(2023-02-15). India Says Its Proposed Biofuels Alliance Draws Interest of Russia, Brazil Among Others. infobrics.org India's proposal for a biofuels alliance to promote cleaner fuel has attracted interest from a number of countries, including Russia and Brazil, Oil Minister Hardeep Singh Puri said…
(2023-02-15). Turkish Rescuers Thank Venezuela for Emergency Responders. orinocotribune.com Turkish rescuers thanked Venezuela with a gift of the national flag of Türkiye bestowed on the Venezuelan brigade members of the Simón Bolívar Humanitarian Task Force who aided in the search and rescue efforts in the city of Adiyaman, one of the areas hardest hit by the earthquake that hit Türkiye and Syria a week ago. | This was confirmed by Madelein García, a Telesur correspondent, who traveled with the Venezuelan humanitarian task force to learn about the disaster through journalistic tours in the area. | "This is how we tell it," commented one of the Venezuelan brigade members. "We were right at tha…
(2023-02-15). Webinar on Alex Saab case, Feb. 16. iacenter.org February 14, 2023 By National Lawyers Guild International Committee Caracas, Venezuela. 'Free Alex Saab.' Join the National Lawyers Guild International Committee Thursday, Feb. 16, at 7 p.m. EST (4 p.m. PST) for a webinar on the case of Alex Saab, the Venezuelan diplomat currently imprisoned in a U.S. federal detention center. Saab faces charges that are directly related to defiance of the U.S. attempt to impose regime change on Venezuela through the use of illegitimate, unilateral, coercive measures (sanctions). Recently, a delegation of two NLG and International Association of Democratic Lawyers members visited…
(2023-02-15). Lasso Facing Political Crisis in Ecuador. orinocotribune.com Without support and with resignations in his cabinet, the president of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, ends the week facing a political crisis after the defeat of his referendum at the polls and the loss of key positions in simultaneous municipal elections. This referendum constituted Lasso's last hope to breathe fresh life into his leadership for the remainder of his term, but the citizens voted "No" to the eight questions proposed on issues such as extradition, reduction of parties and assembly members, and environmental measures, among others. | The allegations of corruption that involve the national administration,…
(2023-02-15). Nuevo informe revela que Pablo Neruda murió envenenado. telesurtv.net A casi 50 años de su muerte, un panel de expertos internacionales reveló que Pablo Neruda, que murió al inicio de la dictadura militar liderada por Augusto Pinochet, murió envenenado.
(2023-02-15). Confirman muerte de brigadista en combate de incendios en Chile. telesurtv.net La policía informó que 218 personas han sido trasladadas a comisarías a partir de la imposición del Gobierno de establecer toque de queda nocturno.
(2023-02-15). India Says Its Proposed Biofuels Alliance Draws Interest of Russia, Brazil Among Others. infobrics.org India's proposal for a biofuels alliance to promote cleaner fuel has attracted interest from a number of countries, including Russia and Brazil, Oil Minister Hardeep Singh Puri said…
(2023-02-15). Turkish Rescuers Thank Venezuela for Emergency Responders. orinocotribune.com Turkish rescuers thanked Venezuela with a gift of the national flag of Türkiye bestowed on the Venezuelan brigade members of the Simón Bolívar Humanitarian Task Force who aided in the search and rescue efforts in the city of Adiyaman, one of the areas hardest hit by the earthquake that hit Türkiye and Syria a week ago. | This was confirmed by Madelein García, a Telesur correspondent, who traveled with the Venezuelan humanitarian task force to learn about the disaster through journalistic tours in the area. | "This is how we tell it," commented one of the Venezuelan brigade members. "We were right at tha…
(2023-02-15). Webinar on Alex Saab case, Feb. 16. iacenter.org February 14, 2023 By National Lawyers Guild International Committee Caracas, Venezuela. 'Free Alex Saab.' Join the National Lawyers Guild International Committee Thursday, Feb. 16, at 7 p.m. EST (4 p.m. PST) for a webinar on the case of Alex Saab, the Venezuelan diplomat currently imprisoned in a U.S. federal detention center. Saab faces charges that are directly related to defiance of the U.S. attempt to impose regime change on Venezuela through the use of illegitimate, unilateral, coercive measures (sanctions). Recently, a delegation of two NLG and International Association of Democratic Lawyers members visited…
(2023-02-15). Lasso Facing Political Crisis in Ecuador. orinocotribune.com Without support and with resignations in his cabinet, the president of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, ends the week facing a political crisis after the defeat of his referendum at the polls and the loss of key positions in simultaneous municipal elections. This referendum constituted Lasso's last hope to breathe fresh life into his leadership for the remainder of his term, but the citizens voted "No" to the eight questions proposed on issues such as extradition, reduction of parties and assembly members, and environmental measures, among others. | The allegations of corruption that involve the national administration,…
(2023-02-15). Nuevo informe revela que Pablo Neruda murió envenenado. telesurtv.net A casi 50 años de su muerte, un panel de expertos internacionales reveló que Pablo Neruda, que murió al inicio de la dictadura militar liderada por Augusto Pinochet, murió envenenado.
(2023-02-15). Confirman muerte de brigadista en combate de incendios en Chile. telesurtv.net La policía informó que 218 personas han sido trasladadas a comisarías a partir de la imposición del Gobierno de establecer toque de queda nocturno.
(2023-02-15). Colombianos marchan en favor a las reformas del Gobierno. telesurtv.net Otro objetivo de esta convocatoria es que la ciudadanía salga a las calles para socializar, conocer y respadar las reformas que se adelantarán en 2023.
(2023-02-15). Presidente de Colombia: el cambio no es posible sin el pueblo. telesurtv.net Refiriéndose a las reformas en el sistema de Salud y demás leyes, el mandatario aseguró que es la vía para construir el bienestar social.
(2023-02-15). Expo "Cuando Ernesto soñó al Che" llega a La Habana. cubadebate.cu Una exposición llegada desde Argentina con el sugerente nombre "Cuando Ernesto soñó al Che", encuentra quien por estos días atraviesa el túnel del Pabellón Cuba, donde tiene su sede la Asociación Hermanos Saíz.El periodista, director de "La Pastera Museo del Che", Darío Fuentes, la ha cargado en su equipaje para exhibirla con alegría y responsabilidad aquí en La Habana.
(2023-02-15). Gobierno amplía estado de emergencia en regiones de Perú. telesurtv.net Es una de las sucesivas prórrogas del estado de emergencia en algunas regiones y sectores, luego de la destitución del presidente Pedro Castillo.
(2023-02-15). Retornan a Venezuela casi 100 connacionales desde Ecuador. telesurtv.net Los repatriados arribaron por el Aeropuerto Nacional Simón Bolívar, en Maiquetía, a bordo de una aeronave de la línea local Conviasa.
(2023-02-15). Ministro de Agricultura de Ecuador dimite en medio de escándalo. telesurtv.net Bernardo Manzano es el quinto alto funcionario del gabinete de Guillermo Lasso en pedir la renuncia en menos de una semana.
(2023-02-15). Inauguran en Argentina oleoducto Sierras Blancas-Allen. telesurtv.net El ducto se extenderá por 105 kilómetros y extenderá la red ya instalada además de llevar el crudo a refinerías en Buenos Aires.
(2023-02-15). Fiscalía investiga al primer ministro de Perú por colusión. telesurtv.net El primer ministro está implicado en otras dos investigaciones de la Fiscalía por las muertes de decenas de ciudadanos en las protestas antigubernamentales.