Monthly Archives: August 2022

2022-08-17: News Headlines

Benjamin Norton (2022-08-17). Top Biden official: US would overthrow Colombia's new left-wing president 40 years ago. Biden's top Latin America advisor Juan González threateningly said of Colombia's new left-wing president, "40 years ago, the United States would have done everything possible to prevent the election of Gustavo Petro" and "sabotage his government."

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-08-17). Exjefe paramilitar colombiano acepta cargos por asesinatos. Según la Fiscalía, "Jorge 40", condenado en EE. UU., y llevado a Colombia desde 2020, fue responsable de 13 crímenes.

TeleSUR -ysm- JL (2022-08-17). Intelectuales quechuas celebrarán encuentro en Bolivia. La cita pretende debatir, reflexionar e intercambiar ideas que contribuyan a la construcción del Estado Plurinacional y del Vivir Bien.

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-08-17). Venezuela apoyará reconstrucción de base petrolera en Matanzas. Nicolás Maduro afirmó que Cuba no quedará solo bajo ninguna circunstancia, pues siempre contará con el apoyo de los pueblos del mundo.

Atilio Boron (2022-08-17). Lawfare as an Imperialist Weapon: The Case of the Venezuelan Plane. By Atilio Borón — Aug 16, 2022 | The subject relayed in the title is becoming more and more complicated. The Argentine "justice" system, through the actions of the federal judge of Lomas de Zamora, Federico Villena, and Federal Attorney Cecilia Incardona, is determined to retain the EMTRASUR plane and its crew in Argentina even at the price of violating the fundamentals of law (such as the presumption of innocence) to comply with the seizure order issued by US authorities. In this situation, the Argentine government can do very little now—I insist on now. If it had acted more quickly, as soon as the p…

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-08-17). Ministro de Defensa de Perú presenta renuncia al cargo. El ahora extitular de Defensa enumeró una parte de los avances en las políticas sectoriales desarrolladas en su gestión.

TeleSUR- jaa- JL (2022-08-17). Presidente venezolano recibe cartas credenciales de embajadores. El canciller venezolano había recibido el pasado lunes en Casa Amarilla a los nuevos representantes de las cinco naciones.

Cuba, Venezuela Solidarity Committee (2022-08-17). Sunday 8/28: Cuba Film Festival Fundraiser. 2969 Mission Street, San Francisco…

TeleSUR, ysm, JL (2022-08-17). Ecuador llega a los 19 casos de la viruela del mono. Fueron reportados tres casos en la provincia de Azuay, uno en Cañar, tres en El Oro, cuatro en Guayas, uno en Los Ríos, cinco en Pichincha y dos en Santa Elena…

TeleSUR-mcs- JL (2022-08-17). Presidente Maduro condecora brigada por combatir incendio en Cuba. El reconocimiento reivindica el mérito sobresaliente de especialistas y técnicos que, desde el 7 de agosto, se mantenían prestando servicio en la provincia de Matanzas.

TeleSUR- hvh (2022-08-17). Colombia da el beneplácito a embajador designado por Venezuela. El canciller venezolano señaló que es un "momento histórico que marca una nueva etapa en las relaciones diplomáticas".

TeleSUR- JL (2022-08-17). Reportan 300 personas desplazadas tras enfrentamientos armados en Almaguer, Colombia. Los enfrentamientos armados se han extendido en las veredas de El Chilco, Pitayas, El Garbanzal, Casa Blanca, Higuerillos, El Silencio, La Tarabita y La Honda.

TeleSUR -ysm- JL (2022-08-17). Trabajadores venezolanos marchan en apoyo al presidente Maduro. La movilización celebra conquistas sociales, económicas y laborales de la Revolución Bolivariana en medio del ilegal bloqueo impuesto por EE.UU.

____ (2022-08-17). Chinese FM holds phone talk with Chilean counterpart. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi held a phone talk with his Chilean counterpart Antonia Urrejola on Tuesday at the latter's request.

TeleSUR, ysm, SH (2022-08-17). Embajador argentino reconoce secuestro del avión venezolano. El embajador de Argentina, Oscar Laborde, aseguró que las relaciones bilaterales entre Venezuela y Argentina no se han dañado pese al incidente.

TeleSUR- jaa- JL (2022-08-17). FIFA, Brasil y Argentina acuerdan no terminar partido pendiente. El 25 por ciento de la suma que deben abonar ambas federaciones, será donado directamente por la AFA a la OMS.

Staff (2022-08-17). PSUV Bases to Elect Grassroots Speakers Starting This Weekend. In its weekly meeting, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) reviewed and defined organizational strategies for the profound renewal of grassroots leadership and support for the plans of the National Executive, such as the 1àó10 plan for Good Government, reported its President Nicolás Maduro. | "We have reviewed three lines of deep action and the renewal of grassroots leadership, which are a priority within the 3R.Nets," Maduro said. | The lines are: | ‚Ä¢ First: The 1àó10 plan for Good Government and the PSUV as the ruling party "and all the events that this implies, of cri…

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-08-17). Presidente peruano mantiene encuentros con movimientos sociales. El presidente Castillo niega todo cargo de corrupción en su contra y pide el apoyo de organizaciones sociales contra ataques en su contra.

Ana Perdigón (2022-08-17). Nicaragua's Daniel Ortega Lashes Out at President of Argentina re: EMTRASUR Boeing 747 Case. The president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, criticized his Argentinian counterpart, Alberto Fernández, for following orders from the United States and for having the Venezuelan Boeing 747-300 detained in Buenos Aires, along with its crew. | During an event for the 42nd anniversary of the naval force, Ortega repudiated the Argentinian government for kidnapping Venezuelan brothers and sisters, only because the White House ordered it. | "They have kidnapped 11, 12 Venezuelan brothers because that is how the Yankees ordered it from Washington, and they wash their hands saying that it is a matter of justice," Ortega sa…

TeleSUR, SH (2022-08-17). Centrales obreras argentinas se movilizarán contra la especulación. Las organizaciones sociales y de trabajadores también se movilizarán para denunciar a los sectores que buscan desestabilizar al Gobierno del país.

TeleSUR -ysm- JL (2022-08-17). Allanan vivienda del exministro paraguayo, Arnaldo Giuzzio. La Fiscalía investiga los presuntos vínculos de Arnaldo Giuzzio durante su gestión con el narcotraficante brasileño Marcus Vinicius Espíndola Marques de Padua.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-08-17). Iglesia destaca avances entre Gobierno e indígenas en Ecuador. Conferencia Episcopal resalta voluntad de diálogo de los representantes del Ejecutivo y las organizaciones que convocaron al paro.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-08-17). Movimiento indígena y Gobierno de Ecuador retoman diálogo. El diálogo se reanudará con la mesa de Fomento Productivo y la mediación de la Conferencia Episcopal Ecuatoriana.

Staff (2022-08-17). Maduro entrega reconocimiento a los bomberos que apoyaron en la extinción del incendio en Matanzas. El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, reconoció la labor de los venezolanos que prestaron su apoyo a la extinción del incendio registrado en la Base de Supertanqueros de Matanzas. Se le entregó de una réplica del sable victorioso de Carabobo e imposición de la Orden "Francisco de Miranda" al personal de bomberos de Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA).

Daniel Kovalik (2022-08-16). Colombia's First Leftist President Will Bring Historic Change, if the US Lets Him. By Daniel Kovalik Aug 7, 2022 | Colombia is the latest Latin American country to turn from the right, and possibly stand up to Washington, with the inauguration of Gustavo Petro | It's a historic day in Colombia, as the country inaugurates former guerrilla Gustavo Petro as its first leftist president, and Francia Marquez as its first vice president of African descent. This was unthinkable not long ago, and before this unlikely team now lie the combined challenges of standing up to US domination and fixing decades of social injustice. | The last time it appeared Colombia would have a leftist president was in…

Staff (2022-08-16). Webinar Next Thursday 25th: Lessons From the 2022 National Strike in Ecuador. Lessons From The 2022 National Strike In Ecuador will be a public webinar in English and Spanish on the Indigenous-led protests in Ecuador this past June. | The webinar will be Thursday, August 25 at 8: 00 PM (EST) | For 18 days in June, the people of Ecuador, led by the Indigenous and poorest, fought austerity to a halt. Tens of thousands barricaded highways, paralyzed the capital and much of the nation. Eight people were killed and hundreds injured by police. Led by the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), poor and working people won major economic and political concessions, and other d…

_____ (2022-08-16). Pompeo Sued Over Surveillance Of Assange Visitors. Four U.S. citizens who were surveilled by the C.I.A. during visits to WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange in the Ecuador embassy in London have sued the C.I.A, former C.I.A. Director Mike Pompeo, the Spanish security firm UC Global and its director David Morales Guillen for allegedly violating their constitutional rights protecting them from illegal searches and seizure. | The lawsuit was filed at 8 a.m. Monday in the Southern District of New York federal court. | Assange spent seven years in the embassy as a political asylee. He is being held on remand in London's Belmarsh prison after the U.S. indicted him in 20…

Dan Collyns (2022-08-16). Sixth federal investigation opened into Peru's President Castillo. A sixth federal investigation has been launched against Peru's President Pedro Castillo. It's the first time a sitting president in Peru has been criminally investigated, but Castillo cannot be charged while in office. Dan Collyns reports from Lima on why lawmakers are working to oust …

KWORINOCO (2022-08-16). Firefighters Who Helped With Cuba's Matanzas Fire Return to Venezuela. This Monday, the 43 firefighters and technicians from Venezuela's state-owned oil company PDVSA, sent to help put out the fire in Matanzas, Cuba caused by a lightning strike on August 5, returned safely to the Simón Bolívar International Airport in Maequetía, in the state of La Guaira. | àöLTIMO MINUTO | | Acaba de aterrizar el vuelo de Conviasa que trae de regreso a los bomberos y profesionales de 43 hombres y m…

TeleSUR, mcs, SH (2022-08-16). Bolivia y ONU fortalecen colaboración para el desarrollo. El organismo internacional destacó que la visita del titular del PNUD para Latinoamérica es un hito relevante en la agenda que respalda el organismo en el país.

TeleSUR- jaa- JL (2022-08-16). Arriban a Venezuela bomberos que lucharon contra incendio en Cuba. "Le agradezco a ustedes (bomberos) por tenderles la mano a los hermanos cubanos, arriesgando sus propias vidas", afirmó el embajador cubano en Venezuela.

TeleSUR, jaa, JL (2022-08-16). Confirman tres fallecidos tras balacera en Guayaquil, Ecuador. Las autoridades indicaron que cuatro delincuentes atacaron a las víctimas, identificando el hecho como un crimen de sicariato.

Staff (2022-08-16). President Maduro Removes National Budget Office (ONAPRE) Director Due to Workers' Discontent. Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro removed Marco Polo Cosenza as director of the National Budget Office (ONAPRE) and appointed Jennifer Quintero de Barrios in his place, according to the The Gazette also named Christiam Moisés Hernández Verdecanna as acting national treasurer | The National Budget Office is the governing body of the National Public Budget System, providing technical assistance in the different stages of the budget process to the bodies and…

TeleSUR, JL (2022-08-16). Presidente de Nicaragua cuestiona posición de Argentina por secuestro de avión venezolano. "Nuestra solidaridad a las familias de los retenidos y a nuestro hermano Nicolás Maduro", indicó el mandatario nicaragüense.

TeleSUR, jaa, SH (2022-08-16). Irán pide la salida de tripulación iraní retenida en Argentina. El diplomático iraní, Naser Kanani, resaltó la importancia que tiene para su nación la liberación de los cinco iraníes detenidos en Argentina.

Staff (2022-08-16). Colombia's President Petro: Guaidó's Presidency is Non-Existent. On Sunday, August 14, during a conversation with a journalist from the Colombian news outlet Semana, the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, said that it is time for the normalization of relations with Venezuela to be reflected in binational trade and production. | "There is already a normal flow, now we have to expand that to the issue of trade, to the issue of production," said the Colombian president in relation to progress in resuming diplomatic relations with Venezuela. | On Thursday, August 11, Caracas and Bogotá appointed ambassadors to consolidate the reestablishment of diplomatic ties, fractured during…

Diegoramos718 (2022-08-15). CIA, Pompeo Sued for Allegedly Spying on US Attorneys and Journalists Who Met With Assange. By Kevin Gosztola / The Dissenter A group of journalists and lawyers, who visited WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange while he was living under political asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy, sued the CIA and former CIA director Mike Pompeo. They allege that the agency under Pompeo spied on them in violation of their privacy rights. Undercover …

Mariana àÅlvarez Orellana (2022-08-15). Ni por las buenas ni por malas la derecha peruana logra asaltar el poder (por ahora). Lo que ha demostrado la derecha peruana en el primer año de gobierno de Pedro Castillo es que su fin es asaltar el poder por las buenas o por las malas, que no cree en la democracia ni en los…

Staff (2022-08-15). Matanzas fires solidarity firefighters with honors. Yurisbel Estrada Carrasco, Chief of the Cárdenas Firefighters Command, thanked the work of colleagues from the rest of the country and also those from other sister nations, the Cuban Red Cross, rescuers, combatants, volunteers, and those who sent humanitarian aid. The fire spread and caused the explosion at the supertanker base, in the industrial zone of this city; it was extinguished on the last 12 thanks to the work of specialized forces and media from Cuba, Mexico and Venezuela.They recognize Mexicans and Venezuelans who fought the fire in Matanzas…

José Luis Granados Ceja (2022-08-15). Venezuela and Colombia Appoint Ambassadors in Effort To Reestablish Diplomatic Relations. The Maduro government named a new board of directors of Monómeros after Petro made the decision to return the company.

2022-08-18 01:56 | 21:56 EST | jz | 42 | 4 | 12 | 25 | 0 

2022-08-16: News Headlines

TeleSUR, jaa, JL (2022-08-16). Confirman tres fallecidos tras balacera en Guayaquil, Ecuador. Las autoridades indicaron que cuatro delincuentes atacaron a las víctimas, identificando el hecho como un crimen de sicariato.

TeleSUR, jaa, SH (2022-08-16). Irán pide la salida de tripulación iraní retenida en Argentina. El diplomático iraní, Naser Kanani, resaltó la importancia que tiene para su nación la liberación de los cinco iraníes detenidos en Argentina.

TeleSUR, JL (2022-08-16). Presidente de Nicaragua cuestiona posición de Argentina por secuestro de avión venezolano. "Nuestra solidaridad a las familias de los retenidos y a nuestro hermano Nicolás Maduro", indicó el mandatario nicaragüense.

TeleSUR- jaa- JL (2022-08-16). Arriban a Venezuela bomberos que lucharon contra incendio en Cuba. "Le agradezco a ustedes (bomberos) por tenderles la mano a los hermanos cubanos, arriesgando sus propias vidas", afirmó el embajador cubano en Venezuela.

Staff (2022-08-16). Colombia's President Petro: Guaidó's Presidency is Non-Existent. On Sunday, August 14, during a conversation with a journalist from the Colombian news outlet Semana, the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, said that it is time for the normalization of relations with Venezuela to be reflected in binational trade and production. | "There is already a normal flow, now we have to expand that to the issue of trade, to the issue of production," said the Colombian president in relation to progress in resuming diplomatic relations with Venezuela. | On Thursday, August 11, Caracas and Bogotá appointed ambassadors to consolidate the reestablishment of diplomatic ties, fractured during…

TeleSUR, mcs, SH (2022-08-16). Bolivia y ONU fortalecen colaboración para el desarrollo. El organismo internacional destacó que la visita del titular del PNUD para Latinoamérica es un hito relevante en la agenda que respalda el organismo en el país.

Staff (2022-08-16). President Maduro Removes National Budget Office (ONAPRE) Director Due to Workers' Discontent. Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro removed Marco Polo Cosenza as director of the National Budget Office (ONAPRE) and appointed Jennifer Quintero de Barrios in his place, according to the The Gazette also named Christiam Moisés Hernández Verdecanna as acting national treasurer | The National Budget Office is the governing body of the National Public Budget System, providing technical assistance in the different stages of the budget process to the bodies and…

Kevin Gosztola (2022-08-15). CIA, Pompeo Sued For Allegedly Spying On US Attorneys And Journalists Who Met With Assange. Former CIA Director Mike Pompeo (Photo: A group of journalists and lawyers, who visited WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange while he was living under political asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy, sued the CIA and former CIA director Mike Pompeo. They allege that the agency under Pom…

Infobrics (2022-08-15). Bright Outlook for China-Brazil Cooperation in Developing Digital Economy. Over the past five years, China and Brazil have joined together to continue pushing forward the development of the digital economy at comparatively lightning-fast speeds…

Ann Brown (2022-08-15). Mom Warns America About Kim Kardashian-Inspired Brazilian Butt Lifts After Daughter Dies From Operation. Inundated with images on social media and reality shows, more and more women are trying to obtain an unrealistic body. One young New York City woman who wanted a Kim Kardashians-style butt died trying to get it. Now her mother is warning Americans about the dangers of the plastic surgery procedure called the Brazilian Butt …

Infobrics (2022-08-15). Nigeria Missing as BRICS Moves to Cut Western Domination. Though Nigeria is listed as one of the countries that have expressed interest in joining BRICS, a bloc of five major economies — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — whose focus is to reduce Western dominance and build a new economic order, its membership may have been stalled by its peculiar challenges…

TeleSUR -HIM (2022-08-15). Inauguran en Quilmes, Argentina casa de solidaridad con Cuba. Los miembros del MAS y participantes en el acto inaugural condenaron el bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero impuesto por EE.UU. a Cuba.

TeleSUR -ysm- JL (2022-08-15). Gobierno de Argentina anuncia envío de ayuda humanitaria a Cuba. Tras el incendio en la zona industrial de Matanzas, Argentina donará insumos sanitarios para la atención a lesionados por el siniestro.

TeleSUR, JL (2022-08-15). Indígenas denuncian amenazas de grupos armados en Colombia. "El nuevo escenario de conflicto hace parte de una larga cadena de amenazas y de hechos sistemáticos, generalizados y extendidos", denuncian las comunidades indígenas.

Staff (2022-08-15). Atilio Borón Presents a Practical Solution to EMTRASUR Boeing 747 Case. The Argentinian author Atilio Borón issued a proposal on Friday, August 13, to oppose the claims of the Argentinian government, led by President Alberto Fernández. Fernandez claimed that Argentina, being tied by its country's "judicial dictatorship," could not do anything to rectify the Venezuelan EMTRASUR Boeing 747-300 situation. | Borón, however, wrote on his Twitter account that "in just over a minute," he could provide an "effective—albeit temporary—solution that helps Venezuela and somewhat preserves our dignity." He also attached a video of his proposal. | In the video, he recommended that duri…

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-08-15). Presidente peruano agradece apoyo de líderes de Latinoamérica. Los Gobiernos de Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador y México emitieron este sábado un comunicado conjunto en el cual se pronunciaron en favor de la democracia en Perú.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-08-15). Explosión en Guayaquil, Ecuador, deja al menos cinco muertos. El ministro del Interior, Patricio Carrillo, responsabilizó al crimen organizado por el atentado. "

TeleSUR, JL (2022-08-15). Presidente de Ecuador declara estado de excepción en Guayaquil. "He declarado en estado de excepción a la ciudad de Guayaquil debido a los sucesos delictivos dados en las últimas horas", anunció el presidente Lasso.

Staff (2022-08-15). Matanzas fires solidarity firefighters with honors. Yurisbel Estrada Carrasco, Chief of the Cárdenas Firefighters Command, thanked the work of colleagues from the rest of the country and also those from other sister nations, the Cuban Red Cross, rescuers, combatants, volunteers, and those who sent humanitarian aid. The fire spread and caused the explosion at the supertanker base, in the industrial zone of this city; it was extinguished on the last 12 thanks to the work of specialized forces and media from Cuba, Mexico and Venezuela.They recognize Mexicans and Venezuelans who fought the fire in Matanzas…

Julia Conley (2022-08-15). Facebook 'Appallingly Failed' to Detect Election Misinformation in Brazil, Says Democracy Watchdog. "The disinformation that Facebook allows on its platform feeds into the 'stop the steal' narrative in Brazil—a growing tactic intended to set the stage for contesting the election."

Staff (2022-08-15). Ecuador blames organized crime for deadly blast in Guayaquil. TEHRAN, Aug. 15 (MNA) — Ecuadorian President has declared a state of emergency in the country's second-largest city of Guayaquil after an explosion blamed on "organized-crime mercenaries" killed at least five people and injured 17 others.

TeleSUR, JL (2022-08-15). Cuba condecora a delegaciones de México y Venezuela por solidaridad contra incendio en Matanzas. El presidente cubano agradeció a sus homólogos de México y Venezuela por su solidaridad ante el siniestro de Matanzas.

Mariana àÅlvarez Orellana (2022-08-15). Ni por las buenas ni por malas la derecha peruana logra asaltar el poder (por ahora). Lo que ha demostrado la derecha peruana en el primer año de gobierno de Pedro Castillo es que su fin es asaltar el poder por las buenas o por las malas, que no cree en la democracia ni en los…

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-08-15). Márquez anuncia creación del Ministerio de Igualdad en Colombia. En su intervención , la vicepresidenta también expresó la priorización que le dará a los territorios históricamente excluidos en Colombia.

TeleSUR- jaa- JL (2022-08-15). Gobierno de Ecuador confirma tres fallecidos tras balacera en Guayaquil. Según los entes policiales, cuatro delincuentes atacaron a las víctimas en lo que se conoce como un crimen de sicariato.

TeleSUR -HIM (2022-08-15). Desestiman a Raúl González como superintendente de Bancos de Ecuador. El nombramiento se había producido por una resolución dese el Legislativo aprobada por una mayoría de 70 votos.

TeleSUR -HIM (2022-08-15). Presidente peruano rinde tributo a combatientes caídos en Vraem. El mandatario remarcó que los responsables de la muerte de ambos oficiales no quedarán impunes ante la justicia peruana.

Misión Verdad (2022-08-15). Washington Escalates Hijacking of Venezuela's EMTRASUR Boeing 747. By Misión Verdad Aug 14, 2022 | BACKGROUND | On August 11, the Lomas de Zamora court (Buenos Aires, Argentina) accepted the request for the seizure of the Boeing 747 aircraft belonging to the Venezuelan company EMTRASUR, illegally held at the Ezeiza airport since June 8. The request was made earlier this month to the Argentine judge Federico Villena, by the Federal Court of the District of Columbia (Washington), which was sent by the United States Department of Justice to the authorities of the Argentine republic. | Accepting this order supposes a turn of events in the kidnapping of the Venezuelan aircraft,…

José Luis Granados Ceja (2022-08-15). Venezuela and Colombia Appoint Ambassadors in Effort To Reestablish Diplomatic Relations. The Maduro government named a new board of directors of Monómeros after Petro made the decision to return the company.

TeleSUR, ysm, JCM (2022-08-15). Gobierno de Colombia suspende designación de 17 notarios. A fines de su mandato, Iván Duque nombró a 17 nuevos notarios, y según medios locales, la decisión respondió al pago de favores políticos.

_____ (2022-08-14). Venezuela To 'Rebuild Fellowship' With Petro Government In Colombia. Mexico City, Mexico — Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro celebrated the inauguration of Gustavo Petro as president of Colombia, with leaders pledging to rebuild the long but fraught relationship between the two Caribbean countries. | "I extend my hand to the people of Colombia, to President Gustavo Petro, to rebuild fellowship on the basis of respect and love between peoples," said Maduro on Sunday. | For his part, Petro called for Latin American governments to leave aside their political differences and work toward regional integration. | "It is time to leave behind the [political] blocs, the groups, and…

_____ (2022-08-14). The Growing Movement To Liberate Julian Assange, With John Shipton. On this week's edition of The Watchdog podcast, Lowkey explores the growing movement to free Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, and is joined by his father John Shipton, to do so. Imprisoned in Belmarsh high security prison in London since 2019, and before that confined to the Ecuadorian Embassy, Assange has spent a decade locked up. If extradited to the United States, he faces up to 175 years in prison. | Yet there are signs that his future might be brighter than his past. The global movement to free him, Shipton explains, is growing. In Australia, dozens of members of parliament have come together to lobby for A…

Staff (2022-08-14). Cuba advanced to the grand final of the XV Gatineau Volleyball Pan American Cup 2022. The Cuban men's team swept the Chilean team for the second time and advanced to the grand final of the XV Gatineau Volleyball Pan American Cup 2022, which takes place at the Slush Puppie Center, in Canada. In just one hour and eight minutes, the Antilleans sealed the commitment of the semifinal round against the South Americans, with partials of 25-16, 25-20 and 25-21. Thus they added their fourth success in a row and in the same way. Nicolás Vives's students had no setbacks against a team.

2022-08-16 16:20 | 12:20 EST | jz | 35 | 3 | 23 | 7 | 0