(2022-09-19). BRICS Youth Play Critical Role in Development. infobrics.org Officials from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa said that young people play a critical role in the development of cities and encouraged youth from BRICS countries and the rest of the world to promote the joint development of youth and cities…
(2022-09-19). WorkWeek Google Tech Workers Fight Apartheid, Clean Water & Union Busting In Mississippi. indybay.org WorkWeek covers Google Tech Workers Fighting Apartheid, Clean Water & Union Busting In Mississippi andThe US, CIA, AFL-CIO, AIFLD &The 1973 Chilean Coup With Professor Ruth Needleman…
(2022-09-19). Fear and Misinformation Dominate Discourses of Brazilian Right. orinocotribune.com By Zoe Alexandra Sep 13, 2022 | In the lead-up to the general elections in Brazil, the far-right has intensified its campaign of hysteria and fear-mongering instead of providing concrete solutions to the crises affecting the people | Brazil is less than a month away from historic elections. Over 156 million Brazilians will go to the polls on October 2 to cast their vote for the president of the republic, State governors, 27 senators, 513 federal deputies, and State and district deputies. The elections take place amid an acute political, economic, and social crisis in the country. The past several years h…
(2022-09-19). Drastic increases in commodity prices pummel Peruvian working class. wsws.org Peru's central bank continues to raise its inflation estimate and raise interest rates in response, further crushing the working class…
(2022-09-19). Colombia's Quiet Revolution. globalresearch.ca
(2022-09-19). Venezuela Will Go Back to School on October 3. orinocotribune.com This Saturday, September 17, Venezuelan minister of education, Yelitze Santaella, published the academic schedule for the 2022-2023 school year for all grades. | Through her Twitter account, Santaella detailed the academic schedule with the dates of the start of administrative and academic activities in educational institutions. She reported that classes will start next Monday, October 3, for all grades until December 16, making up the first educational term. | The academic schedule will continue as follows: | From September 19 to 30, administrative staff, teachers and workers will resume work for the registratio…
(2022-09-19). Maduro visits Saipa group exhibition in Caracas. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 19 (MNA) — Venezuela president Nicolas Maduro has visited an Iranian exhibition in the capital Caracas which showcases the Iranian knowledge-based companies' products as well as the giant Iranian automaker Saipa group.
(2022-09-19). Tehran, Brasilia mull over expanding agricultural coop. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 19 (MNA) — Iranian Ambassador to Brazil and the President of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) Celso Moretti discussed expanding cooperation between the two countries in the field of agriculture.
(2022-09-19). A Devastating Burning Season for the Brazilian Amazon. transcend.org 18 Sep 2022 – Illegal Deforestation Linked to Violence, Loss of Livelihoods for Communities – There were more fires in the Brazilian Amazon during the first week of Sep this year than in all of Sep 2021. Last month, fires were the worst in a decade.
(2022-09-19). How Colombia's "Total Peace" plans could disrupt the global drug trade. colombiareports.com The participation of organized crime groups in the "Total Peace" proposal of Colombia's President Gustavo Petro would severely disrupt global drug trafficking. Almost all illegal armed groups that are involved…
(2022-09-19). Preocupa a EE.UU. la Cumbre Regional Antidrogas propuesta por Petro. globalizacion.ca Uno de los temas que preocupa al gobierno de Estados Unidos es la Cumbre Regional Antidrogas, con la participación de países de Centro y Suramérica, propuesta por el presidente colombiano Gustavo Petro, para discutir la política de drogas, lo que…
(2022-09-19). Presidente de Colombia expone a Guterres esfuerzos por lograr la paz total. telesurtv.net Guterres reiteró a Petro la disposición de la ONU a colaborar con su Gobierno en la consolidación de la paz, y "proteger a las comunidades de la violencia".
(2022-09-19). Gobierno colombiano se reúne con grupo disidente de las FARC. telesurtv.net El comisionado de paz de Colombia le explicó a los representantes de la disidencia del grupo insurgente el concepto de la Paz Total.
(2022-09-19). Argentinos exigen el cese del odio y violencia política. telesurtv.net La vicepresidenta Argentina concluyó que lo peor del atentado en su contra era la ruptura del pacto democrático instaurado en el país después de la dictadura.
(2022-09-19). Argentina øEs ella la que odia? globalizacion.ca En su primer mensaje público tras el atentado, Cristina Fernández convocó otra vez al diálogo. Dijo que el intento de asesinarla significa "una ruptura", que obliga a un "proceso de reconstrucción". Remarcó que "eso no lo vamos a lograr hablando,…
(2022-09-19). Comienza alegato de defensa de Cristina Fernández. cubadebate.cu Los abogados de la vicepresidenta argentina, Cristina Fernández, iniciarán este lunes la presentación de su alegato de defensa en la llamada Causa Vialidad y reiterarán la ausencia de pruebas en su contra, informaron medios locales de prensa. La exjefa de Estado denunció la inexistencia de pruebas y las violaciones cometidas en el proceso.
(2022-09-19). Continúan búsqueda y protestas por ecuatoriana desaparecida. telesurtv.net Familiares y ciudadanos se unen a la búsqueda de la abogada María Belén Bernal, desaparecida hace una semana.
(2022-09-19). Aumentan denuncias por abuso sexual infantil en Paraguay. telesurtv.net La Fiscalía General de Paraguay registra 18.460 víctimas de abuso sexual durante los últimos siete años.
(2022-09-19). Venezuela y Colombia realizan encuentro de poetas a favor de la paz. telesurtv.net El Encuentro de Poetas en Cúcuta fortalecerá los nexos culturales entre Venezuela y Colombia.
(2022-09-19). Argentina Sergio Massa ocupa el centro del escenario. globalizacion.ca Ya han pasado más de 15 días desde el atentado a Cristina. Como las olas del mar cuando llegan a la orilla, el impacto del acontecimiento disminuye. Pero aumenta la dimensión del problema que éste encierra. | Una multiplicidad de "ruidos",…
(2022-09-19). Estados Unidos versus Cartes, injerencia, negocios y narcotráfico. globalizacion.ca Para Julieta Heduvan, licenciada en Relaciones Internacionales y especialista en Política Exterior de Paraguay, a partir de las acusaciones contra Cartes y el exvicepresidente Hugo Velázquez, se podría hablar de una ´centroamericanización ª de la política exterior de EE.UU. hacia Paraguay….
(2022-09-19). Ultraderecha internacional argentina. globalizacion.ca Del mismo modo que el neoliberalismo no rechaza al Estado, la nueva ultraderecha no se opone a la democracia, más bien quiere controlarla y manipularla a su antojo. | Por otro lado, la ultraderecha no surge exclusivamente del odio político a…
(2022-09-19). Denuncian atentado a oleoducto peruano en la Amazonía. telesurtv.net Un dirigente indígena refirió que la situación es tan grave que desde el último viernes, no pueden pesca ni cocinar.
(2022-09-19). Inicia alegato final en juicio contra Cristina Fernández. telesurtv.net La vista inició a las 08H00 (hora local), está previsto que el viernes Cristina Fernández asuma su propia defensa.
(2022-09-18). Marco Rubio Criticizes Biden's Intentions to Recognize Maduro as the President of Venezuela. orinocotribune.com US Senator Marco Rubio criticized the Biden administration for wanting to recognize the government of Nicolás Maduro as the legitimate government of Venezuela after the mid-term elections in the United States. | The Republican senator from Florida claimed that after the mid-term elections, to be held in November, Biden will recognize Nicolás Maduro as the president of Venezuela. | He also claimed that after the mid-term elections, the White House will look for a way to "reestablish relations" with the Cuban government. | "And we will see what they will say that the new Colombian government is looking for an agree…
(2022-09-18). Colombia's Government Begins Informal Talks With FARC. telesurenglish.net Colombian President Gustavo Petro announced that his government has begun an informal dialogue with dissidents of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). | RELATED: | Petro also attached two photographs in which emissaries from his administration are seen talking with members of the dissidents in a kind of "cambuche" in the middle of the Colombian jungle. | The dialogue began with the front called 'Jorge…
(2022-09-18). Venezuelan Foreign Minister: Washington Intends to Silence Venezuela's Fight Against Drug Trafficking (+Statement). orinocotribune.com Caracas, September 17, 2022 ( The White House "identified" in a memorandum
(2022-09-18). 4 Iranian car models to be assembled in Venezuela. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 18 (MNA) — Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has announced that Venezuela will manufacture four models of Iranian vehicles.
(2022-09-18). IMF Tells Bolivia To Drop Its Successful Economic Model. popularresistance.org The IMF released a report today on the Bolivian economy in which it recommends adopting drastic neoliberal measures, including; reducing workers' salaries, cutting public investments, and ending currency controls. These policies have turned Bolivia from one of the poorest countries in the region into it's fastest-growing economy. | The report takes aim at the government's spending on development, saying, "The government must restrict spending, including eliminating the end of year wage bonus for workers, they must restrict the growth of wages for public sector workers, and limit the growth of public investment an…
(2022-09-18). Venezuelan Ministers Visit Colombia First Time After President Petro's Inauguration (+Poetry). orinocotribune.com A delegation of officials from Venezuela, consisting of the Minister for Communications and Information Freddy àëáñez, Minister for Culture Ernesto Villegas, and the Táchira state Governor Freddy Bernal, arrived on Saturday, September 17 in Cúcuta, Colombia, to participate in the Binational Meeting of Poets from Venezuela and Colombia for Peace. They went to Colombia through the Simón Bolívar Bridge border crossing. | It is the first time that Venezuelan ministers are visiting Colombia since Gustavo Petro took office on August 7, and diplomatic relations were resumed. His predecessor, Iván Duque, did not rec…
(2022-09-18). Prosigue la búsqueda de abogada desaparecida en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Este sábado se acusó de presunta desaparición involuntaria a Joselyn Brigitte S. P., cadete de la Escuela Superior de Policía, y se ordenó su prisión preventiva.
(2022-09-18). Venezuela rechaza informe de EE.UU. sobre productores de drogas. telesurtv.net "En esa infame publicación se desconoce el fiel cumplimiento de los compromisos internacionales del Gobierno bolivariano", indicó la cancillería.
(2022-09-18). Equipo de la fiscalía peruana allana el Palacio de Gobierno. telesurtv.net El equipo de la fiscalía tenia la orden de buscar e incautar las cámaras de seguridad que cubren los ingresos y salidas del Palacio de Gobierno.
(2022-09-17). Sanctions Won't Stop Latin American Leaders From Talking With US Workers. popularresistance.org On September 24, leaders from Cuba and Venezuela will speak at an event titled "The People's Summit: Democracy Beyond the US Empire". The event is convened by the International Peoples' Assembly, an international network of people's movements and organizations. The event will be held in the historic Riverside Church in Morningside Heights, as the UN General Assembly convenes further downtown in Manhattan. | Speakers include Bruno Rodriguez, the Foreign Minister of Cuba, Carlos Faria, the Foreign Minister of Venezuela, Kristin Richardson Jordan, District 9 Council Member for New York City, Vijay Prashad, Director…
(2022-09-17). [World Report] COPD in Colombia. thelancet.com Huge numbers of Colombian's have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), driven by tobacco use and air pollution. Joe Parkin Daniels reports from Bogotá.
(2022-09-17). Inician diálogos regionales vinculantes en Turbaco, Colombia. telesurtv.net Se recogerán las solicitudes ciudadanas para priorizarlas y plasmarlas en el plan de desarrollo gubernamental.
(2022-09-17). Guerra en Ucrania: Las transnacionales hacen ganancias. workers.org Por Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein El autor es Consultor y analista internacional venezolano, ha publicado artículos en Revistas especializadas de Puerto Rico, Chile, Bolivia, Perú, Brasil, Venezuela, México, Argentina y España así como en diversos periódicos e innumerables páginas de Internet. Fue Director de Relaciones Internacionales de la Presidencia de la . . . |