(2022-12-05). Brazil and Russia: What Can Russia Expect from the New Government of Lula da Silva. infobrics.org Relations between Brazil and Russia have historically been marked by periods of estrangement and rapprochement…
(2022-12-05). Perú realiza comicios para gobernadores en nueve provincias. telesurtv.net La segunda vuelta se desarrolla en Amazonas, Cajamarca, Callao, Cusco, Lambayeque, Lima, Moquegua, Pasco y Piura.
(2022-12-05). Petro: acuerdo con ELN permitirá regreso de indígenas desplazados. telesurtv.net Presidente colombiano valora que el regreso de los Embera a sus resguardos es un compromiso de su Gobierno y el Ejército de Liberación Nacional.
(2022-12-05). Gobierno de Perú desmiente presuntos planes golpistas. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado peruano emitió una declaración para ratificar su compromiso "con la democracia, el Estado de derecho y la Constitución".
(2022-12-05). Advierten en Ecuador sobre aumento de infecciones respiratorias. telesurtv.net Durante las últimas semanas, en las principales ciudades del país se experimentó un aumento de casos de Covid-19.
(2022-12-05). Zurda Infinita repasa primera jornada de octavos de Qatar 2022. telesurtv.net Destacaron el desempeño del equipo de Argentina que salió a buscar el partido para conseguir su pase a cuartos de final del torneo.
(2022-12-05). Prosiguen labores de rescate en bus sepultado por deslave en Colombia. telesurtv.net Hasta el momento hay tres víctimas fatales, se ha rescatado a nueve personas y se estima que falta por encontrar a algo más de 20.
(2022-12-05). Liberarán a jóvenes presos por protestas de 2021 en Colombia. telesurtv.net "Los gobiernos que ordenan a su policía matar, encarcelar, torturar y detener jóvenes no son gobiernos democráticos", afirmó Petro.
(2022-12-04). The Volatility Of US Hegemony In Latin America, Part II. popularresistance.org The US has long considered Latin America and the Caribbean to be its "backyard" under the anachronist 1823 Monroe Doctrine. And even though current US President Biden mistakenly thinks that upgrading the region to the "front yard" makes any difference, Yankee hemispheric hegemony is becoming increasingly volatile. A "Pink Tide" of left electoral victories since 2018 have swept Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Honduras, Chile, Columbia, and Brazil. At the same time, China has emerged as an economic presence while tumultuously inflationary winds blow in the world economy. | In this larger context, the socialist tr…
(2022-12-04). CITGO, Valero, and PBF Refineries Vie for Venezuelan Crude Oil from Chevron. orinocotribune.com US oil refineries that were once regular buyers of Venezuelan crude oil are now vying to gain access to upcoming cargoes chartered by Chevron under the Valero Energy Corp, PBF Energy, and CITGO Petroleum have shown interest in gaining access to the crude oil that Chevron expects to ship in the coming weeks, the sources said. | Venezuelan he…
(2022-12-04). Latin America's Plan To Challenge US Dollar With New Currency. popularresistance.org The US dollar is used in the majority of international trade, and its status as the global reserve currency gives the United States an "exorbitant privilege" that underpins its geopolitical and economic dominance. | Yet opposition to Washington's hegemony is growing around the world. Institutions of Eurasian integration are proposing their own currencies and payment systems. Latin America, too, has ambitious plans to end its dependence on the US dollar. | Prominent economist Andrés Arauz, a leftist leader who came close to winning Ecuador's 2021 presidential elections, published a blueprint for a "new regional fi…
(2022-12-04). FMI aprueba a nivel técnico revisión del acuerdo con Argentina. telesurtv.net El entendimiento está sujeto a la revisión del directorio del FMI y si procede Argentina accedería a un desembolso de 6.000 millones de dólares.
(2022-12-04). Denuncian el asesinato de un líder social colombiano en Nariño. telesurtv.net El Indepaz apuntó que con este caso suman ya 179 líderes asesinados en lo que va de 2022 y 1.399 desde la firma del acuerdo de paz.
(2022-12-04). Quinta ola de covid-19 inicia en Paraguay con 621 nuevos casos. telesurtv.net El director de vigilancia epidemiológica afirmó que el número de personas hospitalizadas se duplicó, pues fueron internados 44 pacientes, entre ellos cuatro embarazadas.
(2022-12-04). Castillo afirma que nada impedirá que siga al mando de Perú. telesurtv.net El poder Legislativo peruano tiene programado discutir y someter a votación el miércoles próximo una tercera moción de vacancia (destitución).
(2022-12-04). Argentina derrota a Australia y avanza a cuartos de final. telesurtv.net La Albiceleste consiguió su pase a la siguiente ronda del torneo gracias a los goles de Lionel Messi y de Julián Álvarez.
(2022-12-04). Piden 25 años de cárcel para líder mapuche Héctor Llaitul en Chile. telesurtv.net La Fiscalía solicita penas por presuntos delitos de incitación y apología a la violencia, hurto, atentado contra la autoridad y usurpación.
(2022-12-04). Presidente Petro anuncia inicio de reforma agraria en Colombia. telesurtv.net "Comenzar la reforma agraria, de manera pacífica. He ahí el reto", indicó el mandatario colombiano.
(2022-12-03). Alastair Crooke: Europe a VASSAL of the US, Destroying Itself Over Ukraine-Russia War! thealtworld.com Going Underground is back on air for the first time since April, now broadcasting to you from Dubai, the heart of the Middle East! For our return episode we speak to Alastair Crooke, the Founder and Director of Conflicts Forum. | He discusses Europe's and the US' declining narrative hegemony with China, India and Brazil taking their own independent positions on the Russia-Ukraine War, the coming showdown with China and the US using Europe as pawns in heating up the rivalry and attempts, the economic self-destruction of Europe via sanctions on Russia and economic divorce with China resulting in the US plucking non…
(2022-12-03). President of Bolivia Calls for Unity to Defeat Coup Attempts. orinocotribune.com On Friday, December 2, Bolivian President Luis Arce called for internal unity to defeat coup attempts in the country after recognizing the existence of conflicts within his own party, Movement Towards Socialism (MAS), the ruling party of Bolivia. | Arce said in a video message that both the right wing and "comrades from inside" are looking for ways for his government to fail. | The Bolivian president reiterated his fight for the Bolivian people and for the construction of a project that strengthens the nation's sovereignty. | "I know that there are those who want to see us fail, from outside, and unfortunately so…
(2022-12-03). Daily Round-up | UK pulls out of military training deal with Israeli arms maker & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episode, we bring you stories of the UK withdrawing from a contract with Elbit systems, the ICJ verdict on a dispute between Bolivia and Chile on a river, Mexico raising the minimum wage, and a bill in Israel that seeks to ban the waving of the Palestinian flag…
(2022-12-03). ICJ rules that Bolivia and Chile both have right to use disputed river. peoplesdispatch.org The International Court of Justice (ICJ), on Thursday, December 2, delivered its verdict on the dispute between Bolivia and Chile over the use of the waters of the Silala river, which originates in Bolivia and crosses Chile. The Hague-based United Nations court ruled that "Silala is an international watercourse," and that both countries have "the right to an equitable and reasonable use" of its waters. | The ICJ also established that Bolivia has the sovereign right over the Silala spring as well as the right to dismantle or make modifications to the artificial channels that carry water from its territory to the n…
(2022-12-03). Venezuela, Chevron sign oil production contracts. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Venezuela's state oil company PDVSA signed contracts with the American oil company Chevron on Friday, media have reported.
(2022-12-03). Venezuela: Opposition Pencil Alliance Willing to Join Dialogue with Government. orinocotribune.com
(2022-12-03). Venezuela's Tax Revenue Grows 93% During January November 2022. orinocotribune.com
(2022-12-03). Mass rally in Argentina in support of Palestine. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Dozens of people gathered in front of the Zionist regime's embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina in support of the Palestinian people.
(2022-12-03). Bringing The People's Voices Into Government. popularresistance.org This episode was broadcast LIVE FROM BOGOTàÅ with guest Lilia Solano, Vice Minister of Social Dialogue and Equality for the government of Colombia | Host Teri Mattson has been in Bogotá since 24 November attending several encuentros organized by Vice Minister Lilia Solano. In this episode Teri and Lilia discuss the Petro government's vision of bringing the 1991 Constitutional reform of direct democracy to reality among the Colombian people and the creation of social movements to develop informed citizens, build political formation and continue to create electoral candidates for the continuation of the Pacto…
(2022-12-03). Presidente venezolano sostiene reunión con sector de oposición. telesurtv.net Este encuentro se enmarca en el contexto del diálogo de paz con los sectores de oposición del país.
(2022-12-03). Venezuela logra récord Guinness con rueda de salsa casino más grande. telesurtv.net Los bailarines superaron el récord que tenía España desde 2019, cuando fue establecido con 1.291 participantes.
(2022-12-03). Zurda Infinita analiza desempeño de Uruguay con Carlos Aguilera. telesurtv.net Aguilera destacó la importancia de ganar el primer partido en la primera fase para evitar sufrir hasta la última fecha.
(2022-12-03). PDVSA and Chevron Sign Contracts for Oil Production in Venezuela. orinocotribune.com On Friday, December 2, Venezuelan state oil company Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) signed a series of contracts with US oil company Chevron for oil production in Venezuela. | These agreements will also allow promoting the development of join ventures in the country. | The signing of the contracts took place at the PDVSA headquarters in La Campiña, Caracas. On behalf of Venezuela, the president of PDVSA, Asdrubal Chávez, and Petroleum Minister Tareck El Aissami signed the contract. | On behalf of Chevron signed the president of Chevron for Venezuela, Javier La Rosa. | Minister El Aissami stated that these contract…
(2022-12-03). Argentina irá contra Países Bajos en cuartos de final tras derrotar a Australia. cubadebate.cu Argentina vence a Australia (2×1) en los octavos de final del Mundial de Catar, en un partido marcado por el dominio del balón del conjunto albiceleste. El rival del equipo de Messi en la próxima ronda de la competición será Países Bajos, que hace unas horas venció al conjunto de Estados Unidos.
(2022-12-03). Países Bajos se medirá a Estados Unidos en octavos de Qatar 2022. telesurtv.net El ganador de este duelo enfrentará al triunfador del encuentro entre Argentina y Australia.
(2022-12-03). Argentina se enfrentará a Australia en octavos de Qatar 2022. telesurtv.net Este será el primer partido que disputen las oncenas de Argentina y Australia desde el amistoso realizado en 2007.
(2022-12-03). Gobierno de Colombia y ELN invitan al campesinado a sumarse a diálogos de paz. telesurtv.net Delegados de las partes en el proceso de diálogo que tiene lugar en Caracas enviaron un mensaje a participantes en la Convención Nacional Campesina.
(2022-12-03). Uruguay ganó pero no alcanzó clasificación a octavos de Qatar 2022. telesurtv.net El conjunto africano llegaba al encuentro tras una derrota ante Portugal 3-2 en su debut, así como una victoria 3-2 frente a Corea del Sur.
(2022-12-03). Autoridades peruanas aseguran que gripe aviar está controlada. telesurtv.net El titular del Midagri afirmó que "hay que seguir consumiendo la carne y los huevos, no hay que preocuparse".
(2022-12-03). Promulgan en Bolivia ley para aplicar resultados del censo. telesurtv.net Presidente Luis Arce denunció a la oposición por aplicar "una lógica dictatorial" contra quienes no apoyaron el paro.
(2022-12-03). Bird Flu Virus Detected in Pelicans in Eastern Venezuela. orinocotribune.com On Friday, December 2, Venezuelan Minister for Science and Technology Gabriela Jiménez reported the detection of the AH5N1 avian influenza virus in pelicans in the eastern Venezuelan state of Anzoátegui. | "The Bolivarian Government of Venezuela reports the detection of the Avian Influenza AH5N1 virus in pelicans in the northern coastal region of Anzoátegui state," the minister wrote on social media. | She announced that "preventive measures and health alerts are being developed" in response to this situation. | La influenza aviar es una enfermedad viral contagiosa que afecta a las aves domésticas y silvestres. L…