Daily Archives: September 7, 2023

2023-09-07: News Headlines

infobrics (2023-09-07). Russia and Brazil Consider Co-Producing Films Together. infobrics.org Culture authorities from Russia and Brazil are discussing the possibility of reaching an agreement on joint film production…

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-09-07). Colombia and U.S. to review immigration progress. plenglish.com In this regard, the Foreign Minister Alvaro Leyva Duran, along with a group of senior officials, held a meeting with the U.S. House National Security Advisor Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall; the head of the U.S. Southern Command Gen. Laura Richardson; and the Undersecretary of State for Management and Resources Richard Verma. | The parties discussed the challenges faced by both nations on different aspects, especially irregular migration. | The Foreign Ministry said they pledged to continue working together, in bodies such as the tripartite group (which they share with Panama), in regional and multilateral spheres and…

Joel Schlosberg (2023-09-07). The Raw-Dealed Actor/Teacher Show. counterpunch.org The Wall Street Journal now realizes that income inequality can be a source of social problems. No, its famously pro-proprietor commentators haven't signed up for union cards. In fact, two different editorials in the August 28 opinion pages come not to praise labor organizing but to bury it, whether it's South American schoolteachers who benefit

Joel Schlosberg (2023-09-07). The Raw-Dealed Actor/Teacher Show. counterpunch.org The Wall Street Journal now realizes that income inequality can be a source of social problems. No, its famously pro-proprietor commentators haven't signed up for union cards. In fact, two different editorials in the August 28 opinion pages come not to praise labor organizing but to bury it, whether it's South American schoolteachers who benefit

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-09-07). Ecuador is thrown into a panic for new bomb threats. plenglish.com Quito, Sep 7 (Prensa Latina) Ecuador ¥s National Police Department dismissed two new bomb threats in this capital while citizens got panic-striken before such increasingly frequent events in the country.

Vijay Prashad (2023-09-07). What if There Had Been No Coup in Chile in 1973? dissidentvoice.org Gracia Barrios (Chile), Multitud III ('Multitude III'), 1972. Imagine this scenario. On 11 September 1973, the reactionary sections of the Chilean army, led by General Augusto Pinochet and given a green light by the US government, did not leave their barracks. President Salvador Allende, who led the Popular Unity government, went to his office in …

teleSUR (2023-09-07). Venezuelan VP Delcy Rodriguez Meets Chinese FM Wang. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Chinese Foreign Affairs Minister Wang Yi met with Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez, who is in Beijing for the 17th meeting of the Mixed Venezuela-China High-Level Committee. | RELATED: | Wang said that China and Venezuela have forged an unbreakable, ironclad friendship, and China firmly supports Venezuela in safeguarding its national independence and dignity. | China is ready to work with Vene…

teleSUR (2023-09-07). Argentina and China Foster Resources and Energy Cooperation. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Argentina and China signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for scientific cooperation on matters related to natural resources and energy transition. | RELATED: | This document was signed by the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Daniel Filmus during his visit to Beijing, where he met with the Minister of Natural Resources Wang Guanghua. | The MoU is focused on the creation of a virtual binational…

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-09-07). Fearab condemns U.S. blockade imposed on Syria and Cuba. plenglish.com Damascus, Sep 7 (Prensa Latina) The final declaration of the 50th Extraordinary Conference of the Federation of Arab Entities in Latin America (FEARAB) held in this capital, condemned on Thursday the economic blockade imposed on Syria, Cuba, Venezuela and other nations.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-09-07). Brazil has become a guinea pig for the global effort to censor information. expose-news.com Brazilian Justice Alexandre de Moraes has censored a shocking number of high-profile people in a surprisingly short period of time. Not just on social media but he is also freezing bank accounts …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-09-07). Brazil has become a guinea pig for the global effort to censor information. expose-news.com Brazilian Justice Alexandre de Moraes has censored a shocking number of high-profile people in a surprisingly short period of time. Not just on social media but he is also freezing bank accounts …

Bill Van Auken (2023-09-07). Fifty Years Since the Chilean Coup of September 11, 1973. globalresearch.ca

John Kendall Hawkins (2023-09-07). Chile: The Aussie Connection, An Interview with Clinton Fernandes. counterpunch.org Clinton Fernandes is Professor of International and Political Studies at the University of New South Wales. He has published on the relationship between science, diplomacy and international law, intelligence operations in foreign policy, the political and regulatory implications of new technology and Australia's external relations more generally. His research in the Future Operations Research Group

Zach D. Roberts (2023-09-07). How the 'Free Helicopter Rides' Meme Went Viral. progressive.org Referencing the dark history of the Pinochet regime in Chile, the Proud Boys have sought to desensitize people against targeted violence by making it a joke.

John Kendall Hawkins (2023-09-07). Chile: The Aussie Connection: An Interview with Clinton Fernandes. counterpunch.org Clinton Fernandes is Professor of International and Political Studies at the University of New South Wales. He has published on the relationship between science, diplomacy and international law, intelligence operations in foreign policy, the political and regulatory implications of new technology and Australia's external relations more generally. His research in the Future Operations Research Group

teleSUR- jaa, JCM (2023-09-07). Exigen justicia para firmantes de paz asesinados en Colombia. telesurtv.net Entre las actividades, también se realizó un plantón frente a la Fiscalía General para exigir a este ente que no queden impunes los asesinatos de firmantes de paz y líderes sociales.

teleSUR- jaa, JCM (2023-09-07). Exigen justicia para firmantes de paz asesinados en Colombia. telesurtv.net Entre las actividades, también se realizó un plantón frente a la Fiscalía General para exigir a este ente que no queden impunes los asesinatos de firmantes de paz y líderes sociales.

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2023-09-07). Más de 342.000 venezolanos regresan por el Plan Vuelta a la Patria. telesurtv.net El Gobierno venezolano seguirá respaldando, de forma humanitaria y gratuita, a todos los connacionales que deseen volver a su vida en Venezuela.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-09-07). Argentina retira insignias otorgadas a Augusto Pinochet. telesurtv.net A través del Decreto 455, que será publicado este jueves en el Boletín Oficial, se le cancela a Pinochet, fallecido en 2006, y a sus derechohabientes el derecho a usar las insignias referidas.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-09-07). Argentina retira insignias otorgadas a Augusto Pinochet. telesurtv.net A través del Decreto 455, que será publicado este jueves en el Boletín Oficial, se le cancela a Pinochet, fallecido en 2006, y a sus derechohabientes el derecho a usar las insignias referidas.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-09-07). Chilenos protestan contra ley de usurpaciones. telesurtv.net Los manifestantes exigen vetar la ley que establece un cuerpo legal para combatir las tomas de terrenos y propiedades.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-09-07). Presidente mexicano se reunirá con líderes de Chile y Colombia. telesurtv.net El mandatario abordará posibles cambios a la política para combatir el narcotráfico en Colombia, mientras que en Chile participará en el 50 aniversario luctuoso del presidente chileno Salvador Allende (1970-1973).

teleSUR, odr, MER (2023-09-07). Denuncian nueva masacre en el Valle del Cauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net Ascienden a 64 las masacres ocurridas en lo que va del 2023 en Colombia, de acuerdo con los datos de Indepaz.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-09-07). Identifican a presuntos autores de amenazas a hija de Petro. telesurtv.net Fiscalía General da a conocer que citó a interrogatorios a presuntos autores de mensajes intimidantes contra Andrea Petro y el director de la Sociedad de Activos Especiales, Daniel Rojas.

teleSUR, odr, MER (2023-09-07). Denuncian nueva masacre en el Valle del Cauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net Ascienden a 64 las masacres ocurridas en lo que va del 2023 en Colombia, de acuerdo con los datos de Indepaz.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-09-07). Vicepresidenta de Venezuela visita banco de los Brics en China. telesurtv.net Rodríguez y Rousseff se reunieron para fortalecer e impulsar la cooperación económica.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-09-07). Militar colombiano se declarará culpable del magnicidio de Mà∂ise. telesurtv.net El colombiano, quien es considerado líder del complot para matar a Moïse, fue arrestado en Haití y extraditado a EE.UU., donde se declaró no culpable del crimen en 2022.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-09-07). Militar colombiano se declarará culpable del magnicidio de Mà∂ise. telesurtv.net El colombiano, quien es considerado líder del complot para matar a Moïse, fue arrestado en Haití y extraditado a EE.UU., donde se declaró no culpable del crimen en 2022.

teleSUR, lvm, MER (2023-09-07). Presidenta de Perú juramenta a nuevos ministros. telesurtv.net Algunas de las nuevas asignaciones ministeriales corresponden a las carteras de Justicia y Derechos Humanos, Educación, Trabajo, Desarrollo Agrario y Riego.

teleSUR, lvm, MER (2023-09-07). Presidenta de Perú juramenta a nuevos ministros. telesurtv.net Algunas de las nuevas asignaciones ministeriales corresponden a las carteras de Justicia y Derechos Humanos, Educación, Trabajo, Desarrollo Agrario y Riego.

teleSUR, lfb, DRL (2023-09-07). Candidata "libertaria" niega víctimas de la dictadura argentina. telesurtv.net Las organizaciones de izquierda rechazaron y acusaron a la candidata libertaria de querer reinstalar la "teoría de los dos demonios".

teleSUR, dcdc (2023-09-07). Mutual Uruguaya de Futbolistas Profesionales inicia huelga. telesurtv.net Las jugadores continúan exigiendo más y mejores condiciones, entre ellas un aumento de sueldo.

teleSUR- jaa, JCM (2023-09-07). Publican lista de los 30 futbolistas nominados al Balón de Oro. telesurtv.net Como es costumbre hace más de 15 años, el listado lo encabeza el capitán de la Argentina campeona del mundo Lionel Messi.

teleSUR- jaa, JCM (2023-09-07). Publican lista de los 30 futbolistas nominados al Balón de Oro. telesurtv.net Como es costumbre hace más de 15 años, el listado lo encabeza el capitán de la Argentina campeona del mundo Lionel Messi.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-09-07). Gobierno de Chile presenta agenda legislativa de DD.HH. telesurtv.net Se presentó a propósito de las cinco décadas del golpe de Estado del general Augusto Pinochet contra el presidente socialista Salvador Allende.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-09-07). Gobierno de Chile presenta agenda legislativa de DD.HH. telesurtv.net Se presentó a propósito de las cinco décadas del golpe de Estado del general Augusto Pinochet contra el presidente socialista Salvador Allende.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-09-07). Colombia designa delegados al monitoreo del cese al fuego con el ELN. telesurtv.net La Instancia Nacional es liderada por el general de infantería de Marina, Rafael Olaya Quintero.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-09-07). Colombia designa delegados al monitoreo del cese al fuego con el ELN. telesurtv.net La Instancia Nacional es liderada por el general de infantería de Marina, Rafael Olaya Quintero.

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