Alina Ramos Martin (2023-08-20). Senator Mario Bergara extends the pre-candidacy of Frente Amplio. Montevideo, Aug 20 (Prensa Latina) Senator Mario Bergara extended the list of presidential pre-candidates of the Frente Amplio (FA), a political coalition that hopes to recover the government of Uruguay in the elections of October 2024.
Paulo Cabral (2023-08-20). Brazil: The only country outside Russia to house the Bolshoi Ballet.
Russia's famed Bolshoi Theater lends its name to only one ballet school abroad. It's an institution in Joinville, Brazil, a city of about 600,000 people in the southern state of Santa Catarina. Our correspondent Paulo Cabral traveled there to talk to students and teachers and see their work.
Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-20). The BRICS at a Historic Crossroads. No Cold WarThe New Cold War is rapidly heating up, with severe consequences for people around the world. Our series, Briefings, provides the key facts on these matters of global concern. The upcoming fifteenth BRICS Summit (22—24 August) in Johannesburg, South Africa, has the potential to make history. The heads of state of Brazil, Russia, India,…
teleSUR (2023-08-20). Ecuadorians Concerned About Deficiencies in Online Vote Abroad. Throughout Sunday morning, hundreds of Ecuadorian migrants have been denouncing that the online voting systems were not working properly. | RELATED: | This happened in countries such as Canada, Belgium, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, and Spain, where citizens have been trying to vote for hours without being able to do so. | Former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa warned about this issue, which has been also reported by internationa…
scorinoco (2023-08-20). State of Emergency as Ecuador Heads to the Polls. By Aminta Buenaño — Aug 18, 2023 | Once upon a time, Ecuador was considered an island of peace. Once upon a time, we were one of the safest countries in the continent. Once upon a time, the prisons worked, the Ministry of Justice functioned, and we felt that we had a government and a leader. A time when we saw our taxes turned into infrastructure, roads, hospitals, schools, and parks; there were fewer beggars in the streets and more children in schools. | How did a country as beautiful as Ecuador become hell? | Until recently, the hope of better winds for our nation made emigrants return with the promise of…
LEPAIO (2023-08-20). No More AFL-CIO Support For Coups On The 50th Anniversary Of The 1973 Chile Coup. September 11, 2023 is the 50th anniversary of the US coup in Chile that cost the lives of tens of thousands of workers and people. The AFL-CIO leadership was centrally involved in this coup and continues to cover up it's role and also continues to take tens of millions of dollars from the National Endowment For Democracy NED for operations in over 62 countries. An educational conference will be held in Washington DC on September 10 and a rally at the AFL-CIO headquarters on September 11th to demand justice and against the continued funding of the AFL-CIO international operations by the US government.
Staff (2023-08-20). Who killed Ecuador's Fernando Villavicencio?
The Grayzone presents a documentary investigation into the career and killing of Fernando Villavicencio, the late Ecuadorian presidential candidate and former President of the Commission of Fiscalization and Political Control of the National Assembly of Ecuador. Days after proclaiming that Ecuador had been "kidnapped by the mafias," Villavicencio was assassinated at close range by a …
Alan MacLeod, MintPress News. (2023-08-20). Documents Show Taiwan Working With FBI To Prosecute Chinese Americans. Vice President Lai's journey to the United States is, officially, only a stopover on his way to Paraguay (the U.S. does not formally recognize Taiwan as an independent state). He is scheduled to make appearances in both New York and San Francisco. | Lai himself is an outspoken leader of the growing movement for Taiwanese independence. Many nationalists see Taiwan as culturally different from the mainland and argue it would be better off as a fully independent state. To achieve this goal, they are attempting to gain American backing and influence American public opinion. China, however, sees the matter as purely i…
Clau O'Brien Moscoso, Black Agenda Report. (2023-08-20). Peruvian De Facto Minister Of Defense Travels To Washington, DC. As the political crisis in Perú deepens eight months after the parliamentary coup that ousted Pedro Castillo and threw the South American country into the bloodiest period it has seen in decades, the US militarization of the country intensifies. From August 7-12th, de facto Peruvian Defense Minister Jorge Chávez traveled to Washington DC to "update bilateral military agreements" between the two nations. He met with various officials in the Defense Department, including the US Undersecretary of Defense for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Daniel P. Erikson, the head of the National Guard, General Dan Hokanson; and the…
Celina Della Croce, MR Online. (2023-08-20). How US Sanctions Are A Tool Of War: The Case Of Venezuela. On March 26, 2022, Francisco lay in a public hospital bed in Bolívar, Venezuela, roughly eight hours inland from the capital of Caracas. He had been waiting for more than twenty-four hours to be seen by a doctor for fluids filling his stomach in a hot room with no fan or air conditioning. By then he was stick thin, his skin clinging to his bones as he lay on his side, waiting. | When he was finally seen by a doctor and given a prescription, he was also told that the hospital did not have the medicines he needed. His family would need to try to find them on their own. At the pharmacy, the initial prescription tota…
Dan Collyns (2023-08-20). Ecuador elections under the cloud of assassinations, shoot-outs.
As Ecuadorians go to the polls to choose a new president on Sunday, the killing of a presidential candidate less than two weeks before the vote has set the tone for a fraught election. Eight candidates pledge to boost security and fight crime following a …
Ana Perdigón (2023-08-20). Venezuela: Opposition Uses Hatred as Electoral Strategy.
Julia Conley (2023-08-20). Ecuadorians Vote on Referendum to End Oil Drilling in Yasuní National Park. Ecuadorian voters on Sunday headed to the polls to cast their votes in both a snap presidential election and to take what environmental justice campaigners said was a "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunity to help protect one of the world's most vital ecosystems. Signs urging the public to vote "Sí al Yasuni" or "yes" for the Yasuní National Park in the Amazon rainforest have been plastered across the… |
teleSUR (2023-08-20). Ecuador Update: Candidate Gonzalez Votes in Manabi. On Sunday, over 13 million Ecuadorians are set to participate in elections to choose a president, vice president, and 137 legislators. | RELATED: | The candidates running for the presidency are: Luisa Gonzalez (Citizen Revolution), Otto Sonnenholzner (Act Now), Jan Topic (For a Fearless Country), Daniel Noboa (National Democratic Action), Yaku Perez (Yes, We Can), Xavier Hervas (Total Renewal), Christian Zurita (B…
teleSUR (2023-08-20). Ecuador Holds Elections Amid a Climate of Violence. On Sunday, over 13 million Ecuadorians are set to participate in elections to choose a president, vice president, and 137 legislators amidst a backdrop of violence and insecurity across this South American country. | RELATED: | As per the schedule outlined by the National Electoral Council (CNE), the electoral process will commence at 7: 00 a.m. local time with the opening of 4,390 polling centers. The voting perio…
sputnikglobe (2023-08-20). Ecuador to Vote Sunday in Snap General Election Marred by Campaign Violence. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Ecuadorians will go to the polls on Sunday to elect a new president and parliament as the South American nation continues to reel from the brutal assassination of a presidential candidate.
Martin Hacthoun (2023-08-20). Elections in Ecuador under Emergency State and intense wildfires. Quito, Aug 20 (Prensa Latina) The early presidential elections in Ecuador are taking place today under a State of Emergency and intense wildfires, in which 13.45 million voters are called to elect the new president among four main candidates.
TASS (2023-08-20). PREVIEW: Ecuador to hold early presidential, parliamentary elections. The elections come amid a serious deterioration of security in Ecuador…
Alina Ramos Martin (2023-08-20). Ecuadorians abroad report failures in telematic voting system. We want to vote, we want our country free of crime, Ecuadorian citizens living in Madrid, Spain said. | From the Ecuadorian consulate in the Spanish capital, voters stated that there was no presence of members of the National Electoral Council (CNE) or the embassy to support them. | Likewise, from Twitter there have begun to appear complaints of an error in the system that does not allow to exercise the vote. | Our rights are violated, we cannot vote, the system gives me an error and there is also misinformation. People were not aware that they had to vote telematically, user Natalia Sanchez said. | Meanwhile, K…
Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-08-20). Warning on negativism and extremist ties of Argentinean candidate. Buenos Aires, Aug 20 (Prensa Latina) The vice-presidential candidate for La Libertad Avanza, Victoria Villarruel, denies the disappearance of 30 thousand people during the last dictatorship in Argentina (1976-1983) and maintains links with the Spanish ultra-right-wing organization Vox, the newspaper Página 12 warned today.
Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-08-20). Montevideo's water reserves grow. Its flow increased by more than eight million cubic meters between August 18 and 19, when it rained heavily on the basin of the Santa Lucia River, the main source of water supply. | A press release from the Presidency of the Republic said that the dam has a little more than 23 million cubic meters, which represents 33 percent of its capacity. | The message also assures that the values of chlorides and sodium have decreased significantly in the pumping lines to the capital. | Earlier, meteorologist Mario Bidegain declared the drought in Uruguay to be over, according to a message he posted on social networks | "The…
LEPAIO (2023-08-20). Saturday 8/26: On The 50th Anniversary of Chile Coup- Special Free Screening of 'Nae Pasaran'. To Register | Saturday August 26, 2023 3PM PST/5PM CST/6PM EST |–qqz0qHNVOO2eqol1EUVPKHoPAbQOl…
teleSUR, SH (2023-08-20). Alcalde ecuatoriano denuncia ataque armado en su contra. El alcalde Francisco Tamariz señaló que dispararon en varias ocasiones el vehículo en el que se movilizaba en compañía de su esposa y dos acompañantes.
teleSUR, JDO (2023-08-20). Ratifican participación de Presidente boliviano en cumbre Brics. En junio pasado, la Presidencia comunicó oficialmente el interés de Bolivia de integrarse al bloque que forman Brasil, Rusia, India, China y Sudáfrica.
teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-08-20). Gobierno venezolano atiende a familias damnificadas por lluvias. El Gobierno venezolano alerto en mayo pasado sobre los riesgos ante el comienzo de la temporada de lluvias, que incluyó el paso de 65 ondas tropicales.
teleSUR, SH (2023-08-20). Ecuador celebra elecciones en medio de un clima de violencia. Las elecciones en Ecuador transcurrirá en medio de una ola de violencia e inseguridad que costó la vida al candidato presidencial Fernando Villavicencio.
teleSUR- jaa, JCM (2023-08-20). Encuestadora rechaza hacer sondeo por inseguridad en Ecuador. La entidad aclaró en un comunicado que no trabajarán en los 720 recintos electorales como se tenía previsto.
teleSUR, JCM (2023-08-20). Candidato a la Presidencia de Ecuador reporta balacera. De acuerdo con la policía de Guayaquil, varios delincuentes fueron detenidos y estarían vinculados a la banda que protagonizó la balacera cerca del restaurante donde esta el candidato.
teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2023-08-20). Bernardo O'Higgins y su rol en la Independencia de Chile. Junto al argentino, José de San Martín, Bernardo de O'Higgins conformó un ejército en 1815 con el que logró la independencia del país de la corona española.
teleSUR, EN, JDO (2023-08-20). Lugo y Porras son los campeones de la Vuelta a La Azulita. Con la disputa de las dos últimas etapas llegó a su final la edición XXVII de la Vuelta a La Azulita.
teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-08-20). Veinte muertos y más de 12 heridos por dos accidentes en Perú. El primer accidente se produjo sobre las 01H00 hora local (06.00 GMT), mientras el segundo ocurrió dos horas después.
teleSUR, JCM (2023-08-20). Elecciones sin incidentes en Ecuador pero con problemas en el exterior. La votación se desarrolla bajo un estado de excepción decretado por el Gobierno tras el asesinato el 9 de agosto del candidato presidencial Fernando Villavicencio.
teleSUR, JCM (2023-08-20). Inician comicios extraordinarios para elegir presidente en Ecuador. La votación se desarrolla bajo un estado de excepción decretado por el Gobierno tras el asesinato el 9 de agosto del candidato presidencial Fernando Villavicencio.
teleSUR, JCM (2023-08-20). Jornada electoral se realiza sin mayores incidentes en Ecuador. La votación se desarrolla bajo un estado de excepción decretado por el Gobierno tras el asesinato el 9 de agosto del candidato presidencial Fernando Villavicencio.
teleSUR, JCM (2023-08-20). Denuncian ecuatorianos en el exterior dificultades para votar. "¡Queremos votar, queremos votar, queremos votar!", decía un grupo de migrantes reunidos afuera de un recinto electoral en Madrid (España), en un video subido a la red social Twitter.
teleSUR, JDO (2023-08-20). Inauguran en Ecuador voto telemático de residentes en exterior. Un total de 409.250 ecuatorianos están habilitados para sufragar de forma telemática. Poco más de 100.000 de ellos se registraron para votar.
Ariadna Eljuri (2023-08-19). Venezuela's Electoral Observation Mission Will Participate in Ecuador Elections.
A Venezuelan mission of electoral observers, dispatched by the National Assembly of Venezuela, has arrived in Quito, Ecuador, to accompany the early presidential and legislative elections in the country. | The electoral observation mission, which will accompany the early elections in Ecuador to be held on Sunday, August 20, comprises Venezuelan National Assembly Deputies Enrique Ramos, Carolina García, Fernando Bastidas, Azucena Jaspe, Carlos Mogollón, and Nancy Ascencio. |