(2023-02-17). US Lawfare and the Destabilization of Latin America. orinocotribune.com Editorial note: Orinoco Tribune does not generally publish articles that are over two weeks old. However, an exception is being made in this case as the article remains as important today as it was at the time of its publication. | By Brian Mier — Jan 25, 2023 | Brazil-based reporter and author Brian Mier outlines the strategy of lawfare and how it has been used in Latin America, particularly in the Lava Jato investigation. | "Lawfare is the use of the law as a weapon of war, and it is the newest characteristic of 21st Century Combat," Colonel Charles Dunlap | Lawfare is the weaponized use of the law to anni…
(2023-02-17). President Maduro and President Petro Sign Trade Agreement, Resume Full Relations. orinocotribune.com This Thursday, February 16, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, and the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, signed the Partial Scope Trade Agreement No. 28. The signing of this memorandum of understanding ratifies the President Maduro arrived this Thursday afternoon, accompanied by his wife and Deputy Cilia Flores, Vice President Delcy Rodríguez, and by members of his cabinet. After arriving at the Sant…
(2023-02-17). President Maduro Rules Out Resuming México Talks (+Washington Abandoning Its Word). orinocotribune.com This Thursday, February 16, the Venezuelan President, Nicolás Maduro, ruled out resuming the dialogue—known as the México Talks—that his government had been advancing with representatives of the Unitary Platform which includes the extremist sectors of the Venezuelan opposition. "We do not dialogue with maulas," stated the head of government, who pointed out the breach of the agreements reached at the last round of the México Talks. | "We dialogue with everyone who has to dialogue. When you have a dialogue, you have to have a say," Maduro noted. "And you also summon governments as serious as the govern…
(2023-02-17). US Lawfare and the Destabilization of Latin America. orinocotribune.com Editorial note: Orinoco Tribune does not generally publish articles that are over two weeks old. However, an exception is being made in this case as the article remains as important today as it was at the time of its publication. | By Brian Mier — Jan 25, 2023 | Brazil-based reporter and author Brian Mier outlines the strategy of lawfare and how it has been used in Latin America, particularly in the Lava Jato investigation. | "Lawfare is the use of the law as a weapon of war, and it is the newest characteristic of 21st Century Combat," Colonel Charles Dunlap | Lawfare is the weaponized use of the law to anni…
(2023-02-17). President Maduro and President Petro Sign Trade Agreement, Resume Full Relations. orinocotribune.com This Thursday, February 16, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, and the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, signed the Partial Scope Trade Agreement No. 28. The signing of this memorandum of understanding ratifies the President Maduro arrived this Thursday afternoon, accompanied by his wife and Deputy Cilia Flores, Vice President Delcy Rodríguez, and by members of his cabinet. After arriving at the Sant…
(2023-02-17). President Maduro Rules Out Resuming México Talks (+Washington Abandoning Its Word). orinocotribune.com This Thursday, February 16, the Venezuelan President, Nicolás Maduro, ruled out resuming the dialogue—known as the México Talks—that his government had been advancing with representatives of the Unitary Platform which includes the extremist sectors of the Venezuelan opposition. "We do not dialogue with maulas," stated the head of government, who pointed out the breach of the agreements reached at the last round of the México Talks. | "We dialogue with everyone who has to dialogue. When you have a dialogue, you have to have a say," Maduro noted. "And you also summon governments as serious as the govern…
(2023-02-17). Presidentes de Venezuela y Colombia firman Acuerdo de Alcance Parcial de Naturaleza Comercial. telesurtv.net El mandatario colombiano destacó que la firma de este acuerdo es un paso más en la integración que nunca debió ser suspendida entre ambos países.
(2023-02-17). Chile registra más de 1.700 nuevos casos de Covid-19. telesurtv.net Chile acumula un total de 5.144.220 casos confirmados de la enfermedad, mientras que la cifra de decesos aumentó a. 64.040.
(2023-02-17). Presidente de Bolivia se reúne con el canciller de Venezuela. telesurtv.net El presidente Luis Arce aprovechó el encuentro para enviar un saludo a su homólogo venezolano, Nicolás Maduro.
(2023-02-17). Denuncian lawfare en medio de la represión estatal en Perú. telesurtv.net Un bloque de organizaciones de izquierdas rechazó la reunión que, la víspera, sostuvieron la presidenta designada, Dina Boluarte y la líder derechista Keiko Fujimori.
(2023-02-17). Presidente venezolano expresa solidaridad con Türkiye tras terremotos. telesurtv.net El mandatario turco resaltó el internacionalismo y la generosidad de Venezuela, a pesar de las injustas sanciones unilaterales impuestas por los Estados Unidos.
(2023-02-17). Aprueban proyecto de ley sobre inversiones entre Colombia y Venezuela. telesurtv.net El presidente de la AN, el diputado Jorge Rodríguez, destacó la importancia del acuerdo al afianzar las relaciones binacionales.
(2023-02-17). Frente de Todos debatirá estrategias de cara a comicios argentinos. telesurtv.net El encuentro fue convocado por el presidente Alberto Fernández. Se prevé la participación de gobernadores, sindicalistas y otros funcionarios.