Monthly Archives: February 2023

2023-02-26: News Headlines

Staff (2023-02-26). Venezuela Ratifies Border Reopening Schedule with Aruba, Bonaire and Curaàßao (+Brazil). Venezuela's Foreign Affairs Minister Yván Gil ratified the schedule of restarting maritime transit with Aruba, Curaàßao and Bonaire, on Saturday, February 25. This reopening of maritime borders comes as a result of the technical negotiations between Venezuela and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, an initiative that promoted the reestablishment of diplomatic and commercial relations, long awaited by business sectors in the three Dutch colonies in the Caribbean. | The information was announced by Minister Gil, who clarified that the transit with Curaàßao and Bonaire will restart on April 3, while for Arub…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-26). Iran and Bolivia United against the Unilateral Hegemony of the US. Sdenka Saavedra Alfaro The fight for a common front framed in the multilateralist vision, which strengthens the peoples with conscience and worldview against the hegemonic American and European terrorism, which only thinks of invasions, interference, looting and exploitation of natural resources at the cost of death, pain, misery; It is the fundamental strategy in the…

mforinoco (2023-02-26). Anti-Democratic Violence Won't Stop Bolivia's Path of Social Progress — Interview with Camila Escalante. Labour Friends of Progressive Latin America activist Logan Williams speaks to Bolivia-based journalist Camila Escalante on the recent destabilization attempts and violent anti-democratic actions from the far-right. | LW: Hi Camila, thank you for agreeing to answer some questions on the current situation in Bolivia. | Much of the global left, including here in the UK, is increasingly concerned about the efforts to destabilize the MAS (Movement Towards Socialism) government led by President Arce perpetrated by right-wing activists in the Santa Cruz region. Could you explain a little more about these events and thei…

Mike Gonzalez (2023-02-26). As US Reengages Maduro, Oil Giants Earn Deals — and Venezuelans Protest. In late November 2022, an article in The Economist reported that "things have changed in Caracas" with the new availability of luxury consumer goods, a new generation of high-end restaurants and the return of traffic jams. Add to that a new Ferrari dealership and it becomes clear what sections of the population are the beneficiaries of the changes — a tiny minority of wealthy Venezuelans. |

WSWS (2023-02-26). Jacobin's lionization of Lula: a pseudo-left cover for war and reaction. The latest fraud promoted by Jacobin in Latin America is that the return of Lula and the Workers Party (PT) to power in Brazil represents "a huge win for the global left."

Staff (2023-02-26). Venezuela Ratifies Border Reopening Schedule with Aruba, Bonaire and Curaàßao (+Brazil). Venezuela's Foreign Affairs Minister Yván Gil ratified the schedule of restarting maritime transit with Aruba, Curaàßao and Bonaire, on Saturday, February 25. This reopening of maritime borders comes as a result of the technical negotiations between Venezuela and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, an initiative that promoted the reestablishment of diplomatic and commercial relations, long awaited by business sectors in the three Dutch colonies in the Caribbean. | The information was announced by Minister Gil, who clarified that the transit with Curaàßao and Bonaire will restart on April 3, while for Arub…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-26). Iran and Bolivia United against the Unilateral Hegemony of the US. Sdenka Saavedra Alfaro The fight for a common front framed in the multilateralist vision, which strengthens the peoples with conscience and worldview against the hegemonic American and European terrorism, which only thinks of invasions, interference, looting and exploitation of natural resources at the cost of death, pain, misery; It is the fundamental strategy in the…

mforinoco (2023-02-26). Anti-Democratic Violence Won't Stop Bolivia's Path of Social Progress — Interview with Camila Escalante. Labour Friends of Progressive Latin America activist Logan Williams speaks to Bolivia-based journalist Camila Escalante on the recent destabilization attempts and violent anti-democratic actions from the far-right. | LW: Hi Camila, thank you for agreeing to answer some questions on the current situation in Bolivia. | Much of the global left, including here in the UK, is increasingly concerned about the efforts to destabilize the MAS (Movement Towards Socialism) government led by President Arce perpetrated by right-wing activists in the Santa Cruz region. Could you explain a little more about these events and thei…

Mike Gonzalez (2023-02-26). As US Reengages Maduro, Oil Giants Earn Deals — and Venezuelans Protest. In late November 2022, an article in The Economist reported that "things have changed in Caracas" with the new availability of luxury consumer goods, a new generation of high-end restaurants and the return of traffic jams. Add to that a new Ferrari dealership and it becomes clear what sections of the population are the beneficiaries of the changes — a tiny minority of wealthy Venezuelans. |

WSWS (2023-02-26). Jacobin's lionization of Lula: a pseudo-left cover for war and reaction. The latest fraud promoted by Jacobin in Latin America is that the return of Lula and the Workers Party (PT) to power in Brazil represents "a huge win for the global left."

Staff (2023-02-26). Nueva jornada de protestas en Perú es reprimida con gases lacrimógenos. Las calles de la capital peruana, Lima, han vuelto a llenarse de manifestantes que respondieron a la convocatoria popular de una marcha nacional dirigida contra el Gobierno de Dina Boluarte, al que se responsabiliza de la muerte de al menos 60 personas por represión de la fuerza pública. "Dina, Policía y FF.AA. °Asesinos! Justicia y reparación para asesinados y heridos", se podía leer en las pancartas que se vieron durante la protesta.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-26). Cristina Fernández pide investigar a la policía de Buenos Aires. En la querella presentada ante la autoridad judicial se pide que se investigue la responsabilidad de la policía bonarense en el atentado contra Cristina Fernández.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-26). Daños por incendios forestales rebasarían los 600 mdd en Chile. El Servicio Nacional de Prevención y Respuesta ante Desastres anotó que 458.157 hectáreas han sido consumidas por las llamas, que han provocado 25 muertos.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-26). Masacre deja cuatro muertos en Valle del Cauca, Colombia. El Instituto de Estudios para el Desarrollo y la Paz (Indepaz) reportó que este matanza es la número 20 en el país suramericano durante el curso de 2023.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-26). Gobierno colombiano y ELN informan avances en diálogos de paz. Las partes manifiestan que han avanzado en la definición de una visión compartida del proceso de paz y una metodología para tratar la agenda de diálogos.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-26). Saludan avances en mesa de diálogo de paz entre Gobierno de Colombia y ELN. "Confió en que las partes den pasos significativos sobre la agenda acordada, incluyendo temas de participación y cese al fuego", anotó el representante de la ONU.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-26). Gobierno de México lamenta retiro de embajador de Perú. El Gobierno de México reitera su convicción de mantener abiertos los canales de comunicación diplomáticos en beneficio de ambas sociedades.

Staff (2023-02-26). Cuba suma otros dos bronces en el Campeonato Panamericano de Clavados. Cuba sumó otras dos medallas de bronce durante el segundo día del Campeonato Panamericano de Clavados, una cita organizada por la ciudad mexicana de León y donde este sábado Prisis Ruiz y Laydel Domínguez subieron a un podio de premiaciones para prácticamente asegurar presencia en los cercanos juegos continentales de Santiago de Chile 2023.

Staff (2023-02-26). Thomas Bach, titular del Comité Olímpico Internacional visitará Cuba. El presidente del Comité Olímpico Internacional, Thomas Bach, visitará Cuba los días 2 y 3 de marzo, como parte de una gira por Centroamérica y el Caribe, y en respuesta a una invitación cursada por el Comité Olímpico Cubano. La delegación está integrada además por el chileno Neven Ilic, presidente de la Organización Deportiva Panamericana (Panam Sport).

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-26). Venezuela anuncia reapertura de tránsito con Aruba, Bonaire y Curazao. "luego de finalizadas las mesas técnicas de negociación con el Reino de los Países Bajos, reiteramos el cronograma de apertura del tránsito", dijo el canciller.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-26). Autoridades de Chile reportan reducción de incendios en combate. Descendieron de 33 a 21, cifra más baja del año. Se localizan en las regiones Bío Bío, La Araucanía, Ñuble y Los Ríos.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-26). Policía de Perú reprime protesta contra la impunidad. Lanzan gas lacrimógeno en Lima a participantes en la marcha nacional contra la impunidad. Se reportan al menos dos heridos.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-26). Conaie convoca a movilización contra Gobierno de Ecuador. La máxima organización indígena del país, asimismo, exhortó a la Asamblea Nacional a impulsar un juicio político en contra de Lasso.

Staff (2023-02-25). 3rd Afro-Venezuelan National Congress Begins in Caracas. The 3rd Afro-Venezuelan National Congress began in Caracas on Friday, February 24, and will end on Sunday, February 26. The event, held in the Venezuelan School of Planning, will also be a tribute to the Cimarrón Mayor, the late Chavista leader Aristóbulo Istúriz. The main objective of the meeting is to consolidate a united Afro-Venezuelan platform, which, with the spirit of the Bolivarian Revolution, will work towards dismantling 530 years of colonialism, slavery, racism and discrimination. | The programe started on Friday with the accreditation of the 17 participating delegations from different regions of the c…

2023-02-26 21:50:20 | 21:50 EST | jz | 26 | 0 | 1 | 23 | 0 

2023-02-25: News Headlines

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-25). Daily Round-up | China lays out plan for peaceful end to Ukraine conflict & other stories. In this episode, we bring you stories of a Chinese peace plan for the Ukraine war, Israel approving over 7,000 settlements, two Yemeni men suing energy company Total over their detention and torture, and former Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno facing prosecution…

Staff (2023-02-25). 3rd Afro-Venezuelan National Congress Begins in Caracas. The 3rd Afro-Venezuelan National Congress began in Caracas on Friday, February 24, and will end on Sunday, February 26. The event, held in the Venezuelan School of Planning, will also be a tribute to the Cimarrón Mayor, the late Chavista leader Aristóbulo Istúriz. The main objective of the meeting is to consolidate a united Afro-Venezuelan platform, which, with the spirit of the Bolivarian Revolution, will work towards dismantling 530 years of colonialism, slavery, racism and discrimination. | The programe started on Friday with the accreditation of the 17 participating delegations from different regions of the c…

El Comercio (2023-02-25). Ecuador: Former President Moreno Among 37 To Be Indicted. The Ina Papers, not mentioned in our corporate media, revealed bribery related to the Coca Codo Sinclair hydroelectric project. Lenin Moreno was involved long before he was President of Ecuador, if these allegations are prove true.

Argentina Indymedia (2023-02-25). El Manifiesto Comunista 175 Años Después. (February 21, 2023) 175 years ago Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published The Communist Manifesto. Rebelión reports from the bookstore, en Español…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-25). Daily Round-up | China lays out plan for peaceful end to Ukraine conflict & other stories. In this episode, we bring you stories of a Chinese peace plan for the Ukraine war, Israel approving over 7,000 settlements, two Yemeni men suing energy company Total over their detention and torture, and former Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno facing prosecution…

Staff (2023-02-25). 3rd Afro-Venezuelan National Congress Begins in Caracas. The 3rd Afro-Venezuelan National Congress began in Caracas on Friday, February 24, and will end on Sunday, February 26. The event, held in the Venezuelan School of Planning, will also be a tribute to the Cimarrón Mayor, the late Chavista leader Aristóbulo Istúriz. The main objective of the meeting is to consolidate a united Afro-Venezuelan platform, which, with the spirit of the Bolivarian Revolution, will work towards dismantling 530 years of colonialism, slavery, racism and discrimination. | The programe started on Friday with the accreditation of the 17 participating delegations from different regions of the c…

El Comercio (2023-02-25). Ecuador: Former President Moreno Among 37 To Be Indicted. The Ina Papers, not mentioned in our corporate media, revealed bribery related to the Coca Codo Sinclair hydroelectric project. Lenin Moreno was involved long before he was President of Ecuador, if these allegations are prove true.

Argentina Indymedia (2023-02-25). El Manifiesto Comunista 175 Años Después. (February 21, 2023) 175 years ago Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published The Communist Manifesto. Rebelión reports from the bookstore, en Español…

Jonathan Watts (2023-02-25). [World Report] Health emergency over Brazil's Yanomami people. Infant mortality and disease among the Yanomami Indigenous People have soared following the encouragement of illegal mining. Jonathan Watts reports from Altamira, Brazil.

Carol Góis Leandro, Conrado Rodrigues, Pedro Carelli, Charles Morphy D Santos (2023-02-25). [Correspondence] Rebuilding an agenda for Brazilian science and technology. Brazil has had ongoing political crises and instability in the past 6 years, and federal funding for science and technology has reached an all-time low.

Staff (2023-02-25). Bronce de Anisley García abre el medallero para Cuba en el Campeonato Panamericano de Clavados. La clavadista cubana Anisley García ganó la medalla de bronce en la prueba de plataforma y le dio a Cuba la primera presea en el Campeonato Panamericano de ese deporte, un evento que tiene por sede a la ciudad mexicana de León y que reparte cupos directos a Santiago de Chile 2023. Laydel Domínguez terminó séptimo en el trampolín a un metro.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-25). Movimiento indígena acusa a Gobierno de Ecuador de romper acuerdos. Denuncian que Ejecutivo viola el principio de consultar a las comunidades sobre actividades mineras y emplea a la fuerza pública contra comuneros.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-25). Cristina Fernández pide investigar a la policía de Buenos Aires. En la querella presentada ante la autoridad judicial se pide que se investigue la responsabilidad de la policía bonarense en el atentado contra Cristina Fernández.

teleSUR, lvm -.JGN (2023-02-25). Reportan que disminuye cantidad de incendios en Chile. El subsecretario del Interior reportó que hay dos nuevos detenidos, ambos en la Región de Ñuble, por la realización de quemas ilegales.

teleSUR, odr, JGN (2023-02-25). Perú anuncia retiro de su embajador en México. Con la decisión, las relaciones entre ambas naciones quedarán formalmente a nivel de encargados de Negocios.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-25). Gobierno brasileño anuncia ayudas a agricultores en Rio Grande. La región de Hulha Negra, en la frontera con Uruguay, es una de las zonas más golpeadas por la falta de agua en el estado.

teleSUR, MER (2023-02-25). Condecoran a brigadistas venezolanos tras labores en Türkiye y Siria. El mandatario destacó el desempeño de los integrantes de la Fuerza de Tarea Humanitaria "Simón Bolívar".

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-25). Embajador de Venezuela ante Brasil entrega copias de estilo. "Celebro la nueva etapa de hermandad y cooperación entre dos pueblos hermanos", externó el jefe de Estado venezolano.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-02-25). Presidente de México reitera apoyo a Pedro Castillo. El jefe de Estado apoyó calificó de injusta e ilegal la destitución del expresidente peruano.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-02-25). Regresan 233 venezolanos desde Perú con Plan Vuelta a la Patria. Los 233 venezolanos fueron recibidos en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Maiquetia en La Guaira por varios funcionarios del Gobierno nacional.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-25). Confederación indígena ecuatoriana convoca a movilización contra Gobierno de Lasso. La máxima organización indígena del país, asimismo, exhortó a la Asamblea Nacional a impulsar un juicio político en contra de Lasso.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-02-25). Elevan a 12 los casos de gripe aviar en Argentina. Hasta el momento, suman siete casos de gripe aviar reportados en el estado argentino de Córdoba.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-02-25). Paraguay acumula 12.189 nuevos casos de chikungunya. El ministerio reportó un total de 29.362 casos de chikungunya desde octubre, cuando inició la epidemia.

2023-02-25 13:17:41 | 13:17 EST | tr | 25 | 0 | 0 | 23 | 0