(2022-06-21). VIDEO: Ecuador's indigenous revolt against their neoliberal president. thegrayzone.com The Grayzone spoke with leaders of Ecuador's indigenous movements, now engaged in ferocious street protests against the privatization policies of President Guillermo Lasso, a billionaire banker. The activists defended their demands and detailed the brutal repression they have witnessed as their rebellion spreads across one of the last right-wing controlled countries on the South American continent.
(2022-06-21). Condenan a 22 años y 6 meses de prisión al coautor intelectual del asesinato de Berta Cáceres. cubadebate.cu La sala I del Tribunal de Sentencia Nacional de Honduras ha impuesto una pena de 22 años y 6 meses de reclusión para el exmilitar Roberto David Castillo Mejía tras ser declarado culpable del delito de asesinato de la activista Berta Isabel Cáceres.
(2022-06-21). Asesinan al exdirector del mayor penal de Asunción, Paraguay. telesurtv.net El ex director del penal de Tacumbú fue asesinado por un sicario cuando se encontraba en la casa de su padre, en barrio Obrero de Asunción.
(2022-06-21). Condenan en Honduras a coautor del asesinato de Berta Cáceres. telesurtv.net La justicia determinó 22 años y seis meses de cárcel para Castillo Mejía, por coautoría demostrada en el asesinato de la líder hondureña.
(2022-06-21). Denuncia asesinato de líder social en Cauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net Con Hersaín de Jesús Ramírez Ospina suman 89 líderes sociales asesinados en Colombia en 2022.
(2022-06-21). Amplían estado de excepción en varias provincias de Ecuador. telesurtv.net De acuerdo a la nueva medida proferida por el jefe de Estado, las provincias donde regirá el estado de excepción son Pichincha, Imbabura, Cotopaxi, Chimborazo, Tungurahua y Pastaza.
(2022-06-21). Justicia boliviana promueve nuevos juicios contra Jeanine Añez. telesurtv.net Una de las propuesta acusatoria contra Jeanine Áñez se fundamenta en las muertes de la masacre de Senkata y Sacaba.
(2022-06-21). Camioneros paraguayos protestan por alza de combustibles. telesurtv.net Es la Central Obrera y Transporte la que se moviliza contra el nuevo reajuste de los precios del combustible.
(2022-06-21). Presidente venezolano destaca fortalecimiento de alianzas estratégicas durante gira internacional. telesurtv.net El mandatario reconoció a Türkiye como una de las potencias emergentes más importantes, al tiempo que fundamentó el desarrollo tecnológico de Irán.
(2022-06-21). ELN de Colombia espera reanudar diálogos con Gobierno de Petro. telesurtv.net El grupo insurgente se posicionó ante la victoria del electoral del nuevo presidente colombiano el domingo último.
(2022-06-21). Argentina ratificará en ONU derecho soberano sobre las Malvinas. telesurtv.net Argentina presentará en el Comité Especial de Descolonización, el reclamo de las Malvinas "como una política de Estado que trasciende las banderas políticas".
(2022-06-21). México considera triunfo de Petro un paso a la integración hemisférica. telesurtv.net AMLO reveló que conversó con el mandatario electo colombiano y coincidieron en trabajar por la integración regional y la unión americana.
(2022-06-21). Gobierno colombiano confirma próximo encuentro entre Petro y Duque. telesurtv.net El próximo encuentro entre el mandatario electo y el saliente definirá la agencia para iniciar los trabajos de transición del poder en Colombia.
(2022-06-21). Workers Struggles: The Americas. wsws.org Some 3, 0 ArcelorMittal steelworkers in Mexico demanded full profit sharing while copper workers protested the closure of Valencia smelter in Chile.
(2022-06-21). Parlamento ecuatoriano exige al Gobierno dialogar con indígenas. telesurtv.net El pleno de Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador rechazó el decreto del Estado de Excepción y el manejo de la situación social por parte de Guillermo Lasso.
(2022-06-20). Colombia's first ever left-wing president: Gustavo Petro wins historic election. What does it mean? multipolarista.com Gustavo Petro won Colombia's June 19 election, becoming its first ever left-wing president. We analyze what this means for Latin America, the US, Venezuela, the military, paramilitary groups, the powerful oligarchy, and social movements.
(2022-06-20). Biden Tells Americans to Sacrifice for the Nazis of Ukraine. globalresearch.ca Back in February, when Russia went into Ukraine to denazify and disarm the country, the corporate media declared brave and patriotic Ukrainians would push the Russians out and eventually retake Crimea and the Donbas. In order to do this, we …
(2022-06-20). Western Media and Politicians Prefer to Ignore the Truth about Civilians Killed in Donetsk Shelling. globalresearch.ca When Kiev's guilt in attacks on a maternity hospital cannot be denied, it's simply brushed under the carpet | Following intense Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk on June 13, some Western media sources, in tandem with outlets in Kiev, unsurprisingly claimed that …
(2022-06-20). Colombia's First Ever Left-Wing President: What Does It mean? popularresistance.org Gustavo Petro won Colombia's presidential election on June 19. This will make him the first left-wing leader in the South American nation's history. | In the video, podcast, and written analysis below, Multipolarista editor Benjamin Norton discusses Petro's historic victory, what it means for Colombia, Latin America, and the world, and how difficult it will be for him to govern. | Gustavo Petro won the first round of Colombia's presidential election on May 29. In the second round, he defeated far-right candidate Rodolfo Hernández, a real estate mogul with an estimated $100 million in wealth. | Petro previously se…
(2022-06-20). "Global NATO": Upcoming Summit Intended to Transform the "Atlantic Alliance". New "Strategic Concept" Envisaged. globalresearch.ca Special "partner nations" have been invited to the NATO summit to be held in Madrid, Spain, from June 29-30. In addition to the leaders of the 30 NATO member states, the leaders of South Korea, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand…
(2022-06-20). Gustavo Petro To Be First Left-Wing President And Francia Márquez The First Afro-Descendant Woman VP. popularresistance.org Celebrations took place this evening as people took to the streets of Colombia after left-wing presidential candidate Gustavo Petro was deemed the winner of the second-round election. This victory makes his running mate, Francia Márquez, the first Afro-descendant woman who will serve as vice president once the term begins in August. | The Pacto Histórico coalition candidates won more than 50 percent of votes. Petro's competitor, Rodolfo Hernández, conceded the election, congratulating Petro. | "I called Gustavo to congratulate him on his victory and offer him my support to fulfill the promises of change for which…
(2022-06-20). Gustavo Petro Wins Historic Elections In Colombia. popularresistance.org Preliminary results from Colombia's second round presidential race indicate the victory of the left-wing Historic Pact coalition led by Gustavo Petro and Francia Marquez. The duo had received 40% of the votes cast in the first round, 10 points shy of a first round victory. The progressive duo was facing off against political outsider Rodolfo Hernández of the League of Anti-Corruption Governors movement who received just under 47% of the vote in the precount. | The period leading up to these elections have been marked by irregularities, violence, and strong media campaigns demonizing the progressive candidates. Da…
(2022-06-20). Gustavo Pedro Wins Historic Elections in Colombia. scheerpost.com By Preliminary results from Colombia's second round presidential race indicate the victory of the left-wing Historic Pact coalition led by Gustavo Petro and Francia Marquez. The duo had received 40% of the votes cast in the first round, 10 points shy of a first round victory. The progressive duo was facing off against political outsider Rodolfo Hernández of the League of Anti-Corruption Governors movement who received just under 47% of the vote in the precount. | The period leading up t…
(2022-06-20). "The sum of 0 years of resistance": Colombians make history by electing first leftist president. liberationnews.org Petro and Francia are shouldering the demands of millions of Colombians yearning for change.
(2022-06-20). Colombia's Next President Congratulated by Latin American Leaders. orinocotribune.com Caracas, June 20, 2022 ( "I congratulate Gustavo Petro and Francia Márquez for the historical victory in Colombia's presidential elections," wrote Venezue…
(2022-06-20). Gustavo Petro is Colombia's New President. orinocotribune.com The preliminary results on the electoral pre-count of the National Registry of Colombia reveal that presidential candidate Gustavo Petro, of the Historical Pact, is ahead of his opponent Rodolfo Hernández, of the League of Governors against Corruption. With 99.67% of the votes counted, the center-left politician, with .48%, obtained the advantage over Hernández, who partially accumulated 47.26%. | Petro tweeted at 5: 11 p.m. Colombian time: "Today is a holiday for the people. Let us celebrate the first popular victory. May so much suffering be cushioned by the joy that today floods the heart of the homeland. This…
(2022-06-20). Presidente electo de Colombia: Queremos que en medio de su diversidad, el país sea uno y no dos. telesurtv.net "Este es un día histórico, estamos escribiendo una nueva época para Colombia y América Latina", enfatizó Gustavo Petro.
(2022-06-20). An Endless Stream of Scary Official Enemies. globalresearch.ca Any government that is a national-security state needs big official enemies — scary ones, ones that will cause the citizenry to continue supporting not only the continued existence of a national-security state form of government but also ever-growing budgets for …
(2022-06-20). Deslave provoca ocho muertes en zona rural de Cauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net Fallecieron cinco menores de edad y tres adultos, todos de una misma familia. Sus cadáveres fueron recuperados.
(2022-06-20). MOE colombiana: Se han presentado errores inaceptables. telesurtv.net "Nuestro sistema electoral sufrió un durísimo golpe de credibilidad durante este proceso electoral, porque se han venido presentado errores de manera consecutiva", aseveró Barrios.
(2022-06-20). Policía Nacional de Ecuador se toma Casa de la Cultura en Quito. telesurtv.net Horas antes elementos de la Fiscalía General del Estado realizaron un allanamiento de la sede cultural ante la denuncia de una presunta presencia de armas.
(2022-06-20). Rodolfo Hernández reconoce derrota electoral ante Gustavo Petro. telesurtv.net Gustavo Petro es el nuevo presidente de Colombia y Francia Márquez la vicepresidenta, primera vez que candidatos progresistas ganan las elecciones en Colombia.
(2022-06-20). Minuto a minuto de segunda vuelta electoral en Colombia. telesurtv.net Con el 100 por ciento de las mesas informadas del preconteo, el candidato Gustavo Petro obtuvo un ,44 por ciento de respaldo.
(2022-06-20). Report: US Secretly Reviews and Approves Many Israeli Airstrikes in Syria. globalresearch.ca According to a report
(2022-06-20). Colombia Ganó la democracia, ganó el pueblo: Petro presidente, Francia vicepresidenta. globalizacion.ca La dignidad de un pueblo ha ganado. Logró derrotar al miedo, a la desesperanza, a las fórmulas de la ausencia y el silencio de quienes no dieron tregua a abandonar las rutas del odio que movían pasiones y envenenaban el…
(2022-06-20). How Boris Johnson is turning Britain into a Global Pariah. globalresearch.ca It's July 2001, and Australian Prime Minister John Howard is Then, a ship carrying a
(2022-06-20). Manifestantes desafían estado de excepción en Ecuador. telesurtv.net La Fiscalía ecuatoriana ordenó como parte de la represión el allanamiento de la Casa de la Cultura de la ciudad de Quito.
(2022-06-20). Gustavo Petro convoca a colombianos a derrotar intento de fraude. telesurtv.net Denunció que sectores políticos distribuyeron tarjetones previamente marcados para anular votos e impedir la victoria del Pacto Histórico.
(2022-06-20). Russia Demands Lithuania Lift "Openly Hostile" Blockade of Kalingrad; Panic Buying Ensues. globalresearch.ca The Russian Foreign Ministry has responded to Lithuania's partial blockade of Kaliningrad, writing in a statement that they consider the "provocative measures" to be "openly hostile" and warning that the Kremlin may take action to "protect its national interests."…
(2022-06-20). Preconteo: Gustavo Petro gana segunda vuelta en Colombia. telesurtv.net De acuerdo a lo publicado por la Registraduría, Gustavo Petro supera los 11 millones de votos y se convierte en el nuevo presidente de Colombia.
(2022-06-20). The peaceful revolution of Colombia's "nobodies" colombiareports.com The historic election victory of Colombia's President-elect Gustavo Petro is largely due to a massive increase in voter turnout. According to the National Registry, Sunday's turnout was 58%, the highest…
(2022-06-20). Venezuela buscará renovar las relaciones con Colombia. telesurtv.net Venezuela resalta que solidaridad, la cooperación y la paz serán la base de la relación con Colombia en el Gobierno que encabezará Gustavo Petro a partir de agosto próximo.
(2022-06-20). Francia Márquez agradece a Colombia por cambio histórico. telesurtv.net La abogada y activista, reivindicadora de los derechos de los desposeídos, trabajará junto a Gustavo Petro para cambiar el futuro de Colombia.
(2022-06-20). China deepens agriculture cooperation with BRICS nations. ecns.cn It is still harvest season in Mato Grosso, Brazil, but farmer Eleonor Ogliari is already reserving corn seeds from the China-Brasil Agriculture Science Industrial Park, ready for the next planting season.
(2022-06-20). If The Streets Of America Are This Chaotic Now, What Will They Be Like When Things Really Start Hitting The Fan? globalresearch.ca If you are not alarmed by what is happening to our largest cities, you should check to see if you still have a pulse. Once upon a time, the beautiful new cities that our forefathers constructed were the envy of …
(2022-06-20). W.H.O to declare Public Health Emergency of International Concern over COVID Vaccine-Induced Shingles (Monkeypox). globalresearch.ca The World Health Organization is set to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the end of June 2022 over Covid-19 vaccine-induced shingles which all member states including the USA, the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Europe …
(2022-06-20). Is There Life After Death? transcend.org 16 Jun 2022 – A review of 'James and Whitehead on Life after Death' by David Ray Griffin – The meaning of death, and whether humans do or do not survive it in some form, has always obsessed people, from the average person to the great artists and thinkers. Death is the mother of philosophy and all the arts and sciences.
(2022-06-20). Petrolera de Ecuador declara fuerza mayor ante paro nacional. telesurtv.net Petroecuador señala que las pérdidas reportadas entre el 13 y el 17 de junio se calculan en 27.700 barriles de petróleo.
(2022-06-20). Gustavo Petro Wins Colombian Election, Makes History as Country's First Leftist President. transcend.org 20 Jun 2022 – A former rebel and longtime legislator won Colombia's presidential election yesterday, galvanizing voters frustrated by decades of poverty and inequality under conservative leaders.
(2022-06-20). A Fearless Heart. How the Courage to be Compassionate Can Transform our Lives. globalresearch.ca By chance I picked a copy of A Fearless Heart while browsing at my upstate Roscoe library. I find it's a memoir that also explains the teaching of mindfulness for which its author, Thupten Jinpa, had become well known. | I …
(2022-06-20). Cierran centros de votación en Colombia tras segunda vuelta. telesurtv.net Vega también detalló que producto del fenómeno de la niña varios centros de votación tuvieron que ser trasladados.
(2022-06-20). St. Petersburg 2022 Forum Sets the Stage for the "War of Economic Corridors" globalresearch.ca The St. Petersburg in 2022 is even more crucial as it directly connects …
(2022-06-20). Petro wins Colombian presidential election, making history in the country. america.cgtn.com It was a history-making election, as Gustavo Petro won the Colombian election, becoming the first leftist leader of the conservative country. And thousands of Colombians were celebrating the victory.
(2022-06-20). Felicitan a Gustavo Petro por victoria electoral en Colombia. telesurtv.net Con casi el 100 por ciento de las mesas informadas, Gustavo Petro obtuvo más de 11.280.000 votos de los colombianos.
(2022-06-19). Queridos amigos, lamento anunciar un genocidio: Dra. Naomi Wolf sobre el "Informe confidencial" de Pfizer. globalizacion.ca He estado en silencio durante algunas semanas. Perdóname. | La verdad es que me he quedado casi sin palabras —o el equivalente literario de eso— porque recientemente he tenido la poco envidiable tarea de tratar de anunciar al mundo que en…