Daily Archives: July 23, 2022

2022-07-23: News Headlines

TeleSUR, ysm, MER (2022-07-23). Presidente electo de Colombia designa a próximo ministro de Defensa. telesurtv.net Iván Velásquez Gómez ha desempeñado un rol destacado en la lucha contra la corrupción y la impunidad en Colombia y Guatemala.

Staff (2022-07-23). Petro designa a nuevo ministro de Defensa en Colombia. cubadebate.cu Gustavo Petro, presidente electo de Colombia, anunció hoy que su ministro de defensa será Iván Velásquez, quien fue magistrado auxiliar de la Corte Suprema responsable de la investigación judicial contra la parapolítica. Este abogado colombiano, de 67 años, asumirá una de las carteras estratégicas del país suramericano.

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-07-23). Explosión en edificio deja ocho heridos en Montevideo, Uruguay. telesurtv.net El ministro del Interior, Luis Alberto Heber, calificó como un desastre el incidente ocurrido en el barrio Villa Biarritz.

TeleSUR, jaa, SH (2022-07-23). Exigen en Ecuador juicio político contra ministro del Interior. telesurtv.net Según la Conaie, Carrillo debe ser juzgado por incumplimiento de funciones, mala aplicación del uso de la fuerza y vulneraciones en el paro nacional.

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-07-23). Presidente peruano llama a cesar las confrontaciones en el país. telesurtv.net El mandatario peruano afirmó que no interferirá en la elección de la nueva mesa directiva del Congreso.

TeleSUR, ldp, SH (2022-07-23). Argentina veta nuevos contratos en el sector estatal. telesurtv.net Se establecen excepciones para la contratación de nuevo personal en sectores de la seguridad, centros penitenciarios, de salud y otros específicos.

Staff (2022-07-23). Venezuela: Public Housing, Production Center Given to Families Who Were Victims of Eviction. orinocotribune.com On Thursday, July 21, President Nicolás Maduro handed over homes of the Great Venezuela Housing Mission (GMVV) and property titles to six farming families, who had been evicted from their lands on April 12 by order of the mayor of Guatire, Raziel Enrique Rodríguez Villanueva, and Polizamora (municipal police) officials of the Villa Zamora 2021 subdivision of Miranda state. | President Maduro stated that the government worked hard for days "to hand over the homes to the inhabitants of Villa Zamora, who had been subjected to an act of arbitrary eviction." | Handing over the property titles, he added, "This is an…

TeleSUR, SH (2022-07-23). Incendio en un depósito deja al menos cinco fallecidos en Perú. telesurtv.net Autoridades del cuerpo de bomberos advirtieron que la cifra de fallecidos y heridos a causa del fuego podría aumentar en las próximas horas.

TeleSUR, mcs, MER (2022-07-23). Ascienden a 143 los casos confirmados de viruela símica en Perú. telesurtv.net Las localidades con mayores casos confirmados son Lima Metropolitana con 125, La Libertad con cinco y Callao con cuatro.

TeleSUR, ldp, SH (2022-07-23). ONU respalda proceso de paz perseguido por Petro en Colombia. telesurtv.net La Comisión pidió mayor presencia del Estado colombiano en zonas de conflicto para desmantelar los grupos armados ilegales.

Vijay Prashad (2022-07-22). It is dark, but I sing because the morning will come: The Twenty-Ninth Newsletter (2022). mronline.org In the chilly Brazilian winter of 2019, Renata Porto Bugni (deputy director of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research), André Cardoso (coordinator of our office in Brazil), and I went to the Lula Livre ('Free Lula') camp in Curitiba, set up just across the road from the penitentiary where former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva sat in a 15-square metre cell.

_____ (2022-07-22). 'Lies Against Our Democracy': Lula Rips Bolsonaro's Speech To Diplomats. popularresistance.org Brazilian presidential frontrunner Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on Tuesday accused President Jair Bolsonaro of lying 20 times during a meeting with international diplomats in which the far-right incumbent repeated his baseless attacks on the integrity of the nation's election system. | While offering no credible evidence to support his claim, Bolsonaro told dozens of diplomats from countries including the United States and members of the European Union that the Brazilian electoral system is "completely vulnerable" to fraud in the run-up to this October's presidential election. | According to Folha de Sà£o Paul…

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-07-22). Anuncian fin del paro indefinido de transportistas en Perú. telesurtv.net Tras la reunión con la Comisión de Alto Nivel del Ejecutivo, el subjefe de Transportes señaló que "triunfó el diálogo".

Graham Holton (2022-07-22). Los derechos indígenas ocupan un lugar central en la nueva constitución de Chile. peoplesworld.org La nueva constitución de Chile dará reconocimiento oficial a los pueblos indígenas dentro de sus fronteras, convirtiéndolo en el tercer país plurinacional de América del Sur, después de Ecuador y Bolivia. Es parte de las amplias reformas del presidente Gabriel Boric Font, cuya amplia coalición de partidos de izquierda, incluido el Partido Comunista de Chile, …

Staff (2022-07-22). Maduro establece cinco zonas con incentivos fiscales para atraer inversiones ante las sanciones de Estados Unidos (+Video). cubadebate.cu El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, ordenó crear cinco zonas económicas especiales con incentivos fiscales y aduaneros para atraer inversiones extranjeras en medio de las sanciones de EE.UU. Estos espacios darán condiciones atractivas a los inversionistas de acuerdo con la llamada Ley Orgánica de las Zonas Económicas Especiales.

TeleSUR -HIM (2022-07-22). Fiscalía peruana abre investigación contra presidente Castillo. telesurtv.net El origen de la investigación se produce luego de las declaraciones del destituido ministro del Interior Mariano González, respecto a presunto encubrimiento personal de Castillo.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-07-22). Oposición busca reducir votos necesarios para vacancia en Perú. telesurtv.net Los partidos de la oposición buscan así acercar la posibilidad de poder destituir al presidente Pedro Castillo.

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-07-22). Explosión deja al menos ocho heridos en la capital de Uruguay. telesurtv.net El ministro del Interior, Luis Alberto Heber, calificó como un desastre el incidente ocurrido en el barrio Villa Biarritz.

Staff (2022-07-22). Cuartel de la Montaña Offers Special Programming for President Chávez's Birthday. orinocotribune.com On July 28, the birthday of the former president of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, will be commemorated in Venezuela. As a result, various activities will be carried out at the Cuartel de la Montaña (the Mountain Barrack) where the remains of the world leader rest. | A special recreational cultural program was put together for the Cuartel de la Montaña, in the 23 de Enero parish of Caracas, for July 24, 26, 27, and 28. | The events were organized by the Hugo Chávez Foundation, which will offer activities such as " °Maisanta que somos chamos!," a fun and practical hip hop workshop on the 24th, at 9 a.m., in the April…

Juan Guahán (2022-07-22). Argentina: Poco gobierno para tanto reclamo. globalizacion.ca La fecha patria del 9 de Julio no trajo tranquilidad. Todo lo contrario. A partir de ese día se fueron desencadenando acontecimientos, que no por esperados dejaron de conmover a la sociedad argentina. La renuncia de quien se suponía que…

Staff (2022-07-22). Will President Maduro Attend Gustavo Petro's Inauguration? orinocotribune.com A special guardianship provision recently admitted by Colombia's Council of State could authorize the entry of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro for the inauguration of President-elect Gustavo Petro on August 7. | Through this action, presented by Colombian citizen Juan Luis Castellanos, the statement by outgoing president, Iván Duque, in which he said that President Maduro would not be allowed to enter Colombia, will be subjected to legal analysis. | According to the outgoing president, because his government does not recognize the current Venezuelan head of state, he does not have the right to attend Petro's…

_____ (2022-07-21). Artists Respond To Climate Crisis With World Weather Network. popularresistance.org A library at the top of one of London's oldest skyscrapers; the rainforest, mountains and coastline of Peru; a Canadian island in the Labrador Current. | All of these are weather stations, but they won't necessarily be reporting temperature changes or barometric pressure. Instead, they are among the 28 international locations from which writers and artists will work to make sense of the climate crisis as part of a first-of-its kind collaboration called the World Weather Network. | "We want to see what happens when artists and writers start to use their imagination and lateral kind of abilities to think through so…

_____ (2022-07-21). Gramsci In The Midst Of Brazil's Landless Workers' Movement. popularresistance.org Despite the persistent hegemony of capitalism and its ruling neoliberal ideology, various forms of resistance, social struggle, and proposals for an emancipated future continue to emerge. This is taking place in the face of economic, political, social, and environmental crises as well as a continuing lack of vision of how to overcome the health crisis. Our intellectuals must put their hearts and souls precisely into this orientation toward the future, one based on the possibility of change and hope for human emancipation, as we argued in Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research dossier no. 13, The New Intell…

Lucrecia Franco (2022-07-21). Brazil wastes 40% of its children's talent, says World Bank study. america.cgtn.com The Brazilian report is part of the Bank's Human Capital Project, an initiative launched in 2018 to make governments aware of the importance of investing in human potential.

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