Monthly Archives: June 2022

2022-06-24: News Headlines

____ (2022-06-24). Xi hosts 14th BRICS Summit, stresses importance of fostering high-quality partnership. Chinese President Xi Jinping chaired the 14th BRICS Summit on Thursday evening in Beijing via video link. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended the Summit.

Staff (2022-06-24). Policía de Ecuador reprime a movilización indígena durante oncena jornada de protestas contra presidente Lasso. La policía de Ecuador reprimió este jueves a manifestantes de los movimientos indígenas de ese país en los alrededores de la Asamblea Nacional en Quito, en el onceno día de protestas contra el Gobierno de Guillermo Lasso. Desde hace once jornadas, la Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador (Conaie) mantiene un Paro Nacional.

Adriaan Alsema (2022-06-24). Colombia confronts former FARC chiefs with suffering kidnapping victims. For the first time in history, victims of the FARC publicly confronted former guerrilla commanders with the suffering caused by their crimes against humanity. The three-day confrontation was part of…

Editor2 (2022-06-23). Summit of the Americas Underlines Widespread Discontent with US Policy. By Alexander Main &#1 | Criticisms of the United States and OAS underlined the need to revive regional integration initiatives independent of U.S. influence. | Long before it even began on June 6, this year's Summit of the Americas, held in downtown Los Angeles, was widely expected to be a flop. And indeed it was. As many media outlets predicted, the controversy surrounding the U.S. government's decision to exclude Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua from the invitee list ended up overshadowing the summit's mostly dull proceedings. | Several heads of state—including Andrés Manuel Lopéz Obrador of…

Peoples Dispatch (2022-06-23). David Castillo sentenced to 22.5-year jail term for assassination of Honduran activist Berta Cáceres. Members of the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras, which was founded by Berta Cáceres, have said that true justice will not be delivered until the 'intellectual authors' of the crime are prosecuted and sentenced…

TeleSUR Desk (2022-06-23). Another Young Ecuadorian Dies During National Strike. "It is worrying how military and police violence has escalated against those who exercise their right to protest and resist," said the Alliance of Ecuadorian Human Rights Organizations.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-06-23). The Wide Role Brazil's Military Has Played in the Destruction of the Amazon. Pedro Marin In the Brazilian Amazon, as deforestation reaches record levels and rivers are increasingly polluted, the illegal gold mining contributing to these problems continues largely unabated. The response of the government has been to increase military action to curb environmental crimes in Brazil. Far from achieving this purpose, however, the military intervention has only led to tragedies in the…

Staff (2022-06-23). Vice President-Elect Francia Márquez Lectures Colombian TV Anchor on What it Means to 'Vivir Sabroso'. Caracas, June 22, 2022 ( Given the concern of Channel 1 journalist, Claudia Palacios, about whether the move of the vice president-elect to the presidential palace is part…

Contributing Writers (2022-06-23). Vatican Endorses "Killer Vaccine": Commemorative Coins Promoting the 'Need to be Vaccinated' against COVID/By Kennedy Hall. An eight-piece set includes a 20 euro silver coin depicting a young person getting jabbed with a needle. Original Link Here: Vatican Endorses "Killer Vaccine": Commemorative Coins Promoting the 'Need to be Vaccinated' against COVID Global ResearchGlobal Research Centre for Research on Globalization By Kennedy H..]…

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-06-23). Presidente electo de Colombia inicia contactos con Venezuela. En un tuit, Gustavo Petro reportó que contactó con el Gobierno venezolano sobre normalizar actividades en la frontera.

TeleSUR -HIM (2022-06-23). Continúan protestas en Ecuador con tributo a víctimas de represión policial durante paro nacional. Al menos dos muertos y más de un centenar de heridos ha dejado la represión policial a las manifestaciones.

TeleSUR, yart, JDO (2022-06-23). Conaie exige garantías para dialogar con el Gobierno de Ecuador. Continúa el paro nacional. Entre las demandas de los manifestantes para dialogar con el Ejecutivo están el cese de la represión y de la criminalización de la protesta.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-06-23). Presidente Maduro y Gustavo Petro hablan sobre restablecer normalidad en frontera. El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, conversó vía telefónica con el mandatario electo de Colombia.

TeleSUR, yart, JCM (2022-06-23). Transportistas de Perú aplazan paro tras alcanzar acuerdo. El gremio demanda la restitución del transporte de mercancías como servicio público y la baja de los combustibles.

Staff (2022-06-23). Norway Hopes Venezuela's Government & Opposition Resume Mexico Talks. The Kingdom of Norway expressed its wish that the Venezuelan government and the radical wing of the opposition, grouped in the so-called Unitary Platform, resume their process of dialogue and negotiation in Mexico. This was announced by the Foreign Ministry of the European country this Wednesday, June 22, through its Twitter account. | The message from the European country was issued within the context of the participation of the delegation leaders from both the Venezuelan government and the Unitary Platform, Jorge Rodríguez and Gerardo Blyde, respectively, in the Oslo Forum, that began on Tuesday, June 21 and en…

Peoples Dispatch (2022-06-23). Daily Round-up|Rail workers on nationwide strike in the UK & other stories. In today's episode, we bring you stories from the British rail workers' strike, the crackdown on protesters in Ecuador and a march in Belgium over the cost of living crisis…

TeleSUR, yart, JDO (2022-06-23). Argentina exhortará a Reino Unido a dialogar sobre Malvinas. Una representación de la nación suramericana asiste al Comité de Descolonización de ONU para defender su derecho soberano sobre este territorio en disputa.

Jordan Schachtel (2022-06-23). Already Expired: Moderna's upcoming Omicron shot is formulated for a variant that no longer exists. Moderna's reformulated mRNA COVID injection, the highly touted — and continuously delayed — "Omicron vaccine," was tailored to an Omicron subvariant that no longer exists. | The pharmaceutical company's Omicron-specific shot was formulated for the BA.1 subvariant of Omicron, which hasn't …

TeleSUR- lvm, JL (2022-06-23). Avanzan movilizaciones en Ecuador en décima jornada del Paro Nacional. Organizaciones indígenas mantienen propuesta de establecer un diálogo que se centre en el cese inmediato de la represión y criminalización a la propuesta.

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-06-23). Incendio en Buenos Aires provoca cinco fallecidos y 35 heridos. El Sistema de Atención Médica de Emergencias informó que los fallecidos son dos mujeres y tres menores de edad.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-06-23). ExFARC-EP reconocen secuestros durante conflicto armado en Colombia. Los excomandantes Pablo Catatumbo, Pastor Alape, Milton Toncel y Julián Gallo también pidieron perdón durante la audiencia de tres días.

TeleSUR, yart, JCM (2022-06-23). Gremio de transportistas intensifica protestas en Argentina. Desde horas tempranas de este miércoles, se cortaron el acceso a varias vías del país como parte de la protesta.

Staff (2022-06-23). Maduro and Petro Discuss Normalizing Border Crossing. This Wednesday, June 22, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, and the recently elected president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, held a telephone conversation to discuss the normalization of border crossing, which has been affected by closures and traffic disruptions for almost seven years now. | Through his Twitter account, the Venezuelan head of state reported that issues "about peace and the prosperous future of both peoples" were also discussed. | Conversé con el presidente electo de Colombia

TeleSUR, yart, JCM (2022-06-23). Gobierno de Ecuador se niega a derogar estado de excepción. El líder de la Conaie condicionó el diálogo al retiro del estado de excepción, entre otras demandas.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-06-23). Gremios uruguayos se movilizan contra las privatizaciones. Sindicatos del sector público, entre ellos el de comunicaciones, exigen la recuperación salarial, el ingreso de personal y otras.

_____ (2022-06-22). Venezuelan's View: Petro Victory In Colombia, US Sanctions, Iran Pact. Multipolarista host Benjamin Norton speaks with Venezuelan journalist Jesús Rodríguez Espinoza, editor of independent news outlet the Orinoco Tribune, about the victory of left-wing candidate Gustavo Petro in Colombia's presidential election, the easing of a few US sanctions, and Venezuela's 20-year cooperation agreement with Iran.

_____ (2022-06-22). Colombia's New President: What This Victory Means For The Continent. On August 7th a new left of center government will take power in Colombia. Many questions remain to be answered but one thing is clear: this historic election marks a break with a long Colombian history of State violence and monolithic conservatism. | On June 19, Gustavo Petro beat his rival, the businessman Rodolfo Hernández, by a margin of 50.44% to 47.03%, after 100% of the country's polling stations reported their results. Both his opponent and current president Iván Duque recognized the results, congratulating Petro. | Despite an information war and decades of violence against the left, over 11 million Colom…

W. T. Whitney Jr. (2022-06-22). Indigenous alliance's national strike threatens Ecuador's conservative government. A national strike is unfolding now throughout Ecuador under the auspices of the Ecuadorian Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (CONAIE, as per Spanish-language initials). It is strong particularly in Cotopaxi, Tungurahua, Chimborazo, and Pastaza provinces. Launched on June 13, the strike has continued for over a week. On June 20, thousands of marchers entered Ecuador's capital, …

1656-08-24 04:54 | 06:54 EST | tr | 30 | 3 | 22 | 4 | 0 

2022-06-22: News Headlines

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-06-22). Ministerio de Defensa de Ecuador amenaza al movimiento indígena. El ministro de Defensa ecuatoriano aseveró que las protestas indígenas buscan "crear el pánico agrediendo y extorsionando a las empresas".

Staff (2022-06-22). Ecuador: Movimientos sociales denuncian la violencia policial (+ Video). Movimientos sociales y organizaciones defensoras de derechos humanos denunciaron este martes que la policía de Ecuador ha reprimido a los manifestantes que se sumaron al paro nacional, que cumple su noveno día, contra las políticas del gobierno de Guillermo Lasso. Entre las denuncias en redes sociales están las asfixias por gases lacrimógenos.

TeleSUR, lvm, MER (2022-06-22). Destacan labor de organizaciones sociales en Argentina. El presidente argentino aseguró que los movimientos sociales estuvieron "llevando solidaridad y compromiso donde no existía".

Staff (2022-06-22). Iran FM congratulates election of new Colombian president. TEHRAN, Jun. 22 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian congratulated the election of Gustavo Petro as the new president of Colombia.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-06-22). Colombia levantará emergencia sanitaria por la Covid-19. El mandatario colombiano indicó que continuarán con la campaña de vacunación para evitar un nuevo repunte de los casos de coronavirus.

TeleSUR, MER (2022-06-22). Asciende a 90 cifra de líderes colombianos asesinados en 2022. La víctima era era miembro de la Junta de Acción Comunal de la vereda La Meseta y realizaba labores de coordinación deportiva.

TeleSUR, lvm, MER (2022-06-22). Procuraduría colombiana levanta suspensión a alcalde de Medellín. La suspensión también se había aplicado a los alcaldes de Ibagué, San Juan Nepomuceno y Timaná.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-06-22). Ministro de Defensa de Perú denuncia dictadura parlamentaria. José Luis Gavidia señaló que "se está tratando de poner en debate en el Pleno el cambio de más de 54 artículos".

TeleSUR, mcs, MER (2022-06-22). Trabajadores uruguayos protestan contra política privatizadora. Los trabajadores consideran esta política de privatización como una medida contra los intereses y derechos del pueblo uruguayo.

TeleSUR, lv, SH (2022-06-22). Chile reporta más de 4.000 nuevos positivos de la Covid-19. El Ministerio de Salud de Chile indicó que las regiones con mayor índice contagios en la última semana son Valparaíso, O´Higgins, Coquimbo y Metropolitana.

Editor (2022-06-21). VIDEO: Ecuador's Indigenous Revolt Against Their Neoliberal President. By The Grayzone The Grayzone spoke with leaders of Ecuador's indigenous movements, now engaged in ferocious street protests against the privatization policies of President Guillermo Lasso, a billionaire banker. The activists defended their demands and detailed the brutal repression they have witnessed as their rebellion spreads across one of the last right-wing controlled countries on …

Editor (2022-06-21). Colombia's first ever left-wing president: Gustavo Petro wins historic election. What does it mean? Gustavo Petro won Colombia's June 19 election, becoming its first ever left-wing president. We analyze what this means for Latin America, the US, Venezuela, the military, paramilitary groups, the powerful oligarchy, and social movements.

Contributing Writers (2022-06-21). "The First Casualty of War is the Truth". What is Really Happening in Donbass/By Christelle Néant and Dr. Leon Tressell. A Conversation with Christelle Neant of Donbass Insider on the War in Ukraine By Christelle Néant and Dr. Leon Tressell Global Research, June 21, 2022 To receive Global Research's Daily Newsletter (selected …

Al Mayadeen (2022-06-21). The United Nations Slams Ukrainian Attack on Donetsk Maternity Hospital. The allegations of shelling of a maternity facility in Dujarric stated that "we have seen the media …

Benjamin Norton (2022-06-21). Venezuelan's view on Gustavo Petro victory in Colombia, US sanctions, Iran pact. A leftist Venezuelan journalist discusses the victory of left-wing candidate Gustavo Petro in Colombia's presidential election, the easing of a few US sanctions, and Venezuela's 20-year cooperation agreement with Iran.

Staff (2022-06-21). Condenan a 22 años y 6 meses de prisión al coautor intelectual del asesinato de Berta Cáceres. La sala I del Tribunal de Sentencia Nacional de Honduras ha impuesto una pena de 22 años y 6 meses de reclusión para el exmilitar Roberto David Castillo Mejía tras ser declarado culpable del delito de asesinato de la activista Berta Isabel Cáceres.

TeleSUR -ysm, JL (2022-06-21). Condenan en Honduras a coautor del asesinato de Berta Cáceres. La justicia determinó 22 años y seis meses de cárcel para Castillo Mejía, por coautoría demostrada en el asesinato de la líder hondureña.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-06-21). Asesinan al exdirector del mayor penal de Asunción, Paraguay. El ex director del penal de Tacumbú fue asesinado por un sicario cuando se encontraba en la casa de su padre, en barrio Obrero de Asunción.

TeleSUR- lvm, JL (2022-06-21). Denuncia asesinato de líder social en Cauca, Colombia. Con Hersaín de Jesús Ramírez Ospina suman 89 líderes sociales asesinados en Colombia en 2022.

Staff (2022-06-21). Chapeando: El asesinato de reputación como estrategia del odio (+ Podcast). Trascendencia obliga. Hoy, Día del Sol, es justo y necesario hablar del triunfo histórico de Gustavo Petro y Francia Márquez en Colombia. Lo celebra toda la América, menos esa parte del continente que está contra Nuestra América.

KWORINOCO (2022-06-21). Honduras Executive Sentenced to 22 Years for Berta Cáceres Murder. David Castillo Mejía, a second lieutenant in the military intelligence service of the Honduran army from 2006-11, who went on to the position of executive president of the Desarrollos Energéticos SA (DESA) company, was sentenced to 22 years and six months in prison for his role in the murder of activist Berta Isabel Cáceres in 2016. | The court also ordered "additional penalties of absolute disqualification and suspension of citizenship" of Castillo. In its sentence, the court declared that the evidence presented during the trial was "enough to break the presumption of innocence" by which they concluded that Cast…

_____ (2022-06-21). Indigenous Protesters Continue To Arrive In Ecuador's Capital City. Hundreds of demonstrators continued to enter Ecuador's capital on Monday during the eighth day of a mobilization against the government called by the indigenous movement, while the blockade of roads connecting the city of Quito (north) with the north and south of the country is maintained, | Images published on social networks show people walking on the road or in buckets of pick-up trucks in their eagerness to mobilize. | In the afternoon, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) reported the arrival of indigenous people from the south of the country, who are currently near the Machachi…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-06-21). Ecuadorians Continue to Resist as National Strike Enters Second Week. Tanya Wadhwa Since June 13, hundreds of thousands of Ecuadorians have been mobilizing across the country as a part of an indefinite national strike against the right-wing government of President Guillermo Lasso and his regressive economic policies. Photo: Alexander Crespo Defying the state of emergency, enduring brutal police and military repression, hundreds of thousands of…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-06-21). "…Chile…Colombia…Brazil???": Bolsonaro Despair at Left Resurgence. BRASILWIRE Folha's Monica Bergamo reports that, following the victory of Gustavo Petro, President Jair Bolsonaro sent a message on a private WhatsApp group in which he despaired at the result. Left-wing candidate Gustavo Petro was elected president on Sunday with 40.32% of the vote. It is the first time the left has won an election in…

Tanupriya Singh (2022-06-21). 0,000 people at risk of eviction in Brazil as Supreme Court moratorium nears end. The Zero Evictions Campaign has warned that 142,000 families might lose their homes if the STF-issued injunction against evictions is allowed to expire on June 30.

Fight Back (2022-06-21). Colombians elect leftist Gustavo Petro in historic election, despite violence and threats. Tucson, AZ – Despite massive amounts of corporate media propaganda, police crackdowns and right-wing violence, Colombians elected leftist Gustavo Petro as president in a runoff election on June 19. The new vice president is Francia Marquez Mina, an Afro-Colombian woman. This is the first time Colombia elected a president who is not from either the mainstream liberal or conservative parties. | This election victory is a rejection of the reactionary agenda of Rodolfo Hernandez, who is now making allegations of electoral tampering and fraud. Not only did the people of Colombia defeat this right-wing agenda, they ele…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-06-21). Despite the Left's Victories, Warning Signs of a Fascist Backlash Appear in Colombia & Beyond. Rainer Shea The decaying colonial regime in Colombia has reached a crisis. Its people, devastated by corporate destruction of their living standards and a corrupt narco regime which has exacted tremendous brutality upon them, has elected a leftist presidential candidate. Not one who represents a radical change, but one who at least represents a break…

Misión Verdad (2022-06-21). The Significance of Petro's Victory for Colombia & the Region. By Misión Verdad June 20, 2022 | What polls predicted in recent weeks has been fulfilled: Gustavo Petro is the president-elect of Colombia. The Historical Pact (PH) coalition achieved an unprecedented victory for a progressive political formation in a country undermined by the violence of a social and armed conflict spanning several decades. | Alongside Petro, the first Afro-Colombian woman from the working class to reach the vice presidency, Francia Márquez, brought in support from various grassroots sectors, including those that have been historically excluded from the political process. | This political…

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-06-21). ELN de Colombia espera reanudar diálogos con Gobierno de Petro. El grupo insurgente se posicionó ante la victoria del electoral del nuevo presidente colombiano el domingo último.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-06-21). Gobierno colombiano confirma próximo encuentro entre Petro y Duque. El próximo encuentro entre el mandatario electo y el saliente definirá la agencia para iniciar los trabajos de transición del poder en Colombia.

TeleSUR, lv, SH (2022-06-21). Justicia boliviana promueve nuevos juicios contra Jeanine Añez. Una de las propuesta acusatoria contra Jeanine Áñez se fundamenta en las muertes de la masacre de Senkata y Sacaba.

TeleSUR- SH (2022-06-21). Trabajadores del cobre anuncia paro nacional en Chile. El presidente de la FTC aseguró que cerca de mil trabajadores del sector se unirán a la huelga nacional.

Camilo Rengifo Marín (2022-06-21). Petro, el camino de la esperanza para cambiar un país desigual y violento. En Colombia renació la esperanza, tras siete décadas de conflicto armado y 30 de neoliberalismo y dependencia de Estados Unidos, con la elección del centroizquierdista Gustavo Petro como próximo presidente. Se abre la posibilidad de un gobierno que proponga cambiar…

Viviana Erazo (2022-06-21). Ecuador Guillermo Lasso Mendoza, el presidente del 0,1%. Luego de cuatro años en el poder, Lenin Moreno dejó el Palacio de Carondelet el lunes 24 de mayo de 2021 y se posesionó el presidente electo Lasso, quien es uno de los hombres más ricos del Ecuador, es parte…

Adriaan Alsema (2022-06-21). Petro's quest for a majority in Colombia's Congress. The party of Colombia's President-elect Gustavo Petro is seeking a majority coalition in Congress. Petro's "Historic Pact," became the biggest political party in the congressional elections in March, but needs…

Adriaan Alsema (2022-06-21). Colombia begins transition of power after elections. Colombia's President Ivan Duque appointed his finance minister to coordinate the transition of power with a delegate of President-elect Gustavo Petro. The winner of Sunday's elections has yet to announce…

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-06-21). México considera triunfo de Petro un paso a la integración hemisférica. AMLO reveló que conversó con el mandatario electo colombiano y coincidieron en trabajar por la integración regional y la unión americana.

WSWS (2022-06-21). Workers Struggles: The Americas. Some 3, 0 ArcelorMittal steelworkers in Mexico demanded full profit sharing while copper workers protested the closure of Valencia smelter in Chile.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-06-21). Organizaciones indígenas en Ecuador denuncian represión policial. Por su parte, el ministro de Defensa de Ecuador acusó a las organizaciones indígenas de poner en "riesgo la democracia".

Adriaan Alsema (2022-06-21). Colombia hears former guerrilla chiefs over mass kidnappings. Colombia's war crimes tribunal JEP on Tuesday began hearing former commanders of now-defunct guerrilla group FARC over the kidnapping of more than 20,000 people. The JEP will be interrogating seven…

TeleSUR, JL (2022-06-21). Amplían estado de excepción en varias provincias de Ecuador. De acuerdo a la nueva medida proferida por el jefe de Estado, las provincias donde regirá el estado de excepción son Pichincha, Imbabura, Cotopaxi, Chimborazo, Tungurahua y Pastaza.

Adriaan Alsema (2022-06-21). Colombia's ELN guerrillas reiterate call to resume peace talks. Colombia's longest-living guerrilla group ELN reiterated that the rebels want to resume peace talks after Sunday's election victory of President-elect Gustavo Petro. In a press statement, the ELN reiterated that…

Staff (2022-06-21). Guillermo Lasso extiende Estado de Excepción a más provincias ecuatorianas. El presidente de Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, decretó un nuevo Estado de Excepción, que deroga al anterior y extiende la ordenanza a más provincias, en medio del paro nacional.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-06-21). Do Colombians and Venezuelans Need to Become Political "Allies"? Franco Vielma The election of Gustavo Petro as president of Colombia and his running mate as vice-president, Francia Márquez, is undoubtedly a political milestone in this country, especially considering the long cycle of right-wing conservative governments that took the form of a political caste since the assassination of Jorge Eliécer Gaitán in 1948. This event…

W. T. Whitney Jr. (2022-06-21). Petro and Márquez win unprecedented victory in Colombia elections. A comment on the Historical Pact coalition's million-vote plurality overflowed with enthusiasm: "June 19 will be remembered [in Colombia] as a day of the people and will be a moment of celebration for democracy…. Today was a day for changing history." In second-round voting, the team of Gustavo Petro for president and Francia Márquez for …

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-06-21). Bolivia pide por la unidad del país al recibir Año Nuevo Andino. Coincidiendo con el solsticio de invierno en el hemisferio sur comienza el Año Nuevo Andino, Amazónico y Chaqueño 5530.

____ (2022-06-21). Venezuela to set up sci.-tech. park in cooperation with Iran. TEHRAN, Jun. 21 (MNA) — Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has instructed Economic Cabinet of his country to "immediately" design and launch an industrial technology park in cooperation with Iran in the fields of health, food and education.

____ (2022-06-21). China increases oil imports from Iran, Russia: report. TEHRAN, Jun. 21 (MNA) — According to foreign institutions, China has increased oil import from Russia, Iran and Venezuela in May while its oil import from Africa, Brazil and the United States has declined.

TeleSUR -ysm, JL (2022-06-21). Argentina ratificará en ONU derecho soberano sobre las Malvinas. Argentina presentará en el Comité Especial de Descolonización, el reclamo de las Malvinas "como una política de Estado que trasciende las banderas políticas".

Peoples Dispatch (2022-06-21). Daily Round-up | Gustavo Petro wins in Colombia, Mélenchon surges in France. In this episode, we bring you stories from the election results in Colombia and France, protests in Tunisia and the escalating economic and political crisis in Sri Lanka…

Ana Perdigón (2022-06-21). Bolton Predicts Rupture Within Venezuelan Opposition. The national security advisor to the White House during the Trump administration, John Bolton, has suggested that we could be seeing the beginning of an ultimate rupture within the Venezuelan opposition. | During an interview with Similarly, he added that towards the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019, t…

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-06-21). Camioneros paraguayos protestan por alza de combustibles. Es la Central Obrera y Transporte la que se moviliza contra el nuevo reajuste de los precios del combustible.

Anand Naidoo (2022-06-21). The Heat: Colombia Presidential Election. Colombians made history on Sunday when they elected their country's first ever leftist president. Gustavo Petro, a one-time member of the M-19 rebel group and former mayor, vows to fight inequality when he takes office as Colombia's next leader. CGTN's Michelle Begue in Bogota begins …

TeleSUR, SH (2022-06-21). Parlamento ecuatoriano exige al Gobierno dialogar con indígenas. El pleno de Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador rechazó el decreto del Estado de Excepción y el manejo de la situación social por parte de Guillermo Lasso.

TeleSUR, ldp, sh (2022-06-21). Huelga en Uruguay por los derechos de empresas públicas. La marcha critica el apoyo del gobierno a empresas privadas del sector de los combustibles en detrimento de las públicas.

TeleSUR, lvm, JL (2022-06-21). Presidente venezolano destaca fortalecimiento de alianzas estratégicas durante gira internacional. El mandatario reconoció a Türkiye como una de las potencias emergentes más importantes, al tiempo que fundamentó el desarrollo tecnológico de Irán.

2022-06-22 13:54 | 09:54 EST | tr | 58 | 0 | 46 | 10 | 0