(2022-06-18). [Perspectives] Memorialising COVID-19. thelancet.com The notifications are more than 2 years old by now, but I still cannot bring myself to delete them from my hospital's electronic medical record (EMR). There is the "expiration alert" that signalled my very first patient to die of COVID-19—a chipper Ecuadorian who had spent months struggling to recover from profound depression, only to fall victim to SARS-CoV-2 in the first weeks of the pandemic. There is the desperate note from a daughter whose father with liver disease was decompensating rapidly at home, but was too afraid of COVID-19 to seek medical attention.
(2022-06-17). Updated Mayo Clinic recommendations for infant formula shortage. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Since the outbreak of COVID-19, there have been significant shortages of infant formulas in some stores, largely caused by supply chain issues, as well as a recent recall of several contaminated baby formula products. While this unfortunate crisis continues to impact thousands of caregivers needing to feed their babies, Mayo Clinic continues to offer advice on safe alternatives in the short term to patients. Alternative formula options For most infants, it is OK to switch…
(2022-06-17). Are We Witnessing a Preventive Coup in Colombia? orinocotribune.com Editorial note: In addition to alerts about a preventive coup coming from Colombia, and clearly explained by James Jordan, along with evidence of the political and military hierarchy of Colombia attempting to prevent a new possible government led by Gustavo Petro, US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) chief, General Laura Richardson, traveled to Panama on June 15. As part of her tour, a visit to the border with Colombia, in the Darien jungle, was scheduled. Many Panamanian social movements condemned her visit as a direct intervention in Colombian elections. | By James Patrick Jordan Jun 16, 2022 | Activists from…
(2022-06-17). "We will not give up": Brazil demands justice for Bruno Pereira and Dom Phillips. peoplesdispatch.org Political and societal figures denounce the federal government's disregard for the Amazon region and demand the protection of indigenous peoples…
(2022-06-17). Venezuela condena acción de la aeronáutica civil de Uruguay. telesurtv.net La aeronave venezolana solicitó tocar suelo uruguayo para abastecerse de combustible, pero ante la negativa debió retornar a Argentina.
(2022-06-17). Candidato Gustavo Petro critica negativa de su rival a debatir. telesurtv.net El candidato por el Pacto Histórico manifestó su disposición a debatir sin poner condiciones con el candidato Rodolfo Hernández.
(2022-06-17). Trabajadores se movilizan en Uruguay por mejoras salariales. telesurtv.net En los últimos dos años, los trabajadores públicos y de la salud uruguayos han experimentado una pérdida del 6 por ciento del salario real.
(2022-06-17). Presidente Lasso reitera llamado al diálogo con movilizados. telesurtv.net La Conaie ratificó que las movilizaciones indígenas continuarán hasta que el Gobierno presente soluciones a sus demandas.
(2022-06-17). Celebran 200 años del encuentro entre Manuela Sáenz y Bolívar. telesurtv.net Durante su saludo, el presidente Nicolás Maduro citó un fragmento de la carta enviada por Manuela Sáenz al Libertador.
(2022-06-17). Emtrasur Flight in Argentina: Another Attempt by Media to Poison Political Relations. orinocotribune.com By Misión Verdad June 16, 2022 | Since June 8, an event has shocked the Argentine press, encouraged by the opposition to the government of Alberto Fernández, and by certain local Israeli organizations. These forces have used the grounding of a Venezuelan flight to justify an attack, not only on the current Peronist administration of Argentina, but also on the key geopolitical targets of Venezuela and Iran. | The retention of a Boeing 747, with Venezuelan registration YV3531, is causing a series of reactions that are linked to politics and international relations in Argentina, and that have little to do with…
(2022-06-17). Venezuela Condemns Uruguay's Irresponsible Refusal of Overflight Permission for Boeing 747. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister Carlos Faria released an official statement from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on Thursday, June 16, denouncing irresponsible actions by Uruguay's aviation authority that endangered the lives of a Venezuelan plane crew. | The information was released by the Venezuelan diplomat through his Twitter account. In the statement, the Venezuelan government detailed how the Uruguayan aviation authority "denied the overflight permit granted to the Venezuelan company Emtrasur, while the aircraft was in the air fulfilling the itinerary from Ezeiza-[Argentina]-Montevideo-Caracas, to…
(2022-06-17). Pdte. Maduro convoca a consolidar el modelo económico diversificado de Venezuela. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado, de visita en Azerbaiyán, resumió los principales resultados de su gira euroasiática.
(2022-06-17). Pdte. Nicolás Maduro arriba a Azerbaiyán. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado arribó al aeropuerto internacional Heydar Aliyev, en la capital azerí, Bakú.
(2022-06-17). Presidente peruano responderá interrogatorio de la Fiscalía. telesurtv.net El interrogatorio al presidente Castillo forma parte de la investigación en la que también están incluidos el exministro de Transportes y Comunicaciones.
(2022-06-17). Realizan foro sobre independentismo de Manuela Sáez en Venezuela. telesurtv.net El Foro Mujeres, Historia y Revolución profundiza en la labor de Manuelita y destaca su importancia para la independencia de Nuestra América.
(2022-06-16). Video: NATO deploys Colombian troops for Ukraine war. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Deutsche WelleJune 16, 2022 Colombia: Training soldiers to demine in conflict Ukraine is facing the challenge of demining territory invaded by Russia. Now it will receive help from the Colombian military, which built its expertise fighting guerilla groups. DW's Johan Ramirez met soldiers who will lend Ukraine their know-how. Video…
(2022-06-16). 'Summit of Exclusion' Backfires on Biden. orinocotribune.com By Jill Clark-Gollub, Alina Duarte and John Perry Jun 13, 2022 | "We would definitely have wanted a different Summit of the Americas. The silence of those absent challenges us. So that this does not happen again, I would like to state for the future that the fact of being the host country of the Summit does not grant the capacity to impose a 'right of admission' on the member countries of the continent." President of Argentina and president pro tempore of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean Countries (CELAC), Alberto Fernández, at the Summit of the Americas, June 10, 2022, Los Angeles. | While hos…
(2022-06-16). Kissinger y la guerra en Ucrania: El mensajero y el amo. globalizacion.ca Cuando Henry Kissinger sorprendió al mundo con su discurso en el reciente Foro Económico Mundial (FEM) en Davos (22-26 de mayo de 2022), diciéndole al presidente de Ucrania, Zelenskyy, que tenía que hacer alguna concesión a cambio de la paz,…
(2022-06-16). Elections in Colombia: Between Hopes and Concerns. orinocotribune.com By Pablo Ruiz Jun 10, 2022 | On Sunday 19 June, all eyes will once again be on Colombia and the results of the second round of the presidential elections: will it be more of the same in Colombia — one of the most dangerous countries for human rights defenders — or will there be a change, depending on whether the candidate of the left or the right wins; everything remains to be seen. | As we know, last May 29th, in the first round of the presidential elections, the candidates of the Historical Pact, Gustavo Petro and Francia Márquez, obtained the highest number of votes with 8,527,768 votes (40.3…
(2022-06-16). Daily Round-up| Brazilian power company Electrobras privatized and more. peoplesdispatch.org In this episode, we take a look at the privatization of an electricity company in Brazil, a strike by Spanish unions at RyanAir and the cancellation of a UK flight to deport refugees to Rwanda…
(2022-06-16). Ecuador: CONAIE and Unions to Maintain National Strike. popularresistance.org Mobilizations will continue and key roads remain blocked as the indefinite Ecuador-wide protests against the neoliberal policies of Guillermo Lasso's administration head into a fourth day. | Security forces have been unsuccessful in trying to lift 24 hour roadblocks, which have now been reinforced by communities. | The government's attempt to quell protests by sweeping up alleged leaders not only failed, it backfired. News of the arrest of Leonidas Iza, president of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), mobilized thousands of people to the Latacunga prison where he was taken and promp…
(2022-06-16). Daily Round-up| Impact of Gaza blockade and more stories. peoplesdispatch.org In this episode, we bring you stories from Palestine, , the deal between the EU, Egypt and Israel on natural gas, protests against red-tagging in the Philippines and the release of an Indigenous leader from Ecuador…
(2022-06-16). Ecuadorian Indigenous Organizations Start Strike Against Lasso. orinocotribune.com The current protests are taking place in a political-institutional environment that is potentially very dangerous for the respect of human and civil rights. | From the early hours of Monday, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) began a national strike against the government of Guillermo Lasso by blocking highways in provinces such as Pastaza, Napo, and Guayas. | CONAIE President Leonidas Iza said that the social mobilization, which will continue for an indefinite period of time, emerges as a result of the reluctance of the Lasso administration to continue the dialogue process, the las…
(2022-06-16). 2022 California Juneteenth – National Freedom Day. indybay.org In the coming years over 100 California cities with @100,000+ residents will begin to discover our unique California Juneteenth Legacy, helping manifest equity and greater inclusion throughout the 5th largest economy in the world. Today, "Mining for Freedom" or the authentic "Golden Legacy" of our California USCT who fought, bleed and died for freedom is a fierce debate impacting future generation.
(2022-06-16). Presidenta del Congreso de Perú denuncia amenazas anónimas. cubadebate.cu La presidenta del Parlamento de Perú, Maricarmen Alva (Acción Popular), denunció hoy que recibió amenazas anónimas que le exigen que renuncie antes y le advierten que, de lo contrario, actuarán contra ella.
(2022-06-16). Pdte. de Venezuela visita instalaciones deportivas de Qatar. telesurtv.net La instalación acogerá los partidos más importantes del Mundial de Fútbol Qatar 2022. También visitó otros centros.
(2022-06-16). La ONU insta a respetar y garantizar la protesta en Ecuador. telesurtv.net La ONU abogó por la paz, bajar las tensiones y buscar los caminos del diálogo entre el Gobierno ecuatoriano y los sectores movilizados.
(2022-06-16). Condenan a exmilitares y carabineros por 38 homicidios en 1973. telesurtv.net El abogado de los familiares de las 38 víctimas expresó que uno de los crímenes imperdonables de la dictadura ha sido resuelto por la justicia chilena.
(2022-06-16). Chamber of disinformation? Brazilian deforestation according to Bolsonaro. peoplesworld.org Last week the Brazilian government established a group of bureaucrats whose mission is to survey the numbers regarding deforestation and burn-offs undertaken by INPE (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais), the National Institute of Spatial Studies. This Thematic Consultative Chamber is going to "review the data" and determine which areas were deforested legally and illegally, according …
(2022-06-16). Paraguay pide apoyo a ONU en lucha contra crimen organizado. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores paraguayo indicó que se solicitó el respaldo de los órganos especializados del Sistema de la ONU.
(2022-06-16). Colombia, a terminar con los cien años de soledad. globalizacion.ca A pocos días de la segunda vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales que pueden marcar un nuevo rumbo histórico para Colombia, las encuestas señalan que la puja entre el ultraderechista Rodolfo Hernández y el progresista Gustavo Petro pinta muy reñida. | Tras…
(2022-06-16). Ecuador descarta caso sospechoso de viruela símica. telesurtv.net El caso sospechoso fue un joven que presentó síntomas como fiebre, decaimiento y malestar general.
(2022-06-16). Pdte. de Ecuador alcanza una desaprobación superior al 80%. telesurtv.net La encuesta revela que el 17.28 por ciento de los encuestados considera como muy mala gestión de Lasso.
(2022-06-16). øQuién es Rodolfo Hernández, candidato presidencial colombiano. telesurtv.net Hernández quien levanta las banderas contra la corrupción, actualmente es imputado por la Fiscalía por delitos relacionados a corrupción.
(2022-06-16). Final Declaration Of The Workers' Summit Of The Americas. popularresistance.org We, representatives of Trade Union, Peasant, Political and Social organizations, gathered in Tijuana — Mexico, June 10-12, 2022, on the occasion of the realization of the Summit of the Americas of the Working Men and Women Workers, in immediate response to the exclusion of Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua imposed by the Government of the United States. | There is a systemic and structural crisis of capitalism in its imperialist phase. It is in itself a civilizational crisis. The capitalist economic model and its political arm neoliberalism, as well as its modern cultural foundation, have put the planet's life…
(2022-06-16). Friday 6/17: Baila Community Dance Party. indybay.org La Peña Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA 94705…
(2022-06-16). Duque obstructed peace in Colombia 'deliberately'. colombiareports.com The government of outgoing President Ivan Duque deliberately destroyed Colombia's peace process, according to more than 275 NGOs. In a report, the NGOs said that "the current government deliberately took…
(2022-06-16). Suspect confesses to killing missing journalist and expert in Amazon. america.cgtn.com A suspect has confessed to killing a British journalist and a Brazilian indigenous expert in the Brazil's Amazon. But there are still many open questions in this investigation. Find out more.
(2022-06-16). Colombian presidential race enters runoff. america.cgtn.com Here is a preview of the Colombia's 2022 presidential runoff.
(2022-06-16). Pdta. del Parlamento de Perú denuncia amenazas de muerte. telesurtv.net La denuncia sucede en la víspera de un cambio en la mesa del Parlamento peruano que no contempla la permanencia de Alva.
(2022-06-16). Industria manufacturera boliviana rompe récord en exportaciones. telesurtv.net Entre enero y abril de 2022, Bolivia obtuvo 2.145 millones de dólares por exportaciones de manufacturas, cifra histórica para el período.
(2022-06-16). Protests Continue In Ecuador Despite Release Of Indigenous Leader (Videos). southfront.org File image. The official logo of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador. | Protests continue throughout Ecuador despite the release of Leonidas Iza, leader of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE). | Indigenous people, who make up over a million of Ecuador's 17.7 million citizens, took to the streets on June 13 to protest against fuel prices and living costs. Despite being an oil producer, the prices of fuel almost doubled in Ecuador over the last two years. The price of…
(2022-06-16). President Maduro: Iranian General Soleimani Came to Venezuela and Helped Recover Electrical System in 2019 Attacks. orinocotribune.com This Tuesday, June 14, the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, explained at the end of his visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran that General Qasem Soleimani visited Venezuela in 2019, during the crisis that ensued the attacks on the Venezuelan electrical system, which almost left the entire country without electricity for several days. Soleimani brought experts who helped rebuild the Venezuelan electrical system, explained the head of state. | "I didn't know him, I didn't know how big he was. The conversation I had with him was very harmonious, where we reviewed all the topics. He immediately offered the sup…
(2022-06-16). Policía reprime marcha de estudiantes en la capital ecuatoriana. telesurtv.net Los manifestantes portaban pancartas contra el presidente Guillermo Lasso por la situación económica que atraviesa el país suramericano.
(2022-06-16). Wednesday 6/15: Labor History: A key to unlocking workers' power today. indybay.org Online via Zoom | To register: bit.ly/FSFD-Labor…
(2022-06-16). Docentes de Ecuador se movilizan contra Gobierno de Lasso. telesurtv.net La UNE exige la ratificación por la Corte Constitucional frente al gobierno de la sentencia Número 2-22-OP.
(2022-06-16). Sergey Lavrov to Meet Venezuela's Vice President in Saint Petersburg. orinocotribune.com Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will meet with Executive Vice President of Venezuela Delcy Rodríguez, the Prime Minister of Cuba Manuel Marrero, and a special representative of Nicaragua, during the International Economic Forum in Saint Petersburg, that started on Wednesday. | During the forum, which ends Saturday, a conference dedicated to relations between Russia and Latin America will be held. Rodríguez, the Nicaraguan Finance Minister Iván Adolfo Acosta Montalván, and the president of the Central American Parliament (PARLACEN), Daniel Ortega Reyes, will participate in this conference. | As part of the…
(2022-06-16). Venezuela Maintains Stable Oil Output, To Restart Shipments to Europe. venezuelanalysis.com Eni's first shipment to Europe could help alleviate storage bottlenecks by taking accumulated lower-quality diluted crude oil.
(2022-06-16). Wednesday 6/15: DACA Tenth Anniversary: Then, Now and Beyond! Celebration & Action Rally. indybay.org Virtual celebration & action rally…
(2022-06-16). Contributions of peasant farmer communities: The case of Venezuela. mronline.org Throughout their history, agricultural, chemical and food corporations have created and implemented tactics to marginalize the peasant farmer community and indigenous people.
(2022-06-16). Sunday 7/3: Fulfilling the Promise of America, a symposium. indybay.org ZOOM video meet: | zoom.us/j/94131824284?pwd=RzI0ZEY1eEkrbkxFemNOMHFHbUZXZz09…
(2022-06-16). ONU insta a respetar y garantizar la protesta en Ecuador. telesurtv.net La ONU abogó por la paz, bajar las tensiones y buscar los caminos del diálogo entre el Gobierno ecuatoriano y los sectores movilizados.
(2022-06-16). Venezuela, Iran victims of illegal sanctions, Maduro says. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jun. 16 (MNA) — Venezuela and Iran are victims of unilateral action and illegal sanctions, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said.
(2022-06-16). Wednesday 6/15: DACA Décimo Aniversario – °Antes, Ahora y Más Allá! Celebración y Reuinon para la Acción. indybay.org Virtual celebration & action rally…
(2022-06-16). Congreso peruano inicia proceso para inhabilitar a vicepdta. telesurtv.net El abogado de Dina Boluarte consideró que la acusación presentada es un intento de desacreditar a la vicepresidenta por parte de representantes de grupos de derecha.
(2022-06-16). Why Colombia got nervous about violence after elections. colombiareports.com Colombia's government is intimidating critics amid fears that its failure to guarantee free and fair elections could revive social unrest on Sunday. President Ivan Duque said Tuesday that "the security…