Monthly Archives: March 2022

2022-03-16: News Headlines

Editor2 (2022-03-16). Afro-Venezuelan Consciousness, Transformation, Development and Tourism in Caracas' own San Agustin. By àÅlvaro Sánchez Cordero — Mar 13, 2022 | As we have been reading in the news lately, something is happening in a picturesque Caracas neighborhood called San Agustin, where a copious number of tourists from all over the world, including Russia and China, are coming to enjoy themselves and learn a thing or two about Venezuela. | Indeed, Cumbe Tours would gladly show you around — for an affordable price — the historical parish of San Agustin. | As you step in the bus that takes you from the Teresa Carreño Theatre Complex to the heart of San Agustin, near the center of Caracas, you would immed…

Staff (2022-03-16). Deputy Jorge Rodríguez: New Dialogue Phase will be Inclusive (+Alex Saab). Tuesday, March 15, the president of Venezuela's National Assembly (AN), Jorge Rodríguez, explained the conditions of a new format for dialogue with members of the opposition. | During a meeting of the Dialogue Commission for Peace and National Reconciliation, Rodríguez highlighted three fundamental issues related to the need, mentioned also by President Nicolás Maduro, to "reformat" the political dialogue in Venezuela. | Rodríguez said that the reformatting will consist of expanding the inclusivity of the dialogue, "where we can all be represented, including cultural media, those working in the fishing industry,…

Zahra Mirzafarjouyan (2022-03-16). India hopes for oil from Iran, Venezuela, says minister. TEHRAN, Mar. 16 (MNA) — India is pinning hope on the resumption of crude oil supplies from Venezuela and Iran.

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2022-03-15). Venezuela Defines Conditions for Sale of Oil to US. The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela maintained its willingness to resume its oil trade with countries such as the United States, and even those that belong to the European Union, but it has clearly outlined the diplomatic and political conditions necessary for any exchange to take place. | Venezuela's position was reiterated by its Minister for Foreign Affairs, Félix Plasencia, within the framework of the Antalya Diplomatic Forum, in the Republic of Turkey. This international meeting of diplomats coincides with the energy crisis facing North America and Europe, due to the economic blockade they…

teleSUR -HIM (2022-03-15). Pdte. Castillo califica de zancadilla su moción de vacancia. La moción de vacancia contra el presidente Castillo impulsada por la derecha, fue admitida a debate en el Congreso con 76 votos a favor, 41 en contra y una abstención.

teleSUR, mcs, JL (2022-03-15). Exdictador peruano regresa a prisión tras hospitalización. El exdictador dispone de atención médica necesaria para asistirlo en caso de urgencia mientras cumple su condena en prisión.

teleSUR, SH (2022-03-15). Tribunal prohíbe salir de Perú a cuatro directivos de Repsol. Según el tribunal los cuatro directivos de Repsol son investigados por el presunto delito de contaminación ambiental en agravio del Estado.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-03-15). Bolivia: Wheat and Fuel Sources Remain Secure. Bolivia: State to Guarantee Provision of Wheat Bolivian bakers will be able to continue producing bread at a stable price for the coming year amid a worldwide wheat supply shortage. The Minister of Productive Development and Plural Economy, Néstor Huanca, informed on Sunday that the Food Production Support Company (EMAPA) has stockpiled a volume of…

Ociel Ali Lopez (2022-03-15). Venezuela and the New Latin American Left. By Ociel Alí López — Mar 10, 2022 | With leftist leaders winning back power in Latin America, how will they handle the "Venezuela issue"? Ociel López breaks it down. | Recent diatribes between Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, Chile's

Matt Sedlar (2022-03-15). Navigating Alternate Realities. NACLA | Reading Herman and Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent as an undergrad had not prepared me for what I saw during my first trip to Venezuela. My Venezuelan friends had warned me that the mainstream media depiction of the country under Hugo Chávez grossly misrepresented the facts on the ground, but as I watched national television channels and CNN on the night of April 11, 2002, I still couldn't believe my eyes. | I'd been in Caracas for barely 48 hours. The previous day—day two of the "general strike" called by…

_____ (2022-03-15). 100+ Groups Urge Biden To Pardon Steven Donziger. More than 100 environmental and human rights groups on Tuesday sent a letter to U.S. President Joe Biden urging him to pardon Steven Donziger, the attorney under house arrest for refusing to hand over privileged client information in a high-profile environmental case. | In the letter, the groups decry the prosecution of Donziger—who has been jailed in his home and federal prison since 2019—as "retaliation for his work in defense of the rights of Indigenous peoples in Ecuador who were victims of Chevron Corporation's oil dumping." | Donziger represented tens of thousands of Ecuadorian farmers and Indig…

KWORINOCO (2022-03-15). Cristina Kirchner Posts New Video of Attack on Her Office. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner posted a video on her Twitter account showing details of the recent attack on her office, which took place during a debate over Argentina's IMF agreement. | On Monday, through her Twitter account, she condemned the acts of violence, and wrote that "somebody planned and gave orders for" the attacks, which occurred this past Friday at Congress. | In the video, the day and time of the events can be seen. The recording shows the attackers throwing projectiles at the building and at Fernández de Kirchner's office, on the first floor of Congress, starting at 3 p.m., after congresspersons…

Brian Mier (2022-03-15). Behind the Azov-Brazil Connection: How Neo-Nazis Are Pushing to "Ukrainize" Brazil. A small group of Brazilian bolsonaristas have become social media celebrities as they crossed the border into Ukraine to fight against Russia, but as Brian Meir reports, Ukrainian Neo-Nazi groups have had influence in Brazil for years.

teleSUR, mcs, JL (2022-03-15). Inician juicios a carabineros en Chile por presunta corrupción. De acuerdo con el Poder Judicial, los miembros de la Dirección de Finanzas de Carabineros serían responsables de actos corruptos y de fraude.

teleSUR, JDO (2022-03-15). Detienen visita de Gobierno de Chile a Araucanía tras disparos. El Ejecutivo comenzó visitas a comunidades y diálogo con sectores sociales para hacer frente a la situación de violencia y atender deudas del Estado chileno.

Editor2 (2022-03-15). Colombia's Left May Win Presidency in a Historic First. Colombia's Leftist candidate Gustavo Petro, the front-runner for Colombia's May presidential elections, has secured the nomination of the left-wing coalition | The front-runner for Colombia's presidential election has secured his nomination by the left-wing Historic Pact coalition, putting the country on a track that may mark a historic first. | Gustavo Petro, a former guerrilla in the M-19 rebel group, may become Colombia's first leftist president. | Petro won more than 80% in the Historic Pact primary, while his main contenders for the presidency, right-winger Federico Gutierrez and Centrist Sergio Fajardo, won…

teleSUR -HIM (2022-03-15). Radicarán en Colombia informe sobre violaciones de militares. El documento denunciará una serie de violaciones de Derechos Humanos y crímenes cometidos por fuerzas militares entre 1964 y 2016.

Tanya Wadhwa (2022-03-15). Gustavo Petro to run for president in Colombia. On Sunday, March 13, around 17.5 million Colombians went to the polls to elect 108 members of the Senate, 188 members of the House of Representatives, as well as choose candidates for the upcoming presidential elections for three political coalitions. | According to the results released by the National Registry, Gustavo Petro of the Colombia Humana political movement won the presidential primaries of the left-wing Historic Pact coalition. With 99.76% of the votes counted, Petro obtained over 4.48 million or

teleSUR, DRL (2022-03-15). Asesinan a un líder social y a un firmante de la paz en Colombia. Parte de la ola de la violencia que vive Colombia y suman 308 firmantes de la paz y 1326 líderes asesinados desde 2016.

Adriaan Alsema (2022-03-15). Opposition demands recount of Colombia's congressional votes. Colombia's largest opposition party demanded a recount of Sunday's congressional votes, claiming that one in four polling stations may have reported bogus results. According to Senator Roy Barreras, the campaign…

teleSUR- hvh (2022-03-15). Transportistas paraguayos cumplen segundo día de protestas. Los dirigentes sindicales han indicado que resulta cardinal alcanzar un acuerdo que beneficie a toda la ciudadanía.

2022-03-16 13:29 | 09:29 EST | jz | 23 | 0 | 18 | 3 | 0 

2022-03-15: News Headlines

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2022-03-15). Venezuela Defines Conditions for Sale of Oil to US. The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela maintained its willingness to resume its oil trade with countries such as the United States, and even those that belong to the European Union, but it has clearly outlined the diplomatic and political conditions necessary for any exchange to take place. | Venezuela's position was reiterated by its Minister for Foreign Affairs, Félix Plasencia, within the framework of the Antalya Diplomatic Forum, in the Republic of Turkey. This international meeting of diplomats coincides with the energy crisis facing North America and Europe, due to the economic blockade they…

teleSUR -HIM (2022-03-15). Pdte. Castillo califica de zancadilla su moción de vacancia. La moción de vacancia contra el presidente Castillo impulsada por la derecha, fue admitida a debate en el Congreso con 76 votos a favor, 41 en contra y una abstención.

teleSUR, SH (2022-03-15). Tribunal prohíbe salir de Perú a cuatro directivos de Repsol. Según el tribunal los cuatro directivos de Repsol son investigados por el presunto delito de contaminación ambiental en agravio del Estado.

teleSUR, mcs, JL (2022-03-15). Exdictador peruano regresa a prisión tras hospitalización. El exdictador dispone de atención médica necesaria para asistirlo en caso de urgencia mientras cumple su condena en prisión.

Brian Mier (2022-03-15). Behind the Azov-Brazil Connection: How Neo-Nazis Are Pushing to "Ukrainize" Brazil. A small group of Brazilian bolsonaristas have become social media celebrities as they crossed the border into Ukraine to fight against Russia, but as Brian Meir reports, Ukrainian Neo-Nazi groups have had influence in Brazil for years.

teleSUR, JDO (2022-03-15). Detienen visita de Gobierno de Chile a Araucanía tras disparos. El Ejecutivo comenzó visitas a comunidades y diálogo con sectores sociales para hacer frente a la situación de violencia y atender deudas del Estado chileno.

teleSUR, mcs, JL (2022-03-15). Inician juicios a carabineros en Chile por presunta corrupción. De acuerdo con el Poder Judicial, los miembros de la Dirección de Finanzas de Carabineros serían responsables de actos corruptos y de fraude.

Editor2 (2022-03-15). Colombia's Left May Win Presidency in a Historic First. Colombia's Leftist candidate Gustavo Petro, the front-runner for Colombia's May presidential elections, has secured the nomination of the left-wing coalition | The front-runner for Colombia's presidential election has secured his nomination by the left-wing Historic Pact coalition, putting the country on a track that may mark a historic first. | Gustavo Petro, a former guerrilla in the M-19 rebel group, may become Colombia's first leftist president. | Petro won more than 80% in the Historic Pact primary, while his main contenders for the presidency, right-winger Federico Gutierrez and Centrist Sergio Fajardo, won…

teleSUR, DRL (2022-03-15). Asesinan a un líder social y a un firmante de la paz en Colombia. Parte de la ola de la violencia que vive Colombia y suman 308 firmantes de la paz y 1326 líderes asesinados desde 2016.

teleSUR -HIM (2022-03-15). Radicarán en Colombia informe sobre violaciones de militares. El documento denunciará una serie de violaciones de Derechos Humanos y crímenes cometidos por fuerzas militares entre 1964 y 2016.

teleSUR- hvh (2022-03-15). Transportistas paraguayos cumplen segundo día de protestas. Los dirigentes sindicales han indicado que resulta cardinal alcanzar un acuerdo que beneficie a toda la ciudadanía.

teleSUR, jaa, JL (2022-03-14). Pdte. peruano presenta habeas corpus contra acusación. El habeas corpus promovido por el abogado defensor Eduardo Pachas alega una vulneración del derecho a la libertad individual entre otras cuestiones.

Victoria Torres (2022-03-14). TAP Returns: Portuguese Airline Resumes Caracas-Lisbon Route. Through a post on its official Twitter account, the Portuguese airline TAP Air Portugal announced this Friday, March 11, that it will resume flights to Venezuela soon. | The Lisbon-Caracas route will officially resume on June 21, with two weekly flights (Tuesdays and Saturdays), on an Airbus A330neo aircraft, which has a capacity of 34 passengers in Business Class, 96 in Economy Extra and 168 in Economy Class. | The website of the Portuguese airline also reported that it has three additional flights scheduled to Lisbon for April 21 and May 5 and 16. In addition, they informed that regular service will operate on…

Staff (2022-03-14). Russian Ambassador in Caracas: Russia in Favor of Caracas-Washington Rapprochement. The Russian ambassador to Venezuela, Sergey Mélik-Bagdasárov, considered that the recent visit to Caracas by a delegation from Washington to meet with the government of President Nicolás Maduro "is a sign that they have recognized their mistaken policies towards Venezuela." | For the Russian diplomat, economic and political measures against the Russian Federation have only one objective, which is to uphold the hegemony of the United States government in the world. | During the TV show Here with Ernesto Villegas hosted by the Minister for Culture broadcasted by Venezolana Television, Ambassador Mélik-Bagdasárov sa…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-03-14). Russophobia: NATO's Psychological Torture Manual and the Construction of a Single Perception. José Negrón Valera In Venezuela we have experience in dealing with psychological siege tactics. For 20 years, Chavismo has been subjected to a campaign of psychological torture that reached its paroxysm when, in 2017, news portals called for "hunting" and publishing the location of people the opposition identified as Chavistas.mind Today, a very dangerous strategy…

_____ (2022-03-14). Venezuela: Eyewitness Report Day Three Of The PSUV Fifth Congress. Caracas, Venezuela – Day three of the PSUV 5th Congress began on March 8, with thousands filling the large auditorium again as Afro-Venezuelan dancers took to the stage and Caribbean coast music filled the air. The Chavista delegates smiled and swayed to the steady rhythm of folkloric songs about the Bolivarian Revolution. PSUV militants came prepared to listen to speeches and consider the changing conditions and forces in motion, explanations of errors, questions about how to achieve new goals, and implementation of the Three R's: Resistance, Rebirth, and Revolution. | Luis Brito Garcia, a professor, spoke on et…

José Luis Granados Ceja (2022-03-14). Biden Faces Backlash for Venezuela Talks as Caracas Demands Recognition. Venezuelan Foreign Minister Félix Plasencia argued the US needs to recognize Maduro and lift sanctions before oil shipments can restart.

Staff (2022-03-14). Venezuela condemns Western sanctions against Russia. TEHRAN, Mar. 14 (MNA) — Venezuela condemns Western sanctions against Russia and denounces attempts to cancel the Russian culture worldwide, Foreign Minister Felix Plasencia said.

teleSUR, jaa, JL (2022-03-14). Grupo de Puebla felicita a Argentina por acuerdo con FMI. El Grupo de Puebla instó al FMI a no reproducir políticas recesivas dañinas para Argentina.

teleSUR, JGN (2022-03-14). Argentina propone a AMLO crear con Lula un eje contra inequidad. "Mi amigo Alberto Fernández dio respuesta a mi carta con una bella, auténtica y fraterna proclama política", subrayó el mandatario mexicano, quien compartió el texto.

Tanya Wadhwa (2022-03-14). Gabriel Boric takes office as Chile's new president. Gabriel Boric of the left-wing Approve Dignity coalition was sworn in as the president of Chile on March 11. 36-year-old Boric became the youngest president in the country's history, after winning the presidential run-off in December 2021. | During the investiture held at the Hall of Honor of the National Congress, in the city of Valparaíso, Boric received the presidential sash from the president of the Senate, àÅlvaro Elizalde, and O'Higgins' pickaxe from outgoing president, Sebastián Piñera, symbolizing the transfer of power. Following his inauguration, his majority women ministerial cabinet also took off…

teleSUR, jaa, JL (2022-03-14). Gobierno chileno reafirma que no extenderá estado de excepción. El general de Brigada del Ejército de Chile, Edward Slater Escanilla, será el nuevo jefe de la Defensa Nacional para el Estado de Excepción Constitucional.

teleSUR, JL (2022-03-14). Conozca a los candidatos presidenciales definidos en Colombia. Definidos los candidatos presidenciales, Gustavo Petro se encamina a ocupar la Casa de Nariño para el período 2022-2026.

Adriaan Alsema (2022-03-14). Progressive candidate sweeps Colombia's primaries. Opposition Senator Gustavo Petro convincingly became Colombia's most popular politician after presidential primaries. The primaries were organized parallel to congressional elections. After counting approximately 99.4% of the votes, the presidential…

Adriaan Alsema (2022-03-14). Colombia's top election official 'an embarrassment'. Colombia's National Registrar came under fire on Sunday after congressional elections that were marred by technical failures. Electoral observers received countless complaints of people who weren't registered to vote in…

teleSUR, JL (2022-03-14). Registraduría colombiana anuncia cierre de urnas electorales. La MOE explicó que se recibieron 735 reportes de irregularidades durante la jornada comicial.

teleSUR, JCM, JL (2022-03-14). Siga minuto a minuto las elecciones legislativas en Colombia. Las autoridades electorales anuncian el cierre de los centros electorales.

teleSUR, JGN (2022-03-14). Izquierda colombiana encabeza resultados de elecciones al Congreso. El candidato presidencial Gustavo Petro hizo un llamado al resto de las fuerzas progresistas del país para conformar un Frente Democrático.

teleSUR, JL (2022-03-14). Registraduría da resultados preliminares de los comicios en Colombia. La jornada se eefectuó en medio de denuncias por presunta participación de jurados electorales en propaganda prohibida.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-03-14). Resultados para Cámara de Representantes y Senado en Colombia. El Pacto Histórico, que lidera el candidato presidencial Gustavo Petro , está camino a convertirse en la fuerza más votada para el Senado.

Staff (2022-03-14). Viajan a Cuba otros 27 jóvenes colombianos para estudiar medicina. El presidente del Partido Comunes, Rodrigo Londoño, destacó hoy la despedida a 27 jóvenes de Colombia que viajaron a Cuba para estudiar en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina (ELAM). ´Cuba es solidaridad. Cuba es humanismo ª, afirmó el dirigente político al referirse al otorgamiento de becas para mil jóvenes colombianos en virtud del Acuerdo de Paz, para estudiar esta profesión.

Adriaan Alsema (2022-03-14). Colombia's government maintains majority in Senate. The coalition of Colombia's President Ivan Duque maintained a majority in the Senate after elections on Sunday,. The big winner of the elections was the "Historic Pact" of opposition Senator…

_____ (2022-03-14). Latin America Is Rejecting US Assistance. Latin America and the Caribbean is partnering with China on multi-billion dollar development projects and while turning down assistance offered by the United States. | 21 of 31 countries of the region, both friends and foes of Washington alike, have joined the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to the dismay of U.S. lawmakers. Congressional Representative Lisa McClain sought an explanation for the phenomenon at this week's House Armed Services Committee hearing on National Security Challenges and Military Activity in North and South America. | McClain, a Republican representing Michigan, remarked on the failure of th…

2022-03-16 01:00 | 21:00 EST | jz | 35 | 0 | 22 | 11 | 0