(2022-12-06). 33 killed in Colombia landslide. ecns.cn The death toll climbed to 33 from a landslide that buried vehicles along a highway in Colombia over the weekend, Colombian Interior Minister Alfonso Prada said Monday.
(2022-12-06). Vice President Rodríguez: Venezuela to Continue Economic Recovery in 2023. orinocotribune.com On Monday, December 5, Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez led a meeting with the Venezuelan Confederation of Industrialists (Conindustria). Economic expectations and environments for the year 2023 were discussed, with Rodríguez stating that the country will have a favorable economic upturn. | She said that during 2022, positive economic results have been achieved "thanks to the public policies applied and the effort of the private sector to comply with those policies." | The vice president specifically referred to the economic development and prosperity program for Venezuela, saying that it has shown a pos…
(2022-12-06). Archivan denuncias contra vicepresidenta peruana, Dina Boluarte. telesurtv.net El informe final, presentado por el legislador, Edgard Reymundo, fue aprobado con 13 votos a favor y ocho en contra.
(2022-12-06). Perú registra 22.000 aves marinas muertas por gripe aviar. telesurtv.net Sanidad aclara que no es un peligro de salud para los humanos, aunque no se debe entrar en contacto con los cadáveres de las aves.
(2022-12-06). Presidente Arce: Bolivia no permitirá nueva pérdida de territorio. telesurtv.net Para Luis Arce, la propuesta de revisar la relación política de Santa Cruz con Bolivia responde a intereses particulares.
(2022-12-06). Secretario de ALBA-TCP sostiene encuentro con António Guterres. telesurtv.net Llorenti resaltó que entre los temas tratados están los bloqueos impuestos a Cuba y Venezuela, así como las medidas coercitivas unilaterales contra Nicaragua.
(2022-12-06). øCómo fue la primera victoria electoral de Hugo Chávez en 1998. telesurtv.net El 2 de febrero 1999, Hugo Chávez asumió la presidencia de Venezuela con un juramento que marcó el inicio de un profundo proceso de cambios en e país suramericano.
(2022-12-06). Presidente de Perú juramenta a nuevo ministro de Defensa. telesurtv.net Se trata de Emilio Gustavo Bobbio Rosas, doctor en Ciencias Políticas y bachiller en Ciencias Militares.
(2022-12-06). Nueve mil familias afectadas por incendios en los Yungas, Bolivia. telesurtv.net El viceministro de Salud, Álvaro Terrazas, indicó que se está controlando la situación y que existe apoyo de médicos especialistas.
(2022-12-06). Bolivia alerta que 18 pueblos indígenas están en riesgo de desaparecer. telesurtv.net En el oriente, los yuracarés del Territorio Indígena y Parque Nacional Isiboro-Sécure (TIPNIS) están en riesgo porque su cultura y su lengua se van perdiendo.
(2022-12-06). En cumplimiento del deber, película argentina sobre lavado de dinero y corrupción, será proyectada en La Habana. cubadebate.cu La película argentina En cumplimiento del deber participará en la sección Latinoamérica en Perspectiva de la 43 edición del Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano, que se desarrolla en La Habana. En la proyección del filme (68 minutos), el día 8 de diciembre a las 5: 30 p.m. en el cine 23 y 12, estarán su director Jorge Gaggero y el productor Renato Miari.
(2022-12-06). Cristina Fernández espera sentencia sobre la causa Vialidad. telesurtv.net Los imputados seguirán al veredicto por videoconferencia tras la última intervención del exjefe provincial de vialidad.
(2022-12-06). Argentina supera los 940 casos confirmados de viruela símica. telesurtv.net Segun ministerio de salud de Argentina ubicó la existencia del virus en 16 provincias, siendo La Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, la que mayor casos reporta…
(2022-12-06). Indigenous Argentineans Resist Becoming "Sacrifice Zone" for Ecocolonialism. truthout.org Salinas Grandes-Laguna de Guayatayoc is a region located in the province of Jujuy, in the north of Argentina. The 33 Indigenous communities that live around the area belong to the Kolla and Lickan Antay (Atacama) Indigenous people. These territories are high-altitude lakes of salt and minerals that form a closed basin often surrounded by volcanoes and mountains, which communities consider sacred… |
(2022-12-06). Aumenta a 34 cifra de muertos tras deslizamiento de tierra en Risaralda, Colombia. telesurtv.net Entre los fallecidos fueron identificados ocho menores hasta el momento, indicó la Unidad Nacional para la Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres.
(2022-12-06). Piden ante ONU reparaciones históricas a los afrodescendientes. telesurtv.net Francia Márquez propuso acciones de condonación de deuda externa como camino de reparación histórica para los pueblos afrodescendientes.
(2022-12-06). Colombia registra masacre número 92 durante el 2022. telesurtv.net Tras la masacre, las autoridades del Norte de Santander reportaron que en las últimas semanas se ha redoblado la seguridad en la zona.
(2022-12-05). Brazil and Russia: What Can Russia Expect from the New Government of Lula da Silva. infobrics.org Relations between Brazil and Russia have historically been marked by periods of estrangement and rapprochement…
(2022-12-05). The Volatility of US Hegemony in Latin America (Part 1). transcend.org 2 Dec 2022 – Latin America and the Caribbean are again taking on a pink complexion with June's historic electoral victory in Colombia over the US-backed rightwing and a similar reverse in Brazil in October. These electoral rejections of the rightwing followed left victories last year in Peru, Honduras, and Chile. And those, in turn, came after similar routs in Bolivia in 2020, Argentina in 2019, and Mexico in 2018.
(2022-12-05). Perú realiza comicios para gobernadores en nueve provincias. telesurtv.net La segunda vuelta se desarrolla en Amazonas, Cajamarca, Callao, Cusco, Lambayeque, Lima, Moquegua, Pasco y Piura.
(2022-12-05). What is the Future of Venezuela's Communes? libya360.wordpress.com Owen Schalk A man walks past a mural depicting Venezuela's late President Hugo Chávez, Latin American independence hero Simon Bolivar and Venezuela's President Nicolás Maduro in Caracas. Photo by Marco Bello. The challenges facing the communes intensified after Hugo Chávez's death in 2013 One of the most compelling aspects of Venezuela's ongoing Bolivarian Revolution, founded…
(2022-12-05). The Volatility of US Hegemony in Latin America Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Haiti, and China (Part 2). orinocotribune.com By Roger D. Harris Dec 1, 2022 | The US has long considered Latin America and the Caribbean to be its "backyard" under the anachronist 1823 Monroe Doctrine. And even though current US President Biden mistakenly thinks that upgrading the region to the "
(2022-12-05). President Maduro Highlights Venezuelan Economic Prospects. telesurenglish.net On Sunday, President Nicolas Maduro highlighted the promising prospects for the nation that the current process of economic growth and prospects for oil production generate. | RELATED: | "We are recovering the Homeland with work, effort, and deep love for our people. Today we live in peace, joy and with a promising future for all," he said. | On Nov. 26, his administration and the opposition Unitary Platform (PU) signed…
(2022-12-05). "First step in lifting sanctions altogether" unitedworldint.com By Douglas Bolívar / Caracas, Venezuela The US administration has loosened its sanctions targeting the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on November 26. The Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) within the Treasury Department and responsible for applying sanctions, has granted the US oil company Chevron a license limited authorization to resume pumping oil from Venezuela …
(2022-12-05). Argentina Recorded Over 12 000 New COVID-19 Cases Last Week. telesurenglish.net In the latest epidemiological report, the Argentine Ministry of Health noted that the number of new cases confirmed in the last week increased by 279.4 percent, while deaths increased slightly by 12 percent. | RELATED: | The Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA), with 6 032 cases in the last wee…
(2022-12-05). Argentine President Calls for Investigation of Lago Escondido. telesurenglish.net On Monday, the President of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, ordered a criminal investigation into the trip to the Patagonian region of Lago Escondido and the subsequent exchange of chats and audios between a group of judges, prosecutors, former public officials and former agents of the Federal Intelligence Agency (AFI) of the Cambiemos administration. | RELATED: | During a televised address on national television, the Pre…
(2022-12-05). Pelé Goes Into Palliative Care after Cancer Hospitalization. transcend.org 3 Dec 2022 – The Brazilian soccer legend is reportedly receiving palliative care, after his body did not respond to chemotherapy treatment to fight colon cancer, according to Brazilian media.
(2022-12-05). Brazil Still in Turmoil One Month After Presidential Election. latinorebels.com November ended as an extremely violent month in Brazil—not only in the political field, with fanatics of the still-President Jair Bolsonaro again blocking roads and even resorting to terrorism, but also with the mass shooting at two schools in Aracruz, in the interior state of Espírito Santo.
(2022-12-05). Croatia Beat Japan on Penalties and Advance to Quarterfinals. telesurenglish.net On Monday night, Croatia advanced to the quarterfinals of the World Cup in Qatar after beating Japan 3-1. | RELATED: | This was the first match of the current round that could not be finished in 90 minutes since it had to be prolonged in order to define the winner, which will face Brazil or South Korea. Goals were made by the Croatian Ivan Perisic and by the Japanese Daizen Maeda. | Croatia goalkeeper Doninik Livakovic was his country's her…
(2022-12-05). Qatar 2022 World Cup: Brazil Knocks Out South Korea 4 -1. telesurenglish.net The Brazilian national team has knocked out South Korea out of the World Cup with a 4 – 1 win in Monday's match, advancing to the quaterfinals. | RELATED: | This was the first game between Brazil and South Korea in the World Cup, as their previous seven matches were friendlies. | The Brazil national team played this Monday against South Korea to seek a place in the quarterfinals of the Qatar 2022 World Cup at the 974…
(2022-12-05). The Volatility of US Hegemony in Latin America. libya360.wordpress.com Roger D. Harris (L to R) Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales, Lula da Silva and Rafael Correa. Mauricio Lima/ AFP. Part I: The Pink Tide Latin America and the Caribbean have again began to take on a becoming pink complexion, all the more so with June's historic electoral victory in Colombia over the country's long-dominant US-backed…
(2022-12-05). New Colombian government seeks to end educational deficits. america.cgtn.com Colombia's new left-wing government under Gustavo Petro, has promised to tackle long-standing issues of inequality and poverty; however, the country has a long way to go to reverse decades of educational deficits while tackling new issues. CGTN's correspondent Michelle Begue has this story from Bogota.
(2022-12-05). Colombia: Landslide Leaves 27 Dead in Risalda. telesurenglish.net On Sunday, a landslide in the department of Risalda buried a bus and left 27 people dead. Rescue efforts continue and new bodies could be found. | RELATED: | "It is with sadness that I must announce that so far 27 people, including 3 minors, have lost their lives in the tragedy of Pueblo Rico, Risaralda," President Gustavo Petro said, adding that his administration will provide comprehensive support to the families o…
(2022-12-05). Colombian VP Asks for Historic Reparations for Afro-descendants. telesurenglish.net Francia Márquez participated in the inauguration of a week of meetings of the Permanent Forum of Afro-descendants at the UN European headquarters in Geneva, where she called for historical reparation actions for African and Afro-descendant populations. | RELATED: | Member States of the United Nations and the UN itself must establish historical reparation actions for African and Afro-descendant populations so that they "recover the dignity that was…
(2022-12-05). Presidente de Chile instruye reiniciar contactos con Bolivia. cubadebate.cu El presidente Gabriel Boric instruyó al Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores reiniciar contactos con Bolivia para avanzar en la agenda común, luego del fallo de La Haya sobre el diferendo por el caso Silala. El presidente, está interesado en que "podamos profundizar las relaciones con Bolivia a través de una agenda positiva y en eso vamos a trabajar"
(2022-12-05). Realpolitik: Chevron vuelve a operar en Venezuela. globalizacion.ca Una imagen difícil de imaginar hasta hace poco. Funcionarios de la petrolera estadounidense Chevron, firmando un contrato con autoridades del gobierno de Nicolás Maduro en la sede de la petrolera estatal PDVSA, en Caracas. Y no cualquier acuerdo, sino el…
(2022-12-05). Petro: acuerdo con ELN permitirá regreso de indígenas desplazados. telesurtv.net Presidente colombiano valora que el regreso de los Embera a sus resguardos es un compromiso de su Gobierno y el Ejército de Liberación Nacional.
(2022-12-05). Recupera operaciones Aeropuerto Ignacio Agramonte de Camagàºey. cubadebate.cu El Aeropuerto Internacional Ignacio Agramonte, de la provincia de Camagàºey, recupera gradualmente sus operaciones interrumpidas durante el año anterior y hoy suma 30 a la semana. Estados Unidos, Haití, Jamaica, Surinam, Guyana, República Dominicana y México son los destinos principales, y en el caso de este último con vuelos a Cancún y Mérida.
(2022-12-05). Gobierno de Perú desmiente presuntos planes golpistas. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado peruano emitió una declaración para ratificar su compromiso "con la democracia, el Estado de derecho y la Constitución".
(2022-12-05). Confirman inicio de sexta ola de pandemia de Covid-19 en Bolivia. telesurtv.net Lo atribuyen al incremento a las subvariantes de Ómicrón, BQ.1 y BQ.1.1, detectadas en La Paz y Santa Cruz hace 2 meses.
(2022-12-05). Presidente de Venezuela destaca recuperación del país. telesurtv.net El país ha experimentado un crecimiento económico del 10 por ciento, pese a la pandemia de la Covid-19 y de las medidas coercitivas unilaterales de EE.UU.
(2022-12-05). Advierten en Ecuador sobre aumento de infecciones respiratorias. telesurtv.net Durante las últimas semanas, en las principales ciudades del país se experimentó un aumento de casos de Covid-19.
(2022-12-05). Zurda Infinita repasa primera jornada de octavos de Qatar 2022. telesurtv.net Destacaron el desempeño del equipo de Argentina que salió a buscar el partido para conseguir su pase a cuartos de final del torneo.
(2022-12-05). Brazil: Court Suspends Purchase of 98 Italian Armored Vehicles. telesurenglish.net On Monday, Wilson Alves de Souza, judge of the Federal Regional Court of the First Region, provisionally suspended the tender through which the Brazilian army intended to acquire 98 Centauro II armored vehicles for US$946 million. | RELATED: | The judge argued that the purchase of war equipment is not a priority for a country that is not at war or has imminent threats to its national security. His sentence suspends the…
(2022-12-05). Prosiguen labores de rescate en bus sepultado por deslave en Colombia. telesurtv.net Hasta el momento hay tres víctimas fatales, se ha rescatado a nueve personas y se estima que falta por encontrar a algo más de 20.
(2022-12-05). Liberarán a jóvenes presos por protestas de 2021 en Colombia. telesurtv.net "Los gobiernos que ordenan a su policía matar, encarcelar, torturar y detener jóvenes no son gobiernos democráticos", afirmó Petro.
(2022-12-04). The Volatility Of US Hegemony In Latin America, Part II. popularresistance.org The US has long considered Latin America and the Caribbean to be its "backyard" under the anachronist 1823 Monroe Doctrine. And even though current US President Biden mistakenly thinks that upgrading the region to the "front yard" makes any difference, Yankee hemispheric hegemony is becoming increasingly volatile. A "Pink Tide" of left electoral victories since 2018 have swept Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Honduras, Chile, Columbia, and Brazil. At the same time, China has emerged as an economic presence while tumultuously inflationary winds blow in the world economy. | In this larger context, the socialist tr…
(2022-12-04). Peru Holds Elections for Governors in Nine Provinces. telesurenglish.net Almost seven million voters are eligible to participate this Sunday in the election of governors and vice governors in nine regions of the country: Amazonas, Cajamarca, Callao, Cusco, Lambayeque, Lima provinces, Moquegua, Pasco and Piura. | RELATED: | The National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE) informed that the first polling station for the development of the second regional election, in nine regions of the c…
(2022-12-04). CITGO, Valero, and PBF Refineries Vie for Venezuelan Crude Oil from Chevron. orinocotribune.com US oil refineries that were once regular buyers of Venezuelan crude oil are now vying to gain access to upcoming cargoes chartered by Chevron under the Valero Energy Corp, PBF Energy, and CITGO Petroleum have shown interest in gaining access to the crude oil that Chevron expects to ship in the coming weeks, the sources said. | Venezuelan he…
(2022-12-04). Latin America's Plan To Challenge US Dollar With New Currency. popularresistance.org The US dollar is used in the majority of international trade, and its status as the global reserve currency gives the United States an "exorbitant privilege" that underpins its geopolitical and economic dominance. | Yet opposition to Washington's hegemony is growing around the world. Institutions of Eurasian integration are proposing their own currencies and payment systems. Latin America, too, has ambitious plans to end its dependence on the US dollar. | Prominent economist Andrés Arauz, a leftist leader who came close to winning Ecuador's 2021 presidential elections, published a blueprint for a "new regional fi…
(2022-12-04). FMI aprueba a nivel técnico revisión del acuerdo con Argentina. telesurtv.net El entendimiento está sujeto a la revisión del directorio del FMI y si procede Argentina accedería a un desembolso de 6.000 millones de dólares.
(2022-12-04). Denuncian el asesinato de un líder social colombiano en Nariño. telesurtv.net El Indepaz apuntó que con este caso suman ya 179 líderes asesinados en lo que va de 2022 y 1.399 desde la firma del acuerdo de paz.
(2022-12-04). Quinta ola de covid-19 inicia en Paraguay con 621 nuevos casos. telesurtv.net El director de vigilancia epidemiológica afirmó que el número de personas hospitalizadas se duplicó, pues fueron internados 44 pacientes, entre ellos cuatro embarazadas.
(2022-12-04). Castillo afirma que nada impedirá que siga al mando de Perú. telesurtv.net El poder Legislativo peruano tiene programado discutir y someter a votación el miércoles próximo una tercera moción de vacancia (destitución).
(2022-12-04). Argentina derrota a Australia y avanza a cuartos de final. telesurtv.net La Albiceleste consiguió su pase a la siguiente ronda del torneo gracias a los goles de Lionel Messi y de Julián Álvarez.
(2022-12-04). Piden 25 años de cárcel para líder mapuche Héctor Llaitul en Chile. telesurtv.net La Fiscalía solicita penas por presuntos delitos de incitación y apología a la violencia, hurto, atentado contra la autoridad y usurpación.
(2022-12-04). Presidente Petro anuncia inicio de reforma agraria en Colombia. telesurtv.net "Comenzar la reforma agraria, de manera pacífica. He ahí el reto", indicó el mandatario colombiano.