(2022-12-17). Protests mount in Peru with at least 21 killed by US-trained security forces. wsws.org The Peruvian military and police escalated the repression against the ongoing social upheaval after the declaration of a nationwide state of emergency.
(2022-12-17). Peru: Death Toll in Protests Rises to 20, Government Crisis Unravels. orinocotribune.com
(2022-12-17). Lawfare: Judicial And Legislative Coups In Argentina And Peru. popularresistance.org On Tuesday, December 6, An Argentine court sentenced Vice President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner to six years in jail and disqualified her from holding public office in a high-profile corruption case on Tuesday. | The vice president, who has temporary immunity due to her current role, will not face immediate prison time and is expected to appeal the sentence, with the case likely to spend years winding through higher courts. The crisis in Peru reached the streets, after Congress dismissed former President Pedro Castillo on December 7 for wanting to dissolve Parliament and establish an emergency government. | Th…
(2022-12-17). Two Peruvian ministers resign amid deadly protests. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 17 (MNA) — Two ministers from Peru's new government have resigned amid protests that have resulted in civilian deaths.
(2022-12-17). 3 killed, 52 injured during protests in Peru's Junin. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 17 (MNA) — Three people were killed and another 52 injured during protests in Peru's Junin region, the local health department said on Saturday.
(2022-12-17). Continúan movilizaciones para exigir el cierre del Congreso peruano. telesurtv.net El último reporte del Ministerio de Salud peruano precisó 63 hospitalizados registrados en Ayacucho, Apurimac, Lima, Arequipa, La Libertad, Huancavelica, Junín.
(2022-12-17). Renuncian ministros de Educación y Cultura en Perú. telesurtv.net De acuerdo al movimiento político Nuevo Perú, su secretario general Enver León pidió el cese de la represión.
(2022-12-17). Congreso peruano rechaza adelanto de elecciones para 2023. telesurtv.net La iniciativa recibió 49 votos a favor, 33 en contra y 25 abstenciones, pero no alcanzó el total requerido.
(2022-12-17). Retornan a Venezuela 249 connacionales provenientes de Perú. telesurtv.net En el vuelo de la aerolínea venezolana Conviasa viajaban 67 niños, unos 70 jóvenes venezolanos y más de 10 adultos mayores.
(2022-12-17). Presidente Maduro se reúne con dirigentes de partido opositor. telesurtv.net El mandatario destacó que el diálogo es primordial para avanzar aún más por la recuperación.
(2022-12-17). Realizan movilización por mayor presupuesto educativo en Ecuador. telesurtv.net "La movilización fue para exigir mayor presupuesto para las universidades, mejores ofertas laborales para los jóvenes", declaró Mauricio Chiluisa.
(2022-12-17). Canciller de Argentina insta a consolidar integración regional. telesurtv.net "Tenemos que trabajar con diferentes miradas, con diferentes testimonios, con diferentes historias", refirió el titular de la cartera de Exteriores.
(2022-12-17). Decretan alerta de riesgo sanitario en capital chilena por humo. telesurtv.net Hay incendios forestales activos cerca de Santiago y contaminan el aire sobre la ciudad. Se registran altas temperaturas.
(2022-12-17). Desarrollan encuentro colombo-venezolano sobre economía. telesurtv.net Las autoridades destacaron que esta iniciativa surgió de los mandatarios Nicolás Maduro y Gustavo Petro.
(2022-12-17). Zurda Infinita conversa con el cantante Guillermo Novellis. telesurtv.net Destacaron el desempeño que ha tenido el capitán de la selección de Argentina, Lionel Messi, en este torneo.
(2022-12-17). Senado de Bolivia aprueba proyecto ley de presupuesto para 2023. telesurtv.net El ente indicó que esta disposición fue derivada al órgano Ejecutivo para que sea promulgada.
(2022-12-17). Iran ranks 7th in 2022 World Weightlifting C'ship. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 17 (MNA) — Iran has ranked seventh at the World Weightlifting Championships 2022 held in Bogota, Colombia.
(2022-12-16). Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia back Peru's President Castillo, condemn 'anti-democratic harassment'. mronline.org Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, and Bolivia released a joint statement supporting Peru's elected President Pedro Castillo, saying he is the victim of "anti-democratic harassment," following a U.S.-backed right-wing coup.
(2022-12-16). Golpe In Peru: Castillo Under Arrest, People Demand A Constituent Assembly. popularresistance.org Regardless of Castillo presidency's evident shortcomings and mistakes, his ouster represents a grave setback for democracy in Peru and Latin America as a whole. His election last year took place on the back of an almighty crisis of credibility and legitimacy of a political system rigged with corruption and venality in which presidents were forced to resign on corruption charges (some ended in prison), with one committing suicide before being arrested on corruption charges. In the last six years Peru has had six presidents. | The rot was so advanced that no mainstream political party or politician could muster suf…
(2022-12-16). Juez dicta 18 meses de prisión preventiva contra el expresidente peruano Pedro Castillo. telesurtv.net El Ministerio Público de Perú había solicitado 18 meses de prisión preventiva contra el exmandatario.
(2022-12-16). Bolivarian Alliance (ALBA) supports Peru's President Castillo against coup, denounces lawfare in Argentina. multipolarista.com The left-wing Bolivarian Alliance (ALBA) uniting countries in Latin America and the Caribbean met for its 18th annual summit, condemning the coup d'etat in Peru against "Constitutional President Pedro Castillo," denouncing the "unsubstantiated judicial processes (lawfare)" in Argentina against Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.
(2022-12-16). Continúa la represión contra manifestantes en Perú. telesurtv.net La Defensoría del Pueblo de Perú reportó dos nuevos decesos y decenas de heridos en Ayacucho.
(2022-12-16). Sube a 18 la cifra de muertos por represión a protestas en Perú. telesurtv.net La Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos de Perú demandó la investigación de los responsables de las muertes en Ayacucho.
(2022-12-16). Death Toll From Peru Protests Tops 20 as 'Coup' Government Extends Castillo's Jail Term. commondreams.org "The democratic space is closing; we are on the way to authoritarianism," warned a leading human rights advocate in the South American nation.
(2022-12-16). ALBA-TCP Summit Declares Arrest of Pedro Castillo Coup d'État. orinocotribune.com This Thursday, December 15, the summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America Peoples' Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) condemned the events in Perú against President Pedro Castillo, describing it as a coup d'état. | During the 18th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the ALBA-TCP, which began this Wednesday in Havana, Cuba, the arbitrary detention of Pedro Castillo by police officers was condemned, and member states agreed with the arguments of Castillo's defense that there was in fact no court order against the president at the time of his arrest on December 7, when Congress ousted him fr…
(2022-12-16). 2022 Russia-Brazil Bilateral Trade Reaching Record Highs. infobrics.org Trade volumes between Brazil and Russia are on track to reach a record high of US$10 billion by the end of 2022, according to Rodrigo Baena Soares, Brazil's Ambassador to Russia…
(2022-12-16). Belt and Road Initiative: Prospects for Brazil. infobrics.org The Belt and Road initiative introduced by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013 serves as a boost to global development. The project was initially focused on connectivity and land integration of the western part of China with Central Asia and Europe; then it has added maritime routes that include Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean, Africa, and as of 2018, they already included it in Latin America with its projection towards the Arctic Ocean…
(2022-12-16). Lisandra Ordaz ganó único boleto a la Copa del Mundo de ajedrez. cubadebate.cu Finalizó en Ecuador el Campeonato Continental femenino de ajedrez y dos cubanas terminaron abrazadas en la punta, con siete unidades: la pinareña Lisandra Ordaz (cinco triunfos y cuatro | 6F1 | empates) y la villaclareña naturalizada paraguaya Jennifer Pérez (seis éxitos, dos tablas y un revés).
(2022-12-16). Iran's Afshin Ghaderzadeh wins Guinness World Records. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 16 (MNA) — The Iranian citizen Afshin Ghaderzadeh took the title of World's Shortest Man Living from previous record-holder Edward Hernandez, from Colombia.
(2022-12-16). Can Colombia Show the Rest of the World How to Tax the Rich? commondreams.org The new tax regime follows a very straightforward principle: those who earn and own more, pay more.
(2022-12-16). Corte argentina deja firme la condena de prisión a Milagro Sala. telesurtv.net Milagro Sala está en prisión preventiva desde 2016, aún cuando organizaciones sociales exigen continuamente su liberación.
(2022-12-16). Ambassador Félix Plasencia Elected New Secretary General of ALBA-TCP. orinocotribune.com This Thursday, December 15, the Venezuelan diplomat, Félix Plasencia, was appointed to the role of secretary general of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America Peoples' Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP), during the 18th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the ALBA-TCP. | The member states of the organisation elected to appoint Plasencia to be in charge of the ALBA-TCP during the current summit, which began this Wednesday in Havana, Cuba, bringing together the various leaders of the region. Plasencia had held the position of Venezuelan ambassador to Bogotá, Colombia, from August 11, 2022, under t…
(2022-12-16). Sanctions and National Dialogue in Venezuela: Their Indissoluble Linkage. libya360.wordpress.com Yoselina Guevara L. On Tuesday, December 6, the National Dialogue Forum in Venezuela was held online, organized by the Consulate of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Quito, the Consul Pedro Sassone and the collaboration of the Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity, Ecuador Chapter, and CPAZ Coordinating Committee for Peace, Sovereignty…
(2022-12-16). Diputados de Bolivia aprueban el presupuesto para el 2023. telesurtv.net El proyecto ley del Presupuesto General del Estado (PGE), fue aprobado con 68 votos a favor.
(2022-12-16). Zurda Infinita conversa con el exfutbolista brasileño Zico. telesurtv.net Zico destacó que Argentina cuenta con más hinchas que Francia de cara a la final que disputarán el próximo domingo.
(2022-12-16). Frente de Todos exigirá juicio contra funcionarios argentinos. telesurtv.net La marcha tendrá lugar desde el Ministerio Público Fiscal hacia el Ministerio de Justicia y Seguridad de la capital.
(2022-12-16). Argentina registró una inflación de 4.9% en noviembre. telesurtv.net El ente estadistico destacó que continúa la tendencia a la baja de la inflación tras el pico de julio de 7.4 por ciento.
(2022-12-16). Vice President Rodríguez: 927 Sanctions Imposed on Venezuela Since 2014. orinocotribune.com On Wednesday, December 14, the vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, outlined the long history of attacks on the Venezuelan national economy at the special session of the National Assembly held for the first discussion of the Budget Bill for fiscal year 2023. | She highlighted that since 2014, 927 unilateral coercive measures have been imposed on Venezuela: "723 from the US, Europe and the West; 477 on individuals, 169 sanctions directed against public bodies and private companies, 69 national and foreign vessels sanctioned through the naval blockade to prevent trade, 58 aircrafts sanctioned, and 164 sanc…
(2022-12-16). Escobari and Hoover Make an Improper Comparison to 2016, Invalidating Their "Difference-in-Difference" Estimates. cepr.net This is the tenth in a series of blog posts addressing a report by Diego Escobari and Gary Hoover covering the 2019 presidential election in Bolivia. Their conclusions do not hold up to scrutiny, as we observe in our report Nickels Before Dimes. Here, we expand upon various claims and conclusions that Escobari and Hoover …
(2022-12-16). Llaman a evacuar zonas cercanas a incendio forestal en Chile. telesurtv.net Se emitieron mensajes para la evacuación de Mirador Alto el Yali, Camino el Convento, Las Viñas del Convento y Santa Blanca.
(2022-12-16). Venezuela to Begin Gradual Reopening of Maritime and Aerial Borders with Aruba, Curaàßao, and Bonaire Islands. orinocotribune.com On Monday, December 12, the vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, reported on Venezuela and the Netherlands' review of steps to take to reopen the maritime and aerial borders between Venezuela and the islands of Aruba, Curaàßao, and Bonaire, overseas territories of the Netherlands in the Caribbean (Netherlands Antilles). The borders have been closed since 2019. | Vice President Rodríguez reported on Twitter that she held a meeting with the ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Venezuela, Robert Schuddeboom, regarding the reopening of the borders. | Nos reunimos con el embajador del Reino d…
(2022-12-16). Presidente de Colombia anuncia aumento de salario mínimo para 2023. telesurtv.net La ministra de Trabajo, Gloria Inés Ramírez aseveró que esta disposición se acompañará de otras medidas para beneficio de los colombianos.
(2022-12-15). Movimientos sociales convocan a gran marcha nacional en Perú. telesurtv.net Los convocantes al paro nacional indicaron que esperan masivas movilizaciones en las regiones de La Libertad, Arequipa, Lima, Cusco y Cajamarca.
(2022-12-15). Peruvians occupy the streets as anti-coup protests escalate. peoplesworld.org Since December 7, tens of thousands of citizens have been protesting in different parts of Peru against the ouster of democratically-elected left-wing President Pedro Castillo in a legislative coup carried out by the right-wing dominated unicameral Congress. For the last week, Peruvians have been on the streets demanding that Castillo, who was illegally arrested following his removal from office, …
(2022-12-15). Peru declares 30-day state of emergency amid protests. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 15 (MNA) — Peru announced a nationwide state of emergency on Wednesday after a week of fiery protests that have left at least eight dead.
(2022-12-15). Perú: Un pueblo furioso ante una represión que sigue dejando muertos. globalizacion.ca Lo peor es que Dina Boluarte no ha entendido que las calles exigen adelanto de elecciones, referéndum y Asamblea constituyente. | La inmensa mayoría de peruanos intuye o toma conciencia de que no se trata solo de presidentes o gobiernos corruptos…
(2022-12-15). El golpe derechista contra Pedro Castillo. cubadebate.cu Quienes se dicen satisfechos con la supuesta constitucionalidad de la brutal destitución del presidente Pedro Castillo por la dictadura parlamentaria peruana, le hacen un flaco favor al movimiento democrático y progresista, ya sea consciente o inconscientemente. Su candidatura fue repudiada por las racistas y clasistas élites peruanas no más dada a conocer, y nunca tuvo la simpatía de las Fuerzas Armadas, que inclinaron la balanza a la hora decisiva.
(2022-12-15). Estudiantes peruanos toman una universidad en capital del país. telesurtv.net Los jóvenes expresaron que podrían sumarse a las manifestaciones del 15 de diciembre en el Centro de Lima.
(2022-12-15). Gobierno impone estado de emergencia durante 30 días en Perú. telesurtv.net Se restringen derechos básicos como libre tránsito, reunión, inviolabilidad del domicilio. Las Fuerzas Armadas ayudarán a la policía en la seguridad…
(2022-12-15). Movilizaciones continúan en Perú para demandar el cierre del Congreso. telesurtv.net Los manifestantes denuncian que la represión policial no cesa y, hasta el momento, la cifra de fallecidos aumentó a ocho.
(2022-12-15). 'We Are Standing, Whole, and Victorious': President Maduro at ALBA-TCP Summit in Cuba (+Perú). orinocotribune.com On Wednesday, December 14, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, declared during a session convened by the National Assembly of Popular Power of Cuba that the countries of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America Peoples' Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) are the progressive vanguard of the region, and remain standing despite the constant attacks upon them. | "Today," he stated, "we, the governments and the peoples, the progressive and revolutionary vanguard of Latin America and the Caribbean, are here, present, united, standing, whole and victorious, after enduring conspiracies, aggression, inter…
(2022-12-15). Peruvians Continue to Resist as Anti-Coup Protests Enter Second Week. libya360.wordpress.com Tanya Wadhwa Since December 7, tens of thousands of Peruvians have been protesting in different parts of the country, demanding release and reinstatement of President Pedro Castillo, closure of the Congress, new elections and new constitution through a Constituent Assembly. Photo: Wilson Chilo / Wayka Peru Defying the state of emergency, enduring brutal police and…
(2022-12-15). Brazil's Lula endorses Castillo's impeachment in Peru on behalf of imperialism. wsws.org Lula immediately sanctioned Castillo's removal from office, assuring that "everything was carried out within the constitutional framework."
(2022-12-15). Peru coup: CIA agent turned US ambassador met with defense minister day before president overthrown. multipolarista.com The US ambassador in Peru, Lisa Kenna, worked for the CIA for 9 years, as well as the Pentagon. One day before the coup against elected left-wing President Pedro Castillo, Kenna met with Peru's defense minister, who then ordered the military to turn against Castillo.
(2022-12-15). Perú bajo estado de emergencia por 30 días, denuncian abusos policiales. cubadebate.cu El Gobierno peruano declaró el estado de emergencia por 30 días en todo el país ante las protestas que generó la destitución de Pedro Castillo la pasada semana. Este jueves, el Ministerio de Salud confirmó la octava muerte de un civil y la Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos enumeró, con evidencias, los casos de represión ilegal desde que comenzaron las manifestaciones.
(2022-12-15). Expresidente de Perú pide a la CIDH que interceda por sus derechos. telesurtv.net Mientras Pedro Castillo continúa detenido, la represión estatal se ha intensificado en varias regiones del país.
(2022-12-15). Colombian tourism with a Chinese twist. america.cgtn.com The trip from China to South America is a long one, but Colombia hopes to draw Chinese tourists back after easing travel restrictions earlier this year.
(2022-12-15). Presidente argentino resalta logros alcanzados en tres años de gestión. telesurtv.net El mandatario destacó que Argentina atravesó la crisis sanitaria, como gran parte del planeta, siendo capaz de superarla y avanzar.
(2022-12-15). Nicolás Maduro Among 10 Most Influential World Leaders on Twitter in 2022. orinocotribune.com The head of state ranks sixth in the world for his influence on the social media network. | This December 9th, the website Twiplomacy announced its most influential diplomats for the past year. The popular website concluded that the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, was among the 10 most influential world leaders on the Twitter social media platform. | Maduro ranked sixth, according to the list that details the most influential world leaders on Twitter. The digital diplomacy website Twiplomacy, which has been providing digital diplomacy trends and news since 2012, states that its power rankings apply a cust…
(2022-12-15). Bolivia llama a seguir construyendo un mundo mejor. telesurtv.net El mandatario boliviano afirmó que el capitalismo busca la producción y reproducción del capital aniquilando todo a su paso.
(2022-12-15). U.S. tries Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, setting dangerous precedent. mronline.org The United States announces that Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab will be brought to trial before a federal court in Miami.
(2022-12-15). Venezuela y Rusia firman acuerdos en sectores estratégicos. telesurtv.net La Comisión Intergubernamental de Alto Nivel (CIAN) cumple 20 años con relaciones bilaterales de mutuo beneficio.
(2022-12-15). Chile informa alza de Covid-19 y acumula 4.086 contagios. telesurtv.net Chile acumula 4.967.494 casos confirmados y 62.753 fallecidos a causa del coronavirus.
(2022-12-15). Venezolano Félix Plasencia es designado secretario del ALBA-TCP. telesurtv.net El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, celebró la designación de Plasencia y destacó su eficiencia en cada tarea encomendada.
(2022-12-15). Asesinan a líder agrario colombiano en La Guajira. telesurtv.net Con la muerte de Gámez Hinojosa suman 186 los líderes comunitarios asesinados en Colombia durante 2022.
(2022-12-15). Francia pasa a la final de Qatar 2022 tras derrotar a Marruecos. telesurtv.net El próximo 18 de diciembre Francia se enfrentará a Argentina en la gran final del Mundial Qatar 2022.
(2022-12-15). Atilio Borón: 'Only an Uprising Will Create the Conditions Necessary to Resolve this Crisis'. orinocotribune.com By Atilio Borón Dec 14, 2022 | This deplorable situation will not be resolved by relying on the self-criticism of the federal courts, on its proven (lack of) willingness to self-reform, or on an unproductive dialogue with the beneficiaries of the reactionary mafia occupying Argentinian justice and politics. | I think that only a uprising like that of October 17, which founded modern Argentina, or the large demonstrations that toppled the regimes of the Shah of Iran, Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, or that liberated India from British rule will create the conditions necessary to resolve this crisis. | Like a very ag…
(2022-12-15). Encuesta de Cubadebate: øQuién alzará la copa en Catar 2022? cubadebate.cu Luego de los partidos de semifinales, dos equipos se alistan para disputar la gran final del Mundial Catar 2022: Argentina y Francia. De esta manera, los usuarios de Cubadebate acertaron al elegir a ambas selecciones como favoritas para la final. øCuál alzará la copa?
(2022-12-15). Presidente venezolano destaca importancia de la unidad regional. telesurtv.net El mandatario venezolano afirmó que ALBA-TCP debe demostrar en la práctica que es una alianza para el desarrollo, la paz, la igualdad y el progreso.
(2022-12-15). Zurda Infinita analiza segunda jornada de semifinales de Qatar 2022. telesurtv.net Francia y Argentina definirán el próximo domingo al ganador de esta Copa del Mundo Qatar 2022.
(2022-12-15). WorkWeek 12-8-22 Pres Biden & Demos Betray Railway Workers & Chicago MTA ATU Pres Candidat. indybay.org WorkWeek covers Pres Biden & Demos Betray Railway Workers & Chicago MTA ATU Pres Candidate Erek Slater, The UAW UC Strike & Privatization & Lessons Of Brazil & Rise Of Fascism…
(2022-12-15). Venezuela denuncia efectos del bloqueo de EE.UU. en su economía. telesurtv.net Ocurrió durante la sesión especial de la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela, la cual debe aprobar el presupuesto de 2023.
(2022-12-15). Only an Uprising Will Create the Conditions Necessary to Resolve This Crisis. orinocotribune.com By Atilio Borón Dec 14, 2022 | This deplorable situation will not be resolved by relying on the self-criticism of the federal courts, on its proven (lack of) willingness to self-reform, or on an unproductive dialogue with the beneficiaries of the reactionary mafia occupying Argentinian justice and politics. | I think that only a uprising like that of October 17, which founded modern Argentina, or the large demonstrations that toppled the regimes of the Shah of Iran, Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, or that liberated India from British rule will create the conditions necessary to resolve this crisis. | Like a very ag…