(2022-01-16). New Marine Reserve Will Protect Highly Migratory and Endangered Species in Galapagos. indybay.org Ecuador will have a new marine reserve to increase the protection of marine endangered species in Galapagos. Of the new area, no fishing activity will be allowed in 30,000 square kilometers. The other 30,000 square kilometers will exclude longline fishing.
(2022-01-16). SEIU Members On Death Of Ludwig Leota,Chicago Teachers/ Zero Covid vs Permanent Covid. indybay.org WorkWeek covers SEIU 1021 Members On Death Of Ludwig Leota, Chicago Teachers & Zero Covid vs Permanent Covid 19, Vermont AFL-CIO On Rise Of Fascism, Journalist Jeremy Portjo's Assault & Argentina General Strike Against A Mining Company.
(2022-01-15). PDVSA to Resume Diluted Crude Oil Exports. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan state-owned oil company, Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) will begin exporting diluted crude oil (DCO) this week, after it being stopped for nine months. This was revealed in a document to which Reuters had access. | After the agreements reached between PDVSA and Iran, the Venezuelan state-owned company has been able to modify its production and marketing strategies, which has helped it build diluted crude inventories. | An agreement reached in 2021 with the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) allowed PDVSA to receive around 2.1 million barrels per month of condensate, while supplying Iran with some 3.8…
(2022-01-15). Aprueban Ley de Orfandad para proteger a menores en Perú. telesurtv.net La Ley prevé respaldar a las infancias en situación de vulnerabilidad tras haber perdido a su madre, padre, o ambos familiares por causa de la Covid-19.
(2022-01-15). Aprueban Ley de Orfandad para proteger a menores en Perú. telesurtv.net La Ley prevé respaldar a las infancias en situación de vulnerabilidad tras haber perdido a su madre, padre, o ambos familiares por causa de la Covid-19.
(2022-01-15). Evo Morales llama a no bajar la guardia ante Covid-19 en Bolivia. telesurtv.net Evo Morales instó a la población a cumplir con el esquema de vacunación para prevenir el riesgo de contagio.
(2022-01-15). Return the gold to Venezuela! orinocotribune.com On 8-9 January the Revolutionary Communist Group and supporters of its newspaper Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! took to the streets demanding that Britain return $1.8bn of gold to Venezuela. | The action was called in response to the criminal ruling on 20 December, where Britain's Supreme Court recognised as the owner of $1.8bn of gold held in the Bank of England's vaults, not the legitimate socialist party government of Venezuela, but rather the discredited opposition 'interim president', Juan Guaido — the failed puppet of US imperialism. Whilst Nicolas Maduro's government in Venezuela demands the gold…
(2022-01-15). Russia Already Camping in Venezuela 'for Months,' Claims Colombian Defense Minister. orinocotribune.com Amid the escalation between Russia and US-led NATO, Colombia claims to have evidence of ongoing military cooperation between Moscow and Caracas. | Amidst the possibility of Russian military deployment in Venezuela against threats from the United States, Colombian Defense Minister Diego Molano claimed this Friday, January 14, that, thanks to his country's "intelligence operations," it has been revealed that Russia has been cooperating with Venezuela on military issues "for months." | "Intelligence information reveals that Russia is carrying out cooperative activities with the Bolivarian security forces, and that,…
(2022-01-15). President Maduro Presents Annual Message to the Nat'l Assembly. telesurenglish.net During his annual report to the National Assembly, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro Moros stressed the active role and growth of the Public Powers and the Venezuelan people during the year 2021, despite all the efforts from the opposition to do away with the Bolivarian Revolution. | President Nicolas Maduro: There was a 4.9% increase in household consumption. We reached 80% of digital economy. Venezuela has not renounced, nor will it ever renounce its Bolivar currency.
(2022-01-15). Russia Warns U.S. It Does Not Rule Out Military Deployment in Cuba and Venezuela. libya360.wordpress.com Yoselina Guevara Venezuelan-Russian-made Mil Mi-17 helicopters overfly a column of T-72B tanks during a military parade to celebrate Venezuela's 206th anniversary of independence in Caracas, Venezuelan, on July 5, 2017. The new training center by Russia's Rostec will train Venezuelan pilots how to fly modernized helicopters. FEDERICO PARRA/AFP/GETTY IMAGES At the end of the summit…
(2022-01-15). FANB Arrests Colombian Paramilitaries in Apure. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan authorities have captured a group of Colombian paramilitaries (TANCOL) in Apure state, on the border with Colombia. | The arrest was carried out by the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB), with the aim of securing peace in the region and defending the sovereignty of Venezuela. | According to information provided by the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence (DGCIM), FANB arrested José Luis Rodríguez (a.k.a José Luis), Wilmer García Moncada (a.k.a Jota), Carlos Rafael Gallardo Rondón, José Acosta Porras (a.k.a Saqueo), Iraima Acosta Moncada (a.k.a Guadalupe) and Daisy Camacho Uribe (a.k.
(2022-01-15). Gremios de Ecuador aplazan movilizaciones debido a la pandemia. telesurtv.net Recalcan que mantienen su determinación de realizar la protesta contra la política económica neoliberal del presidente Guillermo Lasso.
(2022-01-15). Señalan que Ecuador hace frente al pico más alto de la Covid-19. telesurtv.net Experto asevera que los contagios tardarán en descender entre cinco y seis semanas.
(2022-01-15). Ecuador reanudará clases presenciales el próximo 17 de enero. telesurtv.net Las autoridades educativas precisaron que son examinadas con rigor las regulaciones sanitarias en caso de ser necesarias transformaciones en la presencialidad.
(2022-01-15). Ecuador reanudará clases presenciales el próximo 17 de enero. telesurtv.net Las autoridades educativas precisaron que son examinadas con rigor las regulaciones sanitarias en caso de ser necesarias transformaciones en la presencialidad.
(2022-01-15). Town goes dark amid massive bug infestation (VIDEOS). rt.com Unusual rains and heat saw beetles reproducing in larger numbers and invading a small town in Argentina | The Argentinean town of Santa Isabel has been forced to shut off its lights for several days in an effort to persuade the millions of bugs that have invaded its streets to leave and look for another place to stay. | The town of some 2,500 in Argentina's central province of La Pampa has been plagued by swarms of beetles for over a week. "They're everywhere — in the houses, in the shops," Deputy Mayor Cristian Echegaray complained to the media. | Local law enforcement agents have blamed the beetles for…
(2022-01-15). En fotos, Argentina sufre ola de calor con récord histórico de temperatura. cubadebate.cu Buenos Aires, la capital de Argentina, registró este viernes la temperatura más alta en los últimos 64 años, al alcanzar los 41,5 ∫ en medio de una ola de calor que afecta a todo el país y promete extenderse varios días, informó el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN).
(2022-01-15). Argentina, Between COVID-19, Blackouts, and a Heat Wave. telesurenglish.net Argentina is facing one of the most shocking heatwaves in recent decades and is today one of the hottest places in the world. Combined with the high temperatures, the population suffers from massive blackouts due to the high energy demand, and the figures for COVID-19 are above 100,000 a day. | Cities and towns in Argentina and neighboring countries in South America have been setting record high temperatures as the region swelters during a historic heat wave.
(2022-01-15). En fotos, Argentina sufre ola de calor con récord histórico de temperatura. cubadebate.cu Buenos Aires, la capital de Argentina, registró este viernes la temperatura más alta en los últimos 64 años, al alcanzar los 41,5 ∫ en medio de una ola de calor que afecta a todo el país y promete extenderse varios días, informó el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN).
(2022-01-15). Corte chilena suspende proceso de licitación del litio. telesurtv.net La decisión fue tomada tras admitir el recurso presentado por el gobernador regional de Atacama, Miguel Vargas.
(2022-01-15). Corte chilena suspende proceso de licitación del litio. telesurtv.net La decisión fue tomada tras admitir el recurso presentado por el gobernador regional de Atacama, Miguel Vargas.
(2022-01-15). Indigenous Nasa liberate ancestral lands in Cauca, Colombia. itsgoingdown.org | El Proceso de Liberación de la Madre Tierra, "The Process of Liberation of Mother Earth," is a movement of Through the recuperation of ancestral Nasa territories, the cutting down of monoculture sugarcane crops, the replant…
(2022-01-15). Colombia registra 34.923 contagios por Covid-19 en 24 horas. telesurtv.net Las autoridades sanitarias precisaron la priorización de nuevas acciones contra la Covid-19, entre ellas el fortalecimiento de los accesos primarios de salud.
(2022-01-15). Rechazan nuevos hechos de violencia en departamento colombiano de Arauca. telesurtv.net Demandan a los grupos armados ilegales dejar al margen de sus acciones a la población civil y respetar los derechos humanos.