Monthly Archives: September 2022

2022-09-04: News Headlines

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2022-09-04). Ukraine Is Losing Its Independence as It Wields Blackmail Over Nuclear Energy and Food Supply. By Dmitriy Kovalevich | In his monthly report, the New Cold War's correspondent in Ukraine, Dmitriy Kovalevich explores in detail Ukraine's so-called independence, the continuing intervention by western powers, the country's refusal to comply with the Minsk agreements, the failure of grain to reach the third world countries that need it, the slow but continuing Russian advances, and how blackmail (including nuclear blackmail) and state terrorism has become policy and practice. | ________________________ | On August 24, Ukraine celebrated 31 years of its post-Soviet independence. The same date m…

Labor Education Project On AFL-CIO Internatio (2022-09-04). Sunday 9/11: The Other 9/11 — the AFL-CIO's support for the 1973 US coup in Chile betrayed workers.

Staff (2022-09-04). ALBA-TCP Condemns Assassination Attempt Against Vice President of Argentina. The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America — People's Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) condemned this Friday, the assassination attempt against the vice president of Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, that occurred on Thursday, September 1. | Through a statement released on Friday, September 2, the regional alliance emphasized the need to thoroughly investigate the incident. ALBA-TCP Executive Secretary Sasha Llorenti posted the statement on his Twitter account, | On Thursday night, a man attempted to assassinate the vice president of Argentina as she arrived at her residence in the Recoleta neig…

TeleSUR, JL (2022-09-04). Chilenos en el extranjero concurren a votar para el plebiscito. SOlamente la sede diplomática en Haití no estará disponible para votar, esto a causa de la compleja situación que padece el país.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-09-04). Reportan 11 casos positivos a bacteria legionella en Argentina. El último caso confirmado se trata de un paciente de 64 años de edad, quien permanece hospitalizado en estado grave.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-09-04). Inicia plebiscito sobre nueva Constitución en Chile. El presidente Gabriel Boric fue uno de los primeros en acudir a emitir su sufragio en su respectiva mesa de votación en Puntas Arenas.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-09-04). Diputados argentinos sesionarán para repudiar ataque a Cristina Fernández. El ataque a Cristina Fernández fue condenado por sectores políticos y por agrupaciones sociales y sindicales que convocaron a una marcha a Plaza de Mayo.

Manuel Cabieses D. (2022-09-04). Chile Ven al futuro, Vota Apruebo. La real importancia del plebiscito del 4 de septiembre consiste en que es para el país un pasaje al futuro. | Las fuerzas conservadoras —de derecha y centroizquierda- han apañado una vez más una colosal estafa política. Reintentaron en la mañosa…

Staff (2022-09-04). Bacteria legionella es la causa del brote de neumonía bilateral en Argentina que ha dejado cuatro fallecidos. La bacteria legionella fue identificada como la causa de un brote de neumonía bilateral en Argentina, que ya ha provocado cuatro muertes entre 11 personas contagiadas en una clínica de la norteña provincia de Tucumán, informó la ministra de Salud, Carla Vizzotti.

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-09-04). Incautan armas y municiones en cárcel amotinada de Ecuador. La Policía Nacional de Ecuador declara que ha tomado el control de la prisión ubicada en la ciudad de Guayaquil y la amenaza está contenida.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-09-04). Cámara argentina repudia atentado contra la vicepresidenta. La Cámara de Diputados aprobó hoy por amplia mayoría un texto de repudio el ataque a la vicepresidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner y en el que exigió el esclarecimiento del hecho.

TeleSUR, JL (2022-09-04). Alistan en Argentina equipos por casos de bacteria Legionella. Medina Ruíz enfatizó que se mantienen en evolución siete casos de neumonía, por el momento cuatro se mantienen internados y tres en sus respectivas casas.

Staff (2022-09-04). Odio y veracidad: Sobre el atentado a Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. El intento de asesinar a Cristina también nos recordó el comportamiento político-empresarial de las clases dominantes argentinas y el peso del modelo trágico que signa nuestra historia. Para las clases dominantes todo aquello que representa un límite a su poder (o la amenaza de un límite) es una declaración de guerra.

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-09-04). PSUV condena intento de magnicidio contra Cristina Fernández. El Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela condenó la persecución política y los discursos de odio que provocan actos de violencia en la región.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-09-04). Presidente colombiano pide a FF.AA. elevar guardia en el país. El presidente Petro le expresó a la cúpula militar y policial colombiana que "entre más se hable de paz, más hay que elevar la guardia".

TeleSUR, yart, SH (2022-09-04). Conozca cinco obras para recordar a Alberto Arvelo Torrealba. La obra de este poeta, intelectual y político plasmó la tradición y las características del llano venezolano.

TeleSUR- hvh, JL (2022-09-04). Denuncian masacre en el Cauca, la número 74 en Colombia durante el 2022. Las víctimas se desplazaban en un vehículo cuando fueron interceptadas por hombres armados que los atacaron.

Staff (2022-09-03). Comité Internacional Paz, Justicia y Dignidad a los Pueblos repudia intento de asesinato a Cristina Fernández. Las expresiones de odio, la brutal arremetida mediática y la feroz persecución judicial de la derecha y el macrismo, no podrán neutralizar jamás la capacidad de liderazgo político y el amor del pueblo de quien fue presidenta por dos períodos en Argentina.

Claudio Katz (2022-09-03). Argentina Un punto de inflexión. El intento de asesinato de Cristina es un hecho gravísimo que no se zanja simples comunicados de repudio. Hay que registrar la terrible dimensión de este acontecimiento, frente a todas las maniobras para minimizar, banalizar o despolitizar lo ocurrido. No…

Candice Yanez (2022-09-03). Vigil in Albuquerque demands justice for Kesley Vial, who died in ICE custody. Vial was being held indefinitely after seeking asylum from Brazil, where there are many economic and political crises under the reactionary Bolsonaro administration.

_____ (2022-09-03). Predictions On Chile's Constitutional Referendum. Sept. 1 was the last day to campaign for the Constitutional referendum to be held on Sept. 4 in Chile. In this vote, Chileans will decide whether to approve the country's new Constitution, closing over a decade of social struggles, whose final stage began with 2019 people's massive protests in the subways and streets. | The first step of this constitutional process was the entry (first) referendum, in which 78.28% of voters decided it was necessary to overrule the Pinochet Constitution from 1980. In only 72 hours, this process will end, but tension and uncertainty grow as time goes by. | Many opinion polls point…

Eforinoco (2022-09-03). Some Important Aspects of the Proposed New Constitution of Chile. Some of the main advances are declaration of an ecological and plurinational state; recognition of indigenous peoples; human right to water and education; democracy based on gender parity. | More than 15 million Chileans are summoned to participate in a refendum this Sunday, September 4, in order to decide whether they want to approve the new constitution drafted by the Constitutional Convention or maintain the current one which dates from the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990). | According to Chilean electoral law, in order to be approved the new Constitution must get at least % plus one of the total…

TeleSUR (2022-09-03). Paraguay Launches Campaign Encouraging Covid-19 Vaccination. The objective of the campaign is to strengthen the immunization of the population against the virus through the availability of the Moderna vaccine. | Ministry of Public Health of Paraguay carried out today activities on the waterfront of Asuncion to promote the vaccination of children and adults against Covid-19. Sept. 03, 2022.

Eforinoco (2022-09-03). President Maduro Reiterates Commitment to Fight Against Racial Discrimination. Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro reiterated the commitment of the Bolivarian government in the fight against racial discrimination. . | The president made this comment on the occasion of the International Day for People of African Descent, celebrated on August 31. He stated that the Venezuelan state will continue its fight against all sorts of inequality that Afro-descendant communities face. |

Mary Triny Mena (2022-09-03). Alternatives to Venezuela's troubled public school system. Alternative educational centers are becoming more common in Venezuela during the COVID pandemic. Some of the kitchens and living rooms are now serving as classrooms in the country. Find out more.

A Guest Author (2022-09-03). Rapid reestablishment of relations between Colombia and Venezuela ‚àí guest commentary. By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein The author is a Venezuelan international relations expert, who was previously Director of the International Relations of the Presidency of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, his country's ambassador to Nicaragua, and an advisor for international politics for TeleSUR. Translated by and edited by Workers World. . . . |

Scorinoco (2022-09-03). Colombia May Withdraw Complaint Against Maduro at International Criminal Court. The Colombian ambassador to Venezuela, Armando Benedetti, said that the Colombian government of President Gustavo Petro is planning to withdraw the lawsuit against President Nicolás Maduro before the International Criminal Court, presented by former Colombian President Iván Duque. | "I believe that yes, what Duque did was a mistake in foreign relations," Ambassador Benedetti commented to Bloomberg when asked about the issue. | In 2017, Iván Duque, then a member of the Colombian Senate, presented a formal complaint at the Hague, against alleged "crimes against humanity" committed by the government of Venezuela hea…

_____ (2022-09-03). Untold Truth About EMTRASUR Plane: FBI Running The Show. One of the crew members of the Venezuelan plane seized in Argentina lambastes the US for the kidnapping not only the Venezuelan asset, but innocent people, too. | "It is something unprecedented because I believe that for the first time in history a situation like this is experienced, of a kidnapping not only of the asset, but also of human beings, yes, directly affecting people," said Mario Arraga, manager of Administration and Finance of the Venezuelan airline EMTRASUR in an exclusive interview with the Lebanese news outlet , published on Saturday, August 28. | Arraga is one of the 19 crew members —14 Vene…

Staff (2022-09-03). Seven police officers killed in Colombia explosives attack. TEHRAN, Sep. 03 (MNA) — Seven police officers were killed in an explosives attack in western Colombia on Friday, the government said, the deadliest attack on security forces since President Gustavo Petro took office.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-09-03). AN de Venezuela repudia atentado contra Cristina Fernández. El Parlamento calificó el hecho como acción criminal en un contexto de persecución judicial con fines políticos contra la líder política.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-09-03). Argentinos realizarán manifestaciones en solidaridad con vicepresidenta. La organización política La Cámpora, a través de sus redes sociales, llamó a sus simpatizantes a reunirse este viernes en la Plaza de Mayo a las 12: 00 hora local (15: 00 GMT).

Peoples Dispatch (2022-09-03). Daily Round-Up | Argentina's Cristina Fernández survives assassination attempt and more. In today's episode, we take a look at the assassination of Argentine vice-president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, protests by Palestinian prisoners, a new US policy of Afghan refugees, and a verdict against Shell in South Africa…

TeleSUR (2022-09-03). Massacre Denounced in Cauca, the 74th in Colombia During 2022. The Institute of Studies for Development and Peace (Indepaz) of Colombia registered this Saturday the 74th massacre in the course of 2022 after confirming the murder of three people in the department of Cauca. | RELATED: | According to the entity, the victims "were traveling in a vehicle when they were intercepted by armed men who attacked them" in the sector of San José, jurisdiction of the municipality of Santander de Quilichao. | Indepaz specifie…

Juan Guahán (2022-09-03). Argentina Atentado a Cristina: hechos, antecedentes y efectos. La esquina de Juncal y Montevideo, a metros de la Plaza Vicente López de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, es bien conocida. Está poblada por antiguos y tradicionales apellidos del interior, los mismos que se pueden asociar a la vieja…

TeleSUR- hvh, DRL (2022-09-03). Estudiantado denuncia desalojo estatal de liceos en Uruguay. Los educandos ocuparon este martes siete instituciones de secundarias que fueron reocupadas los días siguientes.

TeleSUR, mcs, MER (2022-09-03). Movimientos argentinos emiten documento en defensa de la paz y en apoyo a la vicepresidenta. En el documento afirmaron que nadie que defienda la República puede anteponer sus diferencias ideológicas al repudio unánime del atentado contra la vicepresidenta.

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-09-03). Presidente de Perú denuncia distracciones judiciales. El presidente Pedro Castillo acusó al Congreso de mayoría opositora de obstaculizar su trabajo y opacar sus logros.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-09-03). Presidente colombiano llega a la zona del ataque a policías. Para el jefe de Estado, el atentado contra los policías representa un saboteo a la agenda de paz emprendida por su administración.

TeleSUR, mcs, MER (2022-09-03). Decretan veda electoral en Chile ante plebiscito constitucional. Más de 15 millones de chilenos fueron habilitados para participar este domingo en el plebiscito constitucional.

TeleSUR, MER (2022-09-03). Condenan atentado contra la vicepresidenta argentina. El presidente argentino afirmó que "es necesario desterrar la violencia y el odio del discurso político y mediático y de nuestra vida en sociedad".

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-09-03). Cámara de Diputados argentina repudia atentado contra la vicepresidenta. La Cámara de Diputados aprobó hoy por amplia mayoría un texto de repudio el ataque a la vicepresidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner y en el que exigió el esclarecimiento del hecho.

Luigino Bracci (2022-09-03). President Maduro Approves $1 Million For Caracas Metro Renovation. On Thursday, September 1, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, announced a plan for the rehabilitation of the Caracas Metro. He approved $1 million for the comprehensive recovery of the entire system and an additional $16 million for renovation of the rails. Moreover, he assigned several institutions to be in charge of the maintenance of several important stations, such as Petare, Palo Verde, Plaza Venezuela, Capitolio, and La Rinconada. A security plan has been created for this. User committees will also be created. | "Today starts a special plan to make the Caracas Metro the best metro system in the wor…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-09-02). Analysis of the Frustrated Assassination Attempt Against Cristina Fernández. Mission Verdad "An attempt has been made against our vice-president and social peace has been disturbed," said Argentine President Alberto Fernandez (Photo: Télam). The assassination attempt against Cristina Fernandez in Argentina has placed a country on high alert at a critical political moment. The vice president, a leader with the highest popularity in Argentine society…

Morning Star (2022-09-02). Number of Brazil Amazon fires hits five-year high in August. More fires burned in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest this August than in any month in nearly five years, thanks to a surge in illegal deforestation. Satellite sensors detected 33,116 fires according to Brazil's national space institute. The dry season months of August and September are usually worst for both deforestation and fire. It was also …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-09-02). Argentina: Assassination Attempt Against Cristina Fernández de Kirchner Widely Condemned. Tanya Wadhwa Argentine Vice President, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, thanking supporters who have gathered outside her home since last week in her support in the face of ongoing judicial and political persecution against her. (Photo: Cristina Fernández de Kirchner/Twitter) The attack, which shook the country, was widely condemned by numerous political leaders and social activists from…

2022-09-04 18:12 | 14:12 EST | jz | 47 | 3 | 25 | 17 | 0 

2022-09-03: News Headlines

Eforinoco (2022-09-03). President Maduro Reiterates Commitment to Fight Against Racial Discrimination. Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro reiterated the commitment of the Bolivarian government in the fight against racial discrimination. . | The president made this comment on the occasion of the International Day for People of African Descent, celebrated on August 31. He stated that the Venezuelan state will continue its fight against all sorts of inequality that Afro-descendant communities face. |

Eforinoco (2022-09-03). Some Important Aspects of the Proposed New Constitution of Chile. Some of the main advances are declaration of an ecological and plurinational state; recognition of indigenous peoples; human right to water and education; democracy based on gender parity. | More than 15 million Chileans are summoned to participate in a refendum this Sunday, September 4, in order to decide whether they want to approve the new constitution drafted by the Constitutional Convention or maintain the current one which dates from the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990). | According to Chilean electoral law, in order to be approved the new Constitution must get at least % plus one of the total…

Staff (2022-09-03). Comité Internacional Paz, Justicia y Dignidad a los Pueblos repudia intento de asesinato a Cristina Fernández. Las expresiones de odio, la brutal arremetida mediática y la feroz persecución judicial de la derecha y el macrismo, no podrán neutralizar jamás la capacidad de liderazgo político y el amor del pueblo de quien fue presidenta por dos períodos en Argentina.

Staff (2022-09-03). Seven police officers killed in Colombia explosives attack. TEHRAN, Sep. 03 (MNA) — Seven police officers were killed in an explosives attack in western Colombia on Friday, the government said, the deadliest attack on security forces since President Gustavo Petro took office.

Luana Alves (2022-09-03). Video: Brazil elections – Bolsonaro, Lula and the radical left: An interview with Luana Alves (PSOL/MES). Sà£o Paulo councillor Luana Alves from Brazil's Socialism and Liberty Party (PSOL) speaks to James Wyner and Federico Fuentes about the coming elections in Brazil.

Labor Education Project On AFL-CIO Internatio (2022-09-03). Sunday 9/11: The Other 9/11 — the AFL-CIO's support for the 1973 US coup in Chile betrayed workers.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-09-03). AN de Venezuela repudia atentado contra Cristina Fernández. El Parlamento calificó el hecho como acción criminal en un contexto de persecución judicial con fines políticos contra la líder política.

TeleSUR, hvh, DRL (2022-09-03). Argentinos marchan en solidaridad con vicepresidenta. El centro porteño en Buenos Aires se encuentra colmado de personas que arribaron desde varios puntos del país.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-09-03). Argentinos realizarán manifestaciones en solidaridad con vicepresidenta. La organización política La Cámpora, a través de sus redes sociales, llamó a sus simpatizantes a reunirse este viernes en la Plaza de Mayo a las 12: 00 hora local (15: 00 GMT).

Peoples Dispatch (2022-09-03). Daily Round-Up | Argentina's Cristina Fernández survives assassination attempt and more. In today's episode, we take a look at the assassination of Argentine vice-president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, protests by Palestinian prisoners, a new US policy of Afghan refugees, and a verdict against Shell in South Africa…

TeleSUR- hvh, DRL (2022-09-03). Estudiantado denuncia desalojo estatal de liceos en Uruguay. Los educandos ocuparon este martes siete instituciones de secundarias que fueron reocupadas los días siguientes.

TeleSUR, mcs, MER (2022-09-03). Movimientos argentinos emiten documento en defensa de la paz y en apoyo a la vicepresidenta. En el documento afirmaron que nadie que defienda la República puede anteponer sus diferencias ideológicas al repudio unánime del atentado contra la vicepresidenta.

TeleSUR- hvh, DRL (2022-09-03). Defensa de Pedro Castillo presenta tutela ante Poder Judicial. El magistrado del Juzgado Supremo de Investigación Preparatoria, Juan Carlos Chekley, encabezará la audiencia virtual.

TeleSUR, MER (2022-09-03). Condenan atentado contra la vicepresidenta argentina. El presidente argentino afirmó que "es necesario desterrar la violencia y el odio del discurso político y mediático y de nuestra vida en sociedad".

TeleSUR, SH (2022-09-03). Presidente colombiano llega a la zona del ataque a policías. Para el jefe de Estado, el atentado contra los policías representa un saboteo a la agenda de paz emprendida por su administración.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-09-03). Diputados argentinos sesionarán para repudiar ataque a Cristina Fernández. El ataque a Cristina Fernández fue condenado por sectores políticos y por agrupaciones sociales y sindicales que convocaron a una marcha a Plaza de Mayo.

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-09-03). Presidente de Perú denuncia distracciones judiciales. El presidente Pedro Castillo acusó al Congreso de mayoría opositora de obstaculizar su trabajo y opacar sus logros.

TeleSUR- hvh, DRL (2022-09-03). Acto de 0.000 personas cierra campaña del Apruebo en Chile. El acto de cierre fue realizado en el mismo sitio donde el presidente Gabriel Boric celebró su triunfo en los comicios.

TeleSUR, mcs, MER (2022-09-03). Decretan veda electoral en Chile ante plebiscito constitucional. Más de 15 millones de chilenos fueron habilitados para participar este domingo en el plebiscito constitucional.

Staff (2022-09-02). Panam Sports impulsa futuro del deporte en América. Una actualización sobre las sedes de los próximos juegos panamericanos, y la creación de un campeonato piloto de Esports en Santiago 2023 fueron temas de la LX Asamblea General de Panam Sports, efectuada en Chile. El cónclave acogió una presentación de la ciudad colombiana de Barranquilla, anfitriona de los XX Juegos Panamericanos de 2027.

Staff (2022-09-02). Attorney General Saab Reports on Former PDVSA CFO's Confession Implicating Rafael Ramírez. The attorney general of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, reported on the arrest of former PDVSA Vice President of Finance Víctor Aular for the embezzlement of $4.85 billion through a 2012 loan agreement. Saab reported that Aular has implicated former minister and PDVSA CEO Rafael Ramírez in the multi-billion dollar embezzlement scheme, alongside other PDVSA executives. | Saab stated that, in view of the information and evidence received from Oil Minister Tareck El Aissami indicating that Ramírez diverted billions of US dollars through a fictitious credit line using Administradora Atlantic 17107, C.A. as a front, tw…

Peoples Dispatch (2022-09-02). Chile heads towards historic plebiscite on new constitution. This Sunday, on September 4, Chileans will vote to decide whether to "approve" or "reject" a new constitution, which has been drafted by a democratically elected gender-equal convention. It is said to be one of the most progressive constitutions in the world, and addresses the country's stark social inequalities. | Chile's current constitution was written and imposed in 1980 under the US-backed military dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990). Several social movements, trade unions and progressive sectors have argued that it enshrined a neoliberal economic model, which favors private interests and pr…

WSWS (2022-09-02). The raid against Bolsonaro coup backers and the fight against authoritarianism in Brazil. A group of eight businessmen supporting Brazil's fascistic President Jair Bolsonaro became the target of a search and seizure warrant issuedby Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes.

Staff (2022-09-02). Argentina's Cristina Fernandez Kirchner Miraculously Survives Assassination Attempt. Caracas, September 1, 2022 ( Fernandez was arriving home in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Recoleta and while greeting supporters that have been on vigil there showing their support for the political judicial persecution aiming at keeping her outside the 2023 preside…

TeleSUR (2022-09-02). UN Condemns Assassination Attempt Against Argentina's VP. For its part, the Argentina UN office issued a statement this Friday that it adheres to Guterres' remarks. | "From UN Argentina, we adhere to the statements of Secretary-General António Guterres expressed moments ago by his spokesperson Eri Kaneko at a press conference on the assassination attempt on Cristina Fernández," the agency published on its social networks. | RELATED: | It also condemned "firmly all types of violence" a…

TeleSUR (2022-09-02). Over Half a Million in the Streets Backing the 'I Approve' Vote. On Thusday, Santiago City was the scene for a multicolored show unprecedented in Chilean political history. Over 0,000 citizens took to the streets to take part in the closing ceremony of the "I Approve" campaign, the option defended by those who want a new Constitution instead of the one drafted by the Augusto Pinochet dictatorship (1973-1990). | RELATED: | On Alameda Avenue, thousands of people incessantly cheered "

TeleSUR (2022-09-02). 8 Colombian Police Officers Killed in Attack. "At 14: 30 (19.30 GMT), an explosive device was activated in the Corozal village (to be established) in the path of an institutional van in which eight uniformed members of the San Luis Police Commission were being transported," the entity said in a statement. | RELATED: | The Police assured that it did not know which illegal structure would have perpetrated the attack and initiated the respective investigations…

Brett Wilkins (2022-09-02). House Dems Voice 'Grave and Urgent Concerns' Over Chilean Plebiscite Misinformation. "Technology corporations like yours have an obligation to ensure that their platforms do not serve to disseminate hate, lies, and disinformation," U.S. lawmakers told social media giants.

Morning Star (2022-09-02). Number of Brazil Amazon fires hits five-year high in August. More fires burned in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest this August than in any month in nearly five years, thanks to a surge in illegal deforestation. Satellite sensors detected 33,116 fires according to Brazil's national space institute. The dry season months of August and September are usually worst for both deforestation and fire. It was also …

TeleSUR (2022-09-02). President Maduro Rejects Attack Against Cristina Fernandez. Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro strongly repudiated the attack against Argentina's Vice President Cristina Fernandez-Kirchner, whom a man tried to shoot around her home on Thursday night. | RELATED: | "We send our solidarity to VP Cristina Fernandez-Kirchner in the face of the attempt on her life. We strongly repudiate this action, which seeks to destabilize the peace of the brotherly Argentine people. The G…

Staff (2022-09-02). Lula Thanks Venezuela for Sending Oxygen to Manaus During Pandemic. This Wednesday, Luiz Inácio "Lula" da Silva, former Brazilian president and current presidential candidate, thanked the Venezuelan government, led by President Nicolás Maduro, for the oxygen shipments sent to Manaus when the Brazilian region was hit hard by the pandemic and abandoned by the Bolsonaro administration. | "I want to thank the Venezuelan ambassador who sent oxygen to Manaus to save lives here, despite the fact that the president of the Republic often offended Venezuela," Lula said. "They were the ones who sent the oxygen that neither the lieutenant nor the minister of health had the courage to send."

TeleSUR, lvm, MER (2022-09-02). Detienen a persona armada que intentó atentar contra la vicepresidenta de Argentina. De acuerdo con medios locales, el individuo es un hombre de 35 años de edad, de origen brasileño y portaba una pistola Bersa calibre 22.

Staff (2022-09-02). Envía Raúl mensaje a Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Mensaje del General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, a la Vicepresidenta de Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Estimada Cristina: Te traslado toda nuestra solidaridad y apoyo ante el vil atentado cometido contra tu vida, con la satisfacción de que has sobrevivido a este repudiable hecho. Con los mayores deseos de que te encuentres bien, te abraza, Raúl Castro Ruz.

_____ (2022-09-02). Argentina's Vice President Survives Assassination Attempt. Argentinian Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner survived an assassination attempt this Thursday, September 1, when a man pointed a gun in her face and made the gesture of pulling the trigger before a crowd of her supporters and security agents surrounded him. | The incident occurred late on Thursday evening when Fernández was getting down from her car in front of her home in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Recoleta and greeting supporters who have been on vigil there for almost two weeks, showing their support against the political-judicial persecution that is trying to disqualify her from the 2023 pre…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-09-02). Argentina: Assassination Attempt Against Cristina Fernández de Kirchner Widely Condemned. Tanya Wadhwa Argentine Vice President, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, thanking supporters who have gathered outside her home since last week in her support in the face of ongoing judicial and political persecution against her. (Photo: Cristina Fernández de Kirchner/Twitter) The attack, which shook the country, was widely condemned by numerous political leaders and social activists from…

Staff (2022-09-02). Argentina's Cristina Fernández de Kirchner Miraculously Survives Assassination Attempt. Caracas, September 1, 2022 ( The incident occurred late on Thursday evening when Fernández was getting down from her car in front of her home in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Recoleta and greeting supporters who have been on vigil there for almost two weeks, showi…

Tanya Wadhwa (2022-09-02). Argentina's Cristina Fernández de Kirchner survives an assassination attempt. On Thursday, September 1, Argentina's Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner narrowly escaped an assassination attempt after a man aimed a handgun at point-blank range at her, but the gun did not fire. | The incident took place outside Fernández de Kirchner's home in Buenos Aires' Recoleta neighborhood, where hundreds of protesters have been gathered since last week to express their support for the former president in the face of the judicial and political persecution against her. | Fernández de Kirchner was greeting supporters outside her home, after returning from the senate, when a man emerged from the…

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-09-02). Comandos finalizan campañas rumbo al plebiscito en Chile. La capital chilena acogerá los actos de cierre del Apruebo y el Rechazo, ya que esta medianoche comienza la veda electoral.

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-09-02). Presidente Arce lanza plan por bicentenario de Bolivia. El mandatario marcó la ruta a seguir en los próximos 36 meses e instó a los bolivianos a "soñar en grande".

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-09-02). Colombia anuncia nuevo enfoque de seguridad para Bogotá. También sobre el problema del narcotráfico y la corrupción. Se fortalecerán las operaciones de inteligencia.

TeleSUR, lvm, MER (2022-09-02). Gobierno de Perú aprueba bono para productores agrarios. El Fertiabono se podrá cobrar hasta el 30 de junio de 2023 en las oficinas del Banco de la Nación, precisaron las autoridades peruanas.

Staff (2022-09-02). Embajador de Argentina en La Habana afirma que atentado a Cristina Fernández es resultado de discurso de odio (+ Video). El reciente intento de magnicidio hacia la vicepresidenta de Argentina, Cristina Fernández, es resultado de un discurso de odio que crea las condiciones subjetivas sobre una parte de la población para generar sucesos violentos de esa índole, expresó hoy Luis Ilarregui, embajador de esa nación en Cuba, en conferencia de prensa.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-09-02). Argentina segmenta tarifas del mercado energético de luz y gas. Es parte de las medidas adoptadas por el Gobierno frente a los efectos de la crisis energética mundial.

TeleSUR -HIM (2022-09-02). Lula destaca solidaridad de Venezuela en lucha contra Covid-19. El expresidente de Brasil criticó nuevamente la pobre gestión del Gobierno de Jair Bolsonaro en el enfrentamiento a la pandemia.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-09-02). Venezuela y Colombia trabajan en reabrir frontera común. Este es uno de los pasos del proceso de normalización de las relaciones entre Bogotá y Caracas luego de la juramentación del presidente colombiano, Gustavo Petro.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-09-02). Ofrecen detalles sobre megafraude contra venezolana Pdvsa. La trama de corrupción, ideada por el exministro de Energía y Petróleo, Rafael Ramírez, causó una pérdida de 4.8 millones de dólares.

____ (2022-09-02). Argentina's VP unharmed after failed assassination attempt. TEHRAN, Sep. 02 (MNA) — An assassination attempt on Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner of Argentina on Thursday night failed as a man pointed a pistol at her head and tried to pull the trigger, but the gun did not go off.

TeleSUR (2022-09-02). Colombia-Venezuela Ties to Create New Opportunities for LATAM. The restoration of diplomatic ties between Venezuela and Colombia will provide opportunities not only for the two countries, but also the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean, David Castrillon, a political observer from Del Rosario University in Bogota. | RELATED: | "Colombia's recognition of the Venezuelan government was a very important step that will lead to 'win-win' results in the short, medium, and long ter…

TeleSUR, lvm, JGN (2022-09-02). Presidente argentino repudia atentado contra Cristina Fernández. "La Argentina no puede perder ni un minuto más, ya no hay tiempo. Es necesario desterrar la violencia desde el discurso y la sociedad", enfatizó Fernández.

TeleSUR (2022-09-02). World Leaders Condemn Attack Against Cristina Fernandez. On Thursday night, a Brazilian man attempted to assassinate Argentina's Vice President Cristina Fernandez-Kirchner as she was entering her residence in the La Recoleta neighborhood of Buenos Aires, where hundreds of her supporters have stood vigil since August 22, rejecting the judicial persecution against the Peronist leader. | RELATED: | A few minutes later, President Alberto Fernandez condemned the attempted assassinat…

Staff (2022-09-02). Washington le da una cálida bienvenida a controvertido expresidente colombiano. Queda por verse si la administración estadounidense realmente aceptará la nueva realidad política en Colombia o si intentará socavar, o incluso derrocar, a su gobierno, como lo ha hecho tantas veces antes en América Latina.

Andreína Chávez Alava (2022-09-01). Venezuela: Authorities Reveal Former Oil Minister Role in 'Unprecedented Robbery Scheme'. Venezuelan Oil Minister Tareck El Aissami accused his predecessor Rafael Ramírez of bleeding the oil industry during his 12-year tenure.

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