Monthly Archives: September 2022

2022-09-06: News Headlines

Staff (2022-09-06). Headlines for September 6, 2022. "Famine Is at the Door": U.N. Issues Urgent Appeal for Somalia Amid Historic Drought, Emergency Systems Activated at Ukraine Nuclear Plant as Fighting Damages Power Lines, Energy Prices Surge Across Europe After Russia Cuts Off Gas Pipeline, California Temperature Records Shattered as Heat Wave Fuels New Wildfires, Super Typhoon Brings High Winds and 3 Feet of Rain to South Korea, Liz Truss Becomes U.K. Prime Minister After Leadership Battle to Replace Boris Johnson, Chilean Voters Reject Progressive Constitution to Replace Pinochet-Era Document, 35 Killed as Roadside Bomb Hits Burkina Faso Convoy, 6…

Carlos A. Villalba (2022-09-06). Una pistola argentina: Todo cambia cuando el magnicidio apunta a la cabeza. A las 21 y pocos minutos del jueves 1 ∞ de septiembre de 2022 se produjo el estallido político más serio en décadas de la Argentina constitucional: el intento de asesinato de la vicepresidenta de la Nación, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner,…

Michael Fox (2022-09-06). Brazil on Fire Episode 1: Violence and the Culture War. As candidate Jair Bolsonaro neared the presidency in 2018, violence rippled across Brazil, mostly perpetrated by Bolsonaro supporters. Hundreds of threats and attacks, including several killings, were reported in the weeks and months leading up to the election. Bolsonaro's hateful rhetoric and fake news machine spurred on the violence, painting the election as a battle for the soul of the country. Targeting right wing fears over 'family values' and 'security,' Bolsonaro tapped into a growing culture war aimed not at winning a democratic debate, but eliminating opponents. | This episode looks at Bolsonaro's…

TeleSUR (2022-09-06). Paraguay: Almost Two Thousand Kilograms of Marijuana Seized. On Sunday, specialized forces of the National Anti-Drug Secretariat (Senad) seized in the department of Amambay a truck carrying nearly two thousand kilograms of marijuana hidden among wooden posts. | RELATED: | The operation was carried out early the morning in the locality of San Vicente Bella Vista intersection, where in a random control the drugs were seized and the driver of the vehicle and his companion were arres…

Jake Johnson (2022-09-06). 'January 6th All Over Again': Facebook Accused of Fueling Bolsonaro's Coup-Mongering. "Meta is actively helping mobilize an online army in Brazil that's peddling conspiracy theories about the integrity of the election and threatening a violent coup," said one campaigner.

Staff (2022-09-06). PSUV: Grassroots Delegates' Renewal is Evidence of Unity & Strength. The first vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, said this Monday, September 5, that the process of renewal of the party's grassroots structure was a manifestation of unity, strength, and political coherence. | "[An] extraordinary process, throughout the country," said Cabello during a press conference. "A splendid manifestation of unity, strength, and political coherence. What we have received from our people is very valuable for the organization of our party, from now on." | He also indicated that there are still some pending tasks, such as the renewal of state, muni…

Stephen Gibbs (2022-09-06). Changing lives and giving hope through Rugby. Crime is a significant problem in Venezuela. Politicians and experts have struggled to find a solution. So when a company became the victim of gang violence, the owner took matters into his own hands. He began recruiting gang members to play for his Rugby team. …

____ (2022-09-06). Chinese trivalent COVID-19 vaccine approved for clinical research in Chile. Two Chinese inactivated vaccines, including a trivalent one and a monovalent one against Omicron variants, have received approval for clinical research in Chile, the vaccine developer Sinovac has announced.

Peoples Dispatch (2022-09-06). Chileans reject new constitution in plebiscite, President Boric promises new constitutional process. This story originally appeared in On Sunday, Sept. 4, in the exit plebiscite, Chileans voted against a new progressive constitution, which was set to replace the current neoliberal one adopted in 1980 under the US-backed military dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990). | According to the results issued by Chile's Electoral Service…

Roselena Ramirez (2022-09-06). A Melting Glacier In Peru Becomes An International Court Case. Some of Peru's glaciers have been receding for years and could be on their way to melting away for good. What or who is to blame? Climate change? Lawmakers? Private companies? Dan Collyns tells us how the issue of "melting glaciers" has ended up in …

Dan Collyns (2022-09-06). Chileans reject proposed new constitution. Chile voted with an emphatic 'no' to a new constitution which was backed by the country's new president Gabriel Boric.

Staff (2022-09-06). Chile Goes Back to the Drawing Board After Voters Overwhelmingly Reject New Progressive Constitution. Voters in Chile have rejected a new constitution that would have replaced the country's Pinochet-era constitution and expanded rights for Indigenous peoples and abortion seekers, guaranteed universal healthcare and addressed the climate crisis. The new charter was rejected with 62% voting "no," and President Gabriel Boric has now vowed to continue efforts to rewrite the charter. Corporations and outside interests overwhelmingly outspent supporters of a constitution that "does not put extraction as the center of Chile's development but people as the center of its development," s…

Jake Johnson (2022-09-06). "January 6th All Over Again": Is Facebook Fueling Bolsonaro's Coup-Mongering? Trailing badly in the polls with the presidential election less than a month away, far-right Brazilian leader Jair Bolsonaro is attempting to galvanize his supporters with incendiary rhetoric and lies about the integrity of the vote — and Facebook is supplying him with a megaphone to do so. | That's according to a

Labor Education Project On AFL-CIO Internatio (2022-09-06). Sunday 9/11: The Other 9/11 — the AFL-CIO's support for the 1973 US coup in Chile betrayed workers.

W. T. Whitney Jr. (2022-09-06). Voters in Chile reject new progressive constitution. Supporters of a proposed new constitution for Chile suffered a big defeat in a plebiscite on Sunday, Sept. 4. The "reject" side captured nearly 8 million votes, or 62% of the total, while 4.86 million—38%—approved the document. Voting in such a plebiscite in Chile is mandatory; participation was 80%. Chile's current constitution, produced in 1980 …

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-09-06). Presidente chileno se reúne con líderes del Senado y Cámara de Diputados. Se trató de una cita realizada a eso de las 09H00 horas en La Moneda, luego del plebiscito de salida, donde se impuso la opción Rechazo.

TeleSUR-mcs- JL (2022-09-06). Bolivia registra un descenso de 42% en casos por la Covid-19. La nación acumuló hasta el domingo 1.104.102 casos confirmados y 22.209 decesos relacionados con el virus desde el inicio de la pandemia.

TeleSUR -HIM (2022-09-06). Destituyen en Perú a presidenta del Congreso, Lady Camones. La moción de censura contra Camones fue aprobada con 61 votos a favor, 47 en contra y 5 abstenciones.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-09-06). Presidente de Chile realiza cambios a equipo ministerial. Se trata del primer cambio de Gabinete en seis meses de gestión. Ocurre tras el resultado del plebiscito constitucional.

Staff (2022-09-06). Hoy en la Mesa Redonda: Dilemas latinoamericanos. El intento de asesinar a Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, el plebiscito en Chile y las próximas elecciones en Brasil serán los temas principales de la Mesa Redonda de este martes.

TeleSUR, ysm, JCM (2022-09-06). Presidente de Perú niega imputaciones de presunta corrupción. La Fiscalía refiere que Pedro Castillo cometió los presuntos delitos de tráfico de influencias, encubrimiento personal en agravio del Estado y contra la administración pública.

Aram Aharonian (2022-09-06). El patíbulo de la democracia argentina. El fallido magnicidio de Cristina Fernández de Kirchner exhibe en tono dramático el grado de descomposición política alcanzado en Argentina gracias —en parte- a la permanente campaña de odio desatada por los partidos y diversos medios de comunicación de derecha…

TeleSUR-mcs- JL (2022-09-06). Presidente de Colombia posesiona a nueva ministra de TIC. El presidente Petro afirmó que la nueva titular tiene una misión muy importante, pues Colombia en cuestiones de conectividad está por debajo del promedio latinoamericano.

Cecilia Vergara Mattei (2022-09-06). Rechazo de la nueva Constitución, duro golpe para el proceso de cambio en Chile. La convocatoria a las urnas fue atravesada por una situación económica crítica, generada por el mayor incremento de la inflación en tres décadas —13% anual contra un promedio de 3% en los últimos años— y una caída de los precios…

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-09-06). Lula y presidente de Bolivia sostienen encuentro en Brasil. Durante la reunión, Lula y el mandatario Arce conversaron sobre la situación en América Latina y en el resto del mundo.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-09-06). Estudiantes chilenos realizan masiva marcha hacia La Moneda. Horas antes de que se den a conocer los cambios en el gabinete del presidente Gabriel Boric, los estudiantes realizan su marcha hacia El Palacio de la Moneda.

TeleSUR -HIM (2022-09-06). Presidente de Venezuela: "Constituyente chilena fue maniatada" El plebiscito para la nueva Constitución fue rechazado por el 61.87 por ciento de los más de 13 millones de chilenos que votaron el domingo.

TeleSUR, JL (2022-09-06). Venezuela logra máxima incautación de drogas en última década. De acuerdo a Domingo Hernández, la incautación se efectuó en Tiraya, zona localizada en la Península de Paraguaná del estado venezolano de Falcón.

Benjamin Norton (2022-09-05). Biden, like Trump, breaks international law, violating UN neutrality by blocking countries. In violation of international law and its 1947 hosting agreement, the US government under both Biden and Trump has blocked foreign diplomats from the UN headquarters in New York, targeting Russia, Iran, Venezuela, and more.

TeleSUR, MER (2022-09-05). Denuncian asesinato de otro líder social en Amazonas, Colombia. La víctima fue identificada como William Pedraza y es el líder social colombiano número 124 en ser asesinado durante este 2022.

Miguel Santos García (2022-09-05). U.S. Sponsored "Soft Coup" against Paraguay. (2022-09-05). Piracy Through Lawfare Seeks To 'Divide & Rule' South America. The United States through Hybrid Warfare seeks to implement a "divide and conquer" strategy, so in its chaotic ingenuity it instrumentalizes nations in the Global South vulnerable to co-optation and wields them against a third nations in order to create enmity and chaos in their day-to-day relations.

____ (2022-09-05). Mediation and Restorative Justice in Latin America. 1 Sep 2022 – Latin America continues to advance towards a culture of peace: Last month we reviewed results of elections in Mexico, Chile, Peru and Colombia; a progressive government has returned to Bolivia following the coup d'état against Evo Morales; Lula da Silva is favored to win the presidency of Brazil in next month's election.

TeleSUR (2022-09-05). Relations Between Venezuela and Colombia, a Step Towards Peace. Experts believe that it will not be easy to rebuild relations, but there is a manifest will of both presidents Gustavo Petro and Nicolas Maduro to move forward, and for this there is already talk of the possibility of a meeting next October between the two leaders. | The delivery of the Colombian diplomat's credentials to President Nicolás Maduro on August 29 at the Miraflores Palace, seat of government, opened the doors to dialogue, agreement and peace between two sister nations.

TeleSUR (2022-09-05). Venezuela: Solidarity With Russia After Embassy Attack.

TeleSUR (2022-09-05). Peru's President Denies Accusations Before Attorney General. On Monday, Peru's President Pedro Castillo attended the Attorney General's Office to testify in three out of six cases of alleged corruption opened against him. | RELATED: | "We have emphatically denied and rejected the accusations," he said, stressing that he will testify again once the information in all the investigations is gathered. | In a hearing at the office of Attorney General Patricia Benavides, Castillo responded to…

Survival International (2022-09-05). A Symbol of Indigenous Genocide: "The Man of the Hole" Dies in Brazil.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-09-05). Chile Rejects a New and Revolutionary Constitution: Shadows of the Dictatorial Past are Imposed. Yoselina Guevara López The Chilean people demonstrated at the ballot box against the proposal of the new Constitution of Chile, with an unappealable result, according to the final official bulletin of the Electoral Service of Chile (Servel) with a 62% rejection of the constitutional project against a 38% of approval; the vote was mandatory, hence…

TeleSUR (2022-09-05). Chile's President Favors Continuing Constitutional Process. Following the victory of the rejection in Chile's referendum on Sunday, President Gabriel Boric expressed his commitment to constructing a new text that receives the support of the majority. | RELATED: | "I commit myself to do everything possible to build, together with Congress and civil society, a new constituent itinerary (…) Chileans have demanded a new opportunity to meet, and we must live up to this call," said Boric…

Staff (2022-09-05). Chileans Reject New Constitution or Boric Government? (Early Results).

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-09-05). What Next? The Chilean People Reject the Draft Constitution. Ollantay Itzamná Plebiscite result. 2022. Chile Chile, far from rejecting a process of structural changes or rejecting the possibility of a new Political Constitution, what it is asking for is deeper structural changes and an Original Constituent Assembly. On the recent Sunday, September 4, more than 13 million Chileans (out of the 15 million eligible)…

WSWS (2022-09-05). Argentina's political crisis deepens with attempted assassination of Vice President Cristina Kirchner. A far-right gunman shoved a pistol in Kirchner's face, failing to kill the Argentine vice president only because the gun misfired.

TeleSUR (2022-09-05). Brazil: Lula Da Silva Supports Bolivia's Entry Into MERCOSUR. At a meeting held in Sao Paulo on Monday, Presidential candidate Lula da Silva promised Bolivian President Luis Arce to intercede before the Brazilian Congress to speed up the Andean country's entry as a full member of the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR). | RELATED: | If Lula is elected as president in October, "he is committed to accelerating Bolivia's integration into MERCOSUR, which is very important for international re…

Paulo Cabral (2022-09-05). Rivers in Brazil's Amazon region facing environmental challenges. The major rivers of the Amazon region are essential to maintaining the complex ecosystem of the forest. But some of the big rivers themselves are facing environmental challenges.

TeleSUR (2022-09-05). The United States Only Cares About Energy: Venezuelan FM Faria. On Sunday, Venezuela's Foreign Affairs Minister Carlos Faria revealed that the U.S. government seeks to establish relations with Venezuela without dismantling the sanctions regime that Washington applies to the Bolivarian revolution. | RELATED: | "The U.S. government took the initiative to make a rapprochement with President Nicolas Maduro to normalize relations but not diplomatic ones nor the dismantling of sanctions. It sought…

Staff (2022-09-05). Venezuelan Foreign Minister Faría: Washington Interested Only in Oil. Venezuelan Foreign Minister Carlos Faría said that the United States government seeks to establish relations with Venezuela without dismantling the illegal sanctions regime that Washington applies to the Caribbean country. | This was stated by the top diplomat during an interview with the minister for culture, Ernesto Villegas, broadcast by VTV this Sunday, September 4. | "It was an initiative of the United States government to make this approach to President Nicolas Maduro to normalize relations, but not the diplomatic one, nor the dismantling of the sanctions, but in the reestablishment of the energy relationsh…

____ (2022-09-05). The Most Important Election in the Americas Is in Brazil. 31 Aug 2022 – Both Bolsonaro and Lula face an electorate that either loves them or hates them. There is little room for ambiguity in this race. Bolsonaro represents not only the far right, whose opinions he openly champions, but he also represents large sections of the middle class, whose aspirations for wealth remain largely intact despite the reality that their economic situation has deteriorated over the past decade.

Brett Wilkins (2022-09-05). 'We'll Come Back Stronger,' Vows Chilean Left After Visionary Constitution Rejected. "We will continue fighting more than ever to live in fairer, more egalitarian, and more humane Chile," said one prominent rights group.

Brett Wilkins (2022-09-05). 'We'll Come Back Stronger,' Vows Chilean Left After Plebiscite Loss. "We will continue fighting more than ever to live in fairer, more egalitarian, and more humane Chile," said one prominent rights group.

Mary Triny Mena (2022-09-05). Venezuela's vinyl comeback. Over the last decade, the vinyl record industry has made a huge comeback across the globe. And Latin America is no exception. In Venezuela in particular the revival of vinyl sales is keeping a tradition alive and helping young music lovers to enjoy old tunes …

José Luis Granados Ceja (2022-09-05). Venezuela: Maduro Condemns Assassination Attempt on Argentina's Cristina Fernández. The Venezuelan president said the attack has "shaken the entire continent" and called for justice.

____ (2022-09-05). CIA Sued over Alleged Spying on Lawyers, Journalists Who Met Assange. 15 Aug 2022 – A group of journalists and lawyers sued the CIA and its former director Mike Pompeo over allegations the intelligence agency spied on them when they visited WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange during his stay in Ecuador's embassy in London.

Staff (2022-09-05). Lula se reúne con Luis Arce en Brasil. El expresidente y candidato presidencial brasileño por el Partido de los Trabajadores, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, se reunió este lunes con el jefe de Estado de Bolivia, Luis Arce, quien se encuentra de visita en el país suramericano. El presidente boliviano continúa su agenda en Sà£o Paulo con encuentros con la comunidad boliviana y economistas.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-09-05). Lula y el presidente de Bolivia se reúnen en Brasil. Sucederá a propósito de la visita que hace el mandatario boliviano a Sao Paulo para encuentros con empresarios locales.

TeleSUR- lvm- JL (2022-09-05). Presidente de Chile propone nuevo itinerario constituyente. "Me comprometo a poner todo de mi parte, para construir en conjunto con el Congreso y la sociedad civil un nuevo itinerario constituyente", indicó el mandatario.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-09-05). Presidente chileno se reúne con los líderes del Senado y la Cámara de Diputados. Se trató de una cita realizada a eso de las 09H00 horas en La Moneda, luego del plebiscito de salida, donde se impuso la opción Rechazo.

Staff (2022-09-05). Rechazo a la propuesta constitucional lidera el conteo de votos en Chile. De acuerdo a las autoridades electorales, con el 99.90 por ciento de las mesas escrutadas, la opción Rechazo obtiene 7.878.434 sufragios (61.87 %) y el Apruebo logra 4.855.507 (38.13 %). Al mismo tiempo, los votos en blanco y los nulos llegan a 77.231 y 200.567, respectivamente.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-09-05). Presidente Maduro expresa solidaridad con el pueblo argentino. El mandatario venezolano hizo declaraciones a la emisora argentina Radio 10.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-09-05). Presidente chileno se reúne con los líderes del Senado y la Cámara. Se trató de una cita realizada a eso de las 09H00 horas en La Moneda, luego del plebiscito de salida, donde se impuso la opción Rechazo.

TeleSUR (2022-09-05). Argentina: WHO Against Travel Ban Due to Legionella Infections. So far, the World Health Organization (WHO) does not recommend the implementation of "any restriction on travel or trade with Argentina." | RELATED: | According to Argentina's Ministry of Health, there have been six deaths from the so-called Legionnaires' disease. | WHO said that of the 11 cases reported at a private health center in the city of San Miguel de Tucumán, eight are health care workers and three are patients of th…

Staff (2022-09-05). Juanes, quien apoyó a Guaidó, cancela concierto en Venezuela. El anuncio de la suspensión del concierto de Juanes, que se iba a celebrar en la terraza del Centro Ciudad Comercial Tamanaco, fue emitido por la empresa Ticketmundo, quién informó que la decisión se ha tomado "por motivos ajenos a nuestra voluntad…".Se ha invitado al público a devolver las entradas y solicitar el reintegro de su dinero.

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-09-05). PSUV condena intento de magnicidio contra Cristina Fernández. El Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela condenó la persecución política y los discursos de odio que provocan actos de violencia en la región.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-09-05). Presidente colombiano pide a FF.AA. elevar guardia en el país. El presidente Petro le expresó a la cúpula militar y policial colombiana que "entre más se hable de paz, más hay que elevar la guardia".

TeleSUR, SH (2022-09-05). Gobierno de Perú pide investigar a la presidenta del Congreso. El primer ministro peruano aseguró que es falso que el Ejecutivo tenga la intención de cerrar el Congreso.

Ariela Ruiz Caro (2022-09-05). Chile y Colombia buscan imprimir un nuevo dinamismo a la integración regional. El relanzamiento de la Comunidad Andina marca un punto de inflexión en la política exterior subregional | Los Presidentes de Chile, Gabriel Boric, y de Colombia, Gustavo Petro, buscan imprimir un nuevo dinamismo a la integración regional. Tienen la convicción de…

TeleSUR, SH, JCM, JL (2022-09-05). Cierran mesas electorales en Chile tras plebiscito. Autoridades electorales han destacado la concurrencia de los ciudadanos para participar en el plebiscito constitucional.

TeleSUR- lvm, JL (2022-09-05). Mujeres en Venezuela expresan solidaridad a Cristina Fernández. La ministra para la Mujer e Igualdad de Género, Diva Guzmán catalogó el ataque como fascista…

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-09-05). Incautan armas y municiones en cárcel amotinada de Ecuador. La Policía Nacional de Ecuador declara que ha tomado el control de la prisión ubicada en la ciudad de Guayaquil y la amenaza está contenida.

TeleSUR, JL (2022-09-05). Resultados preliminares: Rechazo gana plebiscito constitucional en Chile. Con el 99.99 por ciento de las mesas escrutadas, la opción Rechazo obtiene 7.882.958 sufragios (61.86 por ciento) y el Apruebo logra 4.860.093 (38.14 por ciento).

TeleSUR, ysm, JCM (2022-09-05). Presidente de Perú es llamado a comparecer ante Fiscalía. La Fiscalía refiere que Pedro Castillo cometió los presuntos delitos de tráfico de influencias, encubrimiento personal en agravio del Estado y contra la administración pública.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-09-05). Canciller venezolano destaca papel de la diplomacia de paz. El canciller venezolano rechazó el atentado contra la vicepresidenta argentina Cristina Fernández.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-09-05). Presidente Boric convocará a la unidad nacional en Chile. En sus primeras declaraciones tras ejercer su voto en Puntas Arenas, el presidente Boric habló sobre los pasos a seguir tras el plebiscito.

TeleSUR (2022-09-05). Presidents of Chilean Chambers to Analyze Reform Options. On Monday morning, Alvaro Elizalde, the president of the Senate, and Raul Soto, the speaker of the Lower House, arrived at the headquarters of the Executive branch to meet with Chilean President Gabriel Boric and discuss how to give continuity to the constituent process. | RELATED: | Before arriving at the La Moneda Palace, Elizalde emphasized the importance of "complying with the mandates of the citizens," thus re…

TeleSUR (2022-09-04). The State Does Not Exist to Please Big Businessmen: Lula. At a meeting in Sao Luis in the state of Maranhao, Brazilian presidential candidate Lula da Silva told women working in coconut crafts that "no one chooses to be poor." | RELATED: | "The government does not exist to please big bankers, businessmen, or landowners. It exists to give people a chance because no one chooses to be poor. I don't want to take anything away from anyone, but I want everyone to have the right to the minimum," h…

Dan Collyns (2022-09-04). Over 15 million Chileans vote on proposed constitution. Over 15 million Chileans voted on Sunday to approve or reject a new constitution. The proposed constitution focuses more on social rights and the environment. See the latest.

TeleSUR (2022-09-04). Venezuelan Women in Solidarity with Cristina Fernández. Under the slogan "All with Cristina", the sectoral vice-president for Women of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diva Guzmán, proclaimed her solidarity and denounce the harassment to which the also president of the Senate is subjected. | Venezuelan women of INASS at Bolivar Square, in Caracas. Sept. 04, 2022.

Staff (2022-09-04). ALBA-TCP Condemns Assassination Attempt Against Vice President of Argentina. The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America — People's Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) condemned this Friday, the assassination attempt against the vice president of Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, that occurred on Thursday, September 1. | Through a statement released on Friday, September 2, the regional alliance emphasized the need to thoroughly investigate the incident. ALBA-TCP Executive Secretary Sasha Llorenti posted the statement on his Twitter account, | On Thursday night, a man attempted to assassinate the vice president of Argentina as she arrived at her residence in the Recoleta neig…

TeleSUR, yart, SH (2022-09-04). Conozca cinco obras para recordar a Alberto Arvelo Torrealba. La obra de este poeta, intelectual y político plasmó la tradición y las características del llano venezolano.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-09-04). Reportan 11 casos positivos a bacteria legionella en Argentina. El último caso confirmado se trata de un paciente de 64 años de edad, quien permanece hospitalizado en estado grave.

Manuel Cabieses D. (2022-09-04). Chile Ven al futuro, Vota Apruebo. La real importancia del plebiscito del 4 de septiembre consiste en que es para el país un pasaje al futuro. | Las fuerzas conservadoras —de derecha y centroizquierda- han apañado una vez más una colosal estafa política. Reintentaron en la mañosa…

2022-09-07 03:28 | 23:28 EST | jz | 82 | 7 | 45 | 29 | 0 

2022-09-05: News Headlines

TeleSUR, MER (2022-09-05). Denuncian asesinato de otro líder social en Amazonas, Colombia. La víctima fue identificada como William Pedraza y es el líder social colombiano número 124 en ser asesinado durante este 2022.

TeleSUR (2022-09-05). Paraguay: Almost Two Thousand Kilograms of Marijuana Seized. On Sunday, specialized forces of the National Anti-Drug Secretariat (Senad) seized in the department of Amambay a truck carrying nearly two thousand kilograms of marijuana hidden among wooden posts. | RELATED: | The operation was carried out early the morning in the locality of San Vicente Bella Vista intersection, where in a random control the drugs were seized and the driver of the vehicle and his companion were arres…

Labor Education Project On AFL-CIO Internatio (2022-09-05). Sunday 9/11: The Other 9/11 — the AFL-CIO's support for the 1973 US coup in Chile betrayed workers.

Staff (2022-09-05). Rechazo a la propuesta constitucional lidera el conteo de votos en Chile. De acuerdo a las autoridades electorales, con el 99.90 por ciento de las mesas escrutadas, la opción Rechazo obtiene 7.878.434 sufragios (61.87 %) y el Apruebo logra 4.855.507 (38.13 %). Al mismo tiempo, los votos en blanco y los nulos llegan a 77.231 y 200.567, respectivamente.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-09-05). Presidente Maduro expresa solidaridad con el pueblo argentino. El mandatario venezolano hizo declaraciones a la emisora argentina Radio 10.

TeleSUR- lvm- JL (2022-09-05). Presidente de Chile propone nuevo itinerario constituyente. "Me comprometo a poner todo de mi parte, para construir en conjunto con el Congreso y la sociedad civil un nuevo itinerario constituyente", indicó el mandatario.

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-09-05). Incautan armas y municiones en cárcel amotinada de Ecuador. La Policía Nacional de Ecuador declara que ha tomado el control de la prisión ubicada en la ciudad de Guayaquil y la amenaza está contenida.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-09-05). Presidente colombiano pide a FF.AA. elevar guardia en el país. El presidente Petro le expresó a la cúpula militar y policial colombiana que "entre más se hable de paz, más hay que elevar la guardia".

TeleSUR, JL (2022-09-05). Resultados preliminares: Rechazo gana plebiscito constitucional en Chile. Con el 99.99 por ciento de las mesas escrutadas, la opción Rechazo obtiene 7.882.958 sufragios (61.86 por ciento) y el Apruebo logra 4.860.093 (38.14 por ciento).

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-09-05). PSUV condena intento de magnicidio contra Cristina Fernández. El Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela condenó la persecución política y los discursos de odio que provocan actos de violencia en la región.

TeleSUR- lvm, JL (2022-09-05). Mujeres en Venezuela expresan solidaridad a Cristina Fernández. La ministra para la Mujer e Igualdad de Género, Diva Guzmán catalogó el ataque como fascista…

TeleSUR, SH (2022-09-05). Canciller venezolano destaca papel de la diplomacia de paz. El canciller venezolano rechazó el atentado contra la vicepresidenta argentina Cristina Fernández.

Staff (2022-09-05). Juanes, quien apoyó a Guaidó, cancela concierto en Venezuela. El anuncio de la suspensión del concierto de Juanes, que se iba a celebrar en la terraza del Centro Ciudad Comercial Tamanaco, fue emitido por la empresa Ticketmundo, la cual informó que la decisión se ha tomado "por motivos ajenos a nuestra voluntad…".Se ha invitado al público a devolver las entradas y solicitar el reintegro de su dinero.

TeleSUR, SH, JCM, JL (2022-09-05). Cierran mesas electorales en Chile tras plebiscito. Autoridades electorales han destacado la concurrencia de los ciudadanos para participar en el plebiscito constitucional.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-09-05). Presidente Boric convocará a la unidad nacional en Chile. En sus primeras declaraciones tras ejercer su voto en Puntas Arenas, el presidente Boric habló sobre los pasos a seguir tras el plebiscito.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2022-09-04). Ukraine Is Losing Its Independence as It Wields Blackmail Over Nuclear Energy and Food Supply. By Dmitriy Kovalevich | In his monthly report, the New Cold War's correspondent in Ukraine, Dmitriy Kovalevich explores in detail Ukraine's so-called independence, the continuing intervention by western powers, the country's refusal to comply with the Minsk agreements, the failure of grain to reach the third world countries that need it, the slow but continuing Russian advances, and how blackmail (including nuclear blackmail) and state terrorism has become policy and practice. | ________________________ | On August 24, Ukraine celebrated 31 years of its post-Soviet independence. The same date m…

TeleSUR (2022-09-04). The State Does Not Exist to Please Big Businessmen: Lula. At a meeting in Sao Luis in the state of Maranhao, Brazilian presidential candidate Lula da Silva told women working in coconut crafts that "no one chooses to be poor." | RELATED: | "The government does not exist to please big bankers, businessmen, or landowners. It exists to give people a chance because no one chooses to be poor. I don't want to take anything away from anyone, but I want everyone to have the right to the minimum," h…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-09-04). Boric's Chile: Change or Continuity? Transformative or more of the same? Chilean journalist Pablo Vivanco analyzes the new government. Chileans will vote today in a referendum on a new proposed constitution. We analyzed its content on our podcast, Latin America Review. Full Interview>> Massive closing ceremony of the Apruebo campaign Redacción Chile We publish here a photo report with images…

TeleSUR (2022-09-04). Chile: 'Our Destiny is in Everyone's Hands,' Bachelet Recalls. On Sunday, Former President Michelle Bachelet went to a voting center in Geneva (Switzerland) to participate in the Chilean constitutional plebiscite. | RELATED: | Bachelet, who this week ended her four years at the head of the United Nations Office for Human Rights, cast her ballot around 10: 00 local time. As she was leaving the voting center, she expressed her wish that "the people go to vote calmly and with a l…

TeleSUR (2022-09-04). Chile Rejects Proposal for a New Constitution. With 72% percent of the polls counted in the constitutional referendum, the Chilean Electoral Service (Servel) indicated that 37.8 percent voted Approve, in favor of the constitutional proposal, and 62 percent voted Reject, a trend that already virtually marks the victory of the latter option. | Jurors count the votes of the constitutional plebiscite today, at the Italian School of Valparaíso (Chile)…

TeleSUR (2022-09-04). Over 15 Million Chileans Summoned to Constitutional Plebiscite. On Sunday, Sept. 4, the Chilean Electoral Service (SERVEL) summoned over 15 million citizens to participate in a plebiscite to approve or reject the text of the new Chilean Constitution. Approximately 97,239 Chileans will cast their vote from abroad. | RELATED: | The electoral process will take place from 08: 00 to 18: 00 local hours. If at closing time there are people still waiting to vote, the polling stations wi…

Ricardo Vaz (2022-09-04). Chevron Lobbies for Expanded Venezuela Oil License. The multinational corporation needs permission from the US Treasury Department to ramp up its activities in Venezuela.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-09-04). Moscow Receives First Shipment of Venezuelan Tropical Fruits. Yoselina Guevara L. This Saturday, September 3, the first shipment of tropical fruits from Venezuela arrived in Moscow in a cargo flight from the Venezuelan Consortium of Aeronautical Industries and Air Services (Conviasa) by the company Caribbean Plus in cooperation with the Association of Avocado Growers of the Aristides Bastidas Municipality of Yaracuy State, (Aguabas)….

TeleSUR (2022-09-04). Venezuelan Women in Solidarity with Cristina Fernández. Under the slogan "All with Cristina", the sectoral vice-president for Women of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diva Guzmán, proclaimed her solidarity and denounce the harassment to which the also president of the Senate is subjected. | Venezuelan women of INASS at Bolivar Square, in Caracas. Sept. 04, 2022.

Staff (2022-09-04). ALBA-TCP Condemns Assassination Attempt Against Vice President of Argentina. The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America — People's Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) condemned this Friday, the assassination attempt against the vice president of Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, that occurred on Thursday, September 1. | Through a statement released on Friday, September 2, the regional alliance emphasized the need to thoroughly investigate the incident. ALBA-TCP Executive Secretary Sasha Llorenti posted the statement on his Twitter account, | On Thursday night, a man attempted to assassinate the vice president of Argentina as she arrived at her residence in the Recoleta neig…

TeleSUR, yart, SH (2022-09-04). Conozca cinco obras para recordar a Alberto Arvelo Torrealba. La obra de este poeta, intelectual y político plasmó la tradición y las características del llano venezolano.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-09-04). Reportan 11 casos positivos a bacteria legionella en Argentina. El último caso confirmado se trata de un paciente de 64 años de edad, quien permanece hospitalizado en estado grave.

TeleSUR, JL (2022-09-04). Alistan en Argentina equipos por casos de bacteria Legionella. Medina Ruíz enfatizó que se mantienen en evolución siete casos de neumonía, por el momento cuatro se mantienen internados y tres en sus respectivas casas.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-09-04). Diputados argentinos sesionarán para repudiar ataque a Cristina Fernández. El ataque a Cristina Fernández fue condenado por sectores políticos y por agrupaciones sociales y sindicales que convocaron a una marcha a Plaza de Mayo.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-09-04). Cámara argentina repudia atentado contra la vicepresidenta. La Cámara de Diputados aprobó hoy por amplia mayoría un texto de repudio el ataque a la vicepresidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner y en el que exigió el esclarecimiento del hecho.

TeleSUR, JL (2022-09-04). Chilenos en el extranjero concurren a votar para el plebiscito. SOlamente la sede diplomática en Haití no estará disponible para votar, esto a causa de la compleja situación que padece el país.

Manuel Cabieses D. (2022-09-04). Chile Ven al futuro, Vota Apruebo. La real importancia del plebiscito del 4 de septiembre consiste en que es para el país un pasaje al futuro. | Las fuerzas conservadoras —de derecha y centroizquierda- han apañado una vez más una colosal estafa política. Reintentaron en la mañosa…

TeleSUR, SH (2022-09-04). Inicia plebiscito sobre nueva Constitución en Chile. El presidente Gabriel Boric fue uno de los primeros en acudir a emitir su sufragio en su respectiva mesa de votación en Puntas Arenas.

Staff (2022-09-04). Odio y veracidad: Sobre el atentado a Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. El intento de asesinar a Cristina también nos recordó el comportamiento político-empresarial de las clases dominantes argentinas y el peso del modelo trágico que signa nuestra historia. Para las clases dominantes todo aquello que representa un límite a su poder (o la amenaza de un límite) es una declaración de guerra.

Staff (2022-09-04). Roberto Chile: "Si el corazón no vuela, no hay poesía" (+ Fotos). Retomo a Víctor Casaus, a su poesía, porque quizás encierra la síntesis de esta expo de Roberto Chile en la que está latente un acertijo fotográfico. Es verdad. Lo hay en cada una de las imágenes. Y uno puede percibirlo. Si usted no ve una Isla de la primera fotografía a la última, de la última a la primera, si no ve ese caimán tan nuestro, si no lo siente, por favor, inténtelo de nuevo.

TeleSUR- hvh, JL (2022-09-04). Denuncian masacre en el Cauca, la número 74 en Colombia durante el 2022. Las víctimas se desplazaban en un vehículo cuando fueron interceptadas por hombres armados que los atacaron.

TeleSUR (2022-09-04). Chile: President Boric Pledges To Continue Constituent Process. "I commit myself to do my best to build, together with the National Congress and the civil society, a new constituent itinerary that gives us a text that, gathering the learnings of this process, manages to interpret a wide citizen majority," said the President in a press conference. | RELATED: | Boric said that this coming Monday, he will meet at the seat of government, La Moneda Palace, with parliamentary and political party leaders to outline…

_____ (2022-09-03). Predictions On Chile's Constitutional Referendum. Sept. 1 was the last day to campaign for the Constitutional referendum to be held on Sept. 4 in Chile. In this vote, Chileans will decide whether to approve the country's new Constitution, closing over a decade of social struggles, whose final stage began with 2019 people's massive protests in the subways and streets. | The first step of this constitutional process was the entry (first) referendum, in which 78.28% of voters decided it was necessary to overrule the Pinochet Constitution from 1980. In only 72 hours, this process will end, but tension and uncertainty grow as time goes by. | Many opinion polls point…

_____ (2022-09-03). Untold Truth About EMTRASUR Plane: FBI Running The Show. One of the crew members of the Venezuelan plane seized in Argentina lambastes the US for the kidnapping not only the Venezuelan asset, but innocent people, too. | "It is something unprecedented because I believe that for the first time in history a situation like this is experienced, of a kidnapping not only of the asset, but also of human beings, yes, directly affecting people," said Mario Arraga, manager of Administration and Finance of the Venezuelan airline EMTRASUR in an exclusive interview with the Lebanese news outlet , published on Saturday, August 28. | Arraga is one of the 19 crew members —14 Vene…

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