2023-02-04: News Headlines

WSWS (2023-02-04). Germany's Chancellor Scholz visits Argentina, Chile and Brazil. wsws.org The four-day trip was dominated by the intensification of the NATO war against Russia and the suppression of the escalating class struggle worldwide.

fvorinoco (2023-02-04). Peru: Government Approves New Election Proposal for October 2023, Omits Constituent Assembly. orinocotribune.com

Yves Engler (2023-02-04). Support for Peru Coup All About Canadian Mining Companies. orinocotribune.com By Yves Engler Feb 1, 2023 | Seven weeks after Pedro Castillo was ousted protests and blockades continue across Peru. Canada's ambassador to Peru Louis Marcotte has worked hard to shore up support for Dina Boluarte's replacement 'usurper' government. Since mid-December Marcotte has

fvorinoco (2023-02-04). Maduro Welcomes De-dollarization of the Latin American Economy with Unit Currency 'Sur'. orinocotribune.com During his speech at the inauguration of the Science Technological Park of Venezuela, modeled after Iranian frameworks, in Miranda this past Tuesday, President Maduro vocalized his support of a Latin American and Caribbean common currency, stressing that "Latin America and the Caribbean have to have an economic integration bloc and monetary system." | For Maduro, a unitary currency and an integrated economic system would prove that Latin American countries can "show themselves united to the world" in the same way that the member states of the European Union remain united after the consolidation of their economy a…

Victoria Torres (2023-02-04). Dominican Republic Congresspeople Advocate for Normalizing Relations With Venezuela. orinocotribune.com On Wednesday, February 1, the Senate of the Dominican Republic expressed the wish that bilateral relations with Venezuela be restored as soon as possible. Several deputies reiterated the deep ties of friendship and solidarity that have united the peoples of Simón Bolívar and Juan Pablo Duarte since their respective countries' struggle for independence. | According to a press release from the Dominican parliament, Deputies Ramón Ceballo of the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM), secretary of the Permanent Commission on Foreign Relations of the Chamber of Deputies in the Dominican Republic; Juan Dionisio Rodríguez, p…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-02-04). Cuba vs Vulture Fund: The Island Fights Neoliberalism in London Trial. orinocotribune.com By Alejandra Garcia Jan 31, 2023 | In the 2000s, a vulture fund succeeded in driving Argentina out of the international markets, preventing it from accessing them for 12 years. The case transcended as Argentina versus Elliott Management Corporation, a group of investors that won a lawsuit against Buenos Aires in 2002 and, in 2012, even seized the Libertad frigate, the flagship of the Argentinian Navy. | The creator of the vulture fund, US American Paul Singer, refused to restructure the Latin American nation's debt and got the Argentinian State to pay him US$1.3 billion for bonds that he bought for US$40 mi…

WSWS (2023-02-04). Germany's Chancellor Scholz visits Argentina, Chile and Brazil. wsws.org The four-day trip was dominated by the intensification of the NATO war against Russia and the suppression of the escalating class struggle worldwide.

fvorinoco (2023-02-04). Peru: Government Approves New Election Proposal for October 2023, Omits Constituent Assembly. orinocotribune.com

Yves Engler (2023-02-04). Support for Peru Coup All About Canadian Mining Companies. orinocotribune.com By Yves Engler Feb 1, 2023 | Seven weeks after Pedro Castillo was ousted protests and blockades continue across Peru. Canada's ambassador to Peru Louis Marcotte has worked hard to shore up support for Dina Boluarte's replacement 'usurper' government. Since mid-December Marcotte has

fvorinoco (2023-02-04). Maduro Welcomes De-dollarization of the Latin American Economy with Unit Currency 'Sur'. orinocotribune.com During his speech at the inauguration of the Science Technological Park of Venezuela, modeled after Iranian frameworks, in Miranda this past Tuesday, President Maduro vocalized his support of a Latin American and Caribbean common currency, stressing that "Latin America and the Caribbean have to have an economic integration bloc and monetary system." | For Maduro, a unitary currency and an integrated economic system would prove that Latin American countries can "show themselves united to the world" in the same way that the member states of the European Union remain united after the consolidation of their economy a…

Victoria Torres (2023-02-04). Dominican Republic Congresspeople Advocate for Normalizing Relations With Venezuela. orinocotribune.com On Wednesday, February 1, the Senate of the Dominican Republic expressed the wish that bilateral relations with Venezuela be restored as soon as possible. Several deputies reiterated the deep ties of friendship and solidarity that have united the peoples of Simón Bolívar and Juan Pablo Duarte since their respective countries' struggle for independence. | According to a press release from the Dominican parliament, Deputies Ramón Ceballo of the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM), secretary of the Permanent Commission on Foreign Relations of the Chamber of Deputies in the Dominican Republic; Juan Dionisio Rodríguez, p…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-02-04). Cuba vs Vulture Fund: The Island Fights Neoliberalism in London Trial. orinocotribune.com By Alejandra Garcia Jan 31, 2023 | In the 2000s, a vulture fund succeeded in driving Argentina out of the international markets, preventing it from accessing them for 12 years. The case transcended as Argentina versus Elliott Management Corporation, a group of investors that won a lawsuit against Buenos Aires in 2002 and, in 2012, even seized the Libertad frigate, the flagship of the Argentinian Navy. | The creator of the vulture fund, US American Paul Singer, refused to restructure the Latin American nation's debt and got the Argentinian State to pay him US$1.3 billion for bonds that he bought for US$40 mi…

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-04). Canciller peruana reconoce origen no criminal de las protestas. telesurtv.net Con su declaración, la diplomática contradice a la presidenta designada, Dina Boluarte, quien ha reiterado que hay "vándalos" detrás de las manifestaciones.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-04). Congreso peruano bloquea debate sobre adelanto de elecciones. telesurtv.net Los legisladores que no dieron su apoyo al proyecto argumentaron que esta reforma constitucional atenta contra el estado de derecho.

Staff (2023-02-04). Congreso de Perú posterga hasta mediados de año debate sobre adelanto de elecciones. cubadebate.cu La comisión legislativa de Constitución del Parlamento de Perú archivó este viernes el debate para celebrar elecciones en octubre y cambiar las autoridades a finales de año, un adelanto que buscaba el Gobierno para calmar las protestas que hace dos meses exigen la renuncia de la presidenta Boluarte y cambios estructurales, en las que han muerto unas 58 personas.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-02-04). Gobierno de Bolivia ejecutará acciones contra crisis climática. telesurtv.net El presidente Arce puntualizó que es el tercer año en que se hace frente al efecto de La Niña e instó a prepararse ante esta situación.

teleSUR, MER (2023-02-04). Venezuela y Colombia suscriben acuerdo para la promoción y protección de inversiones. telesurtv.net El mandatario venezolano destacó que el acuerdo suscrito apunta en la dirección correcta para promover la integración productiva.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-04). Masacre deja al menos cuatro muertos en Magdalena, Colombia. telesurtv.net Esta sería la segunda masacre en el departamento de Magdalena en lo que del 2023 en esta zona del país.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-02-04). Agro uruguayo experimenta pérdidas millonarias ante sequía. telesurtv.net Las autoridades alertaron que el Producto Interno Bruto sectorial podría registrar un descenso del 1,7 por ciento.

teleSUR- jaa, SH (2023-02-04). Perdedores de primera fecha de Serie del Caribe toman revancha. telesurtv.net En el último partido de la noche, el más holgado según el marcador, Leones del Caracas de Venezuela, cayó ante su similar de Puerto Rico seis carreras por una.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-04). Inicia silencio electoral y veda alcohólica en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Pese a estas regulaciones legales, las redes digitales en las plataformas de internet estarán exentas de los controles de la autoridad electoral.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-04). Convocan a gran marcha contra la presidenta peruana Dina Boluarte. telesurtv.net Las protestas en Perú se mantienen desde el pasado 7 de diciembre, cuando el Congreso destituyó al entonces presidente Pedro Castillo,…

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-04). Denuncian en Perú proyecto de ley genocida de pueblos indígenas. telesurtv.net Grupos económicos desean explotar recursos naturales en territorios ancestrales. Aprovechan crisis política actual para promoverlo.

teleSUR, MER (2023-02-04). Presidente venezolano sostiene reunión con el canciller iraní. telesurtv.net Venezuela e Irán han suscrito acuerdos en diversos sectores como el energético, científico, petrolero, de defensa, cultural, económico, entre otros.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-02-04). Confirman cuatro muertos por incendios forestales en Chile. telesurtv.net Los decesos ocurrieron en carreteras del sector Catirai, perteneciente a la comuna de Santa Juana de la región de Biobío.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-04). Sube a 13 la cifra de muertos por incendios forestales en Chile. telesurtv.net Ante la magnitud de los incendios, el Gobierno chileno decretó el estado de catástrofe en las regiones afectadas por el fuego.

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