(2022-09-17). U.S. firms get rich, Ukrainian youth die. workers.org By Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein is a Venezuelan international relations expert, who was previously Director of the International Relations of the Presidency of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, his country's ambassador to Nicaragua and an advisor for international politics for TeleSUR. This article, published Sept. 7, was translated . . . |
(2022-09-17). [World Report] Chile abolishes copayments in step towards UHC. thelancet.com Public health experts have welcomed the Chilean Government's extension of free care to around 6 million people. Amy Booth reports.
(2022-09-17). [World Report] COPD in Colombia. thelancet.com Huge numbers of Colombian's have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), driven by tobacco use and air pollution. Joe Parkin Daniels reports from Bogotá.
(2022-09-17). Colombia solicita restitución de máscaras indígenas a Alemania. telesurtv.net "Se trata de objetos con un trasfondo ritual que siguen siendo sagrados para los Kogui", refirió el comunicado de la cancillería colombiana…
(2022-09-17). Equipo de la fiscalía peruana allana el Palacio de Gobierno. telesurtv.net El equipo de la fiscalía tenia la orden de buscar e incautar las cámaras de seguridad que cubren los ingresos y salidas del Palacio de Gobierno.
(2022-09-17). Venezuela rechaza informe de EE.UU. sobre productores de drogas. telesurtv.net "En esa infame publicación se desconoce el fiel cumplimiento de los compromisos internacionales del Gobierno bolivariano", indicó la cancillería.
(2022-09-17). Llega a Venezuela primer grupo de tripulantes del avión de Emtrasur retenido en Argentina. telesurtv.net Los tripulantes, 11 venezolanos y un iraní, arribaron al Aeropuerto Internacional Simón Bolívar en Maiquetía, estado La Guaira.
(2022-09-17). Gobierno peruano extienden estado de emergencia en Lima. telesurtv.net El decreto sobre la zona metropolitana de Lima y Callao fue refrendado por el presidente del Consejo de Ministros y otros miembros del gabinete ministerial.
(2022-09-17). Estiman que un millón de uruguayos participaron en paro nacional. telesurtv.net Los sectores más representados son la administración, educación, banca, construcción y la industria manufacturera.
(2022-09-17). Presidente de Bolivia afirma que modelo económico es soberano. telesurtv.net El mandatario destacó que el modelo económico sigue demostrando su éxito en la reducción de las desigualdades sociales y económicas en Bolivia.
(2022-09-17). Vicepresidenta argentina aparece por primera vez tras atentado. telesurtv.net Ocurrió al recibir en su oficina del Senado a curas villeros, de Opción por los Pobres y hermanas laicas y religiosas.
(2022-09-17). Ucrania: øuna guerra en minifaldas? workers.org Por Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein El autor es Consultor y analista internacional venezolano, ha publicado artículos en Revistas especializadas de Puerto Rico, Chile, Bolivia, Perú, Brasil, Venezuela, México, Argentina y España así como en diversos periódicos e innumerables páginas de Internet. Fue Director de Relaciones Internacionales de la Presidencia de la . . . |
(2022-09-17). FIFA decide que Chile queda fuera del Mundial de Qatar 2022. telesurtv.net Perú también decidió reclamar por separado ante el Comité de Apelaciones de la FIFA y realizó una apelación que también fue rechazada.
(2022-09-17). Inician diálogos regionales vinculantes en Turbaco, Colombia. telesurtv.net Se recogerán las solicitudes ciudadanas para priorizarlas y plasmarlas en el plan de desarrollo gubernamental.
(2022-09-16). Iran-made products exhibition kicks off in Caracas. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 16 (MNA) — Iran-made products exhibition was kicked off in Caracas in the presence of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro on Friday.
(2022-09-16). Venezuela receives third oil tanker built by Iran: Maduro. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 16 (MNA) — President Nicolas Maduro says Venezuela has received an advanced oil tanker from Iran as part of a bilateral contract amid increasing cooperation between Tehran and Caracas in various fields.
(2022-09-16). Latin Americans Reject Resource Plundering by Same NATO Countries Fueling Military Conflict in Ukraine. orinocotribune.com By Camila Escalante Sep 13, 2022 | [The following is a slightly expanded version of a talk given by Camila Escalante to an online forum of the International Manifesto Group on August 7, 2022. The topic of the forum was ' On August 6 we celebrated 197 years of independence here in Bolivia. We listened intently to the speech by President Luis Arce delivered in Sucre, the capital city in Bolivia's Chiquisaca department. Among other issues, he spoke ab…
(2022-09-16). Palestinians Salute Chile's President Gabriel Boric for Postponing the Accreditation of Apartheid Israel's Ambassador. bdsmovement.net
(2022-09-16). Chile Refuses Israeli Ambassador Over Killing of Palestinian Teen. commondreams.org "The fact that Gabriel Boric's extremely normal and reasonable actions in response to Israeli violence against civilians is seen as 'unprecedented' reflects incredibly poorly on the rest of the international community."
(2022-09-16). Colombian Authorities Confirm that FARC Dissident Leader Iván Márquez Is Alive. orinocotribune.com
(2022-09-16). Brazilians Keep Lula as Favorite 16 Days Before the Elections. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, published a survey showing that 45 percent of Brazilians remain firmly behind the Workers' Party (PT) candidate Lula da Silva in his race for the Brazilian presidency. | RELATED: | With less than three weeks to go before the Oct. 2 elections, the leftist leader maintains a 12-point lead over President Jair Bolsonaro, who fell in voting preferences from 34 percent to 33 percent between Sept. 9 and Sept. 15.
(2022-09-16). Colombia To Reduce Electricity Rates. telesurenglish.net Colombia's Ministry of Mines and EnergyMinistry of Mines and Energy announced agreements between the National Government and the Energy and Gas Regulatory Commission (CREG) to reduce energy rates in the country. | RELATED: | According to the Ministry, the short and medium-term measures will help alleviate last year's increase in electricity tariffs. The reduction is expected to start materializing in November. | The Minister…
(2022-09-16). Venezuelan Army Disables 28th Narco Jet of 2022. orinocotribune.com Venezuela's Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) disabled a plane belonging to the so-called Colombian Armed Drug Trafficking Terrorists(TANCOL), which makes it the 28th aircraft destroyed this year. | Through his Twitter account, the strategic operational commander of the FANB (CEOFANB), Domingo Hernández Lárez, highlighted the work and professionalism of the military body in defending Venezuela's geographic space. | Likewise, he indicated that during this year the FANB dismantled 28 TANCOL aircrafts and 306 in total since the beginning of this legal mandate allowing them to do so, dating back to 2012, as par…
(2022-09-16). Venezuelan Institutions Seek Cooperation With Iran. telesurenglish.net "Basically, we expect to create alliances, alliances at the health level to continue helping the Venezuelan people in everything related to health," said Quimbiotec's head of public affairs, Giselle Longa, in an interview with Sputnik Agency. | RELATED: | On Wednesday, President Nicolas Maduro inaugurated the Iran-Venezuela Scientific, Technological and Industrial Expo Fair intending to strengthen the commercial, scie…
(2022-09-16). The modern cult of Independence Day and the buildup of a fascist movement in Brazil. wsws.org The violent celebrations of the 200th anniversary of Brazilian Independence on September 7 amid the preparations for an electoral coup has laid bare the lack of any constituency for democratic forms of rule within the country's ruling class.
(2022-09-16). 'Alex Saab: A Kidnapped Diplomat' global movie premiere September 16. fightbacknews.org Miami, FL – Friday, September 16 marks the worldwide premiere of a new documentary out of Venezuela, 'Alex Saab: A Kidnapped Diplomat'. The movie will premiere at the Bolivar Theater in Caracas at 7 p.m. Eastern Time and will be hosted by President Nicholas Maduro. The film will be streaming live on YouTube at that same time and solidarity activists will be gathering simultaneously in cities across the world to watch the documentary together. | A dozen cities throughout the United States, from New York City to Miami, to Chicago to Tucson, will host livestreaming events of the movie. | "It is imperativ…
(2022-09-16). United States Now Recognizes Alex Saab As Special Envoy Of Venezuela. popularresistance.org After more than two years questioning Venezuelan Alex Saab's diplomatic status, the US Department of Justice (DoJ) has now conceded that he is a special envoy. The dramatic U-turn was made in a filing before Justice Scola on Tuesday, September 13, in a hearing that was held regarding Saab's motion to compel the DoJ to hand over certain documents, which his defense believes would be beneficial to his claim of diplomatic immunity. | Alex Saab's defense has been pushing the DoJ for some months now to make what are called "Brady disclosures." These require that information and evidence that is material to the guilt o…
(2022-09-16). Colombia and Venezuela Announce Reopening of Border. globalresearch.ca
(2022-09-16). Washington Again Threatens Venezuela with Sanctions: President Maduro Couldn't Care Less. orinocotribune.com Caracas, September 15, 2022 ( "Nicolás Maduro makes a serious mistake if he thinks that our patience is infinite and that delaying tactics will serve hi…
(2022-09-16). The People's Summit to Run Parallel to the UN General Assembly in New York. libya360.wordpress.com Peoples Dispatch This month, working people in the US will have the opportunity to dialogue directly with the Cuban and Venezuelan leaders who are set to attend the ongoing UN General Assembly. Leaders from Cuba and Venezuela will speak at an event organized by social justice activists, held parallel to the United Nations General Assembly…
(2022-09-16). Aprueban viaje del presidente peruano a la Asamblea General ONU. telesurtv.net El presidente peruano coordinará una reunión con el secretario general de la ONU, António Guterres y algunos presidentes de otros países.
(2022-09-16). Cristina Fernández en su primera aparición pública tras el atentado: "Lo más grave es que se rompió el pacto democrático" cubadebate.cu En su primera aparición pública tras el atentado, la vicepresidenta de Argentina, Cristina Fernández, afirmó que lo más grave no es lo que le pudo haber pasado a ella, sino que lo más grave fue haber roto un acuerdo social que había desde 1983, un pacto democrático. "Tenemos que examinarnos nosotros mismos", dijo.
(2022-09-16). Chile se despide definitivamente del mundial de fútbol Qatar 2022. cubadebate.cu El sueño de Chile de asistir al mundial de fútbol de Qatar 2022 quedó definitivamente roto hoy, cuando la máxima autoridad internacional del balompié rechazó un reclamo contra Ecuador por supuesta alineación indebida de un jugador.
(2022-09-16). 12 Crew From Plane Retained in Argentina Arrive in Venezuela. telesurenglish.net The 12 crew members who were authorized to leave Argentina after the Venezuelan plane was detained in that country arrived on Friday at the Simón Bolívar de Maiquetía international airport in the state of La Guaira. | Relatives welcome the 12 crew members who were authorized to leave Argentina after being detained…
(2022-09-16). Venezuelan Foreign Minister Attends Inauguration of Re-elected Angolan President Joà£o Lourenàßo. orinocotribune.com The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Venezuela, Carlos Faría, participated this Thursday, September 15, in the inauguration ceremony of the re-elected president of Angola, Joà£o Lourenàßo, and the vice president, Esperanàßa Costa. | "We witnessed the official inauguration ceremony of the President of the Republic of Angola, where we expressed a fraternal greeting from our President Nicolás Maduro and the People of Bolivar and Chávez," the Venezuelan foreign minister announced through his Twitter account. | Fuimos testigos de la Ceremonia Oficial de Investidura del Presidente de la Republica de An…
(2022-09-16). Venezuela e Irán fortalecen relaciones de cooperación en ciencia y tecnología. telesurtv.net El mandatario destacó que Irán es un ejemplo de avance, de recuperación en ciencia y tecnología.
(2022-09-16). Trabajadores de Uruguay reafirman respaldo al paro nacional. telesurtv.net "Una contundente y masiva demostración a nivel nacional marcó el escenario nacional en relación a los reclamos del movimiento sindical", escribió el comunicado del PIT-CNT.
(2022-09-16). Dictan prisión preventiva a atacante de Cristina Fernández. telesurtv.net Fernando Sabag y su pareja Brenda Uliarte son considerados partícipes del delito de tentativa de homicidio calificado, agravado por el empleo de armas de fuego.
(2022-09-16). Gremios docentes rechazan nuevo ciclo lectivo en Buenos Aires. telesurtv.net El jefe del Gobierno porteño, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, anunció que tres sábados serán laborales el ciclo lectivo 2023.
(2022-09-16). Presidente colombiano convoca a diálogos en las regiones. telesurtv.net El mandatario instó a participar en los Diálogos Regionales Vinculantes que se realizarán en territorios.
(2022-09-15). Dramatic U-Turn, United States Now Recognizes Alex Saab as Special Envoy of Venezuela. orinocotribune.com Disclosure comes in filing made by DoJ in Miami court. | By William Camacaro Sep 15, 2022 | After more than two years questioning Venezuelan Alex Saab's diplomatic status, the US Department of Justice (DoJ) has now conceded that he is a Special Envoy. The dramatic U-turn was made in a filing in front of Justice Scola on Tuesday, September 13, in a hearing that was held to hear Saab's motion to compel the DoJ to hand over certain documents which his defense believes would be beneficial to his claim of entitlement to diplomatic immunity. | Alex Saab's defense has been pushing the DoJ for some months now to ma…
(2022-09-15). Presidente de Venezuela llama a defender un precio estable y justo del petróleo. telesurtv.net El presidente Maduro destacó el rol de la OPEP+ en el equilibrio del mercado y del precio del crudo ante cualquier coyuntura.