Monthly Archives: July 2022

2022-07-05: News Headlines

Editor2 (2022-07-05). International Feminist Brigade Begins in Venezuela. Delegations of women from the five continents have traveled to Venezuela to learn about the struggle of women in the Bolivarian Revolution and share experiences from their own regions | Women from the five continents have traveled to Caracas to participate in the I Alexandra Kollontai International Feminist Brigade, which began Friday June 17 and will conclude on June 27. The aim of the brigade is to exchange experiences on women's community organization and in building popular feminism. | There are 29 women from 20 countries, including Swaziland, South Africa, Lesotho, Ghana, Zambia, South Africa, Kenya, Cuba, t…

____ (2022-07-04). Brazil: Portuguese President Meets with Lula despite Bolsonaro's Snub. 3 Jul 2022 – Today the president of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, held in Sà£o Paulo a meeting with former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. As a consequence, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro canceled an official audience he was to have with Pres. de Sousa in Brasilia. Marcelo and Lula talked about the political situation in Europe, Latin America and the war in Ukraine.

TeleSUR, yart, JL (2022-07-04). Gobierno boliviano anuncia nueva planta de carbonato de litio. Bolivia cuenta con una de las mayores reservas mundiales del mineral, ubicadas en salar de Uyuni.

_____ (2022-07-04). Brazil's MST on the Fight Against Evictions and Bolsonaro. Brazil is heading towards this year's elections with a strong appetite for change after four years of Jair Bolsonaro which followed a coup against President Dilma Rouseff. | In Sà£o Paulo, Camila spoke to Cassia Bechara of the National Board of the Landless Workers' Movement (MST) at the movement's Armazém do Campo store where one can find a selection of agroecological, organic and family farming products. Cassia sets the backdrop for the upcoming electoral campaign and describes some of the main issues in Brazil today and reflects on the recent victory of Gustavo Petro in Colombia.

TeleSUR, JL (2022-07-04). Designan a Silvina Batakis como ministra de Economía en Argentina. Batakis es conocida por su trabajo académico y como funcionaria se desempeñó como ministra en la provincia de Buenos Aires entre los años 2011 y 2015.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-07-04). Transportistas peruanos paralizan 80% de Lima y Callao. No ha habido acuerdo a pesar de que hubo conversaciones entre distintos gremios de transporte y el Gobierno peruano.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-07-04). Venezuela y Rusia afianzan cooperación bilateral ante las sanciones de Occidente. El canciller de Rusia resaltó la capacidad de resistencia del pueblo venezolano de cara a las presiones de los EE.UU.

TeleSUR -HIM (2022-07-04). Venezuela y Filipinas buscan impulsar cooperación bilateral. El Gobierno venezolano manifestó su intención de potenciar acuerdos en los sectores energético, agrícola y turístico.

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-07-04). Russia, Venezuela to expand oil sector cooperation. TEHRAN, Jul. 04 (MNA) — Moscow and Caracas will continue to expand their cooperation in the oil sector, and are working on a new agreement to circumvent Western sanctions in finance and logistics, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Carlos Faria has said.

Staff (2022-07-04). LGBTIQ+ Pride March in Caracas & Photo Gallery. LGBTIQ+ movements from all over the country marched this Sunday, July 3, through the streets of Caracas to celebrate pride month, which is commemorated throughout the world and was put on pause for two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic. | The national commissioner for youth sex diversity of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), and one of the organizers of this activity, Isamari Matute, stressed that this march vindicates the struggles of the community, "struggles made invisible by capitalism," she indicated. Likewise, she pointed out that in Venezuela full inclusion" and the freedom to raise the flags…

____ (2022-07-04). BRICS countries can make significant contribution to 2030 SDGs: senior Brazilian official. A senior Brazilian official has spoken highly of the role BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) has played during the past 16 years and the importance of the 14th BRICS Summit hosted by China during an interview with China News Service.

José Luis Granados Ceja (2022-07-04). Chilean FM Lobs Diplomatic Attack on Venezuela During Visit to Madrid. The Boric government has sought to accommodate itself to Washington in foreign policy matters.

Joel Richards (2022-07-04). Chile gets a new draft constitution. A historic day in Chile as the Constitutional Convention submitted its final draft of the new constitution to President Gabriel Boric. The document would potentially transform the traditionally conservative country. Citizens will vote on whether to replace the Pinochet-era constitution in a referendum on September 4th. CGTN's Joel Richards reports.

Staff (2022-07-04). Aerolíneas Argentinas vuela de nuevo a La Habana. Aerolíneas Argentinas inaugura su ruta hacia La Habana, según se había anunciado meses atrás por Pablo Ceriani, presidente de la mencionada aerolínea. Agentes de Viajes y pasajeros han despegado desde el país austral con muchas expectativas para vacacionar y conocer Cuba.

Prof Nicolas Boeglin (2022-07-04). Chile oficialmente Estado Parte número 13 al Acuerdo de Escazú. La aprobación del Acuerdo de Escazú constituye un gran logro del actual Poder Ejecutivo. En la última semana del mes de junio, Naciones Unidas ha procedido a actualizar el estadio oficial (véase enlace) de las firmas y de las ratificaciones…

Rodolfo Bueno (2022-07-04). Logros del levantamiento popular de Ecuador. Ahora que finalizó el paro, que durante 18 días contó con el apoyo de casi todas las organizaciones de base del Ecuador y mantuvo en vilo a gran parte del mundo, vale la pena meditar sobre lo que sobrevendrá en…

TeleSUR, yart, JCM (2022-07-04). Perú confirma 12 nuevos casos de viruela símica. El Ministerio de Salud cuenta con 1.200 pruebas de descarte de la viruela símica para detectar nuevos casos.

Staff (2022-07-04). President Maduro Warns Against More Terrorist Threats From Colombia & Duque Rejects Maduro's Tentative Visit to Colombia. This Saturday, July 2, the commander in chief of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) and President of the Republic Nicolás Maduro warned about the terrorist plans that have been hatched against Venezuela by the administration of the outgoing president of Colombia, Iván Duque: "Keep your guard up, men and women of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, of the Presidential Honor Guard, of the Military Counterintelligence Directorate; men and women of arms, guard up high to continue defeating the terrorist threats that come from the dying government of Iván Duque in Colombia, guard up high and always high mora…

2022-07-05 13:11 | 07:11 EST | tr | 20 | 0 | 18 | 1 | 0 

2022-07-04: News Headlines

Staff (2022-07-04). President Maduro Warns Against More Terrorist Threats From Colombia & Duque Rejects Maduro's Tentative Visit to Colombia. This Saturday, July 2, the commander in chief of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) and President of the Republic Nicolás Maduro warned about the terrorist plans that have been hatched against Venezuela by the administration of the outgoing president of Colombia, Iván Duque: "Keep your guard up, men and women of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, of the Presidential Honor Guard, of the Military Counterintelligence Directorate; men and women of arms, guard up high to continue defeating the terrorist threats that come from the dying government of Iván Duque in Colombia, guard up high and always high mora…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-07-03). Brazil's MST Fight Against Evictions and Bolsonaro. Cassia Bechara of the MST's National Board sits down with Kawsachun News at Armazém do Campo in Sà£o Paulo. June 29, 2022. Brazil is heading towards this year's elections with a strong appetite for change after four years of Jair Bolsonaro which followed a coup against President Dilma Rouseff. In Sà£o Paulo, Camila spoke to Cassia Bechara…

Victoria Torres (2022-07-03). Venezuela Denounces New Attack on Its Electrical Grid. On Friday night, July 1, Venezuelan Minister of Public Works and Services and Minister of Electric Energy, Néstor Reverol, reported a new sabotage in the electrical grid of Caracas. | Minister Reverol informed that crews of electrical workers and engineers were carrying out the necessary maintenance work to restore the electricity service after a failure was detected in the Pan-American Substation. This substation feeds the sectors Nueva Granada, San Pedro, Santa Mónica, Los Chaguaramos, and part of Fuerte Tiuna sector in Caracas. The problem was solved an hour after its was detected and service was completely re…

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-07-03). Presidente de Bolivia denuncia rearticulación de la derecha. Arce advirtió que la derecha que impulsó el derrocamiento de Evo Morales pretende aprovechar algunas debilidades del gobernante Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS).

TeleSUR, JDO, JL (2022-07-03). Asesinan a líder social en Colombia, el número 94 en el 2022. Con Libardo Perdomo Molano, suman 1.321 desde la firma del Acuerdo de Paz en el 2016.

Staff (2022-07-03). Indigenous Land Defender, Fighter Against Colombian Paramilitary Groups, Killed in Venezuela. Caracas, July 2, 2022 ( Virgilio Trujillo Arana, 38 years old, member of the Uwottujja indigenous people, which has a population of approximately 15,000, was the leading force in the creation of the Sipapo Territorial Guards in Autana municipality, Amazonas stat…

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-07-03). Autoridades de Venezuela investigan sabotaje eléctrico. Impacto de bala provocó explosión de transformador y ulterior falla en una subestación, por lo cual se afectaron sectores de Caracas.

TeleSUR, ACH, JGN (2022-07-03). Cinco datos sobre Hipólito Yrigoyen y su huella en Argentina. Yrigoyen, quien murió el 3 de julio de 1933, fue un político argentino que alcanzó la presidencia en dos ocasiones: 1916-1922 y 1928-1930. A su paso por la casa de Gobierno dejó su huella en la nación.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-07-03). Muere represor Miguel Etchecolatz en Argentina a los 93 años. El ex director de Investigaciones de la policía bonaerense tenía nueve condenas a prisión perpetua por crímenes de lesa humanidad.

TeleSUR, JDO -JL (2022-07-03). Ministro de Economía de Argentina presenta su renuncia al cargo. Guzmán pidió al Ejecutivo trabajar en un acuerdo político dentro de la coalición gobernante que permita a su sustituto hacer mejor frente a desafíos y consolidar avances.

TeleSUR -HIM (2022-07-03). Condenan a exmarino argentino a indemnizar a víctimas de Trelew. Bravo deberá indemnizar con unos 27 millones de dólares a los familiares de las víctimas de la masacre de Trelew y se pide su extradición a Argentina para otro juicio por sus crímenes.

Staff (2022-07-03). Alberto Fernández convoca reunión de emergencia tras renuncia del titular de economía. El presidente de Argentina, Alberto Fernández, convocó a una reunión de urgencia en la Quinta de Olivos para discutir las acciones a tomar, tras la renuncia este sábado del ministro de Economía, Martín Guzmán, quien anunció su decisión al mandatario a través de una carta.

TeleSUR, JDO, JL (2022-07-03). Disturbios en cárcel deja un interno fallecido en Loja, Ecuador. Según autoridades, los internos se enfrentaron entre sí mientras se requisaban objetos prohibidos.

Staff (2022-07-03). Foreign Minister of Chile Meets Spanish Counterpart, Requests 'Free Elections': Venezuela Responds. In Latin America there are different shades of left. One of the lightest is that of Chile, which this Friday, July 1, positioned itself more clearly on the biggest issue that makes political temperatures rise in the region: Venezuela. | On Friday, the foreign affairs minister of Chile, Antonia Urrejola, in a press conference with the Spanish Foreign Affairs Minister José Manuel Albares, made it clear that the administration of Gabriel Boric condemns "the violation of human rights in Venezuela." However, she stressed that President Boric's government is working on a rapprochement with Caracas. Urreola is on an off…

TeleSUR -HIM (2022-07-03). Confirman dos nuevos casos de viruela símica en Colombia. Con estas dos nuevas infecciones suman cinco en el país, cuatro de ellas localizadas en Bogotá.

TeleSUR, yart, JL (2022-07-03). Movimiento indígena en Ecuador realizará plantón en respaldo a Leonidas Iza. Varias organizaciones sociales temen que con el caso de Leonidas Iza, el Ejecutivo busque criminalizar la protesta.

TeleSUR, JL (2022-07-03). Venezuela denuncia a Colombia de planificar ataques contra red eléctrica. "Derrotemos las amenazas que desde el Gobierno saliente de Colombia, se pretenden contra nuestra Patria", sentenció el mandatario.

TeleSUR, JL (2022-07-03). Venezuela denuncia planificación de ataques contra red eléctrica y miembros del Gobierno desde Colombia. "Derrotemos las amenazas que desde el Gobierno saliente de Colombia, se pretenden contra nuestra Patria", sentenció el mandatario.

2022-07-04 12:53 | 08:53 EST | jz | 20 | 0 | 17 | 1 | 0