(2022-07-09). Asesinan a otro firmante de la paz en Colombia. telesurtv.net Forma parte del contexto de violencia en el cual se propone combatir desde agosto el nuevo presidente Gustavo Petro.
(2022-07-09). President Maduro Ratifies Vladimir Padrino López as Defense Minister of Venezuela (FANB Graduation Ceremony). orinocotribune.com Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced the ratification of the military high command of the nation during the Joint Graduation Act to the Rank of Lieutenants, Lieutenant Commanders, and Retirement of the Class of 1989 of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) on Thursday, July 7. Major General Vladimir Padrino López was ratified as the Minister of Defense of Venezuela, and hence he will continue in his post. | President Maduro also announced the ratification of Major General Domingo Hernández Lárez in…
(2022-07-09). Gustavo Petro Proposes to Return Monómeros to Venezuela. orinocotribune.com The president-elect of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, has said that he plans to return the administration of the Venezuelan state-owned fertilizer company Monómeros, headquartered in Barranquilla, Colombia, to Venezuela. Petro expressed hope that this will make the company functional again, which would reduce the cost of fertilizers in his country. | "The urea used in our country was produced in the Monómeros company of the Venezuelan petrochemical company Pequiven," said Petro in an interview with the Colombian radio station W Radio. "Iván Duque caused the loss of fundamental raw material in the Colombian agricultural…
(2022-07-09). Volcamiento de bus deja cuatro muertos y 27 heridos en Colombia. telesurtv.net Las autoridades informaron que el vehículo partió en horas de la noche desde Bogotá hacia Cartagena.
(2022-07-09). Inauguran en Bolivia una fábrica de baterías de litio. telesurtv.net Quantum Motors es la primera empresa de su tipo en el estado andino y beneficiaria de los grandes yacimientos de litio en la región de Potosí.
(2022-07-09). Mercedes Sosa, una vida de lucha social entre canciones. telesurtv.net Mercedes, ícono mundial, rescató en sus interpretaciones a poetas como los chilenos Víctor Jara y Pablo Neruda, la peruana Alicia Maguiña y el cubano Ignacio Villa.
(2022-07-09). øQuiénes fueron los próceres de la independencia argentina. telesurtv.net El 9 de julio de 1816 el Congreso de Tucumán aseguró la unión de las provincias argentinas frente a la corona española.
(2022-07-09). Argentina vacunará contra la Covid-19 a niños desde los 6 meses. telesurtv.net La información fue dada tras la autorización de la inmunización por la Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica.
(2022-07-09). Ministerio de Salud confirma 21 casos de viruela símica en Perú. telesurtv.net Las autoridades sanitarias indicaron que se está realizando la identificación de contactos de los casos registrados.
(2022-07-09). Ecuador y Colombia logran primer triunfo en Copa América Femenina. telesurtv.net Daniela Montoya de Colombia y Nayely Bolaños de Ecuador, terminaron siendo elegidas las mejores jugadoras de sus respectivos encuentros.
(2022-07-09). Investigan esquema de corrupción sobre fondos destinados a la paz en Colombia. telesurtv.net El escándalo reveló que al menos 0.000 millones de dólares fueron entregados en coimas a funcionarios.
(2022-07-09). Los Nadies de teleSUR obtiene premio de periodismo Aníbal Nazoa. telesurtv.net El fallo otorgó el premio por el espacio transmitido el 12 de marzo de 2022 el cual visibiliza la violencia que sufre el pueblo colombiano.
(2022-07-09). Conoce el legado cultural que Facundo Cabral dejó al mundo. telesurtv.net En las canciones de Facundo Cabral sobresalen la visión de la realidad, el amor a la gente sencilla y el modo afectivo de brindar su arte.
(2022-07-09). Argentina La necesidad de un plan y de un equipo. globalizacion.ca La primera condición que tiene que tener quién asume el Ministerio de Economía de la Nación es tener un plan de acción y un equipo capaz de instrumentarlo. | Ese plan en primer lugar debe priorizar rescatar parte de la deuda…
(2022-07-08). G20 Diplomats Fail to Reach Consensus on Ukraine War. news.antiwar.com The G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, on Friday Many G20 members have not followed the US-led sanctions campaign against Russia, including Indonesia, China, India, Brazil, and South Africa. The meeting opened with Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi calling for the G20 nations to work together to end the war. | Marsud…
(2022-07-08). After Drop in May, Venezuela Oil Exports Rise as Crude Flows to Europe Again. orinocotribune.com The first shipments of Venezuelan crude to Europe helped boost the country's oil exports by 61%, according to PDVSA data. These exchanges had been stopped for two years due to illegal US and European sanctions. | Italy's Eni (ENI.MI) and Spain's Repsol (REP.MC) began taking Venezuelan crude after receiving the green light from the US State Department, a decision that was made to help Europe compensate for the loss of Russian oil, after the blockade of Russia by the US and its junior partners that began with Russia's military operation in Ukraine. | The oil-for-debt swaps, seen by analysts as a sign of Washington'
(2022-07-08). Brazil is bracing for a right-wing insurrection far worse than the 2021 US Capitol attack. peoplesdispatch.org The president of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), Minister Edson Fachin, declared that during this year's presidential election, Brazil may have a more serious attack than the January 6, 2021, invasion of the Capitol in the United States. | "We may have an even more aggressive episode than January 6 from here on Capitol Hill. We understand that there are six fundamental conditions to prevent this from happening in Brazil," said Fachin, during a discussion at the Wilson Center in Washington DC on Wednesday, July 6. | "If there is a dissolution of one of the branches of government, the danger could go to the oth…
(2022-07-08). Sólidos e inoxidables: Así se definen en Exitros. cubadebate.cu Junto a Nelson Ceballos Sardiñas y Maikel Cardoso Castillo, Erqui Bernal Torriente representa al proyecto de desarrollo local (PDL) Inoxidables Exitros. Las analogías escondidas en el nombre serían suficientes para describir lo que mueve a estos tres hombres que, un martes cualquiera, a las 12 del mediodía, todavía están enderezando y cortando láminas de acero en un taller desvencijado.
(2022-07-08). Venezuela Strengthens Cooperation with Caribbean States. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Caribbean, Raúl Licausi, held a meeting this Thursday, July 7, with the Secretary General of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS), Rodolfo Sabonge, with the aim of reviewing the organization's agenda in the region and relations with Venezuela. | Through its Twitter account, the Venezuelan foreign affairs ministry explained that this meeting was held within the framework of the 43rd Ordinary Meeting of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), being held in Suriname. | VM par…
(2022-07-08). Uruguay Juez ordenó a Salinas a responder 18 preguntas sobre vacunación. globalizacion.ca El ministro de Salud, Daniel Salinas, había sido citado por el juez Alejandro Recarey pero no compareció sino que fue representado por abogados del MSP. En la audiencia el juez dictaminó que el ministro deberá declarar y responder a 18…
(2022-07-08). EE.UU. extiende licencia para exportar gas licuado a Venezuela. telesurtv.net Es prorrogada hasta julio de 2023. Tal licencia permite la exportación o reexportación de forma directa o indirecta de gas licuado por PDVSA y sus filiales.
(2022-07-08). Deforestation in Venezuela's Sierra Nevada National Park. america.cgtn.com Residents living in Venezuela's Sierra Nevada National Park say firewood is the only way they can cook. But environmentalists warn, tree removal is impacting the land.
(2022-07-08). Líder indígena de Ecuador espera que diálogo dé respuesta a demandas. telesurtv.net El líder indígena ecuatoriano reconoció y resaltó la importancia de la unidad entre las organizaciones sociales.
(2022-07-08). Alertan sobre manipulación de la derecha para dividir a Bolivia. telesurtv.net El mandatario resaltó el impulso a la Ley de Protección al Gremial en la Asamblea que reconoce el derecho a tener vivienda, salud, jubilación.
(2022-07-08). Alex Saab Hails Venezuela on Its Independence. orinocotribune.com By Alex Saab Jul 5, 2022 | Dear President Nicolas Maduro and beloved people of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. I would like to send you my greetings on the occasion of our Independence Day. | Our country is moving steadily towards economic growth, stability and national reconciliation despite the sanctions and the inhumane blockade imposed by the United States. | Of course, we would make much faster progress if, in a show of patriotic sorrow, the small section of the opposition that supports these sanctions would also join us, especially on this important date, in our demand for an immediate end to th…
(2022-07-08). Petro y la difícil relación entre "el socio más confiable" y el poder real de EE.UU. globalizacion.ca Colombia nunca ha tenido un presidente de izquierda y ha sido el aliado más cercano de Washington en la región durante décadas, pero la elección del progresista Gustavo Petro en el cargo más alto e importante del país podría cambiar…
(2022-07-08). White House Extends Permit for Liquefied Gas Exports to Venezuela (No Sanctions Relief). orinocotribune.com Caracas, July 7, 2022 (OrinocoTribune.com)—This Thursday, July 7, the United States Treasury Department, through the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), Washington and Caracas have resumed a timid dialogue and contacts since last March, when a high-level US delegation met with Presid…
(2022-07-08). Citarán a Luis Camacho a declarar en caso Golpe de Estado en Bolivia. telesurtv.net Se investigan los delitos de terrorismo y conspiración durante el golpe de Estado realizado en noviembre de 2019.
(2022-07-08). New dinosaur species discovered in Argentina. ecns.cn Scientists discovered in northern Patagonia extensive skeletal remains of a previously unknown species called Meraxes gigas, including one of the most complete skulls of a large meat-eating dinosaur ever unearthed.
(2022-07-08). Colombia holds peace hearings to bring families closure. america.cgtn.com Colombia's -year-old armed conflict between the government and leftist rebel groups, left a lengthy trail of crimes. With the signing of a peace agreement, a Special Jurisdiction for Peace is bringing to light each one of them, in the hope that victims can find closure.
(2022-07-08). China, Argentina agree to strengthen coordination, Belt and Road cooperation. ecns.cn Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Argentine Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero have pledged to strengthen coordination and increase cooperation on building the Belt and Road between their countries.
(2022-07-07). Afro-Colombia and the Elections of 2018: Keys to What the Future Holds. libya360.wordpress.com Cindy Forster Francia Márquez Gustavo Petro, the progressive who won the presidential race in Colombia on June 19th, said right before the elections that "Sunday's vote will break down exactly like that of the referendum in support of the Peace Accords," which lost by a narrow margin in 2016. The referendum won in regions of…
(2022-07-07). Colombia, once a pro-US conservative bastion, turns left. canadiandimension.com The left wing candidates of the Pacto Histórico coalition ticket celebrate their win in Bogotá. Photo from Twitter. | For the first time ever, Colombia has chosen new leadership that is not conservative. Voters in the third-most populous nation in Latin America Petro, who ran on a platform to ta…
(2022-07-07). A Hired Assassination: Evidence Emerges in the Carlos Lanz Case. libya360.wordpress.com Mision Verdad After two years of uncertainty, more than 200 investigations by the Public Prosecutor's Office (MP) and a confession, we finally know the story of the disappearance of Carlos Lanz, Venezuelan social leader, university professor and researcher, a friend of this tribune. Due to the joint work of several state powers, it was concluded…
(2022-07-07). Venezuela: Attorney General Arrests Alleged Murderers of Chavista Cadre Carlos Lanz. venezuelanalysis.com The longtime Venezuelan revolutionary leader went missing in August 2020 prompting a wide-reaching investigation and grassroots support.