(2023-03-31). Argentina Celebrates 40 Years Of Democracy And Human Rights. popularresistance.org Last week, Argentina celebrated 40 years of democracy and human rights by hosting the Third World Forum of Human Rights (March 20-24) scheduled in tandem with its National Day of Remembrance for Truth & Justice. The Forum closed with a march and rally on March 24 which marked 47 years since the US-backed military coup that overthrew the democratically elected government on March 24, 1976, and installed the bloodiest dictatorship in the history of #Argentina remained in power until 1983.
(2023-03-31). President Maduro: Half of PDVSA-Crypto Corruption Detainees Confessing, New Detainees in CVG & PDVSA. orinocotribune.com The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, demanded that the investigatory bodies of the state were to find all resources and assets held by the mafias and groups involved in the recently unveiled corruption network, in order for it to be reinvested into the state and in attention to the Venezuelan population. "They have to guarantee it," he said, "that all the wealth stolen from the people will be found and reinvested." | Maduro called for the resources to be redistributed so that "we can put them into social programs for our people." The announcement was made this Wednesday, March 29, during the opening of the…
(2023-03-31). Ecuador: President Guillermo Lasso To Face Impeachment. orinocotribune.com
(2023-03-31). Daily Round-up | Saudi Arabia joins SCO & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episode of the Daily Round-up, we look at Saudi Arabia joining SCO; , Chad nationalizes oil assets, US senate repeals Iraq wars' authorizations, and Colombia announces conference to promote Venezuelan dialogue.
(2023-03-31). Argentina Celebrates 40 Years Of Democracy And Human Rights. popularresistance.org Last week, Argentina celebrated 40 years of democracy and human rights by hosting the Third World Forum of Human Rights (March 20-24) scheduled in tandem with its National Day of Remembrance for Truth & Justice. The Forum closed with a march and rally on March 24 which marked 47 years since the US-backed military coup that overthrew the democratically elected government on March 24, 1976, and installed the bloodiest dictatorship in the history of #Argentina remained in power until 1983.
(2023-03-31). President Maduro: Half of PDVSA-Crypto Corruption Detainees Confessing, New Detainees in CVG & PDVSA. orinocotribune.com The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, demanded that the investigatory bodies of the state were to find all resources and assets held by the mafias and groups involved in the recently unveiled corruption network, in order for it to be reinvested into the state and in attention to the Venezuelan population. "They have to guarantee it," he said, "that all the wealth stolen from the people will be found and reinvested." | Maduro called for the resources to be redistributed so that "we can put them into social programs for our people." The announcement was made this Wednesday, March 29, during the opening of the…
(2023-03-31). Ecuador: President Guillermo Lasso To Face Impeachment. orinocotribune.com
(2023-03-31). Daily Round-up | Saudi Arabia joins SCO & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episode of the Daily Round-up, we look at Saudi Arabia joining SCO; , Chad nationalizes oil assets, US senate repeals Iraq wars' authorizations, and Colombia announces conference to promote Venezuelan dialogue.
(2023-03-31). Javier Milei y el mito de la Argentina como expotencia mundial. globalizacion.ca A solo meses de la elección presidencial en Argentina, el futuro de aquel país, al igual como ha pasado en distintos lugares del mundo, se encuentra amenazado por candidatos de una nueva derecha reaccionaria y negacionista, que con tal de…
(2023-03-31). Tasa de desempleo en Chile alcanza el 8,4 por ciento. telesurtv.net Tanto las tasas de participación como las de ocupación siguieron su tendencia al aumento.
(2023-03-31). Anulan licencia ambiental de proyecto minero en Imbabura, Ecuador. telesurtv.net El proyecto Llurimagua pretendía desarrollar una explotación a cielo abierto y a gran escala en Imbabura.
(2023-03-31). Registran sismo de magnitud 6,4 en Cobquecura, Chile. telesurtv.net El movimiento telúrico ocurrió a unos 111 kilómetros al noroeste de la comuna de Cobquecura, Región de Ñuble.
(2023-03-31). Suben a 17 los muertos por alud de tierra en Alausí, Ecuador. telesurtv.net Unas 72 personas continúan desaparecidas y se cuenta con maquinaria para realizar las acciones de búsqueda por cuarto día de respuesta.
(2023-03-31). Monitorean actividad sísmica del volcán Nevado del Ruiz en Colombia. telesurtv.net La actividad sigue localizada en el sector suroccidental del volcán, entre tres y cinco kilómetros de distancia del cráter Arenas.
(2023-03-31). Inician movilizaciones previas a marcha campesina en Paraguay. telesurtv.net La jornada de lucha convoca también a indígenas, organizaciones urbanas y otros sectores populares.
(2023-03-31). Congreso peruano debatirá admisión de moción de vacancia contra Boluarte. telesurtv.net Solicitan al Pleno Legislativo declarar la permanente incapacidad de la mandataria, declarar la vacancia de la Presidencia e iniciar la sucesión presidencial.
(2023-03-31). Continúa lucha contra la corrupción en Venezuela. telesurtv.net La Policía Nacional contra la Corrupción informó sobre el inicio de la segunda fase del operativo especial 'Caiga quien caiga'.
(2023-03-31). Entregan a Unesco expediente de postulación del joropo venezolano. telesurtv.net Se hizo entrega del expediente con el cual Venezuela postula al Joropo Venezolano como Patrimonio de la Humanidad.
(2023-03-31). Asesinan a directores de hospitales en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Según la Policía Nacional, aún se realizan investigaciones del caso para hallar a los responsables.