(2022-12-29). Golpe en Perú: El "excedente poblacional nocivo" y la entrega de los recursos naturales. globalizacion.ca Analistas peruanos temen que tras la destitución del presidente constitucional Pedro Castillo, el saqueo de los recursos será de tal magnitud, las matanzas serán tan enormes, el hambre tan grande, la desesperación de tal magnitud, que es probable que finalmente…
(2022-12-29). Justicia peruana evalúa prisión preventiva del expresidente Pedro Castillo. telesurtv.net El presidente peruano fue capturado tras una vacancia exprés por el Congreso el cual nombró entonces a Dina Boluarte.
(2022-12-29). Expresidente peruano niega cargos judiciales en su contra. telesurtv.net Pedro Castillo aseguró que su prisión preventiva es injusta y responde a una " venganza política".
(2022-12-29). La crisis peruana se irradia por toda la región. globalizacion.ca La represión aumenta en Perú a medida que la actual presidenta Dina Boluarte cierra filas con el centro y la derecha para consolidar su débil gobierno. De hecho, el flamante nombramiento como Jefe de Gabinete a Alberto Otárola, hasta ayer…
(2022-12-29). Peruvian Dictatorship Shows True Colours: Alderpeople Dismissed, National Strike Called for January 4. orinocotribune.com Caracas, December 28, 2022 ( The de facto ministry of the interior justified their decision on the basis that "
(2022-12-29). Reportan sismo de magnitud 5,4 en Arequipa, Perú. telesurtv.net A pesar de la fuerza del fenómeno, no se registraron daños materiales graves ni lesionados ni pérdida de vidas humanas.
(2022-12-29). Policía de Bolivia aprehende al gobernador de Santa Cruz. telesurtv.net La Fiscalía de Bolivia explicó que la aprehensión fue en cumplimiento de la orden emitida por la Fiscalía Departamental de La Paz en el caso denominado Golpe de Estado I.
(2022-12-29). Gobernador boliviano se acoge a su derecho al silencio en el caso Golpe de Estado I. telesurtv.net Desde la Fiscalía General de Bolivia no han indicado la fecha de la audiencia donde Camacho conocerá si se podrá defender en libertad o desde la cárcel.
(2022-12-29). Presidente de Venezuela destaca labor y compromiso de la FANB. telesurtv.net "Desde lo más profundo de mi alma, me siento orgulloso de la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana que me toca comandar", subrayó Maduro.
(2022-12-29). Ecuador's Cotopaxi volcano emits ash and gases. ecns.cn The Cotopaxi volcano emits ash and gases, as seen from Mulalo, Cotopaxi province, Ecuador, on December 28, 2022.
(2022-12-29). Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo encuentra al nieto 132 en Argentina. telesurtv.net Este nuevo nieto identificado es hijo de Mercedes del Valle Morales, quien fue desaparecida durante la última dictadura militar.
(2022-12-29). Creating a BRICS Reserve Currency: A Long-term Project. infobrics.org Russia and other BRICS members — Brazil, India, China and South Africa — each have different approaches to making changes to establish an alternative non-dollar-denominated international financial system…
(2022-12-29). Beyond Geopolitics: Re-Examining Russia's BRICS Relationship. infobrics.org Despite frequent skepticism, the BRICS have come a long way. From a loose label given by investment bankers to four emerging economies in 2001 (Brazil, Russia, India and China), to a semi-formal group (adding South Africa in 2010)…
(2022-12-29). Lula appoints former union bureaucrat as Brazil's new labor minister. wsws.org The metalworkers' union of the critical industrial region of ABC headed by Luiz Marinho was responsible for suppressing workers' struggles against mass layoffs, defending an alliance between capital and labor.
(2022-12-29). President Boric Says Chile Will Open Embassy in Occupied Palestine. indybay.org "We cannot forget a community that is suffering from an illegal occupation, a community that is resisting, a community that is seeing its rights and dignity violated every day," Chile's leftist president said.
(2022-12-29). Chile reporta 125.339 hectáreas afectadas por incendios forestales. telesurtv.net La región norte y el centro del país son las más afectadas con pronósticos de disminución en la disponibilidad del agua, superior al por ciento.
(2022-12-29). Lideresa mapuche critica nuevo proceso constituyente en Chile. telesurtv.net Asegura que no es democrático, no toma en cuenta los derechos de los pueblos originarios y es liderado por la derecha.
(2022-12-29). Gobierno colombiano rechaza asesinato de firmantes de paz. telesurtv.net Desde agosto pasado ha disminuido la cifra de asesinatos a firmantes a partir de las medidas implementadas.
(2022-12-29). Senado uruguayo sanciona proyecto de reforma jubilatoria. telesurtv.net El proyecto fue presentado por el Ejecutivo de Luis Lacalle Pou y una Comisión de Expertos en Seguridad Social.
(2022-12-29). Detectan nuevas cepas derivadas de la variante àìmicron en Uruguay. telesurtv.net El ente de Salud alertó que los cambios de los virus pueden influir en su facilidad de propagación y la gravedad de la enfermedad.
(2022-12-28). Bolivia: Police Arrest Santa Cruz Governor. telesurenglish.net The Minister of Government, Eduardo del Castillo, announced on Wednesday the execution of the arrest warrant issued by the Departmental Prosecutor's Office of La Paz against the governor of Santa Cruz. | RELATED: | Castillo said through his official Twitter account: "We inform the Bolivian people that the Bolivian Police complied with the arrest warrant against Mr. Luis Fernando Camacho." | The charges against the…
(2022-12-28). Peruvian Court Evaluates Pedro Castillo's Preventive Detention. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, the Supreme Court's Criminal Chamber analyzes the appeal filed by Peru's Former President Pedro Castillo against a judicial decision whereby he is subjected to 18 months of pretrial detention. If the Chamber's decision is favorable, his pretrial detention could be replaced by a detention under the modality of "appearance with restrictions." | RELATED: | On Dec. 15, Supreme Judge Juan Checkley ordered preventive detention agai…
(2022-12-28). Seeking relief from oppression, Peruvians resist Castillo removal…and wait. peoplesworld.org "Pedro Castillo emerged from that deep, excluded, and marginalized Peru that has been the primordial object of nefarious consequences of treason by the elites," according to an observer. Castillo was the first progressive candidate ever to win a presidential election in Peru. After harassing him for months, Peru's right-wing-dominated unicameral Congress recently ordered Castillo's removal …
(2022-12-28). Peruanos reiniciarán el 4 de enero protestas contra Congreso. telesurtv.net Los dirigentes populares también decidieron preparar una marcha hacia Lima, la capital del país suramericano.
(2022-12-28). Bolivia Keeps Bus Departures to Peru Suspended. telesurenglish.net The La Paz Bus Terminal ratified on Wednesday the suspension of departures to Peru due to the blockades that persist in that nation. | RELATED: | The director of the Bus Terminal, Américo Gemio said, "There are no departures, unfortunately the tourists are stranded here in La Paz, they will surely return to their places of origin because they will not be able to make the trip to Cuzco and Puno, but well we are going to give them the service they require.
(2022-12-28). US-backed coup regime in Peru extends emergency rule and military repression. wsws.org Defying the repression and despite Congress's approval of a bill promising to new elections in April 2024, demonstrations have continued in Lima, Cusco and across southern Peru against the December 7 coup and demanding the resignation of Boluarte.
(2022-12-28). Resaltan que Bolivia tiene una de las inflaciones más bajas del mundo. telesurtv.net El control de la inflación en Bolivia se sustenta en datos objetivos, avalados por revistas académicas y medios de comunicación internacionales.
(2022-12-28). U.S. 'justice' system trashes diplomatic immunity & rules against Alex Saab, defense working on appeal. mronline.org On Friday, December 23, U.S. Federal Judge Robert Scola of the Southern District of Florida ruled that the Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab does not have the right to diplomatic immunity, as the U.S. government does not recognize the government of President Nicolás Maduro.
(2022-12-28). Venezuela's Authorities Control Fire at Cardón Refinery. orinocotribune.com Firefighters from Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) in Falcón state were able to gain control of the fire reported on the night of Monday, December 26, in a waste lagoon at the Cardón refinery, part of the Paraguaná Refining Hub. | This was confirmed the same night through the social media accounts of Vice Minister for Risk Management and Civil Protection Carlos Pérez Ampueda. | Pérez Ampueda indicated that the National Risk Management System carried out fire extinguishing maneuvers in the waste lagoon. | Sistema Nacional de Gestión de Riesgo ejecuta maniobras de extinción de incendio en la laguna de residuos ubicad…
(2022-12-28). Venezuela and North Korea Strengthen Bilateral Relations. orinocotribune.com The two countries addressed the Korean Peninsula's complex situation caused by US interference in the region. | A report released by the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry stated that Venezuela's Vice Minister for Asia, Middle East, and Oceania, Capaya Rodríguez González, and North Korean Ambassador to Venezuela Ri Sung Gil met in Caracas to discuss the "deepening of political-bilateral relations" between the two nations. | The Venezuelan Foreign Ministry's report indicated that the diplomats from Caracas and Pyongyang exchanged views on the state of the world during the meeting "with the aim of addressing issues of…
(2022-12-28). Asesinan a guía penitenciario ecuatoriano en cárcel El Rodeo. telesurtv.net El hecho forma parte de la crisis carcelaria que deja más de 420 presos han sido asesinados en once masacres desde 2021.
(2022-12-28). Vicepresidenta argentina denuncia campaña de proscripción en su contra. telesurtv.net Fernández de Kircher convocó a realizar una gran manifestación el 24 de marzo próximo, cuando se cumplirán 40 años del retorno a la democracia en el país suramericano.
(2022-12-28). Fernandez-Kirchner Denounces Proscription Campaign Against Her. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, Argentina's Vice President Cristina Fernandez-Kirchner assured that her decision not to run as a candidate in the 2023 presidential elections is the consequence of a campaign perpetrated by elites to politically outlaw her and Peronism. | RELATED: | "It is neither resignation nor self-exclusion. It is proscription", she said during the inauguration of the Diego Armando Maradona Sports Center in Avellaneda. | "Th…
(2022-12-28). Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo Find Grandson 132. telesurenglish.net The humanitarian organization Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo in Argentina announced today having found the whereabouts of Juan José Morales, son of Mercedes del Valle Morales, who disappeared during the last civil-military dictatorship (1976-1983). | RELATED: | Celebrating "the resolution of a new case, which renews hopes for this path of truth, memory, justice and identity," the institution said, "We hope that 202…
(2022-12-28). Brazil Gets Ready For Lula ¥s Return. popularresistance.org January 1 will be a long-awaited day for Brazil's progressive movement. On that day, Luis Inácio Lula Da Silva, once and future president, will officially replace the nefarious Latin American Trump, Jair Bolsonaro. With only a few days ahead, the country is already beginning to prepare for this historic day. | Hundreds of thousands are expected to gather in the capital, Brasilia, to see the lion of the Latin American left sworn in. The event will take place to the rhythm of samba, the voices of renowned singers, including Pabllo Vittar — Brazil's most famous drag queen and a favorite target of the defeated…
(2022-12-28). Bolsonaro Might Leave for the US Before Lula's Inauguration. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, a publication in the Brazilian Official Gazette gave the first indications that President Jair Bolsonaro might be planning to travel to the United States to avoid Lula da Silva's inauguration ceremony on Sunday, January 1, 2023. | RELATED: | For days, Brazilian public opinion has been conjecturing about what the far-right politician will do. Bolsonaro has remained completely silent and practically isolated s…
(2022-12-28). Lanzan campaña para detener la deforestación en Colombia. telesurtv.net La ministra Muhamad agradeció a las comunidades amazónicas que han acogido los acuerdos de no deforestación.
(2022-12-28). Organizaciones realizan movilización en rechazo a reforma jubilatoria en Uruguay. telesurtv.net "Pasó la Navidad y nos regalan cinco años más de aportes", denunciaron los afectados.
(2022-12-28). Uruguay Detects New Omicron Variant-Derived Strains. telesurenglish.net The Ministry of Public Health of Uruguay reported today that the new Omicron sublineages of COVID-19 were detected by the Laboratory-Epidemiology Division of the Department of Public Health, noting that the predominant variant worldwide continues to be Omicron. | RELATED: | In this regard, the health authority said that "viruses change over time, including Sars-Cov-2," and warned that changes in the virus can influence its behavior, including ho…