(2023-03-04). NYC: Sunday 3/5 Rally 4pm Commemorating Hugo Chávez U.S. Hands off Venezuela! Free Alex Saab! iacenter.org Join us in commemorating 10 years since the passing of Comandante Hugo Chávez. He strove to liberate the Venezuelan masses from poverty and US imperial domination, to serve the people, and to arm them politically & organizationally. Chávez nationalized Venezuela's natural resources to benefit the people and introduced medical and social programs for the poor. As we mourn our fallen hero, we also pledge to redouble our efforts to defend the socialist values that Comrade Hugo Chávez upheld. Comandante Hugo Chávez Presente! Our demands: * U.S. Hands OFF Venezuela! * NO Sanctions on the Venezuelan people! * FREE kidn…
(2023-03-04). Who Die For Life — Like Hugo Chávez — Cannot Be Called Dead. popularresistance.org On 28 October 2005, a special event was held in Caracas at the National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. At this gathering, held on the birthday of Simón Rodríguez (Simón Bolívar's teacher), the Venezuelan government announced that nearly 1.5 million adults had learned to read through Mission Robinson, a mass literacy programme that it initiated two years earlier. The mission was named after Rodríguez (who was also known by the pseudonym Samuel Robinson). | One of those adults, María Eugenia Túa (age 70), stood beside President Hugo Chávez Frías and said, 'We are no longer poor. We are rich in kn…
(2023-03-04). US Renews 'National Emergency' Against Venezuela, Keeping Sanctions. popularresistance.org On Wednesday, March 1, US President Joe Biden renewed a directive declaring a state of national emergency "with respect to the situation in Venezuela." Titled Executive Order 13692, the measure was first implemented by former President Barack Obama in 2015 citing an "unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States." The EO was accompanied by sanctions against seven Venezuelan officials. | EO 13692, which has been renewed for another year, provides an expansive basis for the US to continue to impose illegal and brutal unilateral measures against the Bolivarian Repu…
(2023-03-04). Venezuela: Jorge Rodríguez Criticizes Inadequate Infrastructure for Disabled People. orinocotribune.com On Thursday, March 2, the president of Venezuela's National Assembly, Deputy Jorge Rodríguez, urged the deputies to exercise the function of comptroller of the laws enacted for the benefit of all the Venezuelan people. | Rodríguez entered the Federal Legislative Palace's session chamber in a wheelchair due to a temporary disability in his left leg. He shared on social media that he was there to "do his job," but no further information was provided about the cause of his temporary disability. | Rodríguez called on the members of the National Assembly in the absence of ramps and other measures and devices that allo…
(2023-03-04). NYC: Sunday 3/5 Rally 4pm Commemorating Hugo Chávez U.S. Hands off Venezuela! Free Alex Saab! iacenter.org Join us in commemorating 10 years since the passing of Comandante Hugo Chávez. He strove to liberate the Venezuelan masses from poverty and US imperial domination, to serve the people, and to arm them politically & organizationally. Chávez nationalized Venezuela's natural resources to benefit the people and introduced medical and social programs for the poor. As we mourn our fallen hero, we also pledge to redouble our efforts to defend the socialist values that Comrade Hugo Chávez upheld. Comandante Hugo Chávez Presente! Our demands: * U.S. Hands OFF Venezuela! * NO Sanctions on the Venezuelan people! * FREE kidn…
(2023-03-04). Who Die For Life — Like Hugo Chávez — Cannot Be Called Dead. popularresistance.org On 28 October 2005, a special event was held in Caracas at the National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. At this gathering, held on the birthday of Simón Rodríguez (Simón Bolívar's teacher), the Venezuelan government announced that nearly 1.5 million adults had learned to read through Mission Robinson, a mass literacy programme that it initiated two years earlier. The mission was named after Rodríguez (who was also known by the pseudonym Samuel Robinson). | One of those adults, María Eugenia Túa (age 70), stood beside President Hugo Chávez Frías and said, 'We are no longer poor. We are rich in kn…
(2023-03-04). US Renews 'National Emergency' Against Venezuela, Keeping Sanctions. popularresistance.org On Wednesday, March 1, US President Joe Biden renewed a directive declaring a state of national emergency "with respect to the situation in Venezuela." Titled Executive Order 13692, the measure was first implemented by former President Barack Obama in 2015 citing an "unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States." The EO was accompanied by sanctions against seven Venezuelan officials. | EO 13692, which has been renewed for another year, provides an expansive basis for the US to continue to impose illegal and brutal unilateral measures against the Bolivarian Repu…
(2023-03-04). Venezuela: Jorge Rodríguez Criticizes Inadequate Infrastructure for Disabled People. orinocotribune.com On Thursday, March 2, the president of Venezuela's National Assembly, Deputy Jorge Rodríguez, urged the deputies to exercise the function of comptroller of the laws enacted for the benefit of all the Venezuelan people. | Rodríguez entered the Federal Legislative Palace's session chamber in a wheelchair due to a temporary disability in his left leg. He shared on social media that he was there to "do his job," but no further information was provided about the cause of his temporary disability. | Rodríguez called on the members of the National Assembly in the absence of ramps and other measures and devices that allo…
(2023-03-04). Venezuela's Peasant Movement Demands Justice for Assassination of Carlos Bolívar (+Los Tramojos). orinocotribune.com At approximately 5: 30 a.m. on Thursday, March 2, Carlos Bolívar, a member of the Peasant Platform in Guárico state, was assassinated. Since 2018, he had been fighting to rescue Los Tramojos, a plot of land disputed with a landowner. The Platform for Peasant Struggle and the National Peasant Movement reported in a statement that Bolívar was assassinated while beginning his work in Puerto Carrizalero-Camaguán, Guárico. | "Bolívar was a historic leader in the struggle to rescue the Los Tramojos ranch, an emblematic case of the Admirable Peasant March, national leader of the Platform for Peasant Struggle and the Nati…
(2023-03-04). Perú declara Estado de Emergencia por intensas lluvias en 56 provincias. cubadebate.cu Debido a las fuertes lluvias en varias regiones del norte del país, el Gobierno peruano decretó el viernes el Estado de Emergencia por al menos 60 días con el objetivo de ejecutar medidas y acciones que garanticen la protección de los ciudadanos ante los intensos aguaceros. La medida regirá en más de 230 distritos pertenecientes a 56 provincias.
(2023-03-04). Bolivia respalda plan de México contra la inflación en Latinoamérica. telesurtv.net Entre los países que diseñará el plan se encuentran Brasil, Colombia, Cuba y Argentina.
(2023-03-04). ALBA Movimientos debate crisis sistémica del capitalismo global. telesurtv.net Alba Movimientos es un instrumento de integración que nos ayuda a mirar de forma conjunta para enfrentar esos tiempos de inestabilidad.
(2023-03-04). Rusia destaca impronta de Hugo Chávez en la comunidad global. telesurtv.net Canciller ruso, Serguei Lavrov, expresó que "incluso los opositores de Hugo Chávez reconocían la magnitud de su personalidad".
(2023-03-04). Presidente Maduro rechaza extensión del decreto de EE.UU. sobre Venezuela. telesurtv.net El mandatario aseguró que gracias a la unión de la clase obrera el país va saliendo adelante y va venciendo las sanciones impuestas.
(2023-03-04). Fiscalía de Ecuador pide arresto domiciliario para expresidente Moreno. telesurtv.net Por tener más de 65 años, la fiscal general pidió tanto para Lenín Moreno como para otros 13 sospechosos que se llevara a cabo el arresto domiciliario.
(2023-03-04). Liberan a policías y funcionarios retenidos en Caquetá, Colombia. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado colombiano aseveró que personalmente dialogará con los campesinos sobre sus necesidades, quejas y reclamos.
(2023-03-04). Gobierno peruano declara el Estado de Emergencia por lluvias. telesurtv.net El Estado de Emergencia regirá por 60 dias en 56 provincias de las regiones de Áncash, Cajamarca, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Lima, Piura y Tumbes.
(2023-03-04). Educadores y universitarios exigen dimisión de Lasso en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Al son de las consignas ¡Fuera, Lasso, fuera! colectivos civiles llevan a cabo acciones de protesta en contra del mandatario ecuatoriano.
(2023-03-04). Continúan combatiendo 21 incendios forestales en Chile. telesurtv.net Se mantiene la alerta roja en las regiones de Biobío y La Araucanía.
(2023-03-04). Peruanos se movilizan para exigir renuncia de Dina Boluarte. telesurtv.net Designan un nuevo fiscal especializado de DD. HH. en Puno, quien será responsable de investigar la masacre perpetrada allí el 9 de enero de 2023.
(2023-03-04). Fiscalía de Perú cita a Dina Boluarte por muertes en protestas. telesurtv.net La presidenta peruana deberá acudir el próximo 7 de marzo a la sede del Ministerio Público en la capital del país.
(2023-03-04). Fiscalía de Ecuador formula cargos contra expresidente Moreno. telesurtv.net La audiencia se celebra desde las 10H00 (hora local) en la sede de la Corte Nacional de Justicia, en Quito.
(2023-03-04). Inicia vacunación contra la gripe aviar en Ecuador. telesurtv.net El país recibió las vacunas después de las pérdidas de 1,2 millones de aves entre muertas o sacrificadas por diversos focos infecciosos.
(2023-03-04). Presidente de Ecuador decreta estado de excepción en Esmeraldas. telesurtv.net Según datos oficiales desde enero, se han registrado 70 homicidios en la provincia de Esmeraldas.
(2023-03-04). Emiten alerta roja por calor extremo en Buenos Aires, Argentina. telesurtv.net Se tomó la decisión al cumplirse el cuarto día consecutivo con temperaturas superiores a los 35 grados.