Monthly Archives: March 2023

2023-03-16: News Headlines

Zoe Alexandra (2023-03-16). Enver León: "The majority of Peruvians want a change in the Constitution" The coup d'état against Peruvian President Pedro Castillo on December 7, sparked a wave of mass protests across the Andean country that continues to this day. Tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets throughout the country to demonstrate their rejection of the de facto government of Dina Boluarte and the National Congress, as well as to demand new elections and a Constituent Assembly. | The response of Dina Boluarte's government has been to try to delegitimize the demands and strongly repress the mobilizations. To date, the repression has claimed more than 60 lives, and most of the demands of the peo…

Staff (2023-03-16). President Maduro to China's Communist Party: 'The Times of The Empires Are Over'. This Wednesday, March 15, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced, "The times of the empires are over, the times of the peoples have arrived for now and forever," speaking at the High-Level Dialogue between the Communist Party of China and World Political Parties, the main theme of which is: The Road to Modernization: Responsibility of Political Parties. | In a virtual conference, President Maduro proposed "building a community with a common destiny" that restores world balance, in reference to Chinese President Xi Jinping's strategy of building an international environment on the basis of cooperation. "Let…

Staff (2023-03-16). Suspected Assassins of Peasant Leader Carlos Bolívar Captured and Charged. This Tuesday, March 14, the Attorney General of the Republic of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, announced via social media that four people were presented before the Second Court of Calabozo, Guárico state, for their alleged responsibility in the murder of peasant leader Carlos Bolívar Cedeño. | Carlos Rivero and Mariangélica Mujica were presented for the crimes of assassination in the degree of necessary accomplices, criminal association, and use of an adolescent to commit the crime that occurred on Thursday, March 2, around 6 a.m. Alexis Silva and José Mujica were the other two suspects, presented for the crimes…

____ (2023-03-16). Outbound Chinese travel picks up speed. Outbound Chinese travel is recovering rapidly, with 40 more countries added to the list of foreign destinations, including Nepal, Vietnam, Iran, France, Spain, Italy, Greece and Brazil.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2023-03-16). Bolivia exporta electricidad hacia Argentina. El viceministro de Electricidad y Energías Renovables, Édgar Caero, dijo que "cada jueves el mercado argentino y la parte boliviana podrá realizar los despachos".

Zoe Alexandra (2023-03-16). Enver León: "The majority of Peruvians want a change in the Constitution" The coup d'état against Peruvian President Pedro Castillo on December 7, sparked a wave of mass protests across the Andean country that continues to this day. Tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets throughout the country to demonstrate their rejection of the de facto government of Dina Boluarte and the National Congress, as well as to demand new elections and a Constituent Assembly. | The response of Dina Boluarte's government has been to try to delegitimize the demands and strongly repress the mobilizations. To date, the repression has claimed more than 60 lives, and most of the demands of the peo…

Staff (2023-03-16). President Maduro to China's Communist Party: 'The Times of The Empires Are Over'. This Wednesday, March 15, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced, "The times of the empires are over, the times of the peoples have arrived for now and forever," speaking at the High-Level Dialogue between the Communist Party of China and World Political Parties, the main theme of which is: The Road to Modernization: Responsibility of Political Parties. | In a virtual conference, President Maduro proposed "building a community with a common destiny" that restores world balance, in reference to Chinese President Xi Jinping's strategy of building an international environment on the basis of cooperation. "Let…

Staff (2023-03-16). Suspected Assassins of Peasant Leader Carlos Bolívar Captured and Charged. This Tuesday, March 14, the Attorney General of the Republic of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, announced via social media that four people were presented before the Second Court of Calabozo, Guárico state, for their alleged responsibility in the murder of peasant leader Carlos Bolívar Cedeño. | Carlos Rivero and Mariangélica Mujica were presented for the crimes of assassination in the degree of necessary accomplices, criminal association, and use of an adolescent to commit the crime that occurred on Thursday, March 2, around 6 a.m. Alexis Silva and José Mujica were the other two suspects, presented for the crimes…

____ (2023-03-16). Outbound Chinese travel picks up speed. Outbound Chinese travel is recovering rapidly, with 40 more countries added to the list of foreign destinations, including Nepal, Vietnam, Iran, France, Spain, Italy, Greece and Brazil.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2023-03-16). Bolivia exporta electricidad hacia Argentina. El viceministro de Electricidad y Energías Renovables, Édgar Caero, dijo que "cada jueves el mercado argentino y la parte boliviana podrá realizar los despachos".

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-16). Emiten aviso por altas temperaturas en varias regiones de Chile. El informe asegura que las mayores variaciones serán experimentadas en las regiones ubicadas al sur de la nación como Bio Bío.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-03-16). Venezuela derrota a Israel y avanza invicta en Clásico Mundial. México avanzó con victoria ante Canadá. Puerto Rico continúa su paso a cuartos de final y elimina a República Dominicana.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-16). Reportan asesinato de un firmante y un líder social en Colombia. El firmante Wilson Llanos Sarria se encontraba desaparecido desde la semana pasada tras ser secuestrado.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-16). China y Venezuela coinciden en reformar gobernanza global. Xi Jinping inauguró más temprano la Reunión de Alto Nivel del PCCh en Diálogo con los Partidos Políticos Mundiales, la cual sesiona en línea.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-16). Lluvias provocan deslizamientos e inundaciones en Lima, Perú. El Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología pronosticó precipitaciones moderadas e intensas hasta el viernes.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-16). Nueva matanza deja tres muertos en Meta, Colombia. De acuerdo al Indepaz se trata de la masacre número 22 de este año, donde actúan los llamados Puntilleros, las Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia, entre otros.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-16). Confirman presencia del virus de la gripe aviar en Uruguay. En el departamento de Canelones, murieron a causa del virus en días pasados cinco cisnes de cuello negro.

2023-03-16 13:58:32 | 13:58 EST | jz | 19 | 0 | 0 | 19 | 0 

2023-03-15: News Headlines

Staff (2023-03-15). Peru's De Facto Vice Minister of Health Chased from Restaurant. This Monday, March 13, members of the Ayacucho People's Defense Front (Fredepa), in Peru, confronted de facto Vice Minister of Health Henry Rebaza when he was having lunch in a restaurant in the department of Ayacucho. Rebaza fled the restaurant. | Cries of "murderer!" and "get out of Ayacucho!" were among the many insults that Rebaza and the entourage that accompanied him faced while a security agent tried to protect him. The ire of every day Peruvians was exacerbated by Rebaza's appearance at the fine restaurant during a time of crisis. Peruvians are faced with a coup regime that has been massacring their fello…

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-15). Brote de dengue suma 26 muertos y más de 20.000 contagios en Perú. La cartera de Salud indicó que los casos de dengue se han incrementado a 20.044, de los cuales 162 personas han sido hospitalizadas por la gravedad de la enfermedad.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-15). Inflación en Argentina llega al 6,6 % en febrero. Asimismo el Indec puntualizó que en un 9,8 por ciento aumentó el precio de los alimentos y bebidas no alcohólicas, principalmente las Carnes y sus derivados.

Staff (2023-03-15). Peru's De Facto Vice Minister of Health Chased from Restaurant. This Monday, March 13, members of the Ayacucho People's Defense Front (Fredepa), in Peru, confronted de facto Vice Minister of Health Henry Rebaza when he was having lunch in a restaurant in the department of Ayacucho. Rebaza fled the restaurant. | Cries of "murderer!" and "get out of Ayacucho!" were among the many insults that Rebaza and the entourage that accompanied him faced while a security agent tried to protect him. The ire of every day Peruvians was exacerbated by Rebaza's appearance at the fine restaurant during a time of crisis. Peruvians are faced with a coup regime that has been massacring their fello…

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-15). Brote de dengue suma 26 muertos y más de 20.000 contagios en Perú. La cartera de Salud indicó que los casos de dengue se han incrementado a 20.044, de los cuales 162 personas han sido hospitalizadas por la gravedad de la enfermedad.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-15). Inflación en Argentina llega al 6,6 % en febrero. Asimismo el Indec puntualizó que en un 9,8 por ciento aumentó el precio de los alimentos y bebidas no alcohólicas, principalmente las Carnes y sus derivados.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-15). Venezuela rechaza politización del tema de la migración local. La cancillería mediante un comunicado rechaza la convocatoria de Canadá y la UE a una conferencia para tratar la situación migratoria en Venezuela.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-15). Ciclón Yaku se aleja de Perú pero aún provoca intensas lluvias. En el norte de Perú la temporada de lluvias ha provocado 61 muertos, 57 heridos, 12.200 damnificados y 49.111 afectados.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-15). Declaran alerta roja por intensas lluvias en Lima, Perú. A nivel nacional, otros departamentos también se encuentran con nubosidad, en especial las zonas norte, centro y sur.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-15). Parlamento ecuatoriano levanta información sobre corrupción. La información desbloqueada será digitalizada y distribuida entre los asambleístas y con eso ampliar los detalles sobre el Caso Gran Padrino.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-15). Sismo de magnitud 5,5 sacude el suroeste de Chile. El sismo ocurrió a las 16H56 (hora local) y hasta el momento, no se reportan daños materiales ni humanos.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-15). Comisión parlamentaria peruana rechaza adelantar comicios. De haber salido adelante, las elecciones se hubieran llevado a cabo el segundo domingo de diciembre de 2023 (10 de diciembre).

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-15). Paraguay refuerza medidas para frenar brote de chikungunya. El Servicio Nacional de Erradicación del Paludismo (Senepa) en la prevención de la enfermedad se ocupa de acciones de erradicación del vector.

2023-03-15 04:44:12 | 04:44 EST | tr | 15 | 0 | 0 | 13 | 0