(2022-07-01). Denuncian el asesinato de un diputado colombiano en Arauca. telesurtv.net El Partido Liberal condenó el asesinato de Carlos A Hernández y señaló que el mismo forma parte de la violencia que azota Colombia.
(2022-07-01). Ecuador: 18 Days of Social Unrest Ends in the Signing of the "Pacification Act" of Betrayal. libya360.wordpress.com Ollantay Itzamná Beginning of the signing of the Act Nobody knows the subsequent impact that this signed Act will have… Although we know that after every act of pacification comes the political and legal chastisement against the indigenous leaders (as happened in 2019). The only certainty is that the difficult situation of the peoples of…
(2022-07-01). Lessons from Colombia: A Victory for the People. orinocotribune.com By Margaret Flowers Jun 27, 2022 | On June 19, Colombians elected the first leftist president and the first Afro-Colombian vice president in history. This was possible, despite being in a repressive state, because of a strong national social movement that organized an effective national strike in the spring of 2021. Clearing the FOG speaks with Charo Mina Rojas, an Afro-Colombian human rights defender and leader in the 2016 peace process, about this victory, the obstacles they faced and how they will counter efforts by the wealthy class to prevent further progress. Activists in the United States have much t…
(2022-07-01). Abortion Rights Rally in Fresno June 28. indybay.org People protested the anti-abortion Supreme Court decision at Fresno City Hall on Tuesday, June 28.
(2022-07-01). Colombia pone fin a la alerta epidemiológica por la pandemia. telesurtv.net Tras 25 meses de alerta sanitaria, Colombia espera regresar a la normalidad, a pesar de registrarse más de 25.000 casos activos de coronavirus.
(2022-07-01). Comisión parlamentaria aprueba informe contra presidente peruano. telesurtv.net La Fiscalía peruana desestimó este jueves un recurso presentado en defensa del presidente Castillo ante la acusación por casos de corrupción.
(2022-07-01). Friday 7/1: Speakout: Cordileone at Mission Dolores. indybay.org Mission Dolores Basilica | 16th and Dolores Streets…
(2022-07-01). Presidente Castillo renuncia a militancia de partido Perú Libre. telesurtv.net La decisión del mandatario se anunció tras la solicitud realizada por el partido Perú Libre.
(2022-07-01). Bolivia anuncia medidas de protección ante quinta ola de Covid-19. telesurtv.net La nueva disposición entrará en vigencia desde el primero de julio hasta el 31 de agosto.
(2022-07-01). Argentina confirma sexto caso de viruela símica. telesurtv.net Las autoridades sanitarias de Argentina indicaron que el paciente es un joven de 25 años de edad y permanece en aislamiento.
(2022-07-01). Saturday 7/23: Ashby Stage Indigenous Land Acknowledgement Mural Unveiling. indybay.org Ashby Stage | 1901 Ashby Ave | Berkeley, CA 94703…
(2022-07-01). Juan Domingo Perón, un legado a 48 años de su partida. telesurtv.net Juan Domingo Perón es considerado como una de las figuras más importantes y destacadas del panorama político argentino del siglo XX.
(2022-07-01). Studying the Venezuelan Approach to Learning. orinocotribune.com By Logan Williams Jun 26, 2022 | As educators across the globe have begun to examine alternative forms of schooling post-covid, it is time to examine the revolutionary, egalitarian and innovative Bolivarian education system, writes Logan Williams. | The merits of the Bolivarian system are plain to see through the country having one of the highest educational progress rates in Latin America and a truly comprehensive system funded by the Venezuelan government led by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela. | In order to understand the Venezuelan education system, it is necessary to examine both its foundation…
(2022-07-01). Movimiento indígena y Gobierno ecuatoriano firman acta de paz para el diálogo. telesurtv.net Se establecerá una mesa de diálogo, que tendrá una duración de 90 días, para avanzar en la resolución de otros temas pendientes.
(2022-07-01). People pour into Federal Bldg Plaza to Express their Outrage on Day of Decision. indybay.org Protesters spilled into the streets on June 24 soon after the much anticipated Supreme Court decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization was announced.
(2022-07-01). Friday 7/29: Stolen Legacy: California Pioneers of African Descent. indybay.org Leidesdorff Street | Financial District…
(2022-07-01). Presidente chileno lanza plan contra la violencia e inseguridad. telesurtv.net El presidente Gabriel Boric señaló que el plan de seguridad consta de 33 medidas para hacer frente al aumento de la violencia e inseguridad.
(2022-07-01). Deslizamiento de tierra en el norte de Perú destruye 1 casas. telesurtv.net El ministro de defensa peruano confirmó que habría un anciano fallecido y una persona desaparecida a causa del derrumbe en el norte de Perú.
(2022-07-01). The Truth About Venezuela's Boeing Cargo Plane Hijacked in Argentina (Interview). orinocotribune.com The grounding of a Boeing 747-300 of the Venezuelan cargo company Emtrasur and the court case initiated against its crew members by Argentinian authorities is a component of Venezuela's political persecution by the United States, since there are no legal or technical reasons for such measures. | This was one of the conclusions reached during an interview that Telesur journalist Madelein García and Venezuelan political analyst Miguel àÅngel Pérez Pirela held with the president of Emtrasur, Major César Pérez, and with one of the crew members in Argentina, Emtrasur's Finance Manager Mario Arraga. | In the cour…
(2022-06-30). Ecuador's national strike at a crossroads. iacenter.org By Michael Otto June 27, 2022 Ibarra, Imbabura Province, Ecuador June 26 — The Indigenous-led National Strike in Ecuador that began June 13 enters its third week on June 27, as the people once again show their power in the streets and highways. Roadblocks in 23 provinces have closed every paved road in Ecuador. The masses have said, "Enough!" to banker President Guillermo Lasso and five years of a brutal neoliberal economic war that has deepened the poverty of the Indigenous, peasants and the precarious working poor who labor in the informal economy. Roadblocks are a huge weapon in the hands of the peasants…
(2022-06-30). Ecuador: Indigenous Groups Lead National Rebellion Over Inflation. popularresistance.org An alliance of Indigenous organizations in Ecuador have held daily demonstrations after sharp increases in the costs for fuel and food. | The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) began their general strike actions on June 13 after huge price hikes crippled the capacity of rural and urban communities to access transportation and food for their households. | In response to the demonstrations and an assortment of other forms of resistance, President Guillermo Lasso has declared a state of emergency in several provinces of the South American state. The order reads in part that: "To declare a…
(2022-06-30). Climbing inequality in Argentina as poverty and inflation soars. peoplesdispatch.org Argentinian vice president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner spoke at the Central de Trabajadores de la Argentina (CTA) for Flag Day, on June 20 about the political, social and economic situation in the country. Argentina's former president presented data indicating that the country that is constantly growing and exporting, at the same time that the poverty level remains (or increases), and the vast majority of its population is affected by the scourge of rampant inflation. | In this context: Is it the social organizations that should be controlled or rather the sectors of concentrated power? | Although the criticis…
(2022-06-30). Colombians elect Gustavo Petro, beating right wing. iacenter.org By Martha Grevatt June 29, 2022 Voters in Colombia made history June 19, when they elected the first progressive president in the country's history. Gustavo Petro, previously a legislator and mayor of Bogota and one-time combatant with the M-19 guerrilla army, defeated right-wing candidate Rodolfo Hernández in a runoff election. Petro and Vice President-elect Francia Márquez — an environmentalist and the country's first Afro-Colombian vice president — take office August 7. Gustavo Petro and Francia Márquez greet Colombian masses. Petro was previously the highest vote-getter in the May general election…
(2022-06-30). Colombian election 'an extraordinary event'. iacenter.org June 29, 2022 Translated by M. Rafael and Daniela Ochoa-Bravo The statement below was issued June 22 by the FARC-EP (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army) Segunda Marquetalia on the election of Gustavo Petro and Francia Márquez, candidates of the Pacto Historico, as the first leftist president and vice president of Colombia. The FARC was founded in 1964 and waged a guerrilla insurgency against the right-wing, pro-imperialist Colombian government until signing a comprehensive peace agreement with the government in 2016. After the 2016 peace agreements, the majority of the FARC units demobilized and…
(2022-06-30). Colombia's election raises hopes for peace. iacenter.org By M. Rafael June 29, 2022 Since the news of Gustavo Petro's victory in the Colombian elections on June 19, a massive sense of jubilation has washed across Colombia and the world over. Colombia for the first time in its history has elected a leftist government, after 80-plus years of nearly unending civil war: between Liberals and Conservatives, Marxist insurgents and the Colombian State, and the Colombian State against its own civilian population. Many believe that this elected administration will be able to do what all others said they would and end this legacy of violence. This is seen clearly in the energy in…
(2022-06-30). Colombia Votes For Vivir Sabroso: Chronicle Of An Historic Election. popularresistance.org The night before the elections, Gustavo Petro participated in a ceremony in the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, where indigenous spiritual leaders–Arhuaco, Kankuamo, Kogui, and Yukpas peoples–from the "navel of the world", tuned him with ancestral and natural powers to be president. After the dynamic duo of the "Historic Pact", Petro for President, and Francia Márquez for Vice President, obtained the highest number of votes in a first round in all of Colombian history, on May 29, with 8.5 million, the road to the final election turned into three weeks of high tension, of contending wills and sharp suspense. | Imm…
(2022-06-30). Daily Round-up | Colombia's Truth Commission releases final report & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episode, we bring you stories from the Truth Commission in Colombia, the death of migrants in the US, the trial of Palestinian youth Ahmed Manasra, and the action against Filipino news outlet Rappler…
(2022-06-30). Continúa paro indefinido de transportistas en Perú. telesurtv.net Las movilizaciones que comenzaron el pasado 27 de junio han provocado más de 40 millones de dólares en pérdidas.
(2022-06-30). Friday 7/1: Speakout: 12PM 7/1 Cordileone at Mission Dolores. indybay.org Mission Dolores Basilica | 16th and Dolores Streets…
(2022-06-30). Venezuela Reports No Significant Damage from Tropical Cyclone 2. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez reported that although there has been no significant damage in any state of the country due to the passing of Tropical Cyclone Two, preventive measures will be maintained. | Different command posts of the nation have been deployed in case of any possibilities that may arise, the vice president reported in a telephone interview with Venezolana de Televisión (VTV), in which she pointed out: "We are in ongoing contact with the governors and the entire civil protection, prevention and risk response system, but we will remain vigilant until this climactic phenomenon definitive…
(2022-06-30). Meet the Mennonites in Peru. america.cgtn.com CGTN's Dan Collyns visited one community of Mennonites, Wanderland in Peru and got an exclusive insight into their lives. Find out more.
(2022-06-30). Conaie y Gobierno de Lasso esperan firmar acuerdos tras diálogo. telesurtv.net La Conaie declararía el cese de las movilizaciones y el retorno a las comunidades, tras la mediación de la Iglesia.
(2022-06-30). Bolivia Condemns Bolsonaro's Offer of Asylum to àÅñez. orinocotribune.com The Brazilian right-wing president offered political asylum to former Bolivian de facto ruler Jeanine àÅñez. | On Tuesday, June 28, Bolivia's Foreign Minister Rogelio Mayta denounced Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, after he said that the former de facto ruler of Bolivia, Jeanine àÅñez, was innocent, and that she would receive political asylum in Brazil. Bolsonaro's offer represented a grotesque attempt to emulate Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who earlier this week reiterated his offer to provide asylum to the Australian journalist Julian Assange, persecuted by the US. | At a pres…
(2022-06-30). Dialogue between US and Venezuela advances step further. peoplesdispatch.org The government of Venezuela welcomed a second high-level US delegation that included Bogotá-based Ambassador James Story and US envoy on hostage affairs Roger Carstens, President Nicolás Maduro confirmed Monday. | Although US officials tried to characterize the visit as being driven by the Biden administration's efforts to see a handful of US citizens released from Venezuelan custody, the Venezuelan president was explicit that the meeting was a follow-up to
(2022-06-30). New diplomatic relations between Venezuela and Colombia. america.cgtn.com Gustavo Petro will be the first left-wing leader in the Colombia's history, when he takes office next month. But there will also be regional repercussions, particularly in neighboring Venezuela.
(2022-06-30). Abogado de Milagro Sala agradece visita de presidente argentino. telesurtv.net Recordó, asimismo, que el Gobierno tiene herramientas para liberar a la activista social, presa desde enero de 2016.
(2022-06-30). Venezuela denuncia omisión de sanciones en informe de DD.HH. telesurtv.net Constant Rosales señaló que niños venezolanos han dejado de recibir tratamientos médicos por estas ilegales medidas.
(2022-06-30). Bolivia rejects interventionist statements by Brazilian President. peoplesdispatch.org The government of Bolivian President Luis Arce on Tuesday, June 28, rejected the recent statements made by Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro wherein he claimed that former de-facto Bolivian President Jeanine àÅñez was innocent and offered her political asylum. The Bolivian government described Bolsonaro's statements as "absolutely impudent" and "inappropriate interference in internal affairs." | Bolivian Foreign Minister Rogelio Mayta held a press conference in capital La Paz to respond to the Brazilian President and clarified that Bolivia would never allow interference in the decisions that sovereignly re…
(2022-06-30). Your Support Has Kept Global Research Freely Accessible for Two Decades. globalresearch.ca The goal of the Global Research website is to shed light on complex and controversial issues often neglected by the mainstream media. It is through our readers' support and our authors' endeavors that allows us to sustain this objective. By …
(2022-06-30). Gustavo Petro califica de respetuoso diálogo con Uribe Vélez. telesurtv.net El presidente electo de Colombia continúa con su agenda de diálogo con sectores sociopolíticos para alcanzar un acuerdo nacional.
(2022-06-30). Demandan en Bolivia avance procesal en caso Golpe de Estado I. telesurtv.net Denuncian que políticos que promovieron la ruptura constitucional no han respondido a la Justicia y obstaculizan o impiden las declaratorias.
(2022-06-30). President Maduro Has High Expectations for Petrocaribe's Resurgence. orinocotribune.com On the 17th anniversary of the creation of Petrocaribe, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, expressed his expectation that the regional alliance would be restored "very soon" in order to strengthen vor of the Latin American and Caribbean peoples. | Through his Twitter account, the head of state wrote that Petrocaribe "is a mechanism for the energy security of the Latin American and Caribbean peoples. I am sure that very soon, we will recover the capacity of this instrument. That is the path!" | In recent weeks, particularly after the recent entreaties by the United States government towards Venezuela, man…
(2022-06-30). Venezuela's Far-Right Opposition Announces 2023 Presidential Primaries. orinocotribune.com This Tuesday, June 28, Omar Barboza, the secretary general of the far-right opposition group, the so-called Unitary Platform, announced that the date of the organization's primary elections will be announced before the end of 2022, and will be held in 2023. | During a press conference, Barboza reported that process includes various stages, such as the promotion of the primaries, the determination of regulations, and the formation of the electoral commission. | "What we have agreed on is that this year we are going to set the date for the primary that will be held in 2023," Barboza said. | He said that the process…