(2022-06-15). This Week in Fascism #130: Neo-Nazis, Proud Boys and Groypers Heed Call from GOP to Attack LGBTQ Community. itsgoingdown.org Welcome fellow antifascists! This week, public hearings have started to take place on the attempted pro-Trump coup on January 6th. While neoliberals are putting a lot into these hearings just like they did the Mueller investigation and Trump's (two) impeachments if history has shown us anything, its that these spectacles rarely result in…
(2022-06-15). Former US President Bush Condemns "brutal invasion of Iraq" in Public Gaffe. dissidentvoice.org WION — While speaking at an event, Former US President George W Bush condemned the full-scale invasion by Russia as "brutal" and "unjustified." However, he mistakenly said "invasion of Iraq." In no time, he corrected himself: "I mean, Ukraine."
(2022-06-15). Selected Articles: US Department of Defense Finally Comes Clean — Admits in Public Document that There Are 46 US Military-Funded Biolabs in Ukraine. globalresearch.ca By The Pentagon on Thursday finally admitted…
(2022-06-15). Venezuela to Host Anti-NATO Summit Amid Rising Tensions with Colombia. libya360.wordpress.com Uriel Araujo Nicolas Maduro's Bolivarian government of Venezuela announced it will hold an anti-NATO "counter-summit" in San Cristóbal (state of Tachira) on the border with Colombia on June 28-29. Colombia, Washington's main ally in South America, and also a huge human rights breacher, has been a Major Non-NATO Ally (MNNA) since May 2022. This development comes amid a…
(2022-06-15). PSUV Leader Diosdado Cabello: Venezuela Has Enough Evidence to Request an Interpol Red Notice Against Marco Rubio. orinocotribune.com The government of Venezuela has enough evidence on US Senator Marco Rubio, concerning his participation in a plot to assassinate Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, to issue a red alert request from Interpol. This was stated by the first vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, in response to Rubio's request to United States Attorney General, Merrick Garland, to issue an international red alert to arrest President Maduro in his current international tour. So far, the tour has taken the president to Turkey, Algeria, Iran, Kuwait, and Qatar. | During a PSUV press conferen…
(2022-06-15). Are There Veterans For Peace In Colombia? popularresistance.org I once asked a prominent social movement leader and former Colombian Senator if there was any organization or movement in her country similar to the US groups Veterans for Peace or Iraqi Veterans Against the War (now About Face). It was in 2011, and I was there with a delegation sponsored by the Alliance for Global Justice and the National Lawyers Guild. She looked at me a moment and then said, "We have veterans, but they are not for peace." Her answer confirmed my own limited experience. | Of course, this was Colombia in 2011, a country that had recently learned about the "false positive" scandal, with details s…
(2022-06-15). Political prisoner Simón Trinidad successfully settles First Amendment lawsuit. fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the National Committee to Free Simon Trinidad. Simon Trinidad is a Colombian revolutionary illegally captured and extradited to the U.S. on bogus charges that required four separate trials to lock him up in solitary confinement in the Florence, Colorado supermax prison. The Special Court guaranteed in the 2016 Peace Accords is requesting his presence in order to move the country toward a peace with justice. | On January 24, 2022, Simón Trinidad filed a complaint in Federal District Court in Denver, Colorado against U.S. Attorney General Merrick B…
(2022-06-15). Javier Jerez: "In the Ecuadorian State Everything is Falling Apart" libya360.wordpress.com Cris González Javier Jerez is the former vice-governor of the Salasaka people, and he referred to the arbitrary detention of leader Leonidas Iza, president of the Confederation of Indigenous Peoples and Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), in which all his rights were violated since there is no basis for this arrest, as Jerez indicated in an…
(2022-06-15). Peasants Agitate Against The 12th Ministerial Conference Of WTO. popularresistance.org Geneva – On Saturday, 06/11, La Via Campesina began its mobilizations against the 12th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization that is underway in Geneva this week. | An international delegation of peasants — representing social movements, peasant and indigenous organizations and farm unions — from the rural territories of Kenya, Korea, Paraguay, USA, France, India, Indonesia, Canada, Thailand, Spain, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Germany, Switzerland, Portugal, Mali and Gambia took to the streets of Geneva with a massive demonstration against the World Trade Organization (WTO). | The messag…
(2022-06-15). Protest Song Of The Week: 'Spitting Off the Edge of the World' By Yeah Yeah Yeahs. shadowproof.com The influential indie rock band Yeah Yeah Yeahs released their first tune in close to a decade, "Spitting Off the Edge of the World." It's on their upcoming album, "Cool It Down," out September 30.
(2022-06-15). Pdte. venezolano llega a Catar en visita de Estado. telesurtv.net Desde 2016 Venezuela y Catar han impulsado acciones conjuntas para avanzar en la cooperación dentro de la OPEP.
(2022-06-15). 'Calibrated' dishonesty: Western media coverage of Venezuela sanctions. mronline.org U.S. sanctions, even by outdated estimates, have killed tens of thousands of Venezuelans.
(2022-06-15). Petro envía mensaje a los colombianos a pocos días del balotaje. telesurtv.net El contrincante de Petro, Rodolfo Hernández, ha desatado olas de críticas en su contra ante varias declaraciones.
(2022-06-15). Oil Tanker Carrying Iranian Crude Arrives in Venezuelan Waters. orinocotribune.com The Iranian-flagged oil tanker, Suezmax Sonia I, which left Kharg Island in early May, has arrived in Venezuelan waters on Saturday, June 11, according to a The Suezmax Sonia I has a cargo of around 1 million barrels of Iranian crude oil. This is the third oil tanker belonging to Iran's Naftiran Intertrade Company (NICO) to supply Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) with Iranian crude. The oil shipments are part of an agreement signed between Venezuel…
(2022-06-15). WCCUSD Union Busting Attack On Adult School Teachers United Leadership. indybay.org The WCCUSD school district terminated the president and vice president of the Adult School Teachers United in a union busting attack. The president Ken Ryan and vice president Kristen Pursley discuss their termination, the reason behind it and the attack on adult education and ESL by not only the District by the Democrats in the legislature and governor.
(2022-06-15). CovertAction Bulletin Podcast: Activist Interrupts Summit of the Americas, "Luis Almagro you have Blood on Your Hands!" covertactionmagazine.com Activist and journalist Walter Smolarek interrupted General Secretary of the OAS, Luis Almagro, and confronted Almagro about his role in the coup in Bolivia. We interviewed Walter the day after the interruption at the People's Summit for Democracy which took place from June 8th through 10th in Los Angeles.
(2022-06-15). Science Saturday: Link found between key gene and two neurodegenerative diseases. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Gene expression can amplify the risk of neurodegenerative diseases for patients, but researchers are still figuring out which genes have an outsized effect on risk and why. In a new paper published in Nature, Mayo Clinic researchers and collaborators have zeroed in on variants of one gene critical for nerve cell function that ups the ante for patients with Lou Gehrig's Disease, also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). "This finding helps clarify a new direction…
(2022-06-15). Is There Life After Death? dissidentvoice.org Life is entwined with death from the start, for death is the price we must pay for being born, even though we don't choose it, which may be why some people who are very angry at the deal, decide to choose how and when they will die, as if they are getting revenge on someone …
(2022-06-15). Wednesday 6/15: DACA Tenth Anniversary: Then, Now and Beyond! Celebration & Action Rally. indybay.org Virtual celebration & action rally…
(2022-06-15). My Pandemic in Three Acts: Dealing with the Disease that Never Seems to Leave Town. juancole.com By Nina Burleigh | ( Tomdispatch.com) On New Years' Eve 2019, Americans celebrated the advent of the roaring '20s with fireworks and champagne, amid ominous news alerts from China. Surely that virus would stay on the other side of the planet. I cringe at how entitled we felt then. Covid-19 has now wiped …
(2022-06-15). CNE analiza pedidos de revocatoria del presidente de Ecuador. telesurtv.net El Consejo Nacional Electoral recibió dos pedidos para revocar a Guillermo Lasso y uno para destituir a su vicepresidente, Alfredo Borrero.
(2022-06-15). Biden's Summit Of No-Shows. popularresistance.org I tip my cap, as we all should, to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador of Mexico. And to Presidents Luis Arce of Bolivia, Xiaomara Castro of Honduras, Alejandro Giammattei of Guatemala and Nayib Bukele of El Savador. They all pointedly declined to join President Joe Biden at his Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles last week, joining to protest Biden's refusal to invite Miguel Díaz—Canel, Nicolás Maduro and Daniel Ortega, the presidents of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua respectively. | Add it up. Eight of the region's 33 nations were absent when Biden convened the summit "to demonstrate the resurgence of…
(2022-06-15). Colombia's police announce mass arrests ahead of elections. colombiareports.com Colombia's police began arresting alleged political activists on claims they were planning riots after elections on Sunday. The electoral police operation was announced by General Jorge Luis Vargas on Tuesday….
(2022-06-15). Inflación en Argentina se desacelera a 5.1 por ciento. telesurtv.net En mayo pasado, la categoría de Alimentos y Bebidas no alcohólicas fue la de mayor variación de precios; en tanto la Salud y el Transporte, las de mayor alza.
(2022-06-15). Paraguay propone extender gasoducto boliviano en su país. telesurtv.net Lo propuso el presidente paraguayo Mario Abdo en la visita que realiza a Bolivia para conmemorar fin de guerra del Chaco.
(2022-06-15). Slim your screen time with this summer challenge. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org OWATONNA, Minn. — Many people spend too much time staring at a screen. While screens are a part of today's culture, reducing screen time can have health benefits, including improved physical health, decreased obesity and higher quality sleep. This summer, Mayo Clinic Health System encourages people to make the most of life by living life fully — present and in the moment. They can join Mayo Clinic Health System for a free virtual challenge to…
(2022-06-15). Regional Leaders Snub Summit of the Americas as Activists Hold People's Summit. orinocotribune.com The Summit of the Americas had an inauspicious start after several of the region's leaders followed through on their commitment to skip the event over US President Joe Biden's decision to The presidents of Mexico, Bolivia, Honduras, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines, sent lower level delegations in their place as a show of protest over the politically driven decision by the United States to bar the aforementioned countries from the proceedings in Los Angeles. The leaders of…
(2022-06-15). øQuién es Gustavo Petro, candidato presidencial en Colombia. telesurtv.net La historia del líder colombiano, quien intenta por tercera ocasión llegar al Palacio de Nariño, ha estado marcada por amenazas contra su vida, el exilio y la persecución política.
(2022-06-15). Significado del Decreto de Guerra a Muerte de Simón Bolívar. telesurtv.net Según el historiador Luís García, el significado de la proclama fue la de sincerar el bando patriota y conformar así las fuerzas independentistas tras la caída de la primera república.
(2022-06-15). Jueza de Ecuador dispone libertad de líder de la Conaie. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con la jueza, la detención de Iza respetó el debido proceso y, además, fue capturado en flagrancia.
(2022-06-15). Clacso declara en favor de la soberanía argentina de las Malvinas. telesurtv.net Clacso observa con preocupación la creciente militarización de las Islas Malvinas por parte del Reino Unido.
(2022-06-15). Friday 6/17: Baila Community Dance Party. indybay.org La Peña Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA 94705…
(2022-06-15). 2022 California Juneteenth – National Freedom Day. indybay.org In the coming years over 100 California cities with @100,000+ residents will begin to discover our unique California Juneteenth Legacy, helping manifest equity and greater inclusion throughout the 5th largest economy in the world. Today, "Mining for Freedom" or the authentic "Golden Legacy" of our California USCT who fought, bleed and died for freedom is a fierce debate impacting future generation.
(2022-06-15). Sunday 7/3: Fulfilling the Promise of America, a symposium. indybay.org ZOOM video meet: | zoom.us/j/94131824284?pwd=RzI0ZEY1eEkrbkxFemNOMHFHbUZXZz09…
(2022-06-15). Suspenden audiencia de habeas corpus para Jorge Glas en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Debió desalojarse el complejo judicial donde tendría lugar la vista debido a una posible amenaza de bomba.
(2022-06-15). This Week's Climate Disasters in the US are Giving us a Glimpse of our Future if we don't Stop CO2. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) We're only midweek, but we have already seen serial disasters across the United States that have been exacerbated by the climate emergency, caused by human beings burning coal, methane gas and petroleum. So writes Mihai Andrei at ZME Science. I put it to you that this first paragraph at the …
(2022-06-15). Activists March in Chicago Demanding Freedom for Alex Saab. orinocotribune.com Caracas, June 14, 2022 ( A group of US activists participated in the contingent, united by their opposition to attacks on Venezuela's sovereignty by the US government, and in the demand for the freedom of political prisoner Alex Saab. The Venezuelan diplomat was abducted at the request…
(2022-06-15). In Demolishing Muslim protestors' homes, India is taking a Leaf from of Israel's Book. juancole.com ( Middle East Monitor ) Over the weekend Indian authorities bulldozed several homes belonging to Muslims in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh (UP). The homeowners were alleged to have taken part in organised protests on Friday in response to inflammatory remarks about the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) made by the now …
(2022-06-15). Reprimen a ecuatorianos que exigen libertad del pdte. de Conaie. telesurtv.net La Conaie confirmó que Leonidas Iza está ilegalmente retenido en la Base Aérea Cotopaxi con un amplio cerco militar.
(2022-06-15). Sunday 7/3: Julian Assange Birthday Rally #FreeAssangeNOW. indybay.org Harry Bridges Plaza – The Embarcadero at Market- Across from the Ferry Building…
(2022-06-15). Wednesday 6/15: Labor History: A key to unlocking workers' power today. indybay.org Online via Zoom | To register: bit.ly/FSFD-Labor…
(2022-06-15). Wednesday 6/15: DACA Décimo Aniversario – °Antes, Ahora y Más Allá! Celebración y Reuinon para la Acción. indybay.org Virtual celebration & action rally…
(2022-06-14). Nationalist Units Shot Ukrainian Servicemen Who Tried To Surrender In Novomikhailovka Russian MoD. southfront.org | On June 14, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that the Ukrainian army continues to suffer significant losses, especially since in recent weeks cases have become more frequent when units of Ukrainian nationalists shot surrendering Ukrainian servicemen in the back. | The report of the Russian Ministry of Defence reads: | "So, after conducting firepower preparation to the offensive of Russian troops in the area of the settlement of Novomikhailovka of the Donetsk People's Republic, more than 30 serv…
(2022-06-14). Harvest In Ukraine In 2022 Will Be Two Times Less Than In 2021. southfront.org | Taras Vysotsky, representative of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, spoke about the prospects of the harvest in his country at a briefing of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine. He provided an analysis, which indicates that in 2022 the harvest from the fields of Ukraine will be about 65 million tons. This is 40% less than last year's harvest. | According to Mr Vysotsky, the harvest may be even smaller, about 60 million tons of grain. He explained that the decline was…
(2022-06-14). FBI: Ukraine Fighter and US Fugitive Craig Lang Armed by Colombia To Overthrow Venezuela Gov't. mintpressnews.com Lang, who is wanted for two murders in the United States, was "able to obtain firearms from law enforcement in Bogota" to fight Venezuela's government.
(2022-06-14). Interview with Venezuelan trade union leader Jacobo Torres de Leon. fightbacknews.org Fight Back! interviewed Venezuelan trade union leader Jacobo Torres de Leon, the international coordinator for the Bolivarian Socialist Council of Workers at the Workers' Summit of the Americas which took place June 10-12 in Tijuana, Mexico. | Fight Back!: Why are you here at the Workers Summit of the Americas? | Jacobo Torres de Leon: We are here as a general response to the exclusion of Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua from the USA's Summit of the Americas, on the part of the U.S. administration. They don't have the right to exclude any country. We question this and how they treat the countries of the Americas. Th…
(2022-06-14). CONAIE condemns wrongful arrest of Indigenous leader Leonidas Iza by Ecuadorian security forces. peoplesdispatch.org Iza's arrest came after the first day of an indefinite national strike, called by CONAIE among other Indigenous and peasant organizations against the neoliberal economic policies of President Guillermo Lasso's government, was a success…
(2022-06-14). Aryan Right-Wing Mythology for the New Age: Carl Jung, Mircea Eliade and Joseph Campbell. dissidentvoice.org Orientation My three-year stint in the New Age In 1984 at the age of 36, I decided to return to school with the intention of becoming an art therapist. I attended Antioch University in San Francisco for my undergraduate degree and then went to a New Age spirituality school the following year for my master's …
(2022-06-14). "Booming" Economy Leaves Millions Behind: Part Eight. dissidentvoice.org Economic and social disasters continue to increase worldwide. There is no "healthy recovery" from the pandemic. The level of irreparable harm being caused by the inability and unwillingness of the ruling elite to solve any problems, even small problems, is glaring. With no sense of shame or irony, the chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve, …
(2022-06-14). Libre Las Tres: Mexican Feminists Held as Political Prisoners. itsgoingdown.org Call to support feminist political prisoners facing charges for engaging in a series of occupations in so-called Mexico. photo: @Usagii_ko On April 15th, around 200 police officers in Mexico City arrested three women that had occupied and turned the office of Mexico's National Human Rights Commission building (CNDH) into a housing sanctuary for women that…
(2022-06-14). Pouring Poison and Planting Seeds of Dependency. dissidentvoice.org Do you remember the iconic Union Carbide image from the 19 s or early 1960s? The one with the giant hand coming from the sky, pouring pesticides onto Indian soil. The blurb below the image includes the following: Science helps build a new India — India has developed bold new plans to build its economy and …
(2022-06-14). Final Straw: Support Jessica Reznicek and Navigating Conflict in Movement. itsgoingdown.org Long-running anarchist radio show and podcast, The Final Straw, presents an interview with a supporter of Water Protector Jessica Reznicek. Listen and Download HERE First up, Charlotte speaks about their friend, political prisoner and water defender Jessica Reznicek who just had an appeal denied of an 8 year sentence and terrorism enhancement for sabotaging the…
(2022-06-14). Daily Round-up| Ecuadorian movements on indefinite national strike and more stories. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episode we take a look at the strike by Ecuadorian people's movements, the resignation of the Sadrists in Iraq and the violence in Sudar's Darfur…
(2022-06-14). People's Summit for Democracy Ends with a Bold Plan. libya360.wordpress.com Peoples Dispatch Participants of the People's Summit for Democracy protest the exclusion of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela from the Summit of the Americas. Photo: Kamikia Kisedje On the final day of the People's Summit, organizers, volunteers, and attendees marched by the hundreds to the Summit of the Americas The organizers of the People's Summit for Democracy were…
(2022-06-14). Leaders of the Americas and the Caribbean Miss Historical Opportunity to Deal Blow to US Imperialism. libya360.wordpress.com Gerald A Perreira The U.S. excluded Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela from the recent Summit of the Americas held in Los Angeles. While there was widespread condemnation against the U.S., only six heads of state had the courage to decline the invitation. An opportunity to strike a blow against U.S. imperialism was lost. And so it…
(2022-06-14). Venezuela's President Arrives in Kuwait to Strengthen Bilateral Ties. orinocotribune.com Caracas, June 13, 2022 ( Venezuela and Kuwait formally began diplomatic relations in 1965. Both nations were founding members of OPEC [the Organization of Oil Exporting Countries], founded in 1960. | Contentos de arribar al nuevo destino de nuestra Agenda de Trabajo Internacional: el Estado de Kuwait. V…
(2022-06-14). Watergate-like scandal escalates electoral tensions in Colombia. colombiareports.com Alleged spying on the campaign of Colombia's opposition candidate has escalated tensions ahead of Sunday's presidential elections. According to progressive candidate Gustavo Petro, opponents have been spying on the opposition…
(2022-06-14). Colombia's elections marred by violence and fraud claims. colombiareports.com The rival campaigns in Colombia's elections have both claimed that Sunday's vote will be rigged against their candidates. The accusations suggest that the losing candidate may refuse to recognize the…
(2022-06-14). Torture Memo Lawyer John Yoo Devises Theory for Stealing Presidential Elections. zcomm.org Twisting the law to fit his nefarious agenda isn't new to Yoo…
(2022-06-14). Colombia claims feared FARC dissident commander is dead. colombiareports.com President Ivan Duque said Monday that one of the most feared guerrillas of southwest Colombia was killed in combat. "Mayimbu," the alleged commander of the Western Coordinating Command (CCO) was…
(2022-06-14). Internationalist Solidarity And Support For Disappeared Defenders. popularresistance.org Friends of the Earth International expresses its concern, indignation and condemnation at the disappearance of Brazilian indigenist activist Bruno Araújo Pereira and Dom Phillips, a British journalist and contributor to The Guardian newspaper. | The two men disappeared on the morning of June 5 in the indigenous territory Vale do Javari, in Brazil's Amazonas state. The defenders were last seen as they made their way from the community of Ribeirinha Sà£o Rafael to the town of Atalaia do Norte (where they were expected). Both men were working on a project with the Indigenous group Unión de Organizaciones Indíg…
(2022-06-14). Bolivia: Court sentences former coup president Jeanine àÅñez to 10 years' prison. greenleft.org.au A Bolivian court has found Jeanine àÅñez and former police and military chiefs guilty for their role in crimes committed during the coup against then-president Evo Morales in November 2019, reports Peoples Dispatch.
(2022-06-14). 'Summit Of Exclusion' Backfires On Biden. popularresistance.org While hosting the Ninth Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles last week, the Biden administration sought to ostracize Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela by excluding them due to an alleged "lack of democratic space and human rights situations". The resulting backlash caused these three countries to be the most discussed topic inside and outside the summit venue, as governments and social movements in Latin America and the Caribbean questioned whether the United States has the right or moral authority to pass judgment on the form of government each nation chooses. There was also plenty of skepticism about whether the…
(2022-06-14). Workers' Summit of the Americas opposes imperialism. workers.org The Workers' Summit of the Americas, a coalition of more than 50 trade unions and social organizations from North and South America, met in Tijuana, Mexico, on June 10-12. They gathered in response to the exclusion of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua from the Ninth Summit of the Americas, organized by . . . |
(2022-06-14). System Fail 13: The Spoils of Empire. itsgoingdown.org System Fail from sub.Media takes a look at global news from an anarchist perspective. In the wake of Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee celebrations, we take a look at some of the recent resistance waged by two nations rendered stateless by British cartographers. First we visit Palestine where tensions have flared into several violent confrontations between…
(2022-06-14). President Maduro Discusses Counter-Blockade Strategies with Iran's Oil Minister. orinocotribune.com Venezuela's President Nicolás Maduro met this Monday, June 13, with Iran's Oil Minister Javad Owji and discussed measures to face the illegal sanctions imposed against the peoples of both countries. | The meeting was reported by the Venezuelan president this Monday, in the framework of his visit to Iran, which began on Friday. Among other concerns, the two nations seek to strengthen their cooperation in the fields of science and technology, agriculture, transportation, energy, tourism, defense, and culture. | "I had a pleasant meeting with the Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji," President Maduro posted on his Twitt…
(2022-06-14). 2 Years Since Diplomat Alex Saab Was Abducted for Defying US Sanctions. orinocotribune.com Today, June 12, marks two years since the kidnapping of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Nain Saab, while on a humanitarian mission to Iran, his third mission to the country, to try to alleviate the effects of the U.S. economic warfare against Venezuela. | Saab, an accredited diplomat protected under the Vienna Convention, was abducted in Cape Verde without an arrest warrant or Interpol alert, and was
(2022-06-14). "Summit of Exclusion" Backfires on Biden. popularresistance.org While hosting the Ninth Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles last week, the Biden administration sought to ostracize Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela by excluding them due to an alleged "lack of democratic space and human rights situations". The resulting backlash caused these three countries to be the most discussed topic inside and outside the summit venue, as governments and social movements in Latin America and the Caribbean questioned whether the United States has the right or moral authority to pass judgment on the form of government each nation chooses. There was also plenty of skepticism about whether the…