(2022-07-07). Fiscalía de Venezuela esclarece asesinato de Carlos Lanz. telesurtv.net El fiscal venezolano detalló que Carlos Lanz fue inicialmente secuestrado por sicarios el 8 de agosto de 2020.
(2022-07-07). Colombia, once a pro-US conservative bastion, turns left. canadiandimension.com The left wing candidates of the Pacto Histórico coalition ticket celebrate their win in Bogotá. Photo from Twitter. | For the first time ever, Colombia has chosen new leadership that is not conservative. Voters in the third-most populous nation in Latin America Petro, who ran on a platform to ta…
(2022-07-07). Lula could win Brazilian presidential elections if the first round was held today. peoplesdispatch.org Two new polls released on July 6 indicate that former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Worker's Party) is the most likely to win Brazilian presidential elections, followed by sitting far-right President Jair Bolsonaro (Liberal Party). | According to polling organization PoderData, Lula has 44% of voter support, and Bolsonaro has 36%. They are followed by Ciro Gomes (Democratic Labor Party), with 5%, and candidates André Janones (Avante) and Simone Tebet (Brazilian Democratic Movement), both with 3%. Other candidates Luiz Felipe d'Avila (New Party), Pablo Maràßal (Republican Party of Social Order), Lucia…
(2022-07-07). Wife of Carlos Lanz Responsible for His Kidnapping and Assassination, Informs Attorney General Saab. orinocotribune.com This Wednesday, July 6, Maxiorisol "Mayi" Cumare was revealed as the intellectual author of the murder of her husband, sociologist and Venezuelan revolutionary leader Carlos Lanz, as explained by Attorney General Tarek William Saab in a press conference. Cumare allegedly paid $8,000 to Glen Castellanos—one of her lovers—whose testimony was vital to clarifying the case, where it was discovered that two assassins were hired to carry out the crime. After Lanz's muder, his body was dismembered and his remains were fed to the pigs in order to make the evidence disappear. There have been 13 detentions with…
(2022-07-07). TSJ de Venezuela avala Ley de Zonas Económicas Especiales. telesurtv.net La normativa proyecta regular la creación, organización, funcionamiento y administración de áreas para el desarrollo de proyectos económicos y de encadenamiento productivo.
(2022-07-07). Presidente venezolano sostiene reunión con directiva de la CAF. telesurtv.net El presidente Maduro contó dentro de su delegación con la vicepresidenta Delcy Rodríguez y la diputada Cilia Flores.
(2022-07-07). TSJ de Venezuela declara carácter constitucional de Ley de Zonas Económicas Especiales. telesurtv.net La normativa proyecta regular la creación, organización, funcionamiento y administración de áreas para el desarrollo de proyectos económicos y de encadenamiento productivo.
(2022-07-07). Destacan en Bolivia rol de la salud en lucha contra la Covid-19. telesurtv.net El mandatario resaltó que el Gobierno continuará impulsando la construcción y equipamiento de hospitales para asegurar la atención sanitaria del pueblo boliviano.
(2022-07-07). Confirman primer caso de viruela del mono en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Se trata de un hombre de 30 años que se encuentra en Guayaquil, con condición de salud estable y aislado.
(2022-07-07). Iran, Russia & China to Carry Out Military Drills in Venezuela. orinocotribune.com Iran, Russia, and China are preparing to carry out a series of trilateral military exercises in Latin America, in a show of force against the US. | Venezuela is scheduled to host military exercises in mid-August and Iran, Russia, and China, along with 10 other nations, intend to send their armed forces to the Western Hemisphere to participate in these exercises, the conservative North American website Washington Free Beacon reported on Tuesday, July 5, citing a report by the Center for a Secure Free Society. | According to the US website, the joint military drills, called "Sniper Frontier," are the clearest sign…
(2022-07-07). Condenan a 19 represores de la dictadura militar en Argentina. telesurtv.net Desde el inicio del juicio han declarado más de 300 testigos.
(2022-07-07). Instalan mesa técnica de diálogo Gobierno-indígenas en Ecuador. telesurtv.net No obstante, el Gobierno de Ecuador espera la metodología de Iglesia Católica para llevar adelante el diálogo acordado.
(2022-07-07). Pérdidas por Golpe en Bolivia superan 4.000 millones de dólares. telesurtv.net El ministro de Economía de Bolivia afirmó que "el bajón del 2020 (…) no se había visto en más de cuatro décadas".
(2022-07-07). Trabajadores uruguayos se movilizan en defensa de sus salarios. telesurtv.net Además, marchan en defensa de la negociación colectiva, las empresas públicas y la seguridad social solidaria.
(2022-07-07). Caricom insta a EE. UU. a eliminar sanciones contra Venezuela. telesurtv.net Fue uno de los acuerdos de la recién concluida 43 cumbre anual de la Caricom, celebrada en Surinam durante esta semana.
(2022-07-07). Convocan a caravana por liberación de presos políticos en Chile. telesurtv.net El vocero de la organización denunció la represión con la que se enfrentó a los manifestantes por parte de Carabineros y la Policía Nacional.
(2022-07-07). Asesinan a excombatiente en Caquetá, el número 23 en Colombia durante el 2022. telesurtv.net La víctima respondía al nombre de Maicol Andrés Lozano Rojas y se encontraba realizando su proceso de reincorporación.
(2022-07-07). Venezuela y Rusia fortalecen relaciones en áreas estratégicas. telesurtv.net El intercambio comercial entre Moscú y Caracas creció un por ciento en 2021 y en otros 26 por ciento en los primeros cuatro meses de 2022.
(2022-07-07). Bolivia investiga presunta financiación electoral irregular. telesurtv.net Presidente y vicepresidente bolivianos instruyen investigar presunta entrega de fondos electorales por un procesado por narcotráfico.
(2022-07-06). Brazil's MST on the Fight Against Evictions and Bolsonaro (Interview). orinocotribune.com Brazil is heading towards this year's elections with a strong appetite for change after four years of Jair Bolsonaro which followed a coup against President Dilma Rouseff. | In Sà£o Paulo, Camila Escalante of Kawsachun News spoke to Cassia Bechara of the National Board of the
(2022-07-06). National Strike In Ecuador Was Also A Strike For People's Health. popularresistance.org After more than two weeks of mobilization, people's movements in Ecuador reached an agreement with the government, bringing the national strike to halt. On Thursday, June 30, representatives of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), the Council of Indigenous Evangelical Peoples and Organizations of Ecuador (FEINE) and the National Confederation of Peasant, Indigenous and Afro-descendant Organizations (FENOCIN) formally recognized a list of measures announced by the government, including a 15-cent reduction of the price of diesel fuel per gallon and a continuation of the discussion on t…
(2022-07-06). Ecuador: 4 Cabinet Ministers Resign. orinocotribune.com In Ecuador, four cabinet ministers from the Guillermo Lasso administration have presented their resignation. The latest minister to resign was been Health Minister Ximena Garzón, who quit after an emergency declaration on healthcare was decreed during the national strike. | Garzón's resignation letter to Lasso states: "I submit, for your consideration, my resignation as minister of public health for Ecuador. I deeply appreciate the opportunity given to serve my country, and I am proud to have contributed with you to the control of the COVID-19 pandemic." | The declaration of a healthcare state of emergency was is…
(2022-07-06). Ecuador: The Ghosts of the National Strike. scheerpost.com By Javier Tolcachier / Pressenza After 18 days of mobilisations throughout Ecuador, which had their final epicentre in Quito, the indigenous organisations signed an agreement with the national government, bringing to an end what they called the "first stage" of the strike. A period of 90 days is now open in which compliance with the …
(2022-07-06). The Ghosts of Ecuador's National Strike. scheerpost.com By Javier Tolcachier / Pressenza After 18 days of mobilisations throughout Ecuador, which had their final epicentre in Quito, the indigenous organisations signed an agreement with the national government, bringing to an end what they called the "first stage" of the strike. A period of 90 days is now open in which compliance with the …
(2022-07-06). In An Attempt to Offset Rising Oil Prices, Biden Administration Makes Nice with Brutal Saudis—But Spurns Socialist Venezuela. covertactionmagazine.com Right-wing lobbies and ideological zealotry continue to prevent initiation of rational policy toward Venezuela On June 2, Saudi-led OPEC and …
(2022-07-06). Argentina rechaza nuevas medidas de Londres sobre las Malvinas. telesurtv.net Anteriormente, el presidente argentino comunicó a Reino Unido que la relación bilateral podrá trabarse si no se resuelve este asunto.
(2022-07-06). Leonidas Iza insta a resignificar la lucha en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Leonidas Iza valoró que la movilización indígena y de otros sectores ha mostrado las condiciones para "mirar lo que somos los ecuatorianos".
(2022-07-06). OPEC: Crude Oil From Iran & Venezuela Would Ease World Supply Shortages. orinocotribune.com On Tuesday, July 5, the secretary general of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Mohammad Barkindo, indicated that world oil supply shortages could be alleviated by allowing additional crude to flow from Iran and Venezuela. | At an energy conference held in Nigeria, Barkindo stated that resources could be unlocked and capacity strengthened by allowing Iranian and Venezuelan oil to return to the world market. | Barkindo added that the oil and gas industry has been affected by a lack of investment for many years, amid a trend in some countries to divest from hydrocarbons, a situation that has…
(2022-07-06). Al menos 41 heridos deja accidente de autobús en Arequipa, Perú. telesurtv.net El bus circulaba por el sector El Porvenir de Miraflores, cuando impactó con una vivienda del costado de la carretera.
(2022-07-06). Parlamento ecuatoriano crea Comisión de la Verdad sobre el Paro. telesurtv.net Con la participación de organizaciones de la sociedad civil y de derechos humanos, académicos y gremios profesionales.
(2022-07-06). Daily Round-Up: US findings on murder of Shireen Abu Akleh condemned & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episode, we bring you stories from the probe into the killing of a Palestinian journalist by Israel, Canada's agreements with First Nations, farmers' protests in India, and a new law in Bolivia…
(2022-07-06). Presidente argentino promulga Ley de Alivio Fiscal a contribuyentes. telesurtv.net La recién aprobada legislación beneficiará a 4.5 millones de monotributistas y 140.000 autónomos.
(2022-07-06). Campaña de cara a plebiscito constitucional comienza en Chile. telesurtv.net De cara al plebiscito del próximo 4 de septiembre, los partidarios del Apruebo o el Rechazo han comenzado a intervenir.
(2022-07-06). Reportan aumento inflacionario en Paraguay en primer semestre. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con el Banco Central, la tasa inflacionaria culminará el año con un alza del 8,2 por ciento.
(2022-07-06). VIDEO: Iranian made drones displayed in Venezuela war games. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 06 (MNA) — Iranian-made drones WERE displayed in military parade in Venezuela on Wednesday.
(2022-07-06). Presidente ecuatoriano oficializa cambios ministeriales. telesurtv.net El presidente Guillermo Lasso no hizo mención a quien sustituirá a Ximena Garzón al frente del Ministerio de Salud Pública.
(2022-07-06). Acuerdo de Escazú: øInterpela o no que Chile sea oficialmente Estado Parte número y que sumen ya 13 los Estados Parte? globalizacion.ca En la última semana del mes de junio del 2022, Naciones Unidas ha procedido a actualizar el estado oficial (véase enlace) de las firmas y de las ratificaciones del Acuerdo de Escazú: desde el 13 de junio, por parte de…
(2022-07-06). President Maduro at Venezuela's Independence Day Parade: As Long as Empires Exist We Will Continue to Fight (Remote Video Address). orinocotribune.com Earlier today, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, inaugurated a civic-military parade in the nation's capital commemorating 211 years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence of Venezuela. | In an unusual remote video address from Miraflores Palace in Caracas, the head of state said that Venezuela will preserve its sovereignty against attacks from any empire, as it did on July 5, 1811. He called for Venezuelans not to lower their guard against the attacks of any empire. In recent days, President Maduro has mentioned intelligence reports outlining Colombian plans for sabotage and terrorist act…
(2022-07-05). VIDEO: Ecuador's gov't buckles under indigenous strike pressure. thegrayzone.com In part 3 of our documentary series on the indigenous-led rebellion against the neoliberal policies of Ecuador's billionaire president, Guillermo Lasso, we examine the government's agreement with the strikers and the tactics that overcame Quito's harsh repression.
(2022-07-05). El triunfo de Gustavo Petro en Colombia. globalizacion.ca La victoria electoral de Petro en Colombia sucede en un contexto muy significativo en cuanto al alejamiento entre Estados Unidos e Iberoamérica. Estados Unidos hospedó la última Cumbre de la Asociación de Estados Americanos (OEA) y abusó de su papel…