Daily Archives: September 25, 2022

2022-09-25: News Headlines

Staff (2022-09-25). President Maduro to 77th UN General Assembly: Venezuela Supports Mexico's Peace Proposal for Ukraine. orinocotribune.com The aspiration of the Venezuelan people for peace in a multipolar and pluricentric world, the defense of truth and the principles of coexistence and rationality, and the rejection of the mechanisms of coercion against Venezuela and other countries, were the highlights of the message sent this Saturday, September 24, by the President of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro to the 77th General Assembly of the United Nations (UN). | The speech, in the form of an Open Letter to Humanity by the Venezuelan president and read by Foreign Affairs Minister Carlos Faría at the UN General Assembly session, highlighted important issues s…

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-09-25). Ministros de Defensa de Venezuela y Colombia se reúnen en la frontera. telesurtv.net Ambos ministros abordarán temas relacionados con la apertura de la frontera.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-09-25). Presidente Lasso pide la renuncia al ministro del Interior. telesurtv.net El presidente Guillermo Lasso exigió a los mandos policiales que pongan sus cargos a disposición por el femicidio de la abogada María Bernal.

TeleSUR, lvm, SH (2022-09-25). Realizan caravana para despedir a abogada ecuatoriana María Belén. telesurtv.net Hasta el cementerio llegaron familiares y amistades de la abogada, cuyo cuerpo apareció luego de 11 días de ser reportada su desaparición.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-09-25). Venezuela denuncia ante ONU el impacto de las medidas coercitivas impuestas. telesurtv.net En la misiva enviada a ONU, el presidente Maduro recordó que sobre Venezuela pesan 913 sanciones ilegales que afectan el bienestar de la población.

TeleSUR, MER (2022-09-25). Parlamentos de Venezuela y Colombia celebran reapertura de frontera. telesurtv.net Las autoridades de ambos entes legislativos esperan realizar cinco encuentros binacionales "a lo largo de los 2.219 kilómetros de frontera".

TeleSUR, SH (2022-09-25). Juramentan a nuevos ministros de Defensa y Transportes de Perú. telesurtv.net Esta sería la tercera renovación parcial del equipo ministerial del presidente Castillo en menos de dos meses.

TeleSUR, jaa, SH (2022-09-25). Registran sismo de magnitud 6.1 al sur de Chile. telesurtv.net Las autoridades chilenas informaron que no hay peligro de tsunami en las costas del país, tras el sismo.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-09-25). Cristina Fernández presenta su defensa en redes sociales. telesurtv.net La vicepresidenta argentina sostiene que su alegato "desmorona las mentiras repetidas por los fiscales Luciani y Mola".

Julian Cola (2022-09-24). Is Lula Under Threat?: Political Intrigue Grows As Right Suddenly Merges With Left In Brazil's Upcoming Presidential Election. covertactionmagazine.com [This article is Part II of a CAM series on Brazil's upcoming election.—Editors] In Part I of our series, we reflected on some of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's personal and political background, as well as his success during two terms as president of Brazil. We also highlighted one of his long-time political rivals, former …

JANET (2022-09-24). Dramatic U-turn/U.S. recognizes Alex Saab as Special Envoy of Venezuela. iacenter.org By William Camacaro September 22, 2022 This article was first published by Orinoco Tribune. William Camacaro is a Venezuelan-American, National Co-Coordinator in the Alliance for Global Justice and was a co-founder of the Bolivarian Circle of New York "Alberto Lovera" and Senior Analyst for the Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA). After more than two years questioning Venezuelan Alex Saab's diplomatic status, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has now conceded that he is a special envoy. The dramatic U-turn was made in a filing before Judge Robert Scola on Tuesday, Sept. 13, in a hearing that was held regardi…

Misión Verdad (2022-09-24). PDVSA Reports Income Recovery in First Two Quarters of 2022. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA's accumulated income in the first eight months of this year reached $10 billion, which is 62% higher than what it earned during the same period in 2021, according to a report by the website specializing in economics, According to data presented by Petroguía, the average volume of exports for the last two quarters is 617,000 barrels per day, and the Merey crude, a marker used to brand the oil that Venezuela e…

Misión Verdad (2022-09-24). Everything Ready for Venezuela-Colombia Border Reopening. orinocotribune.com Since President Gustavo Petro won the election in Colombia, the possibility opened for Colombia and Venezuela to resume binational relations, suspended since the presidential term of Iván Duque. | Among the main issues on Petro's agenda to restore diplomatic relations was the return of the Monómeros petrochemical company to Venezuela. The fertilizer production company was hijacked by the Guaidó clan under Duque's protection. Another of Petro's promises was the reopening of the border, which during Duque's time had become the gateway for imperialist attacks against Venezuela. | These points were sensitive for both…

TeleSUR (2022-09-24). Venezuelan and Colombian Defense Ministers Meet at the Border. telesurenglish.net The ministers of Defense of Venezuela, Vladimir Padrino, and Colombia, Iván Velázquez, respectively, are meeting in Tachira prior to the opening of the border between both nations, in an event scheduled for Monday, September 26. | RELATED: | On his Twitter account, Padrino reported that he was at the Simón Bolívar International Bridge, in the border area, where a large border flow was registered. | The minister made a t…

Misión Verdad (2022-09-24). Everything Ready for Venezuela-Colombian Border Reopening. orinocotribune.com Since President Gustavo Petro won the election in Colombia, the possibility opened for Colombia and Venezuela to resume binational relations, suspended since the presidential term of Iván Duque. | Among the main issues on Petro's agenda to restore diplomatic relations was the return of the Monómeros petrochemical company to Venezuela. The fertilizer production company was hijacked by the Guaidó clan under Duque's protection. Another of Petro's promises was the reopening of the border, which during Duque's time had become the gateway for imperialist attacks against Venezuela. | These points were sensitive for both…

Scorinoco (2022-09-24). First Ship With Fertilizer Raw Material From Venezuela Arrives at Monómeros. orinocotribune.com

Staff (2022-09-24). Maduro ready to hold talks with US over normalizing ties. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 24 (MNA) — Venezuelan Foreign Minister Carlos Faria announced that the President of the country Nicolas Maduro is willing to negotiate with the US government for normalizing the two countries' relations.

Ricardo Vaz (2022-09-24). Venezuela: Human Rights Collective Criticizes 'Unreliable' UN Report. venezuelanalysis.com According to SURES, the high-profile accusations of human rights violations lack objectivity and impartiality.

TeleSUR (2022-09-24). President Nicolás Maduro Sends Letter to the 77th Session UNGA. telesurenglish.net On behalf of President Maduro the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela, Carlos Rafael Faría Tortosa read out the letter sent to the 77th Session of the UNGA. | One of the key points of this letter was a call of conscience to humanity, in these critical moments in which life itself on the planet is in danger. Sept. 24, 2022.

TeleSUR, jaa, MER (2022-09-24). ALBA-TCP reafirma compromiso con defensa del multilateralismo. telesurtv.net ALBA-TCP abogó por el levantamiento de las medidas coercitivas impuestas por EE.UU. a Cuba, Venezuela y Nicaragua.

TeleSUR, jaa, MER (2022-09-24). Venezuela firma acuerdo de cooperación con ONU para el desarrollo sostenible. telesurtv.net La vicepresidenta Delcy Rodríguez destacó que este acuerdo encamina la cooperación en varias áreas para el desarrollo.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-09-24). Ministros de Defensas de Venezuela y Colombia se reúnen en la frontera. telesurtv.net Ambos ministros abordarán temas relacionados con la apertura de la frontera.

TeleSUR- hvh, DRL (2022-09-24). Canciller de Venezuela reafirma voluntad de dialogar con EE.UU. telesurtv.net El canciller informó que "han llegado delegaciones de la administración de EE.UU., el presidente los ha atendido".

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2022-09-24). Corruption Case Against Cristina Fernández: A Badly Written Script from the Argentine Right Wing. orinocotribune.com By Alejandra García Sep 20, 2022 | Argentina's Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, jsut a few days after surviving death by sheer good luck, is fighting with all her strength against a fictitious corruption case conceived and constructed by the right wing of her country. Hatred, political persecution and injustice took her to court this week, where she has been victorious so far. | On Monday, September 19, Fernández's lawyers started the presentation of their defense arguments in the "Roads Case" (Causa Vialidad), where they highlighted the absence of evidence against the former president and cur…

TeleSUR- hvh, DRL (2022-09-24). Petro pide quitar a Cuba de lista de promotores del terrorismo. telesurtv.net El presidente señaló que "lo único que hizo Cuba fue ofrecer un espacio para que hubiera finiquitado un proceso de paz".

TeleSUR, SH (2022-09-24). Juramentan a nuevos ministros de Defensa y Transportes peruanos. telesurtv.net Esta sería la tercera renovación parcial del equipo ministerial del presidente Castillo en menos de dos meses.

TeleSUR, ysm, DRL (2022-09-24). Políticos chilenos reanudan debate sobre proceso constituyente. telesurtv.net Los líderes de la Cámara de Diputados, Raúl Soto, y del Senado, Álvaro Elizalde, afirman que el proceso será inclusivo.

TeleSUR, hvh, DRL (2022-09-24). Premier granadino rechaza sanciones contra Venezuela y Cuba. telesurtv.net Gonsalves destacó que el ALBA "es fundamental desde el punto de vista de su posición antiimperialista, antihegemonista"

TeleSUR- hvh, DRL (2022-09-24). Cristina Fernández asumirá autodefensa en causa vialidad. telesurtv.net Fernández publicó en Twitter que "desde las 11 horas ejerceré mi propia defensa de acuerdo al artículo 104 del CPPN".

TeleSUR, jaa, MER (2022-09-24). Vicepresidenta argentina ejerce su defensa en causa Vialidad. telesurtv.net La vicepresidenta argentina enfatizó que "se desmontaron las increíbles mentiras que desarrollaron los fiscales".

Anand Naidoo (2022-09-23). The Heat: Bolivian President Luis Arce and UN Head of Biodiversity Elizabeth Mrema. america.cgtn.com How did Bolivia escape rampant global inflation? And why is biodiversity critical to the survival of our planet?>

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