(2022-08-23). Denuncian secuestro político de Jorge Glas en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Los abogados aseguraron que el Gobierno ecuatoriano hace lo posible por impedir que se cumplan las órdenes judiciales que piden la liberación de Jorge Glas.
(2022-08-23). Inicia primer censo penitenciario en cárceles de Ecuador. telesurtv.net El proceso tendrá una duración de tres meses y se ejecutará en 36 instalaciones penitenciarias a 35.000 internos.
(2022-08-23). Arriba a Cuba ayuda humanitaria enviada desde Bolivia. telesurtv.net El canciller cubano precisó que el envío contiene alimentos, medicamentos e insumos médicos.
(2022-08-23). Colombia Hacia la paz con justicia social. globalizacion.ca El gobierno de Gustavo Petro-Francia Márquez ha comenzado a muy buen ritmo en su importantísima encomienda y exhibe firmes avances a 11 días de la toma de posesión. Ha registrado ya ante el Congreso su medida insignia, la reforma tributaria,…
(2022-08-23). Fallece Diana Navarro, activista transgénero colombiana. telesurtv.net El presidente colombiano, Gustavo Petro, fue de los primeros en expresar sus condolencias por la muerte de la activista LGBTIQ+.
(2022-08-23). Condenan persecución judicial a vicepresidenta de Argentina. telesurtv.net A la vicepresidenta argentina le piden 12 años de cárcel y la inhabilitación de por vida de ocupar cargos públicos.
(2022-08-23). Rechazan persecución judicial contra Cristina Fernández en Argentina. telesurtv.net Denuncian los intentos de sancionar penalmente a la líder argentina y proscribirla políticamente.
(2022-08-23). Petro cuestiona costo de la reconstrucción de Providencia, Colombia. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado señaló que la concepción de la reconstrucción es "la que produce esta barbaridad de costos".
(2022-08-23). Organizaciones de Argentina exigen incremento de salario mínimo. telesurtv.net Reclaman que se equipare al valor de la canasta básica, cuyo precio aumentó.
(2022-08-23). Argentina debe definir su articulación con el mundo. globalizacion.ca Como otras veces, en su corta historia, Argentina se encuentra nuevamente en la antesala de redefinir su articulación con el mundo. Por cierto que no hay un solo camino, éstos fueron y siguen siendo variados, y depende de cual se…
(2022-08-23). Inicia desescalada de quinta ola de Covid-19 en Bolivia. telesurtv.net El ministro de Salud boliviano destacó que las medidas aplicadas para contener el contagio han dado resultados.
(2022-08-23). Workers Struggles: The Americas. wsws.org Teachers in Argentina's Rio Negro province struck for two days last week over pay while 170 Ontario safety inspectors are in the fifth week of strike.
(2022-08-23). Presidente Boric llama a mantener el proceso constituyente en Chile. telesurtv.net Boric afirmó que si ganara el Rechazo en el próximo plebiscito constitucional se debe convocar una nueva Convención para continuar el proceso constituyente.
(2022-08-23). Gobierno argentino condena persecución judicial contra la vicepresidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. telesurtv.net El Gobierno argentino reiteró su adhesión al principio constitucional de inocencia y "a la plena vigencia del funcionamiento democrático de la justicia.
(2022-08-23). Reprimen a militantes que respaldan a vicepresidenta argentina. telesurtv.net La exmandataria refirió que "ningún militante ni simpatizante de nuestro espacio político ha ido al domicilio de ningún dirigente macrista a insultarlos".
(2022-08-23). Autoridades colombianas reportan triple homicidio en Antioquia. telesurtv.net El Instituto de Estudios para el Desarrollo y la Paz (Indepaz) indicó que esta masacre se suma a las 65 registradas durante el presente año en Colombia.
(2022-08-23). La Nueva Constitución de Chile en el contexto latinoamericano y mundial. globalizacion.ca Chile se acerca a pasos raudos a la concreción de un hito largamente acariciado: la oportunidad de dejar atrás un molde constitucional impuesto con indecible dolor y sufrimiento por una dictadura bárbara al servicio de un modelo neoliberal. | El próximo…
(2022-08-22). The Sword of Bolivar Is Wielded Again by the People of Latin America. Gustavo Petro Inauguration as President of Colombia. globalresearch.ca
(2022-08-22). Top Biden Official: US Would Overthrow Colombia's New Left-wing President 40 Years Ago. globalresearch.ca
(2022-08-22). Chile's New Constitution Will Empower Chilean Workers. popularresistance.org The first step toward a new constitution in Chile is now complete. The draft of the new Magna Carta was officially delivered on May 16, paving the way for major changes in Chilean society, particularly in the areas of social rights, gender parity in political participation, and constitutional recognition of native peoples. | In terms of social rights, the new constitution recognizes demands that have been a banner for popular struggles since Augusto Pinochet's neoliberal counterrevolution in the 1970s. It guarantees access to health, housing, education, decent pensions, nonsexist education, and the right to abort…
(2022-08-22). Over a Thousand Monkeypox Cases Confirmed in Peru. telesurenglish.net According to Minsa, there are 1 188 confirmed cases nationwide, of which 973 are registered in the capital, Lima. | RELATED: | Health authorities issued warnings given the high rate of infection affecting homosexual men. | Of the total confirmed cases, 1 119 are reported to be men, that is, 99.2 percent. Only nine cases are women, 0.80 percent, Minsa said. | There are 775 male homosexual patients, representing 68.7 percent, 105…
(2022-08-22). Argentina: Key Witness in Milagro Sala Case Confesses to Being Forced to Testify Against Her (Lawfare). orinocotribune.com The first witness of the trial against Milagro Sala that began this week in Argentina confesses that he was forced to testify against the social leader. | A person who was called as a witness in the new trial against the Argentine activist and social leader Milagro Sala—which began this Thursday—confessed that he was pressured by the Public Ministry of Jujuy province to testify against the indigenous activist. | The new trial for a case that originally dates back to 2009 and that had already been closed in 2012, was announced in March this year when a witness, identified as "Pilo Mancilla," accused Sa…
(2022-08-22). Lula Promises to End Illegal Mining in the Brazilian Amazon. telesurenglish.net During a press conference on Monday, the Workers' Party (PT) presidential candidate Lula da Silva promised to contain the deforestation of the Amazon basin through a forceful fight against illegal mining in Brazil. | RELATED: | "We are going to put an end to illegal mining," Lula said and pledged to work to stop the destruction of the Amazon rainforest, which has accelerated due to President Jair Bolsonaro's pro-market pol…
(2022-08-22). Cuba to Host Peace Talks Between ELN and Colombian Government: New Opportunities vs. Old Obstacles (Part 1). orinocotribune.com By Gustavo A. Maranges — Aug 14, 2022 | Earlier this month in Havana, the Colombian government stated its willingness to resume peace talks with the National Liberation Army (ELN), having Cuba and Norway as the guarantors of the process. The announcement came just four days after Gustavo Petro took office as the president of Colombia. This is undoubtedly a sign of how important achieving "absolute peace" is for the new government. | Peace in Colombia is closely related to Cuba, a country that has been a mediator between the guerrillas and different Colombian governments for over 40 years. The relationship s…
(2022-08-22). The Best To Do Is to Quit- Paraguayan President to Vice-Pres. telesurenglish.net The president of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benítez, considers it 'correct' that his vice-president resigns, after being accused of corruption by the United States. | RELATED: | However, the president said that he respects Hugo Velázquez's decision to remain in the position, as soon as Washington pointed him out on August 12 of having participated "in important acts of corruption." | Amongst the accusations was included the off…
(2022-08-22). Lima Becomes First Latin American Capital to Back Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. commondreams.org "This leadership is a welcome push for positive change in Peru and the region to a just energy transition away from fossil fuels."
(2022-08-22). Colombian Government Asks Airlines to Be Ready to Resume Flights to Venezuela. orinocotribune.com Colombian Minister of Transport Guillermo Reyes asked Colombian airlines to be prepared for resuming flights between Colombia and Venezuela, once the border is reopened. | Reyes requested for the airlines Avianca, Viva Air and Latam to start with preparations so that they can soon offer Colombians and Venezuelans the possibility of traveling by air. | "They are airlines that operate in Colombia, the call is for them to be prepared so that when our diplomatic relations are resumed, as well as mobility between the two countries, they will be able to offer Colombians and Venezuelans the possibility of traveling by a…
(2022-08-22). Bolivia envía insumos médicos a Cuba tras incendio en Matanzas. telesurtv.net En el evento, el canciller boliviano Rogelio Mayta destacó la enorme solidaridad que ha tenido Cuba en numerosas contingencias en Bolivia.
(2022-08-22). Incautan más de dos toneladas de cocaína en Guayaquil, Ecuador. telesurtv.net Ecuador confiscó 210 toneladas de drogas en 2021, la mayor cantidad en su historia y ocupó el tercer lugar del mundo en incautaciones.
(2022-08-22). Reportan 95.000 hectáreas quemadas tras incendios en Argentina. telesurtv.net La doctora en Ciencias Naturales, Paola Peltzer, señaló que se necesitan entre 300 y 400 años para recuperar el humedal.
(2022-08-22). Ente electoral convocará a elecciones seccionales en Ecuador. telesurtv.net El texto de la convocatoria para las elecciones seccionales se dará a conocer el 21 de agosto para conocimiento de los votantes y candidatos.
(2022-08-22). Irán insta a liberar avión venezolano detenido en Argentina. telesurtv.net La posición iraní también insiste en que deben ser liberados sus connacionales detenidos en Buenos Aires desde junio.
(2022-08-22). Inician plan de protección a líderes sociales en Colombia. telesurtv.net El ministro del Interior indicó que el plan para proteger a los líderes sociales se aplicará a los 65 municipios más afectados por la violencia en Colombia.
(2022-08-22). Denuncian masacre en Bolívar, la número 65 en Colombia durante el 2022. telesurtv.net Además de las masacres, el país contabiliza 118 líderes sociales y 32 excombatientes asesinados durante el año.
(2022-08-22). Acusan a la primera dama de Perú de coordinar una red criminal. telesurtv.net Pedro Castillo afirmó que su cónyuge demostrará su inocencia de los cargos de corrupción en la Justicia peruana.
(2022-08-22). Cuban Minister Praises International Solidarity. telesurenglish.net Cuba's Minister of Interior Trade, Betsy Díaz, thanked the international solidarity received as a result of the large-scale fire at the Supertanker Base in the western province of Matanzas. | RELATED: | During the arrival of a ship from Nicaragua with 35 containers of food donations for the victims of the disaster, Díaz stressed in statements to the press that the initiative joins that of other countries in the region such as Bolivia, Mexico and Venezue…
(2022-08-22). Bolivia avanza en reparación de las víctimas de las dictaduras (1964-1982). telesurtv.net El Tesoro General de la Nación asumirá el 80% de los recursos que no se cubrió en la reparación de las víctimas en 2004, adicionales al 20% que se desembolsó en 2006.
(2022-08-22). Brazil's Lula Vows to 'Put an End to Illegal Mining' if Elected President. commondreams.org "If the world is willing to help, keeping a tree standing in the Amazon may be worth more than any investment," the leftist front-runner told international journalists.
(2022-08-22). Presidente peruano denuncia intento de encarcelar a su esposa. telesurtv.net Pedro Castillo sostiene que las investigaciones que afronta por presunta corrupción son producto de una confabulación en su contra.
(2022-08-22). Atacan a excombatiente en el Valle del Cauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net Según Indepaz desde la firma del Acuerdo de Paz en Colombia han sido asesinados 338 excombatientes en proceso de reinserción a la vida civil.
(2022-08-22). Presidente Petro afirmó que el Ejército debe prepararse para la paz. telesurtv.net Gustavo Petro destacó que el mayor reto durante su mandato será el de levantar los pilares para el retorno de la paz definitiva en su país.
(2022-08-22). Iran Urges Release of Venezuelan Plane Detained in Argentina. telesurenglish.net On Monday, Iran urged Argentina to release the Venezuelan Boeing 747-300 freighter and its crew, which have remained grounded at Ezeiza Airport in Buenos Aires since June. | RELATED: | "The important thing for us is the situation of the five Iranian compatriots," the Persian Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said, confirming that his country's authorities and Argentine diplomats are holding political ne…
(2022-08-21). Venezuela's Gold Dispute in UK Courts is a Battle for Sovereignty. orinocotribune.com By Zoe Alexandra — Aug 17, 2022 | The official government of Venezuela has been engaged in a legal dispute with the Bank of England to regain control over gold assets worth over $1.8 billion. | "The world must know that there is no legal security in London nor in the Bank of England, because at any moment, any country can have its international reserves stolen. There is no respect for the law!" Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro made this damning statement in a televised address on August 3 following the decision by a British high court to reject the Venezuelan state access to its gold reserves worth $1.8…
(2022-08-21). Venezuela: Attorney General Issues Arrest Warrant for Those Responsible for Medical Warehouse Fire. orinocotribune.com The Venezuelan Attorney General's Office has issued an arrest warrant for two guards of the west Caracas warehouse belonging to the Venezuelan Social Security Institute (IVSS) for their role in the fire that occurred at the facility last Monday, August 15. The fire at the Antímano warehouse destroyed dialysis machines and important medical supplies for kidney patients. | Venezuelan Attorney General Tarek William Saab reported in a Twitter post that the arrest warrant has been issued for Layla Janeth Miranda Vásquez and Jorge Ernesto Cambero Rangel, "who were in charge of safeguarding the medical supplies that wer…
(2022-08-21). The Sword Of Bolivar Is Wielded Again By The People Of Latin America. popularresistance.org On August 7, 2022, Gustavo Petro and his running mate, Francia Márquez, were inaugurated as the President and Vice-President of the Republic of Colombia. This was one of the most historic events in Latin America for at least a century. | For the first time since the liberation of Colombia from Spain by Simón Bolívar, Colombia now had leaders who promised to radically transform Colombia, and with it, all of Latin America. I was fortunate enough to be present at the inauguration ceremony which was just as exciting as one could have hoped for. | As I was told by Colombians while in Bogotá, this was the first time in…
(2022-08-21). LEVER WEEKLY: Contemplating The Climate Movement. levernews.com The inaugural address of Gustavo Petro, Colombia's newly elected leftist president, was full of force and provided a clear-eyed vision for tackling the climate crisis. "If it is so difficult to get the money… to save [the Amazon], then I propose an exchange of foreign debt for domestic spending to save and recover our jungles, forests, and wetlands for humanity," he declared on August 7.His words — highlighted in English translation below — are worth considering in tandem with The Lever team's "Lever Live" conversation this week with Kate Aronoff on the future of the climate movement. During the…
(2022-08-21). Iran's Embassy in Caracas Labels Agreement With Venezuela on 1 Million Hectares as Fake News. orinocotribune.com Caracas, August 20, 2022 ( The Iranian Embassy stated through its official Twitter account that "although Venezuela is one of the best countries for agriculture, which can attract many investors," Iran has not signed any bilateral alliance on this matter. | In this context, the embassy urged everyone to stop fake…
(2022-08-21). Venezuela Increases Petcoke Exports to India. venezuelanalysis.com The oil industry byproduct has emerged as a cheaper alternative to coal amid global energy struggles.
(2022-08-21). Lithium Power Politics Are Playing Out Differently In Chile And Bolivia. popularresistance.org In late July, a large sinkhole appeared near the town of Tierra Amarilla in Chile's Copiapó province in the Atacama salt flat. The crater, which has a diameter of more than 100 feet, emerged in one of Chile's most lucrative regions for copper and lithium extraction. The nearby Candelaria mining complex—80 percent of the property is owned by Canada's Lundin Mining Corporation and 20 percent is owned by Japan's Sumitomo Metal Mining Co Ltd. and Sumitomo Corporation—had to halt its operations in the area. On August 1, Chile's National Geology and Mining Service (Sernageomin) tweeted that it had assembled…