Monthly Archives: March 2022

2022-03-31: News Headlines

Staff (2022-03-31). Recibe Díaz- Canel a embajador sirio y al presidente del Instituto Nacional de Asociativismo y Economía Social de Argentina. Este jueves el presidente de la República Miguel Díaz- Canel Bermúdez recibió a Alexandre Roig, presidente del Instituto Nacional de Asociativismo y Economía Social de Argentina y a embajador de la República àÅrabe Siria, Idris Mayya, quien concluye su misión en la mayor de las Antillas.

teleSUR -HIM (2022-03-30). Perú vence a Paraguay e irá a repesca rumbo al Mundial de Catar. Los comandados por RFicardo Gareca se medirán en junio venidero al ganador entre Australia y Emiratos Árabes Unidos por el anhelado boleto a Catar.

teleSUR, jaa, JL (2022-03-30). Pdte. de Perú anuncia medidas contra aumento del combustible. El mandatario anunció que se complementará con un incremento temporal del vale de descuento FISE, de S/20 a S/25 por balón de gas.

teleSUR, mcs, MER (2022-03-30). Celebran el 27 aniversario del MAS-IPSP en Bolivia. El presidente Arce recalcó que, con unidad, será posible impulsar el avance del país en diversos sectores.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-03-30). Luis Arce llama a la unidad en aniversario del MAS-IPSP. En el acto conmemorativo estuvo presente Evo Morales quien instó al pueblo a defender a su gobierno actual.

teleSUR, JL (2022-03-30). Diputados venezolanos solicitan investigación sobre Operación Puma. De acuerdo con la diputada, la Operación Puma financiada por EE.UU. pretendía implementar una acción militar para derrocar al gobierno de Venezuela.

Dakotah Lilly (2022-03-30). As Inflation Hits US Workers Hard, do Argentina and Venezuela Provide a Heterodox Toolbox to Confront It? (Part I). By Dakotah Lilly — Mar 27, 2022 | Part I: Introduction | Inflation is currently a problem in the United States. It is not a problem in the classical sense that inflation has been weaponized as in the past; as a trojan horse against popular, socialist, or nationalist governments in favor of neoliberal adjustment plans. Instead, inflation is a problem in the United States because it exemplifies a ramping up of an aspect of a class based warfare tactic by the oligarchic establishment in order to continue raking in huge profits and an ever increasing share of the capital-labor pie. How do we know this? Well, we…

Andreína Chávez Alava (2022-03-30). Venezuelan Communist Party Demands Justice for Two Members Killed in Border Region. Communist leaders have denounced that political activists are targets of constant threats and harassment on the Colombia-Venezuela border.

teleSUR -HIM (2022-03-30). Ministra de Gobierno de Ecuador presenta su renuncia. Las causas de la renuncia de la ministra radican en diferencias con el presidente Lasso respecto al abordaje de la crisis entre el Ejecutivo y el Legislativo.

teleSUR, DRL (2022-03-30). Renuncian ministros en desacuerdo con el presidente Guillermo Lasso. Las renuncias son a propósito de la decisión del presidente Lasso de no aplicar la "muerte cruzada" con el legislativo.

Paulo Cabral (2022-03-30). Thousands of Brazilians face threat of eviction in economic downturn. Amid the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic – millions of people around the world lost their jobs and as a result their means to pay rent.

Mike Ludwig (2022-03-30). Destruction of Amazon Rainforest Accelerates as Elections Loom in Brazil. Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil's far right president, is launching a reelection bid and currently

Staff (2022-03-30). Colombia Approves First Fracking Pilot Plant amid Strong Criticism. The National Environmental Licensing Authority (ANLA) of Colombia approved, amid criticism from sectors of the political opposition and the social movements, the first fracking pilot project in Puerto Wilches, department of Santander, reported environmental organizations on Monday, March 28. | The project will be developed by the Colombian state oil company Ecopetrol, in an area of up to 4.67 hectares, where fracking will be carried out at a depth of 1.2 kilometers. | The Fracking Free Colombia Alliance denounced the licensing process which was completed "in less than five months, despite numerous objections, ser…

teleSUR, mcs, JL (2022-03-30). Revelan tarjetón electoral para las presidenciales en Colombia. La Registraduría Nacional realizó el sorteo para elegir la ubicación de candidatos en la tarjeta electoral para las presidenciales de mayo.

teleSUR, SH (2022-03-30). Asesinan a un gobernador indígena en el Chocó, Colombia. Desde la Mesa Indígena del Chocó exigieron a la Fiscalía de Colombia realizar las investigaciones pertinentes para esclarecer este asesinato.

teleSUR, mcs, JL (2022-03-30). Organización indígena exige investigar asesinatos en Puerto Leguízamo, Colombia. "Solicitamos a la Procuraduría para que, en el marco de sus funciones, investigue disciplinariamente a los funcionarios que participaron en este caso", detalla la Opiac.

W. T. Whitney Jr. (2022-03-30). Progressive coalition campaigning in Colombia promises real change. On March 24, Gustavo Petro and Francia Márquez registered as presidential and vice-presidential candidates in Colombia for elections taking place on May 29. On behalf of the Historic Pact coalition, Petro stated that "today is the first day of a campaign that promises to actually change the history of Colombia." He was, in effect, proposing …

Peoples Dispatch (2022-03-30). Vice-presidential candidate Francia Márquez receives death threats. The candidate for the vice presidency of Colombia for the left-wing Historic Pact coalition, Francia Márquez, on March 27, reported that she received death threats for the second time this month and demanded that the right-wing government of President Iván Duque guarantee her safety. | "As if the slander, racist demonstrations were not enough, but in less than a month, they have threatened to kill me twice, along with other social leaders. President Iván Duque, I request you to guarantee my physical integrity, that of my family and the leaders mentioned here," Márquez tweeted along with the photographs of two let…

2022-03-31 14:03 | 10:03 EST | jz | 20 | 0 | 17 | 1 | 0 

2022-03-30: News Headlines

Dave DeCamp (2022-03-29). Biden Appears to Reveal the US Is Training Ukrainian Troops in Poland. President Biden appeared to reveal on Monday that the US is training Ukrainian troops in Poland. Biden made the comments when trying to explain a recent gaffe. In Poland on Friday, President Biden told members of the 82nd Airborne Division that Ukrainians were "stepping up" against the Russian assault and said, "You're going to see …

Staff (2022-03-29). Peru's Castillo survives impeachment vote in Congress. TEHRAN, Mar. 29 (MNA) — An impeachment vote in Peru on Monday failed to gather enough support to oust President Pedro Castillo.

Santiago Nieto Castillo (2022-03-29). México — La revocación de mandato: °Va! De entrada, lo que nos tiene que quedar claro es que el ejercicio democrático de participación ciudadana de la revocación de mandato es un derecho político de los mexicanos, el cual, recordemos, fue incorporado a la Constitución política en 2019,…

Mariana àÅlvarez Orellana (2022-03-29). Perú — Pedro Castillo zafó nuevamente del golpe parlamentario derechista. El Congreso peruano rechazó nuevamente el pedido de la ultraderecha para destituir al presidente Pedro Castillo por supuesta "incapacidad moral" en una apretada votación con 55 votos a favor y 54 en contra, y 19 abstenciones. Así, la moción destituyente…

Peoples Dispatch (2022-03-29). Once again, right wing fails to impeach Peruvian President Pedro Castillo. On March 28, the plenary session of the Peruvian Congress met to debate

teleSUR, SH (2022-03-29). Congreso de Perú rechaza destituir al presidente Pedro Castillo. El presidente peruano dijo que la nueva moción de vacancia en su contra carece de elementos que la sustente.

teleSUR -HIM (2022-03-29). Tribunal peruano ordena liberar a expresidente Fujimori. La votación quedó igualada a tres, pero el presidente del TC, Augusto Ferrero (con uso de voto dirimente) decidió la aprobación de la Resolución de indulto y liberación.

Staff (2022-03-29). Cuba participará con 18 judocas en Panamericano de Lima, Perú. Un total de 18 atletas se anuncian por Cuba para el Campeonato Panamericano y de Oceanía Sénior de Judo, previsto en Lima, Perú, del 15 al 17 de abril próximo. Por la Isla aparecen registrados nueve por cada sexo entre los 237 de 25 países , de acuerdo con la página oficial de la Federación Internacional de Judo (IJF, por sus siglas en inglés).

teleSUR- jaa, JL (2022-03-29). Pdte. peruano llama a la unidad nacional en mensaje al Congreso. El presidente aseveró que la vacancia promovida en su contra no tiene argumento político sólido.

Staff (2022-03-29). Venezuela: Subsidized Gasoline to be Purchased via Patria System. As of April 2, the ability to purchased subsidized gasoline in cash will be eliminated, and Venezuelans will only be able to pay through the BiopagoPDV system, in order to optimize the fuel marketing system and streamline service at gas stations. | "This payment in bolívars, which is currently Bs 0.11 per liter [about 5% of the price of international gasoline], will be made, as of April 2, 2022, in advance, at the time of receiving the allocation of subsidized gasoline," announced the official outlets of the Patria System, Venezuela's national identification system. Each owner of a vehicle registered in the Patri…

Yoselina Guevara (2022-03-29). Chevron in Venezuela: Oil Truths and Facts Amid Russia-Ukraine Confrontation. By Yoselina Guevara — Mar 25, 2022 | On Thursday, March 24, various news outlets published the false news that the oil company Chevron had received a special license from the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to continue operating in Venezuela. Obviously this is not true. The truth is that according to

Ana Perdigón (2022-03-29). Full In Person Classes: Venezuela's Minister of Education Notes Rise in School Attendance. This Monday, March 28, Venezuela's Minister for Education Yelitze Santaella highlighted the recent rise in school attendance on the day the Venezuelan government choose to start full in person classes at all labels, after the restrictions taken since the beginning of COVID-19 on March 2020. | During an interview with the VTV programm Al Aire, Santaella commented that there has been a notable influx of students attending education institutions at virtually all levels, with 29,000 institutions open for classes this week. | She noted that 15,753 staffing teams were activated throughout the country in 7,868 state-run…

José Luis Granados Ceja (2022-03-29). Extradition of Venezuelan Ex Intelligence Head to US Once Again Suspended by Spanish Court. Hugo Carvajal, who broke with the Venezuelan government and pledged his support for Juan Guiadó, has utilized various judicial maneuvers to avoid extradition.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-03-29). Argentina pide a EE.UU. apoyo para crear fondo y pagar deuda. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner recibió este lunes en su despacho del Congreso al embajador de Estados Unidos, Marc Stanley.

Editor (2022-03-29). Argentina remembers 46th anniversary of the U.S.-backed civic-military coup. This March 24, on the Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice, after a pause of two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, hundreds of thousands of Argentines took to the streets across the country to pay homage to the victims of the last military dictatorship.

Eduardo Aliverti (2022-03-29). Argentina — Se acaba el tiempo para decidirse. Dejemos para el final ciertos elementos de juicio sobre el enorme episodio del jueves pasado, y veamos novedades (o no) en torno del tema poco menos que excluyente para las grandes mayorías. Ese tema es la inflación. | Tanto es así…

teleSUR, mcs, JL (2022-03-29). Senadores argentinos presentan proyecto para pagar deuda con FMI. Según los senadores argentinos, los fondos estimados que podrían recaudarse por la iniciativa son 417.507 millones de dólares.

Lucrecia Franco (2022-03-29). Debt in Brazil reaches record highs. Brazilian household debt has reached its highest level since the CNC, the National Confederation of Commerce, began publishing this data in 2010.

teleSUR, jaa, JL (2022-03-29). Rechazan en Colombia aprobación de proyecto de fracking. El ente lamentó que este, un tema tan relevante en lo medioambiental, no se haya debatido siquiera en el Congreso Nacional.

teleSUR, SH (2022-03-29). Sortean posiciones de candidatos a la presidencia de Colombia. Los puestos se sortearán entre los ocho candidatos a la presidencia de Colombia con sus compañeros de fórmula.

teleSUR, DRL (2022-03-29). Nueva masacre deja tres muertos en Cauca, Colombia. Indepaz denuncia que la respuesta institucional del Gobierno colombiano no se enfoca en acciones de prevención integral.

teleSUR, jaa, JL (2022-03-29). Paraguay rechaza propuesta de Brasil sobre hidroeléctrica Itaipú. El ministro de Exteriores remarcó que es necesario quitarle la idea de nacionalizar el ente a aquellos que tienen estas pretensiones.

Staff (2022-03-29). Narrow Victory for President Lacalle in Uruguay's Referendum. March 29, 2022 (—With 97.37% of the ballots from Uruguay's March 27 referendum counted, the "No" option has emergenced victorious. Uruguayans voted not to repeal the Law of Urgent Consideration (LUC). If the "Yes" option had suceeded, 135 articles of the LUC would have been struck down. | The referendum was seen as a plebiscite on the leadership of Luis Lacalle Pou, who took over the presidency after 15 year of leftists in power. The LUC was promoted as the flagship of Lacalle Pou's campaign, a package of laws that was enacted shortly after his mandate began in March, 2020, primarily to f…

Peoples Dispatch (2022-03-29). Uruguayan government prevails in referendum on neoliberal reforms with a slim margin. The LUC was widely rejected by the country's opposition parties, trade unions, social organizations and popular movements, which deemed it as a package of anti-worker, pro-corporate, neoliberal and regressive reform…

teleSUR, SH (2022-03-29). Gobierno uruguayo apunta a reforma sobre la Seguridad Social. La LUC contiene artículos que fueron fuertemente cuestionados por sectores de la oposición, sindicatos y organizaciones sociales.

TASS (2022-03-29). No free gas supplies for Europe, Kremlin spokesman says. No payment, no gas, the Kremlin spokesman emphasized…

TASS (2022-03-29). Developers unveil pilot version of Russian alternative to Instagram. Rossgram users will be able to upload photos and videos from their smartphones, as well as videos from other platforms such as YouTube, Dailymotion and Vimeo…

TASS (2022-03-29). NATO took steps affecting Russia's security before Moscow's operation in Ukraine – Kremlin. The situation is quite concerning, Peskov said…

TASS (2022-03-29). UN calls for investigation into reports about torture of prisoners of war in Ukraine. It is important that any ill treatment that may happen is stopped immediately, Head of the United Nations Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine Matilda Bogner said…

Juan Cole (2022-03-29). How Israel's Indiscriminate bombing of Gaza Endangers its Precious Hellenistic and Roman Archeological Heritage. Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — The Palestinian Gaza Strip doesn't stay on the world's mind the way some besieged cities in Ukraine do right now, but it is also surrounded, besieged, and blockaded by Israeli forces. This blockade is illegal in international law, since Israel is recognized as the Occupying authority over Gaza, which it …

2022-03-30 13:26 | 09:26 EST | jz | 32 | 0 | 30 | 0 | 0