Monthly Archives: March 2022

2022-03-04: News Headlines

Staff (2022-03-04). Venezuela to Increase Minimum Wage and Consider Bonuses as Part of Wage. On March 3, Venezuela announced an increase in the minimum wage to half a petro, and determined that bonuses delivered to public workers through the Patria System will be considered as salary. The increased minimum wage will impact the wage scales of public employees, those under collective bargaining agreements, and pensioners. | In addition, food bonuses will increase to Bs. 45 ($10.30 USD). With the price of the petro currently at $57.81, and the official dollar at Bs. 4.37, the minimum wage would be Bs. 126 per month (or $28.90). Adding the food bonuses, it would be Bs. 171 per month, equivalent to $39.20.

Staff (2022-03-04). Venezuela Approves Report on Crimes Committed by 2016-2020 Opposition Parliament. Earlier today, the special commission of the Venezuelan National Assembly (AN) investigating the crimes perpetrated against the country by the AN board of the 2016-2020 term presented the conclusions of its report. The report provided an account of the actions harmful to Venezuela that were carried out by the extreme right. | The document was approved unanimously, and the president of the commission, José Brito, during the regular session of Thursday, mentioned that there are 442 individuals involved in the investigation. Of these, 203 are former deputies. | The additional 239 are people designated by former depu…

Paulo Cabral (2022-03-04). COVID-19 impacts child literacy in Brazil. The Covid-19 pandemic had a negative impact in children's illiteracy rates in Brazil.

Michelle Begue (2022-03-04). Colombia legalizes abortion. There is a huge shift on the issue of abortion rights in Latin America.

Adriaan Alsema (2022-03-04). Colombia's war crimes tribunal: 5,700 killed in political extermination. Attempts to exterminate Colombia's Patriotic Union (UP) party cost the lives of more than 5,700 people, according to the war crimes tribunal. The latest number of victims of the political…

teleSUR, JDO (2022-03-03). Comienza en Perú juicio por caso de esterilizaciones forzadas. Se practicaron a más de 200.000 mujeres indígenas durante el mandato presidencial de Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000).

teleSUR, JDO (2022-03-03). Condenan en Perú a expolicías por ejecuciones extrajudiciales. Se estima que asesinaron a más de 30 víctimas, que luego presentaban como muertes en enfrentamientos con la Policía.

Staff (2022-03-03). Benchmark Price for Venezuelan Oil Tops $80 (+Oil Production Increase). The benchmark price for Venezuelan oil climbed above $80 dollars per barrel yesterday, March 1, influenced by geopolitical tensions between Russia, the United States, and the European Union. Prices are also affected by problems in the supply chains of capital and consumer goods, by OPEC's decision to raise output by only 400,000 barrels per day, and by the demand for more fuel caused by the awakening of the economy of industrialized nations experiencing an easing in pandemic-related restrictions. | Prior to the closing of the markets, the Venezuelan Ministry for Petroleum displayed various prices of national crud…

Staff (2022-03-03). Venezuela's Foreign Minister Plasencia: Colombia Promotes Obsolete Cold War Agenda. Following joint military exercises by Colombia and the US, Venezuela's Foreign Affairs Minister Félix Plasencia commented on the alignment of Colombia and the United States against Venezuela. | On Wednesday, March 2, Plasencia expressed his condemnation of last weekend's naval drills through his Twitter account, . | "It is not surprising that the misgovernment of Colombia, servile to warlik…

teleSUR- lvm, JL (2022-03-03). Venezuela respalda proceso de diálogo entre Rusia y Ucrania. El presidente Maduro reiteró que las sanciones contra Rusia impiden al pueblo el pleno goce de sus derechos económicos.

teleSUR-mcs, JL (2022-03-03). Reportan 7 fallecidos tras incendio en clínica de Guayaquil. De acuerdo con las autoridades municipales, el centro no contaba con los permisos para operar en la localidad.

Luis Bruschtein (2022-03-03). Argentina — El macrismo no es democrático. Fueron tan malos los números de la economía en los últimos dos años del macrismo, que cualquier comparación con los actuales muestra un salto espectacular en casi todoslos rubros. Y la exposición estaba obligada a referirse al 2019, el último…

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-03-03). Feministas argentinas convocan contra la mentalidad patriarcal. Se manifestarán contra un reciente caso de violación grupal en Palermo, barrio de Buenos Aires, pero también contra la mentalidad patriarcal y el machismo.

teleSUR- lvm, JL (2022-03-03). Denuncian violación grupal a una joven en Palermo, Argentina. Cada año la cantidad de violencia sexual que se denuncian en la Argentina son alrededor de 16.000 casos.

Mario Wainfeld (2022-03-03). Argentina — Alberto Fernández: Un mensaje optimista en una sesión picante. El presidente Alberto Fernández dirigió su discurso al "querido pueblo argentino". Se tomó algo más de una hora y media. Clima tenso dentro del recinto, preanunciado. El primer aplauso, empero, fue unánime: coronó el minuto de silencio propuesto por el…

teleSUR, jaa, JL (2022-03-03). Gobierno argentino presentará acuerdo con FMI en el Congreso. El próximo jueves el proyecto del acuerdo con el FMI ingresará a la Cámara de Diputados para su posterior debate.

teleSUR- jaa, JL (2022-03-03). Estudiantes de Chile retornan a clases presenciales obligatorias. El presidente Piñera saludó el inicio del curso y afirmó que su nación persigue un proceso docente seguro.

Nicholas Dale Leal (2022-03-03). Francia Márquez Is Changing the Face of Colombian Politics (OPINION). Regardless of electoral results, the political landscape in Colombia has been altered, hopefully forever, by the mere presence of 40-year-old Afro-Colombian environmental activist, Francia Márquez.

teleSUR, lvm, JL (2022-03-03). Diputado paraguayo dimite tras ser acusado de narcotráfico. La detención de Óscar Agustín Sanabria fue realizada por la Secretaría Nacional Antidrogas (Senad) por adjudicársele la producción de cocaína…

2022-03-05 00:32 | 20:32 EST | jz | 21 | 0 | 14 | 5 | 0 

2022-03-03: News Headlines

Tanya Wadhwa (2022-03-02). Assassinations of Colombian social leaders shake communities. According to the Institute of Development and Peace Studies (INDEPAZ), during the past week, five social activists and two former combatants of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) guerilla group were assassinated in the country…

In Defense of Liberation! (2022-03-02). Morning Commute 3-2-2022: It's my birthday! #DefundthePentagon #DefundNATO #NoToImperialistWar. In this episode I discuss the hypocrisy of the United States, the European Union, and NATO who condemn the "Russian invasion" while also holding UN security council meetings to label Yemeni resistance movements as terrorists. The hypocrisy between funding and arming, training and supporting the Saudi Arabian and UAE Coalition committing war crimes in Yemen, Israel who continues to terrorize and occupy the Palestinian people's land, and much more! We talk about Bolivia, Nicaragua, revolution, struggle and how to organize. Check it out and let me know what you think!!!

teleSUR -HIM (2022-03-02). Pdte. Castillo reafirma voluntad de gobernar ante amenazas. El mandatario peruano denunció las constantes maniobras de la oposición para impulsar su vacancia ante el Congreso de la República.

teleSUR-mcs -HIM (2022-03-02). Bolivia y Perú acuerdan lucha conjunta contra el narcotráfico. Las autoridades de ambas naciones suramericanas precisaron que el tráfico ilegal de drogas es un problema mundial.

Staff (2022-03-02). Bolivia: UN Rapporteur Report Debunks Political Persecution Claims. UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, Diego García-Sayán, has just concluded a week-long visit in Bolivia to evaluate the country's justice system, as many, including the government, regard there to be fatal flaws. García-Sayán published preliminary observations on Tuesday which can be We discussed the findings with Reymi Ferreira, a political analyst from Santa Cruz, and former Defense Minister in Evo Morales' government. | How would you e…

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2022-03-02). President Maduro Confirms Support for Putin During Phone Call. In a telephone conversation that took place this Tuesday, March 1, the Venezuelan head of state, Nicolás Maduro, ratified the support of the government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for the Russian people and the administration of President Vladimir Putin, in the midst of the conflict with the Republic of Ukraine. | For this reason, the diplomatic services of the Eurasian nation reported on the phone call held by the president, as disclosed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, through social media platforms—at least those not censored by Washington and the European Union.

teleSUR, mcs, JL (2022-03-02). Venezuela rechaza ante la ONU sanciones impuestas contra Rusia. "Hacemos un llamado al cese de la propaganda de guerra y discursos de la intolerancia guiados por ideologías de odio", aseveró Moncada.

Peoples Dispatch (2022-03-02). Caracazo- cornerstone of the Bolivarian Revolution. Hundreds of thousands of poor Venezuelans took to the streets of Caracas against neoliberalism and decades of social injustice in the country for a protest action in February 1989 known as Caracazo. The protests gave a big blow to the capitalist system and pseudo-democracy in the country as well as paved the way for the Bolivarian revolution.

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2022-03-02). Venezuelan Opposition Governors Met James Story in Colombia? A photograph of a meeting between Venezuelan opposition governors and Colombia-based "US ambassador to Venezuela" James Story is at the center of public debate in Venezuela. | The photograph shows Story in conversation with former deputy of the National Assembly, Stalin González; Manuel Rosales, governor of Zulia state; Sergio Garrido, governor of Barinas state; and Alberto Galíndez, governor of Cojedes. These last three are among the four opposition governors who were elected in the November 21, 2021 regional elections and the January 9, 2022 rerun election in Barinas. | Although the date of the meeting has not…

teleSUR, jaa, JL (2022-03-02). Primera planta de cannabis medicinal inicia producción en Ecuador. La inauguración contó con la presencia de los ministerios de Producción, Comercio Exterior, Inversiones y Pesca, así como del Instituto Nacional de Economía Popular y Solidaria.

teleSUR (2022-03-02). Lula Da Silva in Mexico to Meet With President López Obrador. Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the President of Mexico, will meet with Brazil former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who visits the country for a reunion of friends. | RELATED: | López Obrador remarked he was pleased to receive the Brazilian leader in Mexico. According to Mexican Foreign Ministry, Lula da Silva arrived on Monday and has had numerous activities in the country. He will meet with the Mexican President on W…

teleSUR, JDO (2022-03-02). Jefe de Ejército de Chile renuncia en medio de investigación. General Ricardo Martínez es investigado por presunta participación en una millonaria defraudación dentro del cuerpo armado.

teleSUR, jaa, JL (2022-03-02). Aumentan a 350 las hectáreas quemadas por incendios en Chile. Las autoridades alertaron sobre una fuerte amenaza de afectaciones por las llamas a las viviendas de las zonas de Penco y Tomé.

Staff (2022-03-02). UN Report: More than 7 Million Colombians Under Influence or Control of Armed Groups. A report by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) indicates that more than seven million Colombians live under the influence or control of illegal armed groups. | The report, entitled "

Adriaan Alsema (2022-03-02). Colombia suspends human rights monitoring ahead of elections. Colombia's ombudsman clashed with human rights officials over an order to suspend human rights monitoring in the field. Ombudsman Carlos Camargo ordered his employees to suspend "field commissions" that verify…

Adriaan Alsema (2022-03-02). Colombia's war crimes tribunal orders government to implement peace policies. Colombia's war crimes tribunal JEP ordered the government to implement policies that would allow the dismantling of illegal armed groups. In a statement, the JEP blasted the government of President…

teleSUR, JCM (2022-03-02). Nueva masacre reportan en Colombia; la número 20 en 2022. El triple homicidio fue contra miembros de la la etnia wayuú, mientras uno de los asesinos grabó el crimen en video.

Adriaan Alsema (2022-03-02). Colombia's prison chief sacked amid corruption scandal. The director of Colombia's prison authority was sacked after media reported that guards helped an extradited businessman leave jail. The director of La Picota prison was also fired after television…

teleSUR, SH (2022-03-02). Exigen al gobierno colombiano garantizar seguridad de excombatientes. De acuerdo a la Sección de Ausencia de Reconocimiento de la JEP, al menos 306 firmantes del Acuerdo han sido asesinados desde 2016.

teleSUR- lvm -HIM (2022-03-02). Corte de Colombia ordena incluir género no binario en documentos. La Corte avala la apuesta por los derechos a la dignidad humana, a la personalidad jurídica, al libre desarrollo de la personalidad y a la libertad de conciencia.

scorinoco (2022-03-02). Francisco Maltés: 'For the First Time We Have the Possibility of an Alternative Government in Colombia'. Communicators from Forum on Communication for the Integration of Our America (FCINA) spoke with Francisco Maltés Tello, president of the CUT trade union confederation of Colombia. Vanessa Martina Silva (Diálogos do Sul), Mariano Vázquez (Colectivo Sangrre), Lautaro Rivara (Agencia Latinoamericana de Información-ALAI) and Javier Tolcachier (Pressenza press agency) participated in the conversation. | The president of the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores of Colombia emphasizes that the social unrest has laid bare social problems, along with the incapacity of the right-wing governments to solve them, and he therefore…

teleSUR- lvm -HIM (2022-03-02). Uruguay suspende emisión de canal ruso RT. De igual manera otras entidades y representantes de organizaciones europeas se pronunciaron en contra de los medios informativos de Rusia.

2022-03-03 14:15 | 10:15 EST | jz | 24 | 0 | 22 | 0 | 0