Monthly Archives: March 2023

2023-03-29: News Headlines

Staff (2023-03-29). President Maduro: China is a Non-Imperialist Great Power. "China gives strong signals that it can be a great power without being an imperialist power," said the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, this Monday. The comments were made in the context of the new multipolar geopolitical reality in which the People's Republic of China has emerged as a great power. | "Relations between Greater China and the Homeland of Bolívar have reached their highest level of mutual trust, collaboration, and work, and our relations are at the highest level, at the best level, that relations between Venezuela and China have ever been," President Maduro said. | The head of state said that…

Ana Zorita (2023-03-29). Uruguay: Workers strike against proposed pension reform to raise retirement age. Workers and unions led strikes in Uruguay on March 23 against the right-wing Luis Lacalle Pou government's proposed pension reforms, which include raising the retirement age from 60 to 65, reports Ana Zorita.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-29). Asesinan a líder juvenil en el departamento de Nariño, Colombia. Indepaz indicó que la víctima fue identificada como Linder Stiven Sepúlveda, de 24 años de edad.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-29). Reportan 1.168 casos de tuberculosis en Uruguay en 2022. El número de casos se elevó en 2022 ante la ocurrencia de diagnósticos tardíos, que se venían arrastrando desde hacía dos años.

Staff (2023-03-29). President Maduro: China is a Non-Imperialist Great Power. "China gives strong signals that it can be a great power without being an imperialist power," said the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, this Monday. The comments were made in the context of the new multipolar geopolitical reality in which the People's Republic of China has emerged as a great power. | "Relations between Greater China and the Homeland of Bolívar have reached their highest level of mutual trust, collaboration, and work, and our relations are at the highest level, at the best level, that relations between Venezuela and China have ever been," President Maduro said. | The head of state said that…

Ana Zorita (2023-03-29). Uruguay: Workers strike against proposed pension reform to raise retirement age. Workers and unions led strikes in Uruguay on March 23 against the right-wing Luis Lacalle Pou government's proposed pension reforms, which include raising the retirement age from 60 to 65, reports Ana Zorita.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-29). Asesinan a líder juvenil en el departamento de Nariño, Colombia. Indepaz indicó que la víctima fue identificada como Linder Stiven Sepúlveda, de 24 años de edad.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-29). Reportan 1.168 casos de tuberculosis en Uruguay en 2022. El número de casos se elevó en 2022 ante la ocurrencia de diagnósticos tardíos, que se venían arrastrando desde hacía dos años.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-29). Emisiones del volcán Cotopaxi superan 2.000 metros de altura en Ecuador. Ante la fuerte actividad registrada en el Cotopaxi, las autoridades mantienen su monitoreo constante.

Staff (2023-03-29). Messi regala el gol 100 y una exhibición ante Curazao en la fiesta del campeón del mundo. La Selección Argentina terminó su gira de festejo de los campeones del mundo en Santiago del Estero. Ante 42 000 personas en el Estadio Madre de Ciudades, Lionel Messi se dio el gusto de meter otro hattrick y llegar al gol número 100 en su carrera como jugador albiceleste en la goleada por 7-0 a Curazao.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-29). Investigarán a presidenta peruana por organización criminal. La investigación de la Fiscalía por el presunto delito de lavado de activos en la campaña electoral del 2021 incluye al expresidente Pedro Castillo.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-03-29). Al menos 19 estudiantes desaparecidos por deslave en Ecuador. El deslizamiento provocó daños en estructuras educativas. Al menos cuatro planteles en la zona de riesgo sufrieron afectaciones.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-29). Avanzan labores de búsqueda tras alud de tierra en Alausí, Ecuador. Las autoridades continúan con la alerta amarilla en esa región del Chimborazo.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-29). Decretan en Argentina medidas excepcionales por la sequía. Las medidas incluyen la suspensión de intimaciones; así como beneficios fiscales para la venta forzosa de vientres.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-29). Registran 1.371 nuevos casos de Covid-19 en Chile. Desde el inicio de la pandemia, Chile acumula un total de 5.255.620 casos confirmados de Covid-19.

2023-03-29 09:41:02 | 09:41 EST | tr | 17 | 0 | 0 | 15 | 0 

2023-03-28: News Headlines

WSWS (2023-03-28). IYSSE holds meeting against Ukraine war at Brazil's University of Sà£o Paulo. The meeting addressed the origins of the war, the capitalist crisis and growing class struggle, and the political perspective required to confront the war.

____ (2023-03-28). Hong Kong welcomes issuance, listing of catastrophe bond by World Bank. HKSAR government on Tuesday welcomed the issuance of insurance-linked securities in the form of a catastrophe bond by the World Bank in Hong Kong with a size of 350 million U.S. dollars, offering protection against losses related to earthquake risks in Chile over the next three years.

Misión Verdad (2023-03-28). The Crucial Challenge of Venezuela's Oil Industry. By Misión Verdad — Mar 27, 2023 | The recently revealed corruption scheme at the heart of PDVSA has once again highlighted the pending issue of restructuring the oil industry. Venezuela's oil industry has been harassed for years by a general offensive of "sanctions" that have substantially impacted its operation, productive capacity and foreign trade channels, bringing negative consequences for the national economy as a whole. | THE "RAMÂREZ ERA" | The great weight that the state company exerts on Venezuela's economic performance by representing the main source of foreign currency income has strengthened the…

WSWS (2023-03-28). IYSSE holds meeting against Ukraine war at Brazil's University of Sà£o Paulo. The meeting addressed the origins of the war, the capitalist crisis and growing class struggle, and the political perspective required to confront the war.

____ (2023-03-28). Hong Kong welcomes issuance, listing of catastrophe bond by World Bank. HKSAR government on Tuesday welcomed the issuance of insurance-linked securities in the form of a catastrophe bond by the World Bank in Hong Kong with a size of 350 million U.S. dollars, offering protection against losses related to earthquake risks in Chile over the next three years.

Misión Verdad (2023-03-28). The Crucial Challenge of Venezuela's Oil Industry. By Misión Verdad — Mar 27, 2023 | The recently revealed corruption scheme at the heart of PDVSA has once again highlighted the pending issue of restructuring the oil industry. Venezuela's oil industry has been harassed for years by a general offensive of "sanctions" that have substantially impacted its operation, productive capacity and foreign trade channels, bringing negative consequences for the national economy as a whole. | THE "RAMÂREZ ERA" | The great weight that the state company exerts on Venezuela's economic performance by representing the main source of foreign currency income has strengthened the…

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-28). Alertan sobre intensas lluvias en los próximas días en Perú. El Senamhi advierte que hasta el miércoles habrá lluvias moderadas e intensas en la Sierra y en algunas costas peruanas.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-28). Denuncian asesinato de lideresa social en Nariño, Colombia. Se trata de Mariela Marínez Gaviria de 68 años, que fue impactada por un arma de fuego en su vivienda.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-28). Designan nuevo juez en caso de juicio político a Guillermo Lasso. El presidente ecuatoriano cuestiona el pedido de juicio político y pide su inadmisión en esta instancia de la Corte Constitucional.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-28). Al menos 16 muertos deja deslizamiento en Alausí, Ecuador. Se movilizaron equipos de búsqueda y rescate de Cuenca, Guayaquil, Chunchi, Guamote, Riobamba y Quito.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-28). Brigadas médicas atienden a 811 afectados en Cobija, Bolivia. Unos 150 profesionales sanitarios se movilizaron desde los días del fin de semana para atender a los damnificados.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-28). Guillermo Lasso anuncia medidas por deslave en Alausí, Ecuador. Un grupo de personas de la provincia de Chimborazo rechazaron la presencia del presidente Guillermo Lasso en la ciudad de Alausí.

2023-03-28 06:17:02 | 06:17 EST | tr | 14 | 0 | 0 | 14 | 0