Monthly Archives: September 2022

2022-09-30: News Headlines

Infobrics (2022-09-30). BRICS Nations Call for More Cooperation on Disaster Management. The BRICS nations — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — have pledged to boost cooperation on disaster management against the backdrop of exacerbating climate change, increasingly frequent natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic…

TeleSUR, MER (2022-09-30). Asesinan a otro líder social en el Norte de Santander, Colombia. La víctima fue identificada como Dinael González Criado e integraba la comisión de trabajo de la Junta de Acción Comunal de Campo Seis.

Staff (2022-09-30). Nicaragua's President Ortega Calls Chile's President Boric a White House 'Lapdog'. Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega calls his Chilean counterpart a US "lapdog" after Boric attacked Nicaragua at the United Nations (UN). | "The government that wants to receive applause from the Yankee empire and from some governments of the European Union goes out there, like a lapdog, to talk about the need to release the political prisoners in Nicaragua, and they forget about the political prisoners that they have in their country in Chile," Ortega said on Wednesday, September 28, during a ceremony on the occasion of the 43rd anniversary of the founding of Nicaragua's National Police. | The Sandinista leader…

Editor (2022-09-30). Rafael Correa: 'They Have Already Destroyed Assange'. Then Ecuadorian foreign minister Ricardo Patiño with Julian Assange at the embassy in London, 16 June 2013. (Photo: Xavier Granja Cedeño / Ecuador foreign ministry) | By Matt Kennard / "The British are used to being obeyed, not to negotiate with a third-world country. They tried to deal with us like a subordinate country." | "Assange didn't have any possibility of a fair legal process in the United States." | "We engaged a special security company in order to protect the London embassy, to protect Juli…

TeleSUR, MER (2022-09-30). Autorizan salida de Argentina a otros 2 tripulantes del avión Emtrasur. La decisión fue ratificada por el juez Federico Villena, del Juzgado Federal Criminal y Correccional de Lomas de Zamora 1.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-09-30). Venezuela y Bolivia refrendan lazos de cooperación y amistad. Ambos cancilleres manifestaron la condena a la "imposición de medidas coercitivas unilaterales de acoso económico, las cuales afectan el derecho del pueblo venezolano al desarrollo".

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-09-30). Presidente Maduro llama a ampliar vocación exportadora de Venezuela. "Vamos a la apertura total de la frontera, paso a paso, de manera segura", manifestó el presidente venezolano.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-09-30). Cuba agradece solidaridad de México y Venezuela tras huracán. Díaz-Canel encabezó una reunión para poner en marcha un plan de recuperación del país tras el paso de Ian.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-09-30). Venezuela se suma al plan de paz total impulsado por Colombia. El presidente Nicolás Maduro, asimismo, celebró el llamado a la paz total que formuló su homólogo colombiano en días pasados.

TeleSUR, jaa, MER (2022-09-30). Desempleo en Chile alcanza un 7,9 % en trimestre junio-agosto. En el caso de las mujeres, la tasa de desocupación se ubica en el 8,2 por ciento y la de los hombres fue de 7,7 por ciento.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-09-30). Perú instala comisión para atender derrame de crudo en Loreto. La decisión se tomó tras una rotura en el Oleoducto Norperuano vertiera unos 2, 0 barriles de crudo en el río Cuninico, en la región de Loreto.

Staff (2022-09-29). Ukraine Condemns Venezuela, Brazil and Uruguay After Donbass Referendum. Ukraine labels Brazil, Venezuela and Uruguay as "criminals" for having acted as observers in the referendum held in areas controlled by Russia in the Donbass region. | On Tuesday, September 27, a statement was issued that read, "Partners in crime are also criminals," by the so-called Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine, threatening to punish independent observers who participated in the vote on the accession to Russia. | On Tuesday, the referendum came to a close in the people's republics of Donetsk and Lugansk (east) and in the regions of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia (south),…

Scorinoco (2022-09-29). Venezuela and Colombia Are Taking Firm Steps to Restore Cooperation, President Maduro Says. President Nicolás Maduro thanked his Colombian counterpart, Gustavo Petro, for the binational border reopening that took place on Monday, September 26. The Venezuelan president stated that the reopening of the border represents "an immense step towards restoring relations of brotherhood, unity, cooperation and complementarity." He made these comments during the Award Ceremony of Distinguished Cultural Personalities of Venezuela, held on Monday at Miraflores Palace. | The president emphasized that even in the moments of greatest tension between the two countries, caused by the former president of Colombia, Maduro…

Eforinoco (2022-09-29). Woman Who Insulted Colombian Vice President Márquez with Racial Slurs Under Investigation.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-09-29). JoƒÅo Pedro Stedile: Lula, BRICS and Latin American Integration. JoƒÅo Pedro Stedile, one of the national directors of Brazil's Landless Workers' Movement (MST) provides an analysis (in Spanish) of the situation in Brazil going into the October 2nd election. Recorded by Kawsachun News in Sà£o Paulo on September 29, 2022. What's expected from Lula's foreign policy if he returns to the presidency? Kawsachun News…

Scorinoco (2022-09-29). Iran to Unload 1.22 Million Barrels of Crude Oil in Venezuela.

Julia Conley (2022-09-29). Trailing Lula in Polls, Bolsonaro's Party Peddles 'Fabricated' Attack on Brazilian Voting System. "They're afraid they're going to lose," said one political scientist. "They're trying to create some kind of excuse for Bolsonaro supporters on why."

Anthony Pahnke (2022-09-29). What Brazil's Upcoming Election Tells Us About Violence and Democracy. The danger for democracy is when groups see problem resolution and political expression as best done through the barrel of a gun. Bolsonaro has set the stage for violence and the world must be on guard.

WSWS (2022-09-29). After weeks of silence from union, Mercedes-Benz begins mass firings in Brazil. The fact that the union is responding to the layoffs not by denouncing them, but by covering them up, exposes its collaboration with the company.

Victoria Torres (2022-09-29). Venezuela Condemns False Accusations of 'Independent' Mission on Human Rights. Venezuela repudiated the false accusations about the human rights situation in Venezuela, made by the so-called International Fact-Finding Mission in their report presented at the United Nations Human Rights Council on Monday, September 26. The Foreign Affairs Ministry of Venezuela, through an official statement, also alerted the international community about the use of human rights as an ideological and political weapon. | An unofficial translation of the

Nicolás Centurión (2022-09-29). El Uruguay del presidente Lacalle: Escándalos en continuado. El presidente uruguayo Luis Lacalle no viajó a la 77 Asamblea de la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) porque se fue de vacaciones con sus hijos por una semana con su custodia personal. En el medio surgieron denuncias de persecución…

Eforinoco (2022-09-29). Argentina Lifts Departure Ban on 2 EMTRASUR Crew Members. Argentinian authorities lifted the order prohibiting two of the crew members of the EMTRASUR plane hijacked in Argentina from leaving the country. | Judge Federico Villena of the Federal Criminal and Correctional Court of Lomas de Zamora 1 approved the decision to lift the order prohibiting José García Contreras and Mohammad Khosraviaragh from leaving Argentina. | With these two, there are now 14 crew members of the Venezuelan plane hijacked in Argentina who have been acquitted of all charges. The legal cases that were opened against them, which implicated them in alleged links to espionage or international terro…

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-09-29). Grupos armados anuncian cese al fuego unilateral en Colombia. Forma parte de la respuesta al plan de paz propuesto por parte del Gobierno de Gustavo Petro, desde el mes de agosto.

Horacio Rovelli (2022-09-29). Existen otras estrategias para no beneficiar sólo a los especuladores. Es cierto que el mundo cambió y Argentina también, pero no al grado tal de creer que el plan del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) debe ser el objetivo de un gobierno. Y menos entregar sus recursos naturales al capital extranjero…

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-09-29). Gobierno de Bolivia ratifica que el censo se celebrará en 2024. El ministro de Planificación, Sergio Cusicanqui, afirmó que la propuesta del Comité Interinstitucional de Santa Cruz carece de sustento técnico y contiene un "tinte político".

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-09-29). Cuba analiza medidas de recuperación tras paso del huracán Ian. El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, agradeció la solidaridad de los mandatarios de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, y de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.

TeleSUR, ysm, JCM (2022-09-29). Fracasa moción de censura contra ministro del Interior de Perú. Partidos de ultraderecha acusan a Willy Huerta de entorpecer las investigaciones contra el presidente Castillo.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-09-28). Four Straight Years of Nonstop Street Protest in Haiti. Vijay Prashad A cycle of protests began in Haiti in July 2018, and—despite the pandemic—has carried on since then. The core reason for the protest in 2018 was that in March of that year the government of Venezuela—due to the illegal sanctions imposed by the United States—could no longer ship discounted oil to Haiti through the PetroCaribe scheme. Fuel prices soared by…

Laith Fadel (2022-09-28). Pro-choice Brazilians push for legalization of abortion. October 28 is Safe Abortion Day. It was chosen to commemorate the date Brazil adopted the so-called "Free Womb law" which, in 1871, granted freedom to children born to slaves. Nevertheless, Brazil remains one of those countries where abortion is not only illegal, but severely …

TeleSUR, SH (2022-09-28). Venezuela enviará ayuda a Cuba por daños del huracán Ian. El presidente Nicolás Maduro resaltó que su país siempre estará al lado de Cuba para respaldar a su población y gobernantes.

2022-09-30 09:54:59 | 09:54 EST | es | 32 | 3 | 17 | 11 | 0 

2022-09-29: News Headlines

Staff (2022-09-29). Ukraine Condemns Venezuela, Brazil and Uruguay After Donbass Referendum. Ukraine labels Brazil, Venezuela and Uruguay as "criminals" for having acted as observers in the referendum held in areas controlled by Russia in the Donbass region. | On Tuesday, September 27, a statement was issued that read, "Partners in crime are also criminals," by the so-called Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine, threatening to punish independent observers who participated in the vote on the accession to Russia. | On Tuesday, the referendum came to a close in the people's republics of Donetsk and Lugansk (east) and in the regions of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia (south),…

TeleSUR, MER (2022-09-29). Asesinan a otro líder social en el Norte de Santander, Colombia. La víctima fue identificada como Dinael González Criado e integraba la comisión de trabajo de la Junta de Acción Comunal de Campo Seis.

Scorinoco (2022-09-29). Venezuela and Colombia Are Taking Firm Steps to Restore Cooperation, President Maduro Says. President Nicolás Maduro thanked his Colombian counterpart, Gustavo Petro, for the binational border reopening that took place on Monday, September 26. The Venezuelan president stated that the reopening of the border represents "an immense step towards restoring relations of brotherhood, unity, cooperation and complementarity." He made these comments during the Award Ceremony of Distinguished Cultural Personalities of Venezuela, held on Monday at Miraflores Palace. | The president emphasized that even in the moments of greatest tension between the two countries, caused by the former president of Colombia, Maduro…

WSWS (2022-09-29). After weeks of silence from union, Mercedes-Benz begins mass firings in Brazil. The fact that the union is responding to the layoffs not by denouncing them, but by covering them up, exposes its collaboration with the company.

Victoria Torres (2022-09-29). Venezuela Condemns False Accusations of 'Independent' Mission on Human Rights. Venezuela repudiated the false accusations about the human rights situation in Venezuela, made by the so-called International Fact-Finding Mission in their report presented at the United Nations Human Rights Council on Monday, September 26. The Foreign Affairs Ministry of Venezuela, through an official statement, also alerted the international community about the use of human rights as an ideological and political weapon. | An unofficial translation of the

Jonathan Nack (2022-09-29). Thursday 10/6: Lessons of the 2022 National Strike in Ecuador. To register for the webinar:

Ana Zorita (2022-09-29). Why did Chileans vote to reject the new constitution? Nearly 80% of Chileans voted to draft a new constitution, but less than two years later, about 62% chose to reject the draft in a plebiscite on September 4. Ana Zorita explains why.

Scorinoco (2022-09-29). Iran to Unload 1.22 Million Barrels of Crude Oil in Venezuela.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-09-29). Presidente Maduro llama a ampliar vocación exportadora de Venezuela. "Vamos a la apertura total de la frontera, paso a paso, de manera segura", manifestó el presidente venezolano.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-09-29). Gobierno de Bolivia ratifica que el censo se celebrará en 2024. El ministro de Planificación, Sergio Cusicanqui, afirmó que la propuesta del Comité Interinstitucional de Santa Cruz carece de sustento técnico y contiene un "tinte político".

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-09-29). Venezuela y Bolivia refrendan lazos de cooperación y amistad. Ambos cancilleres manifestaron la condena a la "imposición de medidas coercitivas unilaterales de acoso económico, las cuales afectan el derecho del pueblo venezolano al desarrollo".

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-09-29). Perú instala comisión para atender derrame de crudo en Loreto. La decisión se tomó tras una rotura en el Oleoducto Norperuano vertiera unos 2, 0 barriles de crudo en el río Cuninico, en la región de Loreto.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-09-29). Cuba agradece solidaridad de México y Venezuela tras huracán. Díaz-Canel encabezó una reunión para poner en marcha un plan de recuperación del país tras el paso de Ian.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-09-29). Cuba analiza medidas de recuperación tras paso del huracán Ian. El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, agradeció la solidaridad de los mandatarios de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, y de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-09-29). Grupos armados anuncian cese al fuego unilateral en Colombia. Forma parte de la respuesta al plan de paz propuesto por parte del Gobierno de Gustavo Petro, desde el mes de agosto.

TeleSUR, ysm, JCM (2022-09-29). Fracasa moción de censura contra ministro del Interior de Perú. Partidos de ultraderecha acusan a Willy Huerta de entorpecer las investigaciones contra el presidente Castillo.

TeleSUR, lvm, JDO (2022-09-28). Celac y OIEA firman plan de acción sobre cooperación. El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Argentina señaló que el plan impulsa el desarrollo de capacidades nucleares con fines pacíficos.

Infobrics (2022-09-28). BRICS Judicial Forum: Top Courts of Emerging Economies Hold Annual Meeting. Chief justices from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa met via video link to discuss potential fields of judicial cooperation. The forum is among the activities hosted by China after the 14th BRICS leaders' summit in June…

Infobrics (2022-09-28). Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) Trade in Services Report Offers Insights for Growth. BRICS countries — Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China and South Africa — are increasingly important players in global services markets, despite pandemic-induced setbacks. BRICS countries accounted for 10% of global services exports and 13% of global services imports in 2020…

Laith Fadel (2022-09-28). Rio de Janeiro celebrates first ever "Mandarin Day" Rio de Janeiro kicked off its first ever "Mandarin Day" on Wednesday, September 28th, as the Brazilian city paid tribute to both the Chinese language and culture. Despite being Brazil's biggest trading partner since 2009, China's Mandarin language, along with many of its customs, have …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-09-28). Four Straight Years of Nonstop Street Protest in Haiti. Vijay Prashad A cycle of protests began in Haiti in July 2018, and—despite the pandemic—has carried on since then. The core reason for the protest in 2018 was that in March of that year the government of Venezuela—due to the illegal sanctions imposed by the United States—could no longer ship discounted oil to Haiti through the PetroCaribe scheme. Fuel prices soared by…

Renato Villavicencio Garzón (2022-09-28). Ecuador El cortocircuito en el discurso lassista. El proyecto lassista nace en el año 2012 alrededor de la figura del banquero Guillermo Lasso y el movimiento Creando Oportunidades (CREO). El nacimiento de este nuevo actor de la derecha ecuatoriana tiene dos características particulares. La primera, es que…

Richard Matousek (2022-09-28). Brazilians Head to Polls with Fear of Bolsonaro Coup and Possibility of Lula Win Bolstering Left-Wing Latin American Politics.

Misión Verdad (2022-09-28). USAID's New Stage of Pressure and Interference Against Venezuela. By Misión Verdad — Sep 22, 2022 | On September 15, Marcela Escobari, current assistant administrator for Latin America and the Caribbean of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), offered a testimony before the Committee on Foreign Relations of the United States Senate, in which she evaluated Washington's policy towards Venezuela, more specifically, that of that agency. | As we know, USAID, through financial support and training programs, is part of the US interventionist apparatus and has been influencing the internal affairs of Venezuela for several years, with less and less discre…

_____ (2022-09-28). Brazil: More Fascism, Neocolonialism Or A Path Back To Self-Determination? When you arrive in another country, there is nothing more precious than new friends who adopt you, protect you, and teach you about their language, music, culture, and traditions. For an open-minded traveler, ethnographer and anti-imperialist organizer, this new family is more valuable than any air-conditioned hotel, amount of comfort or money. | When I moved to Brazil in May of 2003, Binho, Mateuszinho, Thiago and their family and neighborhood crew took me in and put me up in O Morro do Santo Cristo and O Complexo da Penha, the heart of Río de Janeiro's favelas and drug war. They walked me through the complex la…

_____ (2022-09-28). Brazil: More Fascism and Neocolonialism or a Path Back to Self-Determination? When you arrive in another country, there is nothing more precious than new friends who adopt you, protect you, and teach you about their language, music, culture, and traditions. For an open-minded traveler, ethnographer and anti-imperialist organizer, this new family is more valuable than any air-conditioned hotel, amount of comfort or money. | When I moved to Brazil in May of 2003, Binho, Mateuszinho, Thiago and their family and neighborhood crew took me in and put me up in O Morro do Santo Cristo and O Complexo da Penha, the heart of Río de Janeiro's favelas and drug war. They walked me through the complex la…

Gustavo A. Maranges (2022-09-28). Alignments of Latin America Reflected Through Its Leaders in the UN. By Gustavo A. Maranges Sep 22, 2022 | The 77th high-level segment of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) began on September 13 and, so far, 16 Latin America countries have spoken. The differences in the tone and topics of the speeches reflects the complex political situation in the region. | The ultra right-wing Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was the first one to address the Assembly. His highly politicized and speech did not surprise anyone, except for the hypocrisy he showed when speaking about climate change, since his government is responsible for the dramatic increase in deforestation and th…

TeleSUR (2022-09-28). Violence Shakes Final Stretch of Brazil's Presidential Campaign. Less than four days before the presidential elections to be held on Sunday, October 2, Brazilians are outraged by new cases of political violence generated by supporters of the far-right President Jair Bolsonaro. | RELATED: | The authorities are investigating the murder of at least four people after political arguments and other violent attacks on militants and democratic candidates. As a result of the escalation of th…

TeleSUR (2022-09-28). Hunger in Brazil Marks the Campaign and Gives Wings to Lula.

_____ (2022-09-28). The Rights Of Nature Movement Cannot Be Stopped. The Ecuadorian constitution, since 2008, has stated: "Nature or Pachamama, where life is reproduced and exists, has the right to exist, persist, maintain and regenerate its vital cycles, structure, functions and its processes in evolution." This bold statement galvanized the rights to nature movement across the globe. Its growing reach, along with a precedent-setting court decision earlier this winter, illustrate the power of invoking legalized rights in protecting endangered ecosystems. | The importance of rights of nature is deeply rooted in Indigenous understandings of the interconnectedness of all life. In th…

WSWS (2022-09-28). Socialist Equality Group to hold online event "The Crisis of Democracy in Brazil and the Perspective of Socialist Revolution" The event will be held Saturday, at 3pm (GMT-3), on the eve of elections which mark the highest point of the crisis of bourgeois rule in Brazil in four decades.

Andreína Chávez Alava (2022-09-28). Venezuelan Women March to Demand Sexual and Reproductive Rights. Feminist groups took to the streets of Caracas to promote a grassroots-led law proposal that paves the way for legal abortion.

Speak Out Socialists (2022-09-28). Sunday 10/9: The Fight for Reproductive Rights in Argentina. ZOOM Link: | | Meeting ID: 821 5880 0683 | Passcode: 340756 | One tap mobile | +16699009128,,82158800683#,,,,340756# US (San Jose) +16694449171,,82158800683#,,,,340756# US | Dial by your location | +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) | +1 669 444 9171 US | +1 719 359 4580 US | +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) | +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) | +1 646 931 3860 US | +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) | +1 309 205 3325 US | +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) | +1 386 347 53 US | +1 564 217 2000 US…

Laith Fadel (2022-09-28). Pro-choice Brazilians push for legalization of abortion. October 28 is Safe Abortion Day. It was chosen to commemorate the date Brazil adopted the so-called "Free Womb law" which, in 1871, granted freedom to children born to slaves. Nevertheless, Brazil remains one of those countries where abortion is not only illegal, but severely …

Brett Wilkins (2022-09-28). Sanders, Kaine Hail US Senate's Passage of Brazil Election Resolution. "It is important for the people of Brazil to know we're on their side, on the side of democracy," said Sen. Bernie Sanders. "With passage of this resolution, we are sending that message."

Ana Perdigón (2022-09-28). Venezuela's PSUV: Border Reopening With Colombia Represents Blow to Imperialism. The vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, said this Monday, September 27, that the opening of the border between Colombia and Venezuela represents a blow to imperialism. | During the weekly PSUV press conference, Cabello denounced the empire for giving orders to Colombia's rulers to attack Venezuela. | "The opening of the border between the two Bolivarian nations represents a blow to those orders," said Cabello. | Likewise, he…

TeleSUR -ysm (2022-09-28). Avanza proceso contra jefe de Seguridad Presidencial de Uruguay. Hasta el momento, se han detectado unos 20 ciudadanos rusos con pasaporte uruguayo falso.

Marcos Salgado (2022-09-28). Colombia y Venezuela reabren fronteras. Venezuela y Colombia restablecen el comercio en la que para los dos países es su principal frontera. Con un sencillo acto en el Puente Internacional Simón Bolívar quedó reabierta formalmente la frontera entre Colombia y Venezuela para el transporte de…

TeleSUR, MER (2022-09-28). Presidente Maduro destaca crecimiento económico de Venezuela. El mandatario explicó que, en el último trimestre, "estamos teniendo un crecimiento superior al 20 por ciento de la economía real".

TeleSUR, drl, JGN (2022-09-28). øQuién fue el cantautor chileno Víctor Jara. Víctor Jara se convirtió en un ícono para los cientos de artistas que fueron detenidos, desaparecidos y asesinados durante la dictadura chilena.

TeleSUR (2022-09-28). Argentine Judge Dismisses 14 Emtrasur Crew Members. On Tuesday, Federal Judge Federico Villena dismissed 14 of the 19 crew members of the Venezuelan Emtrasur plane that has been held in Argentina since June 6. | RELATED: | Villena summoned the other five crew members to the Lomas de Zamora court, where they denied the accusations of links to terrorism. | Previously, the Federal Chamber of La Plata authorized the departure of 12 crew members from the country and granted the…

TeleSUR, SH (2022-09-28). Juez argentino sobresee a 14 tripulantes del avión de Emtrasur. La Justicia argentina le había dado 10 días al magistrado Federico Villena para resolver la situación procesal de los acusados.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-09-28). Venezuela enviará ayuda a Cuba por daños del huracán Ian. El presidente Nicolás Maduro resaltó que su país siempre estará al lado de Cuba para respaldar a su población y gobernantes.

TeleSUR, ysm, JCM (2022-09-28). Continúan protestas de estudiantes en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Los estudiantes reclaman la "Ley Integral del Derecho a la Alimentación Adecuada en las Instituciones Educativas".

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-09-28). Trabajadores argentinos en paro para exigir alza salarial. Uno de los gremios estatales activa un paro en reclamo de mejoras salariales y habrá una marcha al Ministerio de Economía.

TeleSUR (2022-09-28). Venezuela to Help Cuba in Managing Damage Caused by Ian. After the destruction caused by Hurricane Ian in the province of Pinar del Rio, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro expressed his solidarity with the Cuban people and announced the immediate delivery of aid to the Caribbean island. | RELATED: | "All the Venezuelan solidarity to immediately support the people of Pinar del Rio for the ravages that the hurricane left in its wake," he said during an event held in La Guaira, a city locat…

Staff (2022-09-28). US Fugitive 'Fat Leonard' to Seek Asylum in Venezuela (+Alex Saab). Leonard Glenn Francis, also known as "Fat Leonard," who escaped two weeks ago from house arrest in San Diego, California, USA, expressed his desire to request for asylum in Venezuela, according to sources in the Venezuelan judicial system. | "Fat Leonard," 58, born in Malaysia, is on trial for allegedly bribing high-ranking US Navy officers in exchange for favorable contracts for his shipping company Glenn Defense Marine, according to the Interpol file. He was arrested last Wednesday, September 21 at the Simón Bolívar International Airport in Maiquetía, La Guaira state, Venezuela, before boarding a flight to Mosc…

Elaine Reyes (2022-09-27). A conversation with the Andean Community's Secretary General Jorge Hernando Pedraza. The Andean Community also known as CAN is a free trade are comprising of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. The main export destination for the block is China. Americas Now anchor, Elaine Reyes, met with Secretary General Jorge Hernando Pedraza who went to New York …

Christian Pena (2022-09-27). Brazil's Racial Discrimination Dates Back Centuries. One of the concerns addressed here at UNGA 77 is that discrimination and racism could lead to violence.

Elaine Reyes (2022-09-27). Gustavo Manrique on Ecuador's Biodiversity. "A watershed moment: transformative solutions to interlocking challenges." That is the theme for this year's UNGA 77 th meeting.

Elaine Reyes (2022-09-27). Bolivia's Luis Arce from the United Nations General Assembly. Americas Now anchor, Elaine Reyes, met Bolivia's President Luis Arce at the Bolivia's UN mission office in New York.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-09-27). Presidente ecuatoriano juramenta a nuevo ministro del Interior. El presidente Lasso, señaló que el nuevo ministro de interior, deberá iniciar una reforma en el ente policial que incluya un enfoque de género.

2022-09-29 11:21:23 | 11:21 EST | es | 54 | 5 | 31 | 16 | 0