(2022-07-12). China Opens the Caribbean Development Center. orinocotribune.com Beijing, (Prensa Latina) Officials from China and Caribbean countries opened today a joint development center in the city of Jinan (east) with the aim of consolidating and expanding cooperation on fields of mutual interest. | The ceremony brought together officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the government of Shandong province along with the ambassadors of Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and Barbados, plus the chargé d'affaires of Suriname. Following the opening of the center, the parties reported on a Chinese donation of sanitary products to Caribbean countries, a cooperative project wit…
(2022-07-12). Denuncian bloqueo de EEUU contra Cuba en Argentina. cubadebate.cu Integrantes de organizaciones políticas, sociales y sindicales de Argentina llegaron hoy hasta la embajada cubana para manifestar su apoyo a la isla y denunciar el bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero impuesto por Estados Unidos.
(2022-07-12). María Corina Machado Now Wants to Compete in Elections. orinocotribune.com The head of the Come Venezuela (Vente Venezuela in Spanish) political movement, María Corina Machado, apparently changed her mind again, and now wants to compete for the upcoming 2024 presidential elections, according to an announcement she made in a video posted on her Twitter account. | "We are willing to measure ourselves," said the far-right politician, "because Venezuela needs a political leadership, and a leadership that does not give in and does not give up, and that keeps its word and its commitment." | She said that this announcement resulted from the seventh federal meeting of her political organization…
(2022-07-12). Special Economic Zones: Why Venezuela Relies on Them to Attract Foreign Investment. orinocotribune.com The legal instrument was approved with the vote of the deputies of the opposition and the government, but was rejected by the Communist party deputy. | Venezuela seeks to obtain financial assets in various ways. With this objective, the National Assembly recently approved the Organic Law of Special Economic Zones (ZEE), an instrument intends to increase the country's income and encourage "economic independence," according to its promoters. | Beyond the fact that the law was approved in consensus by the government and opposition benches (with the negative vote of the only communist deputy), the law establishes con…
(2022-07-11). Mayi Cumare confiesa participación en el asesinato de Carlos Lanz. telesurtv.net Maxiorisol (Mayi) Cumare, la esposa del líder revolucionario, reconoció ante la fiscalía haber pagado para el asesinato de Carlos Lanz.
(2022-07-11). A World of 8 Billion, Yes, but only a Few Are Seen as Human Beings (Part 1). transcend.org 7 022 – Far-right Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, was quoted as saying to a small group of indigenous people that they "now look a bit more like humans."
(2022-07-11). After Ecuadorians, Panamanians Say No more Pillaging. popularresistance.org The situation in Panama is becoming increasingly tense as more people join in what has become a permanent strike expressed in street protests. During the last few weeks, there have been several strikes in the transportation sector, especially in agricultural transportation, but the government has not offered any solutions to the demands so far. | The lack of response has generated growing discontent, and since last Thursday, teachers have joined the transport workers declaring a permanent strike, paralyzing a large part of the country's economic activity. The strike is being supported now by several strong unions…
(2022-07-11). Assessing the Current State of Anti-Imperialism in Latin America. orinocotribune.com The Iranian Marxist publication, Iranfardamag, interviews Rainer Shea — , 2022 | What's your take take on Petro's electoral victory and the prospects of his administration joining organizations such ALBA? Would he become a Boric-style president or a Morales-style one? | I believe he'll become a Boric-style president for three main reasons. One, he's more likely to have his progressive alliance lean into the centrist-inclined governments in Chile and Argentina than into the region's consistently anti-imperialist governments. If he joins ALBA I'll be proven wrong, but I'm concerned I'll be proven right.
(2022-07-11). Argentina anuncia medidas para mantener el equilibrio fiscal. telesurtv.net La titular de Economía señaló que "se mantienen las metas acordadas con el FMI. Es un acuerdo que firmamos como Estado".
(2022-07-11). Reiniciarán envío de paquetería desde Colombia hacia Cuba. cubadebate.cu El próximo día 17 de julio Cubana de Aviación y CI Proyectos Comerciales Lobaton Express reiniciarán el envío de paquetería desde Colombia hacia Cuba, confirmó la directora de operaciones de la compañía. La empresa constituida en Colombia y con presencia en Chile, Estados Unidos, Panamá y Perú brinda sus servicios a Cuba desde hace 15 años.
(2022-07-11). Brazil's Amazon Lost Record Amount of Forest during First Six Months of 2022. transcend.org 6 022 – Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon has breached another record this year. The rainforest lost 1,448 square miles between 1 Jan and 24 Jun. The new findings follow reports that deforestation broke records during 2022. Rainforest advocates have blamed the pro-business policies of right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro for the historic losses.
(2022-07-11). Presidente Luis Arce resalta estabilidad económica en Bolivia. telesurtv.net "Pese a la crisis internacional, Bolivia es el país con más estabilidad de precios en Sudamérica", ponderó el jefe de Estado.
(2022-07-11). Denuncian robo e incendio en medio alternativo en Chile. telesurtv.net El siniestro obligó a evacuar momentáneamente a los vecinos de los pisos superiores.
(2022-07-11). Peoples of the Xingu join forces to confront the worst destruction ever registered. peoplesworld.org BRAZILIA—In the last four years, threats on different fronts have intensified in the Xingu Basin. In 2021 alone, more than 1,753,700 acres were deforested in the region. That's more than 194 trees felled every minute. Last year, deforestation in the protected territories increased by 30% from the previous year. This alarming data comes from Sirad …
(2022-07-11). Denuncian masacre en el Cauca, la número 53 en Colombia durante el 2022. telesurtv.net Además de las masacres, el país contabiliza 99 líderes sociales y 24 excombatientes asesinados en el año.
(2022-07-11). Bolivia anuncia construcción de planta de fertilizantes. telesurtv.net El presidente de Bolivia, Luis Arce, suscribió el acuerdo para la construcción de una planta de producción de fertilizantes.
(2022-07-11). Rechazan declaración racista de la jefa del Parlamento de Perú. telesurtv.net La titular del Parlamento dividió al país entre indios y blancos mientras negaba tener un discurso divisionista de clases.