(2022-06-10). Summit of the Americas Marked by Brutal Police Repression. orinocotribune.com The opening day of the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles, California, was stained by brutal police repression of demonstrations. | The meeting has already been marred by controversy surrounding the White House's refusal to invite Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua, giving rise to boycotts and complaints from many other nations of the Americas. Perhaps most notable was the refusal of Mexico's President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to attend. | News outlets and social media platforms shared numerous videos of the scene in which a towering Los Angeles police officer violently attacked a woman who was speaking into…
(2022-06-10). OAS 'Murderer' Almagro Confronted on Bolivia Coup. orinocotribune.com OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro had a meltdown on Tuesday as he was confronted by a U.S. activist of the Almagro was called a murderer, not only for backing the dictatorship of Jeanine Añez, but was also condemned for his role in trying to install failed coup leader Juan Guaido in Venezuela and for pushing for unilateral coercive measures against Venezuela. | Multiple counter-summits and a series of actions are being held in Los Angeles this week to counter to Biden's collapsed Summit of the A…
(2022-06-10). Colombia: Francia Márquez is the Key to Stopping the Fascist Hernández & Winning the Election. orinocotribune.com By Juan Diego Quesada Jun 3, 2022 | Until recently, Gustavo Petro understood politics as a solitary exercise. In his time as congressman he used his position to attack corruption or paramilitarism from the podium. As mayor of Bogota he was criticized by those around him for being reluctant to take the advice of others. Now he has understood that to be the next president of Colombia he needs the help of others, but especially that of Francia Márquez, his vice presidential running mate. | Márquez, an Afro woman who paid for her law studies by working as a maid, has become a phenomenon that has broken all the…
(2022-06-10). Denuncian asesinato de líder social en Antioquia, Colombia. telesurtv.net Según reseñó Indepaz, el líder de 45 años resultó muerto al recibir disparos de escopeta en varias partes del cuerpo.
(2022-06-10). Venezuela and Algeria Strengthen Relations & Support for Palestine, Sahrawis & Libya. orinocotribune.com As part of the strengthening of bilateral relations between Venezuela and Algeria, the Venezuelan president, Nicolás Maduro, in joint statements issued with his Algerian counterpart, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, reported this Thursday, June 9, that both nations reiterated their solidarity and support to Palestine, the Saharawi Republic, and Libya. | Algeria is the second stop in President Maduro's international tour, which previously took him to Tàºrkiye, where he had a busy schedule of bilateral and cultural activities. For security concerns, related to the aggressive and violent policy of the White House to oust…
(2022-06-10). Llega Nicolás Maduro a Irán en visita oficial. telesurtv.net Es parte de la gira que lo ha llevado a otros países de la región medioriental y del Magreb durante la última semana.
(2022-06-10). Ordenan suspender elección de defensor del Pueblo en Perú. telesurtv.net La medida responde a la solicitud del Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Defensoría del Pueblo ante presunta falta de transparencia en el proceso.
(2022-06-10). Agricultores peruanos realizan paro ante escasez de fertilizantes. telesurtv.net Los agricultores instaron al Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario y Riego que se apliquen medidas para combatir la escasez.
(2022-06-10). Bolivia convoca a repensar el diálogo en el continente. telesurtv.net El jefe de la diplomacia boliviana comparecerá el viernes en la plenaria de la IX Cumbre de las Américas.
(2022-06-10). Pdte. Arce resalta recuperación de la economía boliviana. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado señaló que la economía nacional presenta indicadores positivos, lo que se evidencia en la vida cotidiana de los ciudadanos.
(2022-06-10). Primer Ministro de Belice califica de "incomprensible e imperdonable" el veto de Venezuela y Cuba en la Cumbre. cubadebate.cu El primer ministro de Belice y presidente de turno de Caricom, John Briceño, calificó este jueves de "incomprensible e imperdonable" la decisión de Washington de no invitar a Venezuela y Cuba a la IX Cumbre de las Américas.
(2022-06-10). Pdte. argentino critica exclusión de Cuba, Venezuela y Nicaragua por EE.UU. telesurtv.net El presidente argentino condenó los bloqueos a Cuba y Venezuela, y rechazó la actitud de respaldo de la OEA a la desestabilización en la región.
(2022-06-10). Concluye rescate de cuerpos tras explosión en mina de Colombia. telesurtv.net Uno de los mineros, que estaba en la superficie, murió horas después como resultado de las quemaduras.
(2022-06-10). Presidente argentino rechaza exclusiones de la Cumbre y condena el bloqueo contra Cuba y Venezuela (+ Video). cubadebate.cu El mandatario argentino Alberto Fernández, presidente pro-tempore de CELAC, rechazó esta tarde en Los Angeles las exclusiones de países de la región de la Cumbre de las Américas y condenó los bloqueos contra Cuba y Venezuela.
(2022-06-09). For the Peoples of our Region, the Failure of Biden's Summit of the Americas Would be a Welcome Event. popularresistance.org I applaud the decision by Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador not to attend this week's so-called Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles and hope that by Wednesday a majority of the nations in our region would have joined him. However, I am hoping that unlike President Lopez Obrador who is still sending the Mexican foreign minister, other nations demonstrate that their dignity cannot be coerced and stay away completely. Why do I take this position? | If the threat by the Biden Administration as host of the Summit not to invite Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, all sovereign nations in the Americas' region,…
(2022-06-09). For the Peoples of our Region, the Failure of Biden's Summit of the Americas Would be a Welcome Event. dissidentvoice.org The Summit of the Americas is not the property of the host nation. The U.S. has no right to exclude, Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, but has done so in disregard of their sovereignty. The U.S. is not fit to judge others or to be responsible for bringing nations together. Every leader in the hemisphere should boycott …
(2022-06-09). Spanish court calls Pompeo to testify over Assange surveillance. greenleft.org.au Former CIA director and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has been summoned to testify on the conduct of a private security firm hired to spy on Julian Assange while he was in the Ecuadorian embassy, reports Binoy Kampmark.
(2022-06-09). Spanish court calls Pompeo to testify over Assange surveillance. greenleft.org.au Former CIA director and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has been summoned to testify on the conduct of a private security firm hired to spy on Julian Assange while he was in the Ecuadori
(2022-06-09). Colombia's ELN guerrillas deny kidnapping presidential candidate's daughter. colombiareports.com Guerilla group ELN denied involvement in the 2004 disappearance of the daughter of one of Colombia's presidential candidates. The runner-up in the May 29 first round of elections, Rodolfo Hernandez,…