(2023-03-10). Colombia-Total Peace And The Fight To Free All Political Prisoners. popularresistance.org In April 2021, tens of thousands of people took to the streets in Colombia to demand change. They rejected decades of state violence and deepening inequality. Over the course of three months, the largest protest in Colombian history spread to over 800 municipalities throughout the country. The months-long protests played a huge role in creating the conditions for the election of Gustavo Petro and Francia Marquez. | Changes are afoot in Colombia, and the inauguration of President Gustavo Petro and Vice President Francia Marquez on August 7, 2022 marks an important shift away from decades of political repression.
(2023-03-10). Venezuelan revolutionary Hugo Chávez commemorated in New York. workers.org This statement was written by the organizers of the Hugo Chávez legacy event held on March 5 in New York City. Greetings to friends, comrades and revolutionary internationalists of New York City. Thank you for being here. We're gathered here today in front of the statue of the Liberator of . . . |
(2023-03-10). President Maduro Announces Creation of Great Women's Mission Venezuela. orinocotribune.com This Wednesday, March 8, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced the creation of the Gran Misión Mujer Venezuela (Great Women's Mission Venezuela) during the International Women's Day celebrations, in order to unite and consolidate all the programs regarding women in the country under one banner. | "The time has come to unite all the programs, all the budgets, to unite all the strength and energy and put women at the center of attention and social security, with the maximum support of the government," said the Venezuelan head of state, standing in the Poliedro de Caracas sports stadium. "The time has come f…
(2023-03-10). Venezuela extradites fugitive former lawmaker to Colombia. colombiareports.com Venezuela's government extradited fugitive former Congresswoman Aida Merlano to Colombia where she is a key witness in high-profile corruption cases. Merlano spent the past three years in custody in Venezuela…
(2023-03-10). Venezuela Won't Go Back to México Talks Unless All Sanctions Lifted. orinocotribune.com This Thursday, March 9, the president of Venezuela's National Assembly (AN), Jorge Rodríguez, announced that "Venezuela is not going to sign any agreement with that sector of the Venezuelan opposition until we are 100% free of sanctions, until the 765 unilateral coercive measures signed by Donald Trump and Barack Hussein Obama are lifted," in reference to the México Talks with the far-right Venezuelan opposition. | The announcement was part of a statement by Rodríguez at an Anti-Imperialism Day event, held in Plaza Bolívar in Caracas on March 9, marking the eighth anniversary of the signing of the US Executive Or…
(2023-03-10). Torture, Murder and Security Clearances at the Defense Security Cooperation Agency. indybay.org The news out of the democratic republic of Chile this week is that the conviction of Jaime Garcia Covarrubias—the former National Defense University / Defense Security Cooperation Agency professor who was since 2008 the target of the Petitioner's disclosures through the NDU/DSCA chain of command—for the torture and murder of an unarmed detainee was upheld by that country's Supreme Court. | Garcia Covarrubias has been sentenced to seven years in prison for his authorship of that crime, one of two involving the torture and clandestine murder of unarmed detainees for which he has already been convicted a…
(2023-03-10). Colombia-Total Peace And The Fight To Free All Political Prisoners. popularresistance.org In April 2021, tens of thousands of people took to the streets in Colombia to demand change. They rejected decades of state violence and deepening inequality. Over the course of three months, the largest protest in Colombian history spread to over 800 municipalities throughout the country. The months-long protests played a huge role in creating the conditions for the election of Gustavo Petro and Francia Marquez. | Changes are afoot in Colombia, and the inauguration of President Gustavo Petro and Vice President Francia Marquez on August 7, 2022 marks an important shift away from decades of political repression.
(2023-03-10). Venezuelan revolutionary Hugo Chávez commemorated in New York. workers.org This statement was written by the organizers of the Hugo Chávez legacy event held on March 5 in New York City. Greetings to friends, comrades and revolutionary internationalists of New York City. Thank you for being here. We're gathered here today in front of the statue of the Liberator of . . . |
(2023-03-10). President Maduro Announces Creation of Great Women's Mission Venezuela. orinocotribune.com This Wednesday, March 8, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced the creation of the Gran Misión Mujer Venezuela (Great Women's Mission Venezuela) during the International Women's Day celebrations, in order to unite and consolidate all the programs regarding women in the country under one banner. | "The time has come to unite all the programs, all the budgets, to unite all the strength and energy and put women at the center of attention and social security, with the maximum support of the government," said the Venezuelan head of state, standing in the Poliedro de Caracas sports stadium. "The time has come f…
(2023-03-10). Venezuela extradites fugitive former lawmaker to Colombia. colombiareports.com Venezuela's government extradited fugitive former Congresswoman Aida Merlano to Colombia where she is a key witness in high-profile corruption cases. Merlano spent the past three years in custody in Venezuela…
(2023-03-10). Venezuela Won't Go Back to México Talks Unless All Sanctions Lifted. orinocotribune.com This Thursday, March 9, the president of Venezuela's National Assembly (AN), Jorge Rodríguez, announced that "Venezuela is not going to sign any agreement with that sector of the Venezuelan opposition until we are 100% free of sanctions, until the 765 unilateral coercive measures signed by Donald Trump and Barack Hussein Obama are lifted," in reference to the México Talks with the far-right Venezuelan opposition. | The announcement was part of a statement by Rodríguez at an Anti-Imperialism Day event, held in Plaza Bolívar in Caracas on March 9, marking the eighth anniversary of the signing of the US Executive Or…
(2023-03-10). Torture, Murder and Security Clearances at the Defense Security Cooperation Agency. indybay.org The news out of the democratic republic of Chile this week is that the conviction of Jaime Garcia Covarrubias—the former National Defense University / Defense Security Cooperation Agency professor who was since 2008 the target of the Petitioner's disclosures through the NDU/DSCA chain of command—for the torture and murder of an unarmed detainee was upheld by that country's Supreme Court. | Garcia Covarrubias has been sentenced to seven years in prison for his authorship of that crime, one of two involving the torture and clandestine murder of unarmed detainees for which he has already been convicted a…
(2023-03-10). Gobierno de Venezuela no firmará acuerdo con oposición hasta que se levanten las medidas coercitivas. telesurtv.net El presidente del Parlamento recordó que el sector de las oposiciones con el que firmaron un acuerdo social en México no ha cumplido con lo establecido.
(2023-03-10). Ejecutivo argentino expone medidas contra aumento de violencia. telesurtv.net Rosario es la ciudad con mayor criminalidad de Argentina, con una tasa de 22 homicidios por cada 100.000 habitantes, cinco veces mayor que el promedio nacional.
(2023-03-10). Firman Gobierno de Colombia y ELN el Acuerdo de México, la nueva agenda de diálogos para alcanzar la paz. cubadebate.cu El Gobierno de Colombia y el Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) firmaron hoy el Acuerdo de México, la nueva agenda de diálogos para alcanzar la paz en el país suramericano. Este Acuerdo es considerado la hoja de ruta hacia un pacto de la sociedad colombiana que lleve al gran Acuerdo Nacional y a la reconciliación, fruto de transformaciones estructurales.
(2023-03-10). Imponen 36 meses de prisión preventiva a Pedro Castillo en Perú. telesurtv.net El juez Juan Carlos Checkley también leyó su resolución para los exministros Juan Silva Villegas y Geiner Alvarado López.
(2023-03-10). Publican detalles de sentencia contra argentina Cristina Fernández. telesurtv.net Jueces dan a conocer los considerados del fallo emitido el 6 de diciembre pasado. Cristina Fernández presentará su apelación.
(2023-03-10). Reportan sismo de magnitud 4,6 en Perugia, Italia. telesurtv.net El movimiento telúrico sucedió a las 16H05 (hora local) y la profundidad fue de 10 kilómetros.
(2023-03-10). Congreso peruano rechaza interpelar al primer ministro. telesurtv.net La moción contra el primer ministro, Alberto Otárola, fue rechazada con 59 votos en contra, 31 votos a favor y siete abstenciones.
(2023-03-10). Registran enjambre sísmico en frontera entre Ecuador y Colombia: Casi 200 temblores cada hora en un día. cubadebate.cu El Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional (IGEPN) de Ecuador y el Observatorio Vulcanológico y Sismológico de Pasto (OVSP), del Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC), registran un enjambre sísmico en la frontera entre los dos países. Se han contabilizado al menos 4 500 sismos en el lugar, desde las 11: 00 [hora local] del jueves.
(2023-03-10). Rafael Correa resalta fracaso del neoliberalismo en la región. telesurtv.net Así se expresó el exmandatario en ocasión de intervenir en la conmemoración del Día del Antimperialismo Bolivariano, el cual tiene lugar en Caracas, Venezuela.
(2023-03-10). Gobierno de Chile critica rechazo en el Congreso a reforma tributaria. telesurtv.net El rechazo a reformar el sistema tributario complica el programa de transformaciones del Ejecutivo.