Daily Archives: July 18, 2022

2022-07-18: News Headlines

Staff (2022-07-18). Petro and Maduro Working to Bring Colombia and Venezuela Closer, Report Reveals. orinocotribune.com President-elect of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, is taking the first steps to fulfill his promise to build bridges with Venezuela. | On Saturday, July 1, a memo was published by the Colombian far-right magazine In addition, a source who requested a…

Reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2022-07-18). Ecuador: Revista àëawpa. indybay.org Ecuador: Revista àëawpa | Espacio de reflexión plurinacional, intercultural y socialista…

Staff (2022-07-18). Iván Duque's Desperate Farewell: Venezuela Denounces New Attack on Pipeline Network. orinocotribune.com Caracas, July 17, 2022 ( Through his twitter account, El Aissami posted photographs of the attack where flames and smoke can be seen in sections of pipeline installed on the Venezuelan plains. In recent days, Venezuelan authorities have also reported discrete operations capturing illegal extract…

Maria Paez Victor (2022-07-17). What Does the UBER Scandal Have to Do With Venezuelan Special Economic Zones? orinocotribune.com By María Páez Victor 13 July 2022 | "The greatest challenge facing societies has always been how to conduct trade and credit without letting merchants and creditors make money by exploiting their customers and debtors." | (Michael Hudson)(1) | It is necessary to examine the mega-taxi industry of UBER. Its path is like one of Aesop's Fables that highlights a deep morale. | Except that it is not a fable. | A few days ago, the British newspaper The Guardian,(2) has revealed a huge scandal related to the UBER taxi industry. It is well known that this company is based on not giving employment to drivers but any…

_____ (2022-07-17). Argentina And Mexico Increase Commercial Ties With Cuba. popularresistance.org Cuba has ramped up commercial ties with Argentina and Mexico this week as it looks toward Latin America to break out of the blockade imposed by the United States. Havana is currently hosting a trade conference with Mexican businesses to attract investment and on Tuesday Argentina formalized a wide-ranging cooperation agreement to boost the agricultural sector. | The Mexico-Cuba trade conference, hosted at the Hotel Nacional, concluded today with the signing of 12 investment agreements in renewable energy, textiles, food, information technology, and other areas. The conference was inaugurated by Cuba's President M…

TeleSUR- hvh, JL (2022-07-17). Instituciones sanitarias del Ecuador se declaran en emergencia. telesurtv.net La resolución establece la centralización de la venta de medicamentos mediante la Dirección del Seguro Social Campesino.

TeleSUR, JL (2022-07-17). Gobierno de Venezuela denuncia ataque terrorista contra sistema gasífero en Oriente. telesurtv.net "Elevamos nuestra denuncia al país, y los pueblos del mundo, sobre un nuevo ataque al sistema gasífero del Oriente venezolano", denunció El Aissami.

TeleSUR-mcs-JL (2022-07-17). Sector de transporte pesado en Perú anuncia huelga nacional. telesurtv.net Durante la semana, las regiones de Arequipa, Cusco y Lambayeque confirmaron su presencia para la huelga nacional.

TeleSUR, lvm, JGN (2022-07-17). Conoce los principales desafíos que enfrentan los niños en el mundo. telesurtv.net El Día del Niño, jornada para promover su bienestar y derechos, es una efemérides que es celebrada en diferentes fechas en cada país. En Venezuela y Panamá se festeja el tercer domingo de julio.

TeleSUR- hvh, JL (2022-07-17). Al menos dos fallecidos deja explosión en Antioquia, Colombia. telesurtv.net Las autoridades comunicaron que entre las víctimas est´pa un patrullero de la Policía y un civil que se movilizaba en la zona.

TeleSUR, mcs, JGN (2022-07-17). Destacan importancia del Modelo Económico Social en Bolivia. telesurtv.net Durante el Gobierno de facto de Jeanine Áñez, los indicadores sociales sufrieron importantes deterioros.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-07-17). Comunidad de Turmequé,Colombia, protesta contra proyecto minero. telesurtv.net En la protesta pacífica se exigió que no se desarrolle un proyecto de explotación minera de carbón en una zona de páramo.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-07-17). Presidente de Perú anuncia plan de gasificación masiva. telesurtv.net El programa de masificación del gas natural empezará en la región Ayacucho, luego de que el Congreso aprobó la iniciativa del poder Ejecutivo…

Jessica Dos Santos (2022-07-17). Petro, Lula, and the 2024 Venezuelan Election. commondreams.org I'm absolutely sure I don't want any of the opposition "leaders" anywhere near Miraflores Palace. On the other hand, I feel that institutional Chavismo needs to change its way of doing politics…

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-07-17). Asesinan a guardia indígena en el departamento de Cauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net Este sábado asesinaron a Jorge Eliecer Mejía de la Guardia Indígena, cuando se encontraba en un establecimiento público de Mondomo.

TeleSUR, JL (2022-07-17). Colombia registra 137 niños fallecidos por desnutrición en 2022. telesurtv.net El defensor Camargo informó que se registran 8.710 casos de menores de cinco años que presentan desnutrición aguda y moderada.

TeleSUR-mcs-JL (2022-07-17). Uruguay reinicia excavaciones por desaparecidos en dictadura. telesurtv.net La dictadura cívico-militar uruguaya se extendió entre el 27 de junio de 1973 y el 1 de marzo de 1985.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-07-17). Denuncian militarización de macro zona sur de Chile. telesurtv.net El Gobierno chileno mantiene vigente un Estado de Excepción Constitucional de Emergencia en las provincias de Cautín, Malleco, Arauco y Biobío.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-07-17). Solicitan a Gobierno chileno establecer nexos con la República àÅrabe Saharaui. telesurtv.net Los firmantes de la misiva apuntaron que "hace 46 años que el pueblo saharaui sufre una sistemática violación a sus derechos humanos en los territorios ocupados por Marruecos".

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-07-17). Congreso peruano aprueba informe que recomienda acusar a presidente. telesurtv.net El informe será enviado a la Subcomisión de Acusaciones Constitucionales, la cual dará seguimiento al tema en la próxima legislatura.

TeleSUR -HIM (2022-07-17). Argentina ratifica su derecho sobre espacios marítimos. telesurtv.net La cancillería expresó que se implementan diversas medidas para conocimiento, preservación y uso sustentable de los recursos marítimos.

_____ (2022-07-17). Evo Morales: UK Role In Coup That Ousted Him. popularresistance.org When Evo Morales, Bolivia's first indigenous president, was overthrown in a British-backed coup in November 2019, many believed his life was in danger. Latin America's history is littered with liberation leaders cut down by vengeful imperial powers. | Legendary resistance leader Túpac Katari, like Morales from the Aymara indigenous group, had his limbs tied to four horses by the Spanish before they bolted and he was ripped apart in 1781. | Some 238 years later, Bolivia's self-declared "interim president," Jeanine àÅñez, appeared in Congress days after the coup against Morales brandishing a huge leatherbound…

Ricardo Gomez (2022-07-16). YOU LOVE TO SEE IT: Chile Proposes New Constitution. levernews.com Good things are happening! The proposal of a new constitution in Chile leaves behind the Pinochet era, enshrining the rights of workers and the environment. Also, California is tired of dangerous prices for insulin and will invest in producing its own low-cost options. Californians will also receive inflation-relief checks, and congressional staffers are organizing to demand climate action from Democratic leadership. Many of the staffers have been working on key climate policy for years, and they are now escalating their organizing commitments to go after stalling leadership.

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