Monthly Archives: July 2022

2022-07-17: News Headlines

Maria Paez Victor (2022-07-17). What Does the UBER Scandal Have to Do With Venezuelan Special Economic Zones? By María Páez Victor 13 July 2022 | "The greatest challenge facing societies has always been how to conduct trade and credit without letting merchants and creditors make money by exploiting their customers and debtors." | (Michael Hudson)(1) | It is necessary to examine the mega-taxi industry of UBER. Its path is like one of Aesop's Fables that highlights a deep morale. | Except that it is not a fable. | A few days ago, the British newspaper The Guardian,(2) has revealed a huge scandal related to the UBER taxi industry. It is well known that this company is based on not giving employment to drivers but any…

TeleSUR- hvh, JL (2022-07-17). Instituciones sanitarias del Ecuador se declaran en emergencia. La resolución establece la centralización de la venta de medicamentos mediante la Dirección del Seguro Social Campesino.

Reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2022-07-17). Ecuador: Revista àëawpa. Ecuador: Revista àëawpa | Espacio de reflexión plurinacional, intercultural y socialista…

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-07-17). Congreso peruano aprueba informe que recomienda acusar a presidente. El informe será enviado a la Subcomisión de Acusaciones Constitucionales, la cual dará seguimiento al tema en la próxima legislatura.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-07-17). Solicitan a Gobierno chileno establecer nexos con la República àÅrabe Saharaui. Los firmantes de la misiva apuntaron que "hace 46 años que el pueblo saharaui sufre una sistemática violación a sus derechos humanos en los territorios ocupados por Marruecos".

TeleSUR, JL (2022-07-17). Colombia registra 137 niños fallecidos por desnutrición en 2022. El defensor Camargo informó que se registran 8.710 casos de menores de cinco años que presentan desnutrición aguda y moderada.

TeleSUR- hvh, JL (2022-07-17). Al menos dos fallecidos deja explosión en Antioquia, Colombia. Las autoridades comunicaron que entre las víctimas est´pa un patrullero de la Policía y un civil que se movilizaba en la zona.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-07-17). Comunidad de Turmequé,Colombia, protesta contra proyecto minero. En la protesta pacífica se exigió que no se desarrolle un proyecto de explotación minera de carbón en una zona de páramo.

TeleSUR, mcs, JGN (2022-07-17). Destacan importancia del Modelo Económico Social en Bolivia. Durante el Gobierno de facto de Jeanine Áñez, los indicadores sociales sufrieron importantes deterioros.

TeleSUR -HIM (2022-07-17). Argentina ratifica su derecho sobre espacios marítimos. La cancillería expresó que se implementan diversas medidas para conocimiento, preservación y uso sustentable de los recursos marítimos.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-07-17). Denuncian militarización de macro zona sur de Chile. El Gobierno chileno mantiene vigente un Estado de Excepción Constitucional de Emergencia en las provincias de Cautín, Malleco, Arauco y Biobío.

TeleSUR, lvm, JGN (2022-07-17). Conoce los principales desafíos que enfrentan los niños en el mundo. El Día del Niño, jornada para promover su bienestar y derechos, es una efemérides que es celebrada en diferentes fechas en cada país. En Venezuela y Panamá se festeja el tercer domingo de julio.

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-07-16). Denuncian exterminio de pueblos indígenas en Colombia. Representantes del pueblo Awá denunciaron al Gobierno de Iván Duque por su inacción y lo calificaron como cómplice del exterminio.

Peoples Dispatch (2022-07-16). Daily Round-up | Iranian president denounces US-Israel joint declaration & other stories. In today's episode, we bring you stories of Iran's response to a US-Israel statement, the resignations of Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Mario Draghi, and a controversial amendment in Brazil…

JANET (2022-07-16). Haiti's President Jovenel MoàØse was assassinated one year ago. We still don't know much. July 14, 2022 The following article is excerpted from an article that first appeared in, July 7, 2022. The full article can be found at Some Haitian-American and Colombian mercenaries arrested for participation in MoàØse's assassination. By Catherine Charlemagne It's been one year since Haiti's President Jovenel MoàØse was machine-gunned at home in front of his wife and children. The murder was carried out by a commando of Colombian assassins, presumably in the service of Haiti's political and economic oligarchs, whose identities are still unknown. For a year,…

Staff (2022-07-16). How Close Are Nicaragua and China to Signing a Free Trade Agreement? On Thursday, July 14, Nicaragua and China signed an Early Harvest Agreement, a mechanism that experts consider as a prelude to a Free Trade Agreement. Sputnik asked analysts about the benefits of the Early Harvest Agreement, which is to identify export products of the two countries with 0% tariffs. | According to Jorge Capelán, Uruguayan political analyst residing in Managua, the China-Nicaragua agreement signifies, in practice, that the US policies of isolating and punishing Nicaragua will be useless, because the Central American nation is now entering a gigantic market that is on the path to becoming the larges…

TeleSUR, jaa, MER (2022-07-16). Argentina y Venezuela ganan en sexta fecha de Copa América Femenina. La Albiceleste y la Vinotinto se colocan en el segundo y tercer puesto del grupo B con seis puntos, empatadas con Brasil.

TeleSUR, jaa, MER (2022-07-16). Cuba y Venezuela afianzan lazos de cooperación y hermandad. La Vicepresidencia de Venezuela resaltó "el compromiso de hermandad, unidad y cooperación entre ambos pueblos".

Staff (2022-07-16). Venezuela: Opposition Leaders Rejected by Majority of the Population (Hinterlaces Survey). The latest Monitor País poll conducted by the survey firm Hinterlaces in June 2022 revealed that most of the Venezuelan opposition leaders with a presence on the national scene are rejected by 63% to 85% of the population. | The rejection list is headed by Juan Guaidó, with 85% unpopularity. He is closely followed by Julio Borges and Leopoldo López, both receiving unfavorable opinion from 83 % of those consulted by the poll. | #MonitorPais Hinterlaces (Junio 2022) — Hinterlaces (@Hinterlaces)

TeleSUR, lvm, JGN (2022-07-16). Muere dictador peruano Francisco Morales Bermúdez. Morales encabezó en 1975 el denominado Tacnazo, el golpe militar cuando se desempeñaba como el presidente del Consejo de Ministros y General de División.

_____ (2022-07-16). John Bolton Admits Planning US Coups In Venezuela And Beyond. In an interview with Bolton published on July 12, CNN anchor Jake Tapper accused Trump of attempting a coup inside the United States, and asked Bolton about a Congressional investigation into violent protests held by Trump supporters on January 6, 2021. | "One doesn't have to be brilliant to attempt a coup," Tapper said. | Bolton replied, "I disagree with that, as somebody who has helped plan coups d'etat — not here, but, you know, other places. It takes a lot of work." | Tapper later asked, "I do want to ask a follow up. When we were talking about what is capable, or what you need to do to be able to plan…

Staff (2022-07-16). Venezuela's PSUV Participates in 15th Congress of South African Communist Party (Centenary Celebration). Members of the national leadership of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) are participating in the 15th Congress of the South African Communist Party (SACP), which is being held in the capital of South Africa, Johannesburg, on the occasion of 100 years of the foundation of SACP. | Jesús Faría, member of the vice-presidency of International Affairs of PSUV, and participant in the Congress highlighted his admiration for the South African Communist Party and the important role it has played in the struggle against imperialism. | Jesús Faría, intengrante de la Vicepresidencia de Asuntos Internacionales del…

Staff (2022-07-16). Leoncio Prado y su participación en la lucha del pueblo cubano por la independencia. El 15 de julio de 1883, el joven Coronel peruano Leoncio Prado Gutiérrez, mal herido en combate y prisionero del ejército chileno se enfrentaba al pelotón de fusilamiento que pondría fin a su vida intrépida y revolucionaria. A 129 años de su muerte, rendimos homenaje al joven internacionalista peruano que dedicó buena parte de su corta pero apasionante existencia a luchar por la causa de la independencia cubana.

TeleSUR, mcs, JGN (2022-07-16). Investigan a presidente ecuatoriano por detención de líder indígena. El presidente ecuatoriano y los ministros del Interior y de Defensa no se han pronunciado sobre esta investigación en su contra.

Scorinoco (2022-07-16). Argentinians Are Saving in Bolivian Currency. An increasing number of Argentinians are holding their savings in Bolivia's currency, bolivianos, instead of the US dollar, according to Argentina's annual inflation hit .9% in 2021 and the constant devaluation of its currency, the Argentine peso, has forc…

Kevin Funk (2022-07-16). What Chile Could Teach the US About Constitutions—and Democracy. Constitutions are the product of political debate and struggle, something that Chileans understand but U.S. liberals so often ignore.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-07-16). Egresan 3.894 profesionales de la salud en Venezuela. Esta graduación de médicos y otros especialistas se concretó a pesar de las crueles sanciones económicas de EE.UU. contra esa nación.

Mary Triny Mena (2022-07-16). Mule bookmobiles in Venezuela. Bibliomulas, a mobile library carried by mules began 12 years ago to fight illiteracy in Venezuela's most vulnerable communities. They're bringing education to rural communities.

Beatriz Matos (2022-07-15). Indigenous advocate Bruno Pereira killed: 'They thought they could get away with it'. On the 15th of June, anthropologist Beatriz Matos got the dreaded news: The mortal remains of her husband, Indigenist Bruno Pereira, and of the British journalist Dom Phillips had been found in the Javari Valley, in the Brazilian state of Amazonas, ten days after they disappeared. Bruno and Dom had been murdered, their bodies quartered …

2022-07-17 21:44 | 15:44 EST | tr | 31 | 1 | 16 | 12 | 0 

2022-07-16: News Headlines

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-07-16). Denuncian exterminio de pueblos indígenas en Colombia. Representantes del pueblo Awá denunciaron al Gobierno de Iván Duque por su inacción y lo calificaron como cómplice del exterminio.

Peoples Dispatch (2022-07-16). Daily Round-up | Iranian president denounces US-Israel joint declaration & other stories. In today's episode, we bring you stories of Iran's response to a US-Israel statement, the resignations of Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Mario Draghi, and a controversial amendment in Brazil…

TeleSUR, lvm, JGN (2022-07-16). Muere dictador peruano Francisco Morales Bermúdez. Morales encabezó en 1975 el denominado Tacnazo, el golpe militar cuando se desempeñaba como el presidente del Consejo de Ministros y General de División.

Reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2022-07-16). Ecuador: Revista àëawpa. Ecuador: Revista àëawpa | Espacio de reflexión plurinacional, intercultural y socialista…

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-07-16). Egresan 3.894 profesionales de la salud en Venezuela. Esta graduación de médicos y otros especialistas se concretó a pesar de las crueles sanciones económicas de EE.UU. contra esa nación.

TeleSUR, jaa, MER (2022-07-16). Cuba y Venezuela afianzan lazos de cooperación y hermandad. La Vicepresidencia de Venezuela resaltó "el compromiso de hermandad, unidad y cooperación entre ambos pueblos".

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-07-16). Congreso peruano aprueba informe que recomienda acusar a presidente. El informe será enviado a la Subcomisión de Acusaciones Constitucionales, la cual dará seguimiento al tema en la próxima legislatura.

TeleSUR, mcs, JGN (2022-07-16). Investigan a presidente ecuatoriano por detención de líder indígena. El presidente ecuatoriano y los ministros del Interior y de Defensa no se han pronunciado sobre esta investigación en su contra.

TeleSUR, mcs, JGN (2022-07-16). Destacan importancia del Modelo Económico Social en Bolivia. Durante el Gobierno de facto de Jeanine Áñez, los indicadores sociales sufrieron importantes deterioros.

TeleSUR, jaa, MER (2022-07-16). Argentina y Venezuela ganan en sexta fecha de Copa América Femenina. La Albiceleste y la Vinotinto se colocan en el segundo y tercer puesto del grupo B con seis puntos, empatadas con Brasil.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-07-16). Solicitan a Gobierno chileno establecer nexos con la República àÅrabe Saharaui. Los firmantes de la misiva apuntaron que "hace 46 años que el pueblo saharaui sufre una sistemática violación a sus derechos humanos en los territorios ocupados por Marruecos".

Staff (2022-07-16). Leoncio Prado y su participación en la lucha del pueblo cubano por la independencia. El 15 de julio de 1883, el joven Coronel peruano Leoncio Prado Gutiérrez, mal herido en combate y prisionero del ejército chileno se enfrentaba al pelotón de fusilamiento que pondría fin a su vida intrépida y revolucionaria. A 129 años de su muerte, rendimos homenaje al joven internacionalista peruano que dedicó buena parte de su corta pero apasionante existencia a luchar por la causa de la independencia cubana.

Benjamin Norton (2022-07-15). How Trump and John Bolton attempted a coup in Venezuela. Donald Trump's National Security Advisor John Bolton wrote a book, "The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir," detailing the US coup attempt and hybrid war against Venezuela.

Aaron Maté (2022-07-15). US intel officer targeted by John Bolton reacts to coup-plot confession. John Bolton admitted to CNN that he "helped plan coups d'etat" abroad, including Venezuela. Fulton Armstrong — a former senior US intelligence official who Bolton tried to oust — responds. In a live interview with CNN, former senior US official John Bolton admitted that he has "helped plan coups d'etat" in a number of foreign countries, including Venezuela. Fulton Armstrong, a former senior US intelligence official, has a unique perspective on Bolton's coup confession. In 2002, Bolton unsuccessfully tried to …

Anonymous103 (2022-07-15). Colombia: From the Ballot Box to the Streets, in Defense of the Government of the Historic Pact. Written by Oto Higuita A phase of political struggle has ended in Colombia since the electoral triumph of Gustavo Petro…

Carlos Cruz Mosquera (2022-07-15). How Black Colombia Helped Bring the Left to Power. By Carlos Cruz Mosquera 2, 2022 | Although mainstream media focuses on a figurehead, Colombia's historical moment today is not just down to Gustavo Petro and his coalition's efforts. Without taking from them what was an inspired campaign to win the electorate over with a principled programme, a decisive factor in the victory was last year's national strike. | The heroic mobilisation of young racialised working-class youth brought the country to a standstill, bringing all of the radicals and progressives together with impassioned clamours for change. The consequences of the demonstrations are visible ev…

Peoples Dispatch (2022-07-15). Ecuadorian teachers mobilize in defense of equalization of salary. On July 13, hundreds of Ecuadorian teachers took to the streets across the country in a new national day of mobilization in defense of equalization of teachers' salaries at national level. The teachers demanded that the government publish the Organic Law of Intercultural Education (LOEI) with all its reforms in the Official Registry. | The teachers condemned that 45 days had passed since the equalization of salary was agreed on in the Constitutional Court's NRO ruling, however, the law has not been published yet due to the presentation of appeals by conservative President Guillermo Lasso. They urged the national…

TeleSUR, jaa, SH (2022-07-15). Ratifican falló a favor de muerte digna para activista en Perú. La Justicia peruana le reconoció a la activista Ana Estrada Ugarte el derecho a una muerte digna a inicios del 2021.

TeleSUR- jaa, JL (2022-07-15). Imponen multa a Repsol por daño ambiental en Ventanilla, Perú. La medida es consecuencia del incumplimiento del proceso de identificación de las zonas afectadas por el derrame de crudo de enero pasado en Ventanilla.

Victoria Torres (2022-07-15). Venezuelan Opposition: Will They Reach a Consensus or Go to Primaries? Everyday the Venezuelan opposition walks on thin ice and faces an imminent implosion regarding its participation in possible primaries that would choose the candidate facing Chavismo in the upcoming presidential elections. On the other hand, there are also those who propose coming to a consensus in order to choose who will be launched into the ring come 2024. | In fact, several representatives of the opposition that has been subdivided, united and then separated again, have spoken out about it. Timoteo Zambrano recently declared in a radio interview that the Democratic Alliance will participate in primary electio…

Adriaan Alsema (2022-07-15). Colombia's Truth Commission calls on UN to regulate drug trade. The president of Colombia's Truth Commission called on the global community to regulate the drug trade and "not to give us anything for war" in a speech before the United…

TeleSUR- jaa, JL (2022-07-15). Reportan sismo de magnitud 6 en Guayas, Ecuador. El seísmo fue perceptible en las ciudades de Pichincha, Manabí, Esmeralda, Cotopaxi, Chimborazo y Loja.

TeleSUR -ysm- JL (2022-07-15). Presidente de Chile convoca a mejor redistribución de la riqueza. "Tenemos que apuntar al crecimiento, fomentar la productividad, trabajar de conjunto el Estado con el sector privado, y distribuir de manera más justa la riqueza", indicó el presidente.

Beatriz Matos (2022-07-15). Indigenous advocate Bruno Pereira killed: 'They thought they could get away with it'. On the 15th of June, anthropologist Beatriz Matos got the dreaded news: The mortal remains of her husband, Indigenist Bruno Pereira, and of the British journalist Dom Phillips had been found in the Javari Valley, in the Brazilian state of Amazonas, ten days after they disappeared. Bruno and Dom had been murdered, their bodies quartered …

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-07-15). øQué representó para Chile la nacionalización del cobre. El 11 de julio de 1971, el Congreso chileno aprobó por unanimidad votación la enmienda constitucional que hizo posible la nacionalización del cobre.

TeleSUR- lvm, JL (2022-07-15). Gobierno de Argentina resalta crecimiento paulatino de la economía. Movimientos políticos, organizaciones sociales y militantes en Argentina han alertado que en medio de este contexto es imprescindible un salario básico universal.

Tanupriya Singh (2022-07-15). From invading Iraq to Guaidó's flop: the CV of coup-plotter John Bolton. In a recent interview with CNN, former US National Security Advisor John Bolton affirmed his role in coups abroad. The hardliner was an architect of the invasion of Iraq, and most recently, played a role in the attempted coup against Venezuelan President Maduro.

TeleSUR, ldp, SH (2022-07-15). Defensoría del Pueblo de Colombia condena detenciones forzadas. El defensor del pueblo colombiano pidió a los actores armados respetar los derechos de las comunidades y el cumplimiento del Derecho Internacional Humanitario.

TeleSUR -ysm, JL (2022-07-15). Destituyen a segunda vicepresidenta de Asamblea ecuatoriana. Aunque el órgano determinó que Yeseña Guamaní incumplió sus funciones, mantendrá su curul como asambleísta.

Staff (2022-07-15). Nearly Four Thousand Healthcare Professionals Graduate in Venezuela. This Thursday, July 14, the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, led a graduation ceremony of 3,894 new professionals from the Hugo Chávez Frías University of Health Sciences, whom he requested to be incorporated immediately into the public healthcare system. | "They must receive their official positions immediately," he said from the Poliedro de Caracas during the graduation ceremony of the promotion "honoring our commitment to social medicine." | Upon the graduates, he explained that 2,199 new community comprehensive doctors were graduating, 177 graduates in nursing and 641 associate degrees in the same area…

TeleSUR, ldp, SH (2022-07-15). Defensoría del Pueblo en Colombia condena detenciones forzadas. El defensor del pueblo colombiano pidió a los actores armados respetar los derechos de las comunidades y el cumplimiento del Derecho Internacional Humanitario.

Adriaan Alsema (2022-07-15). FARC dissident leader killed in southern Colombia: defense minister. One of Colombia's most wanted guerrilla leaders has been killed in a military operation, the country's defense minister said Friday. According to Defense Minister Diego Molano, "Ivan Mordizco" and at…

____ (2022-07-14). Chinese envoy calls on upcoming Colombian gov't to consolidate peace. A Chinese envoy on Thursday called on the upcoming Colombian government to further consolidate peace in the country.

Staff (2022-07-15). Venezuelan Government Waives Export Duties on Cocoa and Derivatives. This Wednesday, July 13, President Nicolás Maduro announced the exemption of export duties and fees on cocoa and its derivatives at the opening of the Cocoa and Rum Expo Miranda 2022. | "We must continue solving problems and promoting mechanisms in ports and airports to stimulate exports," he stressed. | From the Bolívar Park, La Carlota in Caracas, the head of state reported on the prohibition of the introduction, propagation and cultivation of non-Venezuelan-origin crops in order to protect national genetics. | In this sense, he appointed the Minister for Science and Technology, Gabriela Jiménez, as protector o…

TeleSUR, lvm, SH (2022-07-15). ONU reconoce rol de Gustavo Petro para la paz en Colombia. El representante de la Misión de Verificación del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU invitó a la comunidad internacional apoyar al próximo presidente colombiano.

TeleSUR, jaa, SH (2022-07-15). Ratifican en Perú falló a favor de muerte digna para activista. La Justicia peruana le reconoció a la activista Ana Estrada Ugarte el derecho a una muerte digna a inicios del 2021.

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-07-15). Rescatan a mayoría de niños atrapados por alud en Colombia. El titular de Gestión del Riesgo de Antioquia, Diego Peña López, comunicó a medios locales que aún falta por encontrar tres niños.

TeleSUR-mcs-JL (2022-07-15). ONU pide investigar desvío de recursos para la paz en Colombia. De acuerdo con el organismo internacional, el país debe hacer un giro en la política de seguridad, pues no ha estado dirigida a proteger a las personas.

Contributing Writers (2022-07-15). Video: Uruguay's Decision to Suspend COVID Vaccination for Kids Under 13 Years. Corona Investigative Committee with Gaby Weber. By Gaby Weber and Corona Investigative Committee Global Research, July 15, 2022 Corona Investigative Committee 9 July 2022 To receive Global Research's Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram …

TeleSUR- jaa, JL (2022-07-15). Tres niños fallecen tras deslizamiento en Antioquia, Colombia. Según las primeras evaluaciones, hubo un represamiento en la parte alta del centro educativo tras el sonido la mayoría de los niños lograron salir.

Lucrecia Franco (2022-07-15). Brazil's urban gardens produce organic food for residents. 55 organic gardens are now scattered throughout the Rio de Janeiro's poorest communities, growing around 80 tons of fresh food per year for local families.

Adriaan Alsema (2022-07-15). Colombia's war crimes tribunal inquiring about Uribe's alleged paramilitary ties. Colombia's war crimes tribunal JEP ordered a convicted former governor to provide information about former President Alvaro Uribe's alleged ties to paramilitary death squads. The former governor of the Magdalena…

1658-01-16 10:48 | 12:48 EST | jz | 44 | 1 | 30 | 12 | 0