2022-01-23: News Headlines

Staff (2022-01-23). Venezuelan Electoral Body Publishes Schedule to Formalize Recall Referendum — Promoters in Crisis. orinocotribune.com This Saturday, January 22, Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE) published on its website However, many experts, opposition politicians an…

teleSUR, JL (2022-01-23). Perú declara emergencia en zona costera por derrame de petróleo. telesurtv.net De acuerdo al Ejecutivo peruano, la emergencia ambiental tendrá vigencia por 90 días.

teleSUR, JDO (2022-01-23). Pdte. Luis Arce destaca que Bolivia regresó a la senda del crecimiento económico. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado encabezó la celebración por el decimotercer aniversario del Día del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia.

teleSUR, SH (2022-01-23). Socialistas venezolanos llaman a marchar por rebelión de 1958. telesurtv.net El diputado del PSUV, Pedro Infante aseveró que la concentración será propicia para ratificar el apoyo al presidente Nicolás Maduro.

Staff (2022-01-23). Venezuela Doubles Oil Production with Iran's Assistance, Beating US Sanctions. orinocotribune.com Venezuela's oil production has doubled with technical assistance from Iran and others helping it circumvent US sanctions. | Venezuela is very close to reaching its maximum petroleum production capacity, since it has managed to double its crude production in recent months, thanks to Iran and other countries that have helped it evade US sanctions. | Oil industry sources confirmed to the US-based Spanish-language newspaper El Nuevo Herald that Venezuelan crude production reached an estimated average of 900,000 barrels per day (bpd) in December, and could be around 850,000 bpd in January. This has happened mainly due…

Rick Rozoff (2022-01-23). Russian envoy: Venezuela ready to render military assistance if relations with U.S. worsen. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Venezuela ready to offer military help to Russia if relations with US exacerbate — envoy Venezuela is ready to provide military-technical assistance to Russia in case the Russian-US relations deteriorate, Russia's Ambassador to Caracas Sergey Melik-Bagdasarov said…. "Absolutely," he said when asked whether Caracas would be capable of providing military and technical assistance to Moscow …

Staff (2022-01-23). Venezuela Doubles Oil Production with Iran's Assistance, Beating US Sanctions. orinocotribune.com Venezuela's oil production has doubled with technical assistance from Iran and others helping it circumvent US sanctions. | Venezuela is very close to reaching its maximum petroleum production capacity, since it has managed to double its crude production in recent months, thanks to Iran and other countries that have helped it evade US sanctions. | Oil industry sources confirmed to the US-based Spanish-language newspaper El Nuevo Herald that Venezuelan crude production reached an estimated average of 900,000 barrels per day (bpd) in December, and could be around 850,000 bpd in January. This has happened mainly due…

teleSUR, JDO (2022-01-23). Ecuador suma 180 crímenes violentos en lo que va de 2022. telesurtv.net Los Ríos, Guayas y Manabí son las provincias más afectadas por la ola de violencia.

teleSUR, SH (2022-01-23). Tiroteo en Guayaquil, Ecuador deja al menos cuatro muertos. telesurtv.net Las autoridades de Guayaquil reportaron que entre la tarde del jueves y la mañana del viernes hubo al menos ocho muertes violentas.

teleSUR -HIM, JL (2022-01-23). Piden al Gobierno colombiano abrir diálogo ante escalada del conflicto. telesurtv.net La petición también se fundamenta en los nueve líderes asesinados y diez masacres perpetradas en los territorios del país en solo 22 días del 2022.

teleSUR -HIM (2022-01-22). ONU aprueba envío de ayuda a Perú para enfrentar derrame de petróleo en zona costera. telesurtv.net Según el Ministerio del Ambiente peruano, el derrame afecta hasta el momento a unas 20 playas y dos ecosistemas protegidos.

teleSUR- lvm -HIM (2022-01-22). Informan sobre un desaparecido y daños tras lluvias en Cusco, Perú. telesurtv.net Las lluvias provocaron un huaico (masa enorme de lodo y peñas que las lluvias torrenciales desprenden de las alturas de los Andes).

teleSUR- lvm -HIM (2022-01-22). Informan sobre un desaparecido y daños tras lluvias en Cusco, Perú. telesurtv.net Las lluvias provocaron un huaico (masa enorme de lodo y peñas que las lluvias torrenciales desprenden de las alturas de los Andes).

teleSUR -HIM (2022-01-22). ONU aprueba envío de ayuda a Perú para enfrentar derrame de petróleo en zona costera. telesurtv.net Según el Ministerio del Ambiente peruano, el derrame afecta hasta el momento a unas 20 playas y dos ecosistemas protegidos.

teleSUR, JDO (2022-01-22). Pdte. Luis Arce destaca que Bolivia regresó a la senda del crecimiento económico. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado encabezó la celebración por el decimotercer aniversario del Día del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia.

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2022-01-22). US Tightens Financial Blockade Against CITGO and PDVSA. orinocotribune.com The United States government, through its Treasury Department, has undertaken another measure of economic and financial pressure against Venezuela, after the hijacking of CITGO, by imposing restrictions on bond holders or creditors to access the return of their investments untrusted to the PDVSA 2020 Bond. | Hence, although the Venezuelan State maintains its commitment to investors, the White House is preventing bondholders from making any type of claim on CITGO shares. In this way, the hijacking of CITGO, the multi-million dollar subsidiary of the Venezuelan oil industry in US territory, is continued by the Joe…

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2022-01-22). US Tightens Financial Blockade Against CITGO and PDVSA. orinocotribune.com The United States government, through its Treasury Department, has undertaken another measure of economic and financial pressure against Venezuela, after the hijacking of CITGO, by imposing restrictions on bond holders or creditors to access the return of their investments untrusted to the PDVSA 2020 Bond. | Hence, although the Venezuelan State maintains its commitment to investors, the White House is preventing bondholders from making any type of claim on CITGO shares. In this way, the hijacking of CITGO, the multi-million dollar subsidiary of the Venezuelan oil industry in US territory, is continued by the Joe…

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2022-01-22). US Tightens Financial Blockade Against CITGO and PDVSA. orinocotribune.com The United States government, through its Treasury Department, has undertaken another measure of economic and financial pressure against Venezuela, after the hijacking of CITGO, by imposing restrictions on bond holders or creditors to access the return of their investments untrusted to the PDVSA 2020 Bond. | Hence, although the Venezuelan State maintains its commitment to investors, the White House is preventing bondholders from making any type of claim on CITGO shares. In this way, the hijacking of CITGO, the multi-million dollar subsidiary of the Venezuelan oil industry in US territory, is continued by the Joe…

Saheli Chowdhury (2022-01-22). Ola Bini Persecuted by Ecuador's Government, Says Lawyer. orinocotribune.com January 21, 2022 (OrinocoTribune.com)—Swedish computer scientist and digital rights activist Ola Bini is being persecuted by the Ecuadorian government and "continues to be until he is declared innocent, which must happen," asserted the head of Bini's legal defense, Carlos Soria, as the software developer's trial began in Quito on Wednesday, January 19. Bini was charged—by the Lenin Moreno government—of a "non-consensual access into the national telecommunications database" of Ecuador. | Bini, who is a well-known advocate for open-source software and digital privacy of citizens, as well as a frie…

Saheli Chowdhury (2022-01-22). Ola Bini Persecuted by Ecuador's Government, Says Lawyer. orinocotribune.com January 21, 2022 (OrinocoTribune.com)—Swedish computer scientist and digital rights activist Ola Bini is being persecuted by the Ecuadorian government and "continues to be until he is declared innocent, which must happen," asserted the head of Bini's legal defense, Carlos Soria, as the software developer's trial began in Quito on Wednesday, January 19. Bini was charged—by the Lenin Moreno government—of a "non-consensual access into the national telecommunications database" of Ecuador. | Bini, who is a well-known advocate for open-source software and digital privacy of citizens, as well as a frie…

Saheli Chowdhury (2022-01-22). Ola Bini Persecuted by Ecuador's Government, Says Lawyer. orinocotribune.com January 21, 2022 (OrinocoTribune.com)—Swedish computer scientist and digital rights activist Ola Bini is being persecuted by the Ecuadorian government and "continues to be until he is declared innocent, which must happen," asserted the head of Bini's legal defense, Carlos Soria, as the software developer's trial began in Quito on Wednesday, January 19. Bini was charged—by the Lenin Moreno government—of a "non-consensual access into the national telecommunications database" of Ecuador. | Bini, who is a well-known advocate for open-source software and digital privacy of citizens, as well as a frie…

teleSUR, SH (2022-01-22). Tiroteo en Guayaquil, Ecuador deja al menos cuatro muertos. telesurtv.net Las autoridades de Guayaquil reportaron que entre la tarde del jueves y la mañana del viernes hubo al menos ocho muertes violentas.

Staff (2022-01-22). Las 3 del día: øQué fue noticia este 21 de enero? (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Como cada día, hoy les estaremos comentando cuáles fueron las noticias más destacadas de este 21 de enero en Cubadebate. Dale play y escucha sobrela covid-19, la vacunación con Abadala y Mambisa en convalecientes y el gabinete escogido por el presidente electo de Chile.

Joe Parkin Daniels (2022-01-22). [World Report] Colombia euthanasia cases prompt regional debate. thelancet.com The assisted deaths of two people with non-terminal illnesses has ignited debate across Latin America. Joe Parkin Daniels reports from Bogotá.

teleSUR, MER (2022-01-22). Desactivan bomba en casa alternativa del Partido Comunes en Colombia. telesurtv.net En este lugar de se desarrolla un proyecto productivo dirigido por uno de los excombatientes de las FARC-EP.

teleSUR -mcs -HIM (2022-01-22). Paraguay enfrenta pico de contagios por Covid-19 más elevado. telesurtv.net Las autoridades sanitarias del país suramericano precisaron que se han registrado más de 21.000 infecciones al virus del Sars-Cov-2 en la última semana.

teleSUR -mcs -HIM (2022-01-22). Paraguay enfrenta pico de contagios por Covid-19 más elevado. telesurtv.net Las autoridades sanitarias del país suramericano precisaron que se han registrado más de 21.000 infecciones al virus del Sars-Cov-2 en la última semana.

teleSUR -mcs -HIM (2022-01-22). Uruguay registra récord de 13.007 contagios por Covid-19. telesurtv.net Las autoridades sanitarias del país suramericano insistieron en el uso de las medidas de prevención como el uso de mascarilla y la higiene de manos.

teleSUR -mcs -HIM (2022-01-22). Uruguay registra récord de 13.007 contagios por Covid-19. telesurtv.net Las autoridades sanitarias del país suramericano insistieron en el uso de las medidas de prevención como el uso de mascarilla y la higiene de manos.

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