2022-01-17: News Headlines

Staff (2022-01-17). Venezuelan People & Army Deployed to Confront Colombian Paramilitary Violence in La Gabarra. orinocotribune.com The presence of Colombian paramilitary gangs since last Friday in La Gabarra, a town bordering Colombia in Venezuela's Apure state, has provoked an immediate reaction by the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) along with local residents, organized by the Simón Bolívar Socialist Communal City. The people and army have responded to the situation with the support of the mayor of Guasdualito, José María Romero, of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). | A group of about 50 men, referred to as Armed Terrorists Colombian Drug Traffickers (TANCOL), were reported on the Colombian side of the border, composed…

Todd Steiner (2022-01-17). New Marine Reserve Will Protect Highly Migratory and Endangered Species in Galapagos. indybay.org Ecuador will have a new marine reserve to increase the protection of marine endangered species in Galapagos. Of the new area, no fishing activity will be allowed in 30,000 square kilometers. The other 30,000 square kilometers will exclude longline fishing.

WorkWeek (2022-01-17). SEIU Members On Death Of Ludwig Leota,Chicago Teachers/ Zero Covid vs Permanent Covid. indybay.org WorkWeek covers SEIU 1021 Members On Death Of Ludwig Leota, Chicago Teachers & Zero Covid vs Permanent Covid 19, Vermont AFL-CIO On Rise Of Fascism, Journalist Jeremy Portjo's Assault & Argentina General Strike Against A Mining Company.

Michelle Begue (2022-01-17). Violence continues to disrupt Colombia. america.cgtn.com Colombia is home to the world's third largest internally displaced population after Congo and Syria. Five years after the peace deal to end the armed conflict between the government and the oldest rebel group in Latin America, violence continues disrupt to Colombia. CGTN Correspondent …

teleSUR, JDO (2022-01-16). Perú reporta dos muertes por oleaje causado por volcán de Tonga. telesurtv.net Se dispuso el cierre de algunos puertos, playas y caletas como medida preventiva ante nuevas inundaciones en el litoral.

Dan Collyns (2022-01-16). The passion behind the best female chef in the world. america.cgtn.com On the list of the 10 best restaurants in the world for 2021, two were from Peru. Maido and Central, which was also named the best restaurant in the Americas. Dan Collyns reports.

teleSUR, JL (2022-01-16). Pdte. Arce repatria a bolivianos víctimas de accidente en Chile. telesurtv.net "Después de conocer la noticia, agilizamos trámites y comenzamos la repatriación de sus cuerpos", anunció el presidente boliviano.

Leonardo Flores (2022-01-16). 10 reasons Luis Almagro has to go. peoplesdispatch.org From lighting the fuse for the coup in Bolivia and endorsing repression in countries like Chile and Ecuador to waging a hybrid war against Venezuela, OAS General Secretary Luis Almagro has acted as a representative of imperialism's interests in Latin America…

Misión Verdad (2022-01-16). An In-Depth Analysis of the Barinas Elections. orinocotribune.com According to a National Electoral Council (CNE) bulletin issued at 11: 20 p.m. on election night (January 9) in Barinas, Venezuela, Sergio Garrido obtained 172,497 votes (55.36% of the total vote count), while Jorge Arreaza, candidate of the Great Patriotic Pole and United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) obtained 128,583 votes (41.27%). | Another opponent, Claudio Fermín received 5,528 votes (1.6%). General voter turnout was 51.8%. | Thus, regarding the result of this election, it is important to specify some key points. | 1. The Preceding Inertia | In strictly mathematical terms, by combining the opposition v…

_____ (2022-01-16). 'Smoking Gun' Analysis: US Sanctions Produce 'War Time' Economy. popularresistance.org Red Lines Host Anya Parampil Speaks With Francisco R. Rodríguez, The Executive Of Oil For Venezuela, About A Study He Recently Published Which Analyzed The Impact Of US Sanctions On Venezuela's Economy. | Rodríguez shares data which prove sanctions have directly contributed to a major economic contraction in Venezuela, driven mainly by a significant drop in the country's oil production as a result of the measures. Rodríguez also addresses common arguments made by individuals who seek to obscure the impact US sanctions have had on Venezuela's economy. Read the study: sanctionsandsecurity.org/publications/s

teleSUR, mcs, JL (2022-01-16). Pdte. Maduro: Venezuela recupera el camino económico en medio de las sanciones. telesurtv.net "En el 2021, el 76% del presupuesto nacional fue destinado al área social para proteger al pueblo en medio de la guerra económica", indicó el jefe de Estado.

teleSUR-mcs, JL (2022-01-16). Reportan cuatro internos fallecidos en cárceles de Ecuador. telesurtv.net Las autoridades prestarán la atención necesaria a las familias de las víctimas mortales; además de adoptar medidas por la seguridad penitenciaria.

teleSUR, mcs, JGN (2022-01-16). Suspenden estado de advertencia por tsunami en Puerto Ayora, Ecuador. telesurtv.net Las autoridades indican que se debe mantener en observación la costa continental del país tras la erupción del volcán Humga Tonga.

Todd Steiner (2022-01-16). New Marine Reserve Will Protect Highly Migratory and Endangered Species in Galapagos. indybay.org Ecuador will have a new marine reserve to increase the protection of marine endangered species in Galapagos. Of the new area, no fishing activity will be allowed in 30,000 square kilometers. The other 30,000 square kilometers will exclude longline fishing.

teleSUR, JDO (2022-01-16). Señalan que Ecuador hace frente al pico más alto de la Covid-19. telesurtv.net Experto asevera que los contagios tardarán en descender entre cinco y seis semanas.

WorkWeek (2022-01-16). SEIU Members On Death Of Ludwig Leota,Chicago Teachers/ Zero Covid vs Permanent Covid. indybay.org WorkWeek covers SEIU 1021 Members On Death Of Ludwig Leota, Chicago Teachers & Zero Covid vs Permanent Covid 19, Vermont AFL-CIO On Rise Of Fascism, Journalist Jeremy Portjo's Assault & Argentina General Strike Against A Mining Company.

teleSUR, JGN (2022-01-16). Denuncian asesinato de niño guardia indígena en Cauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net El menor de edad fue asesinado el viernes cuando iba a pedir ayuda ante la presencia de grupos armados cerca de la comunidad.

teleSUR, JDO (2022-01-16). Rechazan nuevos hechos de violencia en departamento colombiano de Arauca. telesurtv.net Demandan a los grupos armados ilegales dejar al margen de sus acciones a la población civil y respetar los derechos humanos.

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