Monthly Archives: July 2022

2022-07-15: News Headlines

Benjamin Norton (2022-07-15). How Trump and John Bolton attempted a coup in Venezuela. Donald Trump's National Security Advisor John Bolton wrote a book, "The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir," detailing the US coup attempt and hybrid war against Venezuela.

TeleSUR -ysm, JL (2022-07-15). Destituyen a segunda vicepresidenta de Asamblea ecuatoriana. Aunque el órgano determinó que Yeseña Guamaní incumplió sus funciones, mantendrá su curul como asambleísta.

____ (2022-07-14). Chinese envoy calls on upcoming Colombian gov't to consolidate peace. A Chinese envoy on Thursday called on the upcoming Colombian government to further consolidate peace in the country.

TeleSUR, lvm, SH (2022-07-15). ONU reconoce rol de Gustavo Petro para la paz en Colombia. El representante de la Misión de Verificación del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU invitó a la comunidad internacional apoyar al próximo presidente colombiano.

TeleSUR -ysm- JL (2022-07-15). Presidente de Chile convoca a mejor redistribución de la riqueza. "Tenemos que apuntar al crecimiento, fomentar la productividad, trabajar de conjunto el Estado con el sector privado, y distribuir de manera más justa la riqueza", indicó el presidente.

TeleSUR, jaa, SH (2022-07-15). Ratifican en Perú falló a favor de muerte digna para activista. La Justicia peruana le reconoció a la activista Ana Estrada Ugarte el derecho a una muerte digna a inicios del 2021.

TeleSUR-mcs-JL (2022-07-15). ONU pide investigar desvío de recursos para la paz en Colombia. De acuerdo con el organismo internacional, el país debe hacer un giro en la política de seguridad, pues no ha estado dirigida a proteger a las personas.

TeleSUR- jaa, JL (2022-07-15). Reportan sismo de magnitud 6 en Guayas, Ecuador. El seísmo fue perceptible en las ciudades de Pichincha, Manabí, Esmeralda, Cotopaxi, Chimborazo y Loja.

TeleSUR, ldp, SH (2022-07-15). Defensoría del Pueblo en Colombia condena detenciones forzadas. El defensor del pueblo colombiano pidió a los actores armados respetar los derechos de las comunidades y el cumplimiento del Derecho Internacional Humanitario.

TeleSUR- jaa, JL (2022-07-15). Tres niños fallecen tras deslizamiento en Antioquia, Colombia. Según las primeras evaluaciones, hubo un represamiento en la parte alta del centro educativo tras el sonido la mayoría de los niños lograron salir.

TeleSUR- lvm, JL (2022-07-15). Gobierno de Argentina resalta crecimiento paulatino de la economía. Movimientos políticos, organizaciones sociales y militantes en Argentina han alertado que en medio de este contexto es imprescindible un salario básico universal.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-07-15). øQué representó para Chile la nacionalización del cobre. El 11 de julio de 1971, el Congreso chileno aprobó por unanimidad votación la enmienda constitucional que hizo posible la nacionalización del cobre.

WSWS (2022-07-14). Threats of "Capitol scenario" coup mount with approach of Brazil's general elections. Bolsonaro's elder son, Senator Flávio Bolsonaro, has told the press his family cannot take responsibility for the actions of supporters in the aftermath of the elections, as his father tells supporters "they know what to do".

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-07-14). The Pink Tide Surges in Latin America. Roger D. Harris Celebration of Gustavo Petro's presidential election. (Image by Gloria Arias Nieto) While the political balance between progressive and reactionary states south of the Rio Grande continues to tip to the left, even the corporate press pronounced Biden's June Summit of the Americas meeting in Los Angeles a flop. Most recently, Colombia elected its first left-leaning president,…

Tanya Wadhwa (2022-07-14). Meet the ministerial cabinet of Colombia's first left-wing government. Colombia's first left-wing government in 203 years since its independence is gearing up to be sworn in on August 7. The government to be headed by Gustavo Petro and Francia Márquez of the progressive Historic Pact coalition, has been working steadily to build its cabinet of ministers. To date, eight cabinet members have been appointed, five of them are women. | During his election campaign, Petro announced that he would create the Ministry of Equality and Women. On Twitter, Petro

Staff (2022-07-14). After Ecuadorians, Panamanians Also Say 'No More Pillaging'. By Gustavo A. Maranges 0, 2022 | The situation in Panama is becoming increasingly tense as more people join in what has become a permanent strike expressed in street protests. During the last few weeks, there have been several strikes in the transportation sector, particularly in agricultural transportation, but the government has not offered any solutions to the demands so far. | The lack of response has generated growing discontent, and since last Thursday, teachers have joined the transport workers declaring a permanent strike, paralyzing a large part of the country's economic activity. The strike i…

Ricardo Vaz (2022-07-14). Venezuela: Workers, Pensioners March to Defend Wages, Collective Bargaining Rights. A plan from the ONAPRE office that flattens wage scales has sparked outrage from labor organizations.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-07-14). Evo Morales: Bolivia's New Model and Why the UK and US Want to Destroy It. MATT KENNARD The President of Bolivia from 2006-19 invites Declassified to his house deep in the Amazon rainforest for an exclusive interview — on the UK role in the coup that overthrew him, how he reversed 500 years of history and industrialised Bolivia, and the efforts of the US and its British ally to bring…

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-07-14). Rescatan a mayoría de niños atrapados por alud en Colombia. El titular de Gestión del Riesgo de Antioquia, Diego Peña López, comunicó a medios locales que aún falta por encontrar tres niños.

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-07-14). Investigan a presidente de Perú por tráfico de influencias. El abogado de Castillo calificó como virtualmente ilegal la decisión de la Fiscalía y presentará un recurso de nulidad.

TeleSUR, lvm, MER (2022-07-14). Sindicato colombiano realizará huelga ante promesas incumplidas del Gobierno. El sindicato indicó que el Gobierno del presidente Iván Duque no ha cumplido con las promesas realizadas en las mesas sindicales de 2018.

Adriaan Alsema (2022-07-14). Optimism surges in Colombia after historic elections: poll. Optimism in urban Colombia surged after elections put a coalition of liberals and progressives in power, a poll that was released on Wednesday indicated. According to pollster Invamer, optimism about…

Suheir Sheikh (2022-07-14). Bolivia Electric Vehicles to tackle air pollution. By any standard, Bolivia's city of Cochabamba is polluted. It has the dirtiest air in the country and ranks among the most polluted cities in all of Latin America. So a transition away from fossil fuels there cannot come too soon. CGTN's Monica Machicao …

Natacha López (2022-07-14). Can Chile's Radical New Constitution Survive a Vote? The new Chilean Constitution would be one of the most progressive in the world, but passage is anything but certain…

Adriaan Alsema (2022-07-14). Colombia's state-run oil company clashes with incoming government. Colombia's incoming finance minister announced changes in state-run oil company Ecopetrol after the outgoing government tried to prevent the replacement of directors. The far-right government of outgoing President Ivan Duque…

Staff (2022-07-14). Former US Undersecretary of State for Venezuela: 'Our Talks Are No Longer With the Opposition'. On Tuesday, July 12, The former official, who held office during Donald Trump's administration, stressed that the foregoing is a consequence of the failure of the "excessive confidence" that the US administration gave to Venezuelan far-right gr…

TeleSUR- hvh, JCM (2022-07-14). Patronales agropecuarias argentinas se declaran en paro. El cese de comercialización de granos y hacienda tendrá como punto fundamental la localidad de Gualeguaychú.

Newsroom (2022-07-14). 'Super-spuds' to the rescue as typical tubers feel the heat. From origins in the cool altitudes of the Andes, the potato is not well suited to the extreme temperatures or flooding brought on by climate change. Plant scientists are breeding 'super-spuds' able to endure harsher environmental conditions. The humble potato was first domesticated near Lake Titicaca in present-day Peru at least 8 000 years ago, …

TeleSUR, ats, JGN, JDO (2022-07-14). Conozca diez curiosidades sobre el prócer Francisco de Miranda. La figura de Francisco de Miranda constituye una de las más representativas de los ideales independentistas venezolanos.

TeleSUR- jaa, JL (2022-07-14). Imponen multa a Repsol por daño ambiental en Ventanilla, Perú. La medida es consecuencia del incumplimiento del proceso de identificación de las zonas afectadas por el derrame de crudo de enero pasado en Ventanilla.

TeleSUR, ldp, SH (2022-07-14). Colombia presenta a la ONU plan para la justicia transicional. La justicia transicional en Colombia cuenta, además, con el apoyo del secretario general de la ONU, António Guterres.

TeleSUR, ldp, SH (2022-07-14). Uruguay y China se preparan para firmar TLC. El convenio intenta establecerse desde 2016 pero ha enfrentado diversas oposiciones, que esta vez han sido ignoradas por Lacalle Pou.

TeleSUR- jaa, JL (2022-07-14). Tres niños fallecen tras deslizamientos en Antioquia, Colombia. Según las primeras evaluaciones, hubo un represamiento en la parte alta del centro educativo tras el sonido la mayoría de los niños lograron salir.

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-07-14). Movimiento indígena y Gobierno de Ecuador prosiguen pláticas. Se dispone de un plazo de hasta 90 días para que en las negociaciones se alcance un consenso en base a los diez puntos del pliego de demandas populares.

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-07-14). Senado chileno aprueba nueva prórroga del estado de excepción. El estado de excepción esta vigente desde el 17 de mayo pasado, enfocado principalmente en el control de caminos y vías de comunicación terrestre.

TeleSUR, ysm, MER (2022-07-14). Argentina suma 12 casos confirmados de viruela símica. La autoridad sanitaria argentina indicó que los tres nuevos casos reportados tienen antecedentes de viaje a Europa.

TeleSUR, ysm, MER (2022-07-14). Festival Internacional de Poesía de Medellín insta a defender la paz. La actual cita reúne a cerca de 130 poetas de más de 80 naciones hasta el venidero 30 de julio.

Staff (2022-07-14). Bolton Confesses Washington Organized Coups in Venezuela, Russia Demands Investigation. This Tuesday, July 12, former White House Security Adviser John Bolton confessed in an interview with CNN to have "helped" plan coups in different countries. The US diplomat—who held a position in the Donald Trump administration—did not blush to recognize the interference of the United States in the internal affairs of other nations and added that "a lot of work is needed" to overthrow a government and take power from a country. | Bolton's confession follows the leak of Trump's contacts with far-right groups in the run-up to the Capitol attack on January 6, 2021. The former national security adviser w…

Andreína Chávez Alava (2022-07-13). Venezuela: Oil Output Stagnates Despite Export Surge, Chevron Continues PDVSA Talks. Venezuelan oil shipments have increased following recent oil-for-debt licenses granted to Italy's Eni and Spain's Repsol.

2022-07-15 23:15 | 19:15 EST | jz | 41 | 1 | 27 | 12 | 0 

2022-07-14: News Headlines

TeleSUR, lvm, MER (2022-07-14). Sindicato colombiano realizará huelga ante promesas incumplidas del Gobierno. El sindicato indicó que el Gobierno del presidente Iván Duque no ha cumplido con las promesas realizadas en las mesas sindicales de 2018.

Staff (2022-07-14). Bolton Confesses Washington Organized Coups in Venezuela, Russia Demands Investigation. This Tuesday, July 12, former White House Security Adviser John Bolton confessed in an interview with CNN to have "helped" plan coups in different countries. The US diplomat—who held a position in the Donald Trump administration—did not blush to recognize the interference of the United States in the internal affairs of other nations and added that "a lot of work is needed" to overthrow a government and take power from a country. | Bolton's confession follows the leak of Trump's contacts with far-right groups in the run-up to the Capitol attack on January 6, 2021. The former national security adviser w…

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-07-14). Senado chileno aprueba nueva prórroga del estado de excepción. El estado de excepción esta vigente desde el 17 de mayo pasado, enfocado principalmente en el control de caminos y vías de comunicación terrestre.

TeleSUR, ysm, MER (2022-07-14). Argentina suma 12 casos confirmados de viruela símica. La autoridad sanitaria argentina indicó que los tres nuevos casos reportados tienen antecedentes de viaje a Europa.

Suheir Sheikh (2022-07-14). Bolivia Electric Vehicles to tackle air pollution. By any standard, Bolivia's city of Cochabamba is polluted. It has the dirtiest air in the country and ranks among the most polluted cities in all of Latin America. So a transition away from fossil fuels there cannot come too soon. CGTN's Monica Machicao …

TeleSUR, ysm, MER (2022-07-14). Festival Internacional de Poesía de Medellín insta a defender la paz. La actual cita reúne a cerca de 130 poetas de más de 80 naciones hasta el venidero 30 de julio.

TeleSUR- hvh, JCM (2022-07-14). Patronales agropecuarias argentinas se declaran en paro. El cese de comercialización de granos y hacienda tendrá como punto fundamental la localidad de Gualeguaychú.

Peoples Dispatch (2022-07-13). Daily Round-up | Extrajudicial killings by British troops in Afghanistan & other stories. In today's episode, we bring you stories of atrocities by British troops in Afghanistan, the location of the US embassy of Jerusalem, the bid by the Sri Lankan president to flee, and another mass massacre in Colombia…

Staff (2022-07-13). Maduro Would Win Early Presidential Election: Latest Hinterlaces Poll. The most recent survey of June 2022 carried out by Hinterlaces showed that if Venezuela's presidential elections were next Sunday, 49% of those interviewed would vote for the current president, Nicolás Maduro. | According to the poll, 33% of Venezuelans surveyed said they would vote for an opposition candidate, 7% said they would not vote for anyone belonging to the opposition, while 11% said they would not vote at all, or declined to answer. | Similarly, if Maduro and an "independent" candidate faced each other, the president would receive 47% of the votes, the independent candidate would receive 39% of the vote…

Benjamin Norton (2022-07-13). Ex funcionario de EEUU John Bolton admite haber planeado golpes de estado en Venezuela y otros países. John Bolton, quien fue el principal asesor de seguridad nacional de EEUU en el gobierno de Donald Trump, admitió que "ayudó a planear golpes de estado" en Venezuela y "otros lugares".

Vijay Prashad (2022-07-13). On Marxism and Decolonisation. By Vijay Prashad 0, 2022 | In 1959, one of the revolutionary leaders in Cuba, Haydée Santamaria, a hundred years old this year, arrived at a cultural centre in the heart of Havana, Cuba. This building, the revolutionaries decided, would be committed to the promotion of Latin American art and culture and it would become — eventually — a beacon for the progressive transformation of the hemisphere's cultural world. Renamed the Casa de las Américas, the home of the Americas, it would become the heartbeat of cultural developments from Chile to Mexico. Art saturates the walls of the house and in…

Editor (2022-07-13). Can Chile's Radical New Constitution Survive a Vote? Chilean President Gabriel Boric shows the final draft of the constitutional proposal after signing it during its presentation at the National Congress in Santiago, on . (Javier Torres / AFP via Getty Images) | By Natacha López / SANTIAGO—"It was a peculiar decision," Manuela Royo said, trying to explain why she decided to run to become one of the 154 delegates who would draft a new Chilean Constitution. I met Royo at the lavish Former National Congress Building in Santiago where the Constitutional Conventio…

TeleSUR, mcs, JGN (2022-07-13). Registran sismo de magnitud 6.4 en la isla de Pascua, Chile. Las autoridades chilenas indicaron que hasta el momento no se registran víctimas mortales ni daños estructurales por el temblor.

Staff (2022-07-13). President Maduro Announces Erdogan's Upcoming Visit to Venezuela. The president of Tàºrkiye (Turkey), Recep Tayyip Erdogan, will visit Venezuela in the coming days, announced the Venezuelan head of state Nicolás Maduro this Tuesday, July 12. This was reported during a ceremony paying homage to the ambassador of the Republic of Tàºrkiye to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, ≈ûevki Màºtevellioƒülu, who is wrapping up his tenure in the country. With the visit of the Turkish president, a greater economic growth of the South American nation is envisioned, Maduro indicated. | "In the days to come we will be receiving President Erdo&f…

WSWS (2022-07-13). Pro-corporate Workers Party signals sweeping attack on public education in Brazil. In recent weeks, Lula and party officials have assuredbusinessmen and bankers that a PT government will unload the full weight of the capitalist crisis on the Brazilian working class.

Andreína Chávez Alava (2022-07-13). Venezuela: Oil Output Stagnates Despite Export Surge, Chevron Continues PDVSA Talks. Venezuelan oil shipments have increased following recent oil-for-debt licenses granted to Italy's Eni and Spain's Repsol.

Staff (2022-07-13). Bolton confirma que administración Trump organizó Golpes de Estado en Venezuela y otros países (+Video). El exconsejero de Seguridad Nacional de la administración Trump y uno de los halcones de la ultraderecha estadounidense, John Bolton, confirmó en entrevista con la cadena televisiva CNN, que la Casa Blanca organizó Golpes de Estado contra Venezuela y otros estados, durante el tiempo en que él permaneció dentro del gobierno.

TeleSUR -ysm-JL (2022-07-13). Uruguay niega refugio a exasesor de Macri investigado en Argentina. El exasesor de Mauricio Macri se encuentra prófugo de la Justicia argentina desde diciembre de 2020.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-07-13). Diálogo sobre demandas del paro en Ecuador entra en nueva fase. El Ministerio de Gobernación supervisará el trabajo y los avances de cada mesa temática. El plazo para implementar los diez puntos es de 90 días.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-07-13). Gobierno de Uruguay apela suspensión de vacunación anticovid en niños. Un magistrado ordenó detener la inoculación a menores de 23 años hasta tanto el Gobierno no cumpla varios requisitos.

Peoples Dispatch (2022-07-13). Feminist Brigade participates in exchange of revolutionary ideas in Venezuela. Brigade participants met with representatives of Venezuelan popular and revolutionary feminism. This exchange was organized by the International Peoples' Assembly and the Simon Bolivar Institute for Peace and Solidarity among Peoples.

Peoples Dispatch (2022-07-13). Bolivian prosecutors suspend Camacho's hearing in coup case following death threats. The governor of the Santa Cruz department, Luis Fernando Camacho, who was the president of the far-right Pro Santa Cruz Civic Committee in 2019, was one of the main promoters of the violent and racist demonstrations against the socialist government of former President Evo Morales in October 2019…

TeleSUR- lvm, JL (2022-07-13). Cámara chilena rechaza acusación contra ministra del Interior. Se pronunciaron 84 diputados a favor, mientras que 57 emitieron su rechazo y dos abstenciones.

TeleSUR- lvm, JL (2022-07-13). Argentina formaliza acuerdo con Cuba sobre cooperación agrícola. Algunos de los elementos subrayados reconocen la cooperación para el mejoramiento y producción de cultivos tales como granos, maíz, arroz, frijol y soja.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-07-13). Exasesor de seguridad de Trump confiesa que ayudó a planear golpes de Estado. "'Los golpes llevan mucho trabajo', afirma el criminal. Por eso, también fracasó con sus agentes locales en Venezuela", señaló Moncada.

TeleSUR, lvm, JGN (2022-07-13). Argentina reporta que comercio con Brasil crece 46 por ciento. El organismo argentino precisó que las ventas a Brasil en junio pasado registraron un aumento del 38.2 por ciento en comparación con junio de 2021.

TeleSUR- jaa, JL (2022-07-13). ONU reafirma apoyo a diálogo de Gobierno e indígenas en Ecuador. Las conversaciones entre los líderes indígenas y el Gobierno se iniciarán en la sede de la Conferencia Episcopal Ecuatoriana y deben durar 90 días.

_____ (2022-07-12). Peru: The Political Crisis Worsens. The crisis in Pedro Castillo's government is worsening. Less than a month before the rural teacher and trade unionist who came to power as candidate of the left completes his first year in the presidency, the right wing, which from the first day of the government has bet on a coup, accelerates its plans to remove him from office abusing the power of the Congress that it controls. | The instability of the government is accentuated by the destabilizing maneuvers of the right wing, which in its coup plans has the support of the big media, but one cannot deny the responsibility of a presidential administration that h…

_____ (2022-07-12). In Chile, We Have The Opportunity To Build An Economy To Overcome Fear. Following the election of a progressive government in Chile earlier this year, the country has been debating a new constitution written under revolutionary conditions: by a convention with gender equality, representation of Indigenous peoples, and with many members from environmental justice movements. As the draft is finalized ahead of a referendum in September, social media across the country has been awash with 'explainer' posts and videos in favor of the new texts — and debunking misinformation telling people that their pensions will be expropriated, for example. Most of the pro-constitution posts boil…

Ana Perdigón (2022-07-12). María Corina Machado Now Wants to Compete in Elections. The head of the Come Venezuela (Vente Venezuela in Spanish) political movement, María Corina Machado, apparently changed her mind again, and now wants to compete for the upcoming 2024 presidential elections, according to an announcement she made in a video posted on her Twitter account. | "We are willing to measure ourselves," said the far-right politician, "because Venezuela needs a political leadership, and a leadership that does not give in and does not give up, and that keeps its word and its commitment." | She said that this announcement resulted from the seventh federal meeting of her political organization…

José Coss (2022-07-12). Colombia La política del amor de Martí en Petro. Un ex-guerrillero triunfa con la bandera del amor, como el primer Presidente progresista de Colombia, acompañado de una luchadora social afro-descendiente como Vice Presidenta, proveniente de los sectores más pobres del país. | Recuerdo aquel joven idealista, cuando depone las armas…

Alberto Pinzón Sánchez (2022-07-12). Colombia Petro no abre un período histórico, lo cierra. Aclaración innecesaria: Ciertamente, la elección de Gustavo Petro como presidente de Colombia es un hecho positivo en la ensangrentada historia de Colombia, pero las esperanzas que su gobierno ha generado en la población trabajadora, no implica que se deba renunciar…

2022-07-14 15:03 | 11:03 EST | jz | 34 | 5 | 20 | 7 | 0