Monthly Archives: June 2022

2022-06-28: News Headlines

Editor2 (2022-06-28). In Solidarity with the Ecuadorian People, for the Re-establishment of Democracy in Ecuador. By Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity Jun 24, 2022 | Declaration of the Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity | The Ecuadorian people, with the Indigenous and peasant movement at the forefront, have taken to the streets to express their resistance to the adverse impacts of the extreme neoliberal policies implemented by the government of banker Guillermo Lasso. The peaceful nationwide mobilization is demanding a response from the government to critical issues that affect the people in their daily lives, such as the lack of employment and labor rights, a moratori…

Staff (2022-06-28). Ecuador: Fuel Price Reduction Insufficient, Says CONAIE. Monday, June 27, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) rejected President Guillermo Lasso's recent announcement that, in response to the 15-day national strike, the country would reduce the cost of various fuels by 10 cents per gallon. | CONAIE branded the measure as "insufficient and insensitive, since it does not sympathize with the situation of poverty faced by millions of families." CONAIE stated that it would confer with its supporters to formulate a clear position in the coming days. | The organization that has led the protests warned that, despite persecution, criminalization, a…

Editor2 (2022-06-28). Two Countries Apply to Join BRICS. Iran and Argentina see potential in Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa bloc | The Islamic Republic of Iran has officially submitted its application to join the group of five leading economies made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, the foreign ministry in Tehran announced on Monday. The move comes after the Iranian president addressed the BRICS summit last week. | While BRICS is not a treaty bloc, it has a "very creative mechanism with broad aspects," Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said on Monday, according to the Tasnim news agency. He added that Tehran has already ha…

_____ (2022-06-28). Lessons From Colombia: A Victory For The People. On June 19, Colombians elected the first leftist president and the first Afro-Colombian vice president in history. This was possible, despite being in a repressive state, because of a strong national social movement that organized an effective national strike in the spring of 2021. Clearing the FOG speaks with Charo Mina Rojas, an Afro-Colombian human rights defender and leader in the 2016 peace process, about this victory, the obstacles they faced and how they will counter efforts by the wealthy class to prevent further progress. Activists in the United States have much to learn from the Colombian people's movem…

Richard S. Dunn (2022-06-28). Winds of Change Sweeping Latin America. Repudiation of Biden administration at Summit of the Americas and Colombia's election of a left-wing presidenta signifies a new era …

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-06-28). Suspenden diálogo entre movimiento indígena y Gobierno de Ecuador. Organizaciones populares realizaron marchan en Ecuador previo a reanudación del díálogo…

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-06-28). Intento de fuga e incendio deja 52 muertos en cárcel colombiana. Se produjo en horas de la madrugada en la cárcel de Tuluá con un incendio provocado que dejó también unos 30 heridos.

Ana Perdigón (2022-06-28). G7: France Wants Venezuela & Iran's Oil Back on World Market. On Monday, June 27, a spokesperson for the government of the president of France, Emmanuel Macron, requested the diversification of the world's sources of oil. Specifically, the spokesperson requested that petroleum products from Venezuela and Iran begin to flow on the world market. The request provides new evidence of the boomerang effects caused by the economic blockade imposed on Venezuela by the US and its allies, including France. | Within the framework of the G7 Summit being held in Germany, sources from Macron's administration stated that France considers it essential that the entire international communit…

TeleSUR- hvh, JCM (2022-06-28). Presidente chino felicita a Petro tras victoria electoral en Colombia. Xi instó fortalecer la cooperación entre Beijing y Bogotá con el fin de "profundizar en la confianza política mutua".

TeleSUR, yart, JCM (2022-06-28). Parlamento de Ecuador reanuda debate sobre destitución de Lasso. De aprobarse la destitución, el Consejo Nacional Electoral debe convocar a elecciones en siete días.

____ (2022-06-28). At least 51 dead in prison riot fire in Colombia: report. TEHRAN, Jun. 28 (MNA) —At least 51 prisoners died after a fire started during a prison riot in southwestern Colombian city of Tulua, head of National Prisons Agency said on Tuesday, one of the worst incidents of recent prison violence in the country.

Staff (2022-06-28). Iran competent candidate for BRICS: Russia's Lavrov. TEHRAN, Jun. 28 (MNA) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, saying that the decision to include Argentina and Iran in the BRICS will be made by consensus, adding that the two countries are competent candidates.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-06-28). Presidente de Ecuador suspende diálogo con organizaciones que convocan el paro nacional. Se justificó con un ataque ocurrido esta madrugada en una localidad de la Amazonía, contra un convoy que custodiaba tanqueros de combustible.

WSWS (2022-06-28). Bolsonaro and Workers Party seek support of US imperialism as Brazil's presidential elections near. While Bolsonaro pledged Biden he would defend "US interests", painting Lula as Washington's adversary, Lula sent his own envoy to offer the State Department reassurances.

Staff (2022-06-28). Comisión de la Verdad de Colombia presenta informe final. Después de 3 años de labores, la Comisión de la Verdad de Colombia presenta su informe final, y teleSUR te lo trae en directo.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-06-28). Comisión de la Verdad llama a alcanzar la paz en Colombia. El acto de entrega contó con la presencia del presidente electo, Gustavo Petro, quien recibió la primera copia del texto…

WSWS (2022-06-28). Workers Struggles: The Americas. Some 17,000 US Costco warehouse workers have voted down a below-inflation contract agreement, while workers at the Siderúrgica Orinoco steel plant in Guyana, Venezuela carried out a sit-down strike over a promised pay increase.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-06-28). Gremios y movimientos sociales peruanos continúan paro nacional. Se han sumado organizaciones sindicales que impulsan la convocatoria a una Asamblea Constituyente y una Reforma Agraria.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-06-28). Bolivia rechaza declaraciones injerencistas de Jair Bolsonaro. El mandatario de derecha brasileño ofreció asilo político a exgobernante de facto boliviana Jeanine Áñez.

Dan Collyns (2022-06-28). Peruvian government attempts to stop drug trafficking. See how the Peruvian government is fighting drug trafficking.

TeleSUR -HIM (2022-06-28). Gremios peruanos protestan frente al Congreso en paro nacional. Entre las demandas de los gremios movilizados está frenar el alza de precio del combustible, el cual se ha elevado hasta en un 80% en los últimos meses.

Wolfgang Effenberger (2022-06-27). "Suenan los tambores de guerra": Los peligros de una "confrontación más larga y extendida" en Ucrania øHacia un mundo unipolar? Después de que el presidente del Consejo de la Unión Europea (UE), Charles Michel, propusiera que Ucrania y Moldavia fueran candidatos para la membresía de la UE, el proyecto de declaración final de la cumbre de la UE del 23…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-06-27). Ecuador: Popular Uprising Continues in the Streets of Quito as Parliament Discusses Lasso's Removal. Resumen Latinoamericano A massive and full Assembly was held at the CCE on the 13th day of the #paronacionalecuador2022, the bases were informed of the permanence of the 10-point national agenda and the call for the unity of more sectors of the country until results are achieved. Masiva y con àÅgora llena se realiza la…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-06-27). Ecuador: "Stop the Massacre" Carlos Crespo (Image by Walker Vizcarra) "Stop the massacre" was the cry that ran through tears, pain and indignation on the twelfth day of the #ParoNacional2022. "We have had a very difficult day"; "it has been a very strong day". "We denounce to the world… the wounded, the dead, the imprisoned. Let them know about…

Michael Otto (2022-06-27). Ecuador's national strike at a crossroads. Ibarra, Imbabura Province, Ecuador June 26 — The Indigenous-led National Strike in Ecuador that began June 13 enters its third week on June 27, as the people once again show their power in the streets and highways. Roadblocks in 23 provinces have closed every paved road in Ecuador. The masses . . . |

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2022-06-27). El plan del gobierno de Estados Unidos para dividir a Rusia en pequeños estados. El peligro de una guerra ampliada. Jens Stoltenberg, el títere de Washington en la OTAN, dice que las "negociaciones de paz", no la victoria rusa, pondrán fin al conflicto en Ucrania. Entonces, Stoltenberg cuenta con el Kremlin, cuyos líderes han dicho que nunca volverán a confiar…

Matt Sedlar (2022-06-27). OPEC Plus's Accelerated Oil Production Pales in Comparison to Lost Output from US Sanctions. Biden has a significant opportunity in his hands to boost global oil production by breaking with Trump's failed "maximum pressure" campaigns, and ending unilateral — and likely illegal — sanctions against Iran and Venezuela.

Lucrecia Franco (2022-06-27). Mourners gather to remember British journalist murdered in Brazil. It's been three weeks since a British journalist disappeared and was murdered in Brazil's Amazon. Protesters rallied, demanding justice for a crime that has sparked global outrage.

Horacio Rovelli (2022-06-27). La impunidad del poder económico en la Argentina. El 21 de mayo de 2020 el BCRA publicó el Informe ´Mercado de cambios deuda y formación de activos externos, 2015-2019″, donde demuestra que la deuda tomada en la gestión de la coalición neoliberal Cambiemos que superó los 100 mil…

Staff (2022-06-27). Petro Reiterates Willingness to Normalize Relations with Venezuela. The president-elect of the Republic of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, reiterated his desire to normalize relations with Venezuela in order to ameliorate the economic development of the region. | "Relationships need to be normalized," Petro said in an interview published Saturday, June 25 with Colombian news outlet

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2022-06-27: News Headlines

____ (2022-06-27). At least 5 die, dozens injured in Colombia as stands collapse during bullfighting. At least five people died and dozens more were injured Sunday when the stands collapsed during a corraleja, or bullfighting festival, in Colombia's Tolima Department, local authorities said.

____ (2022-06-27). Bullfight stands collapse in Colombia. At least five people are died and dozens seriously injured when a full three-story section of wooden stands filled with spectators collapsed, throwing dozens of people to the ground, during a popular event at which members of the public face off with small bulls.

Staff (2022-06-26). IMF Approves $1 Billion for Ecuador while Police Repression of Protests Increases. The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has approved the disbursement of $1 billion for Ecuador as part of the extended agreement within the framework of the Extended Fund Facility (EFF), signed in 2020 between the IMF and the government of Ecuador. | In a

Anonymous103 (2022-06-26). Ecuador: South American Country Faces A Two Dimensional Storm. Written by Simon Ndiritu | Ecuador has been gripped by protests since in 2019 in response government's austerity measures; the protests have escalated over the last weeks leading to the president declaring the state of emergency. In 2019, the government rolled back fuel subsidies that had been in place for 40 years and introduced tax and labor reforms citing fall in international oil prices which had adversely affected the oil producing economy. Consequently, Diesel and Gasoline prices incr…

Editor (2022-06-26). The Chris Hedges Report: Journalism and Argentina's Dirty War. In the late 1970s and 1980s, Argentina's civic-military dictatorship disappeared over 30,000 people, using death squads trained by the US as part of the now infamous Operation Condor.

_____ (2022-06-26). The Wide Role Brazil's Military Has Played In Amazon's Destruction. In the Brazilian Amazon, as deforestation reaches record levels and rivers are increasingly polluted, the illegal gold mining contributing to these problems continues largely unabated. The response of the government has been to increase military action to curb environmental crimes in Brazil. Far from achieving this purpose, however, the military intervention has only led to tragedies in the region, directly or indirectly. | A source from the Brazilian Amazon wrote to us at Revista Opera two years ago to warn us about something strange that was going on there: illegally mined gold was being sold at the same price…

_____ (2022-06-26). How Latin American Women Are Winning Abortion Rights. It was inconceivable, just five years ago, that ultra-conservative Colombia would decriminalize abortion, or that Catholic, neoliberal Chile would be gearing up to vote on a new constitution that enshrines sexual and reproductive rights, including on-request abortion. | Yet in February, Colombia's constitutional court removed abortion (up to 24 weeks) from the criminal code in response to a court case brought by Causa Justa—the spearhead of a wide-ranging social and legal campaign of more than 120 groups and thousands of activists. | Colombia is now "at the forefront of the region and the world," according…

Atilio Boron (2022-06-26). Petro, a Historic Victory. By Atilio Boron Jun 20, 2022 | With just over 98% of the electoral posts counted, the triumph of Gustavo Petro, candidate of the Historic Pact, in the second round of the Colombian presidential elections was confirmed. Petro

TeleSUR, SH (2022-06-26). Presidente Lasso deroga el estado de excepción en Ecuador. Organizaciones indígenas habían denunciado que el estado de excepción promovería la represión por parte del Gobierno a las movilizaciones sociales.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-06-26). Líder indígena niega nuevo diálogo con el gobierno ecuatoriano. El presidente de la Conaie indicó que cualquier decisión sobre un diálogo será consultada a las autoridades de la organización indígena.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-06-26). Movimiento indígena en Ecuador mantendrá protestas y movilizaciones. El presidente de la Confederación de Nacionales Indígenas de Ecuador (Conaie), Leonidas Iza señaló: "Nosotros no nos iremos a ningún lado. Estamos aquí.

TeleSUR, ajs, JGN (2022-06-26). Natalicio de Salvador Allende, una fecha para recordar sus ideas. A 114 años del natalicio del expresidente chileno Salvador Allende, su integridad personal se convierte en ideales para generaciones de chilenos.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-06-26). Parlamento ecuatoriano aplaza sesión sobre destitución del presidente Lasso. Una vez concluido el debate, los legisladores tendrán 72 horas para votar si procede o no la medida contra el presidente Guillermo Lasso.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-06-26). Parlamento evaluará pedido de destitución del presidente de Ecuador. Para avanzar el pedido contra el presidente Guillermo Lasso, se requiere 92 de los 137 votos posibles en el Congreso.

Staff (2022-06-26). Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador debate sobre la destitución de Guillermo Lasso. La Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador inició en la tarde de este sábado una sesión virtual del pleno para debatir sobre la destitución del presidente Guillermo Lasso. El procedimiento se activó por pedido de al menos la tercera parte de los legisladores. A partir de este sábado, los diputados tendrán 72 horas para definir el pedido de destitución contra el presidente.

Editor (2022-06-26). The Haitian Revolution Today and the Limits of Token Solidarity. By Seth Donnelly / CounterPunch In 1826, the Congress of Panama was organized by Simon Bolivar, including representatives from Peru, Mexico, and what was then Gran Colombia (Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, and Venezuela) and the United Provinces of Central America (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica). Bolivar, who had been given refuge twice in …

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-06-26). Grupos de DD.HH. expresan preocupación por situación en Ecuador. La Misión Internacional de Solidaridad y Derechos Humanos llegó a Ecuador para observar lo que sucede en el paro nacional.

TeleSUR -HIM (2022-06-26). Presidente electo de Colombia nombra al próximo canciller. Petro considera que Álvaro Leyva será de importancia en la lucha por erradicar la violencia endémica que vive el país.

TeleSUR, JL (2022-06-26). Asamblea de Ecuador sesiona sobre pedido de destitución del presidente Guillermo Lasso. La sesión inició desde las 18H00 (hora local) en medio de las movilizaciones que continúan en el país.

Ana Perdigón (2022-06-26). President Maduro Receives New Ambassadors of Mexico and Nicaragua to Venezuela. On Friday, June 24, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, received the credentials of the new ambassadors of Mexico and Nicaragua. | Both ambassadors were received by President Maduro at Miraflores Palace, where he was accompanied by his wife, Cilia Flores; Minister of Communication and Information Freddy àëáñez, and officials from the Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Ministry. | The new ambassador of Mexico to Venezuela, Leopoldo de Givez de la Cruz, was received by President Maduro in the morning of Friday. He said that the appointment of the new ambassador by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador of Mexic…

TeleSUR, ldp, SH (2022-06-26). Perú reactiva alerta epidemiológica por repunte de la Covid-19. Según el Sistema de Salud de la Seguridad Social durante el 2022, Perú ha registrado cerca de 1.200.000 casos positivos de Covid-19.

TeleSUR, ldp, SH (2022-06-26). Pdte. boliviano recalca que se respeta el debido proceso a golpistas. La derecha internacional intenta crear una opinión pública distorsionada sobre el caso para liberar a la expresidenta de facto Jeanine Áñez.

Staff (2022-06-26). Manifestantes ecuatorianos seguirán en paro, anuncian organizadores. Las protestas sociales en Ecuador contra el Gobierno de Guillermo Lasso, continúan este domingo cuando cumple su día 14, mientras la Asamblea Nacional se prepara para reanudar la sesión destinada a estudiar la destitución del mandatario.

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