiterated that to refer to the…

teleSUR, JCM (2021-10-25). Perú ampliará distribución de gas natural en varias regiones. La masificación del gas natural será en las regiones de Cusco, Puno, Apurímac, Arequipa, Moquegua, Tacna, Ayacucho y Ucayali.

Staff (2021-10-25). 21N Regional Elections: More than 75% of CNE Electoral Schedule Complete. Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE) has completed over 75% of the activities in its electoral schedule for the Regional Elections to be held on November 21, and currently a number of activities that are being carried out in parallel. This was reported by the principal rector of the electoral body, Tania D ¥Amelio. | During the TV show Aquí con Ernesto Villegas, hosted by the Minister for Culture, Ernesto Villegas, broadcast by Venezolana de Televisión (VTV), D'Amelio specified that the CNE is arranging a pilot plan, so that people with disabilities would be able to vote at voting desk number 1 of all…

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2021-10-25). Venezuela Reports 1,056 New COVID-19 Cases and 10 Deaths on Saturday — In Person Classes to Start on Monday. Saturday, October 23, was the 587th day of the pandemic in Venezuela, and 1,056 new COVID-19 infections were reported in the country in the last 24 hours; all were cases of community transmission. In addition, 10 deaths were reported. The Vice President of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, informed this through Twitter. | With this update, Venezuela has a total of 399,667 reported infections and 4,800 deaths. Of this total, 14,146 are active cases with 9,230 being treated in hospitals: 4,363 in comprehensive diagnotic centers (CDIs) and 553 in private clinics. The number of people who have recovered is 380,721, which r…

Paul Dobson (2021-10-25). 'El Pollo' Carvajal Extradition to US Suspended, Expected to Proceed Shortly. The Venezuelan former intelligence chief and fierce Maduro critic was arrested in Spain on drug trafficking charges.

teleSUR, yart, JCM (2021-10-25). Movimientos sociales ecuatorianos rechazan medidas económicas. El Gobierno ecuatoriano aumentó el precio de los combustibles el pasado viernes y varios sectores desaprueban la medida.

Benjamin Chambers (2021-10-25). An Immigrant Family from Ecuador Searches for Peace and a Home. As undocumented immigrants from Ecuador, Madeline and Jorge had long lived with the risk that they could one day be arrested. On the day Jorge was taken by ICE outside their home in Queens, Madeline, fearing she and her daughters could be next, fled to New Jersey.

teleSUR, JL (2021-10-25). Asesinan a líder social en Colombia, el número 143 en el 2021. Desde la firma del Acuerdo de Paz en 2016, en el país se han asesinado 1.258 líderes sociales.

jz 2021-10-27 01:14 | 21:14 EST | 16 | 0 | 10 | 6 | 0