Daily Archives: September 11, 2023

2023-09-11: News Headlines

infobrics (2023-09-11). On Brink of Joining BRICS. infobrics.org Many Nigerians were expressing what they called "worry" and "sadness" that Nigeria was not admitted into BRICS, the grouping of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa that just ended its summit meeting in Johannesburg…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-11). 50 Years After Chile's Coup, Salvador Allende's Grandson Speaks About Britain's Role in the Rise of Pinochet. libya360.wordpress.com John McEvoy and Pablo Navarrete Pablo Sepúlveda Allende speaks to Declassified UK in Santiago, Chile, 2023 In Santiago, Declassified spoke with Pablo Sepúlveda Allende about Margaret Thatcher's friendship with Chile's dictator and how Labour helped him evade justice for crimes against humanity. "The colonialist countries in general have collaborated so that the decolonised countries can't become independent",…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-11). Boric and former Chilean presidents sign commitment for democracy on 50th anniversary of coup. peoplesdispatch.org The leaders committed to always take care of and defend democracy, face the challenges of democracy, defend and promote human rights, and strengthen spaces for collaboration among states…

Andrew Korybko (2023-09-11). Why'd Lula Flip-Flop on Whether Brazil Will Arrest Putin If He Visits? globalresearch.ca

Lowkey (2023-09-11). The Other 9/11 with Roberto Navarrete and John McEvoy. mintpressnews.com On the anniversary of the CIA-sponsored coup against the democratically elected leader of Chile, Salvador Allende, Lowkey speaks to survivor Roberto Navarrete and investigative journalist John McEvoy.

Editor (2023-09-11). Chile: This is how they killed Allende. mronline.org For the 50th anniversary of the coup d'état in Chile against the then president, Salvador Allende, analysis and publications are flourishing.

Global Research News (2023-09-11). Selected Articles: In Remembrance of 9/11 and the 1973 Chilean Coup. globalresearch.ca In commemoration of the 9/11 attack and the 1973 Chilean coup, we have compiled the following articles to serve as a reminder that democracy has long been backsliding in the Western world. | | By

Karla Martin, Sebastian Link (2023-09-11). 50 years after the coup against Allende: Lessons from the Chilean revolutionary movement. liberationnews.org September 11, 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of Salvador Allende's overthrow in a CIA-backed coup that ushered in a blood-soaked fascist dictatorship.

Staff (2023-09-11). "The Other 9/11": Ariel Dorfman on 50th Anniversary of U.S.-Backed Coup in Chile That Ousted Allende. democracynow.org We look at the 50th anniversary of what is sometimes called the "other 9/11" — the U.S.-backed coup in Chile, when General Augusto Pinochet ousted President Salvador Allende and inaugurated almost two decades of brutal military rule. Allende died in the presidential palace on September 11, 1973, marking the end of Chile's first socialist government. During Pinochet's military dictatorship, more than 3,000 people were disappeared or killed, and some 40,000 more were tortured as political prisoners as Chile remained a close partner to the United States during the Cold War. "We&#8…

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-09-11). Brazilian President criticizes US blockade against Cuba. plenglish.com New Delhi, Sep 11 (Prensa Latina) Brazilian President Luis Inácio Lula da Silva criticized the blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba, and stated that Cuba is not a country of terrorists, India's news website Firstpost reported on Monday.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-11). Chile: How they Killed Allende. libya360.wordpress.com Geraldina Colloti September 11, 1973, Allende's body is taken from the Presidential Palace For the 50th anniversary of the coup d'état in Chile against the then president, Salvador Allende, analysis and publications are flourishing. Among them, the journalistic investigation by Francisco Marín Castro (sociologist, writer and director of the newspaper El Ciudadano) and Luis Ravanal…

John McEvoy (2023-09-11). 50 Years After Chile's Coup, Salvador Allende's Grandson Speaks About Britain's Role in the Rise of Pinochet. globalresearch.ca

Juan M. Garcia (2023-09-11). Casa de las Américas to recall coup d'état in Chile. plenglish.com Havana, Sep 11 (Prensa Latina) The Havana-based Casa de las Américas will on Monday host the 50th-Anniversary Concert in Chile, Coup, Life and Resistance, a musical tribute that will unite voices from both nations in this capital.

Manlio Dinucci (2023-09-11). Chile September 11, 1973: The Actuality of a Coup d'Etat. Manlio Dinucci. globalresearch.ca

Peter Kornbluh (2023-09-11). September 11, 1973: The Chile Coup: The U.S. Hand. globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-09-11). Fifty Years Ago: Chile, September 11, 1973: The Ingredients of a Military Coup. globalresearch.ca We are commemorating September 11, 2001 as well as September 11, 1973 (Fifty years ago) | *** | Half a century ago on September 11, 1973, the Chilean military led by General Augusto Pinochet, crushed the democratically elected Unidad Popular government of …

Taroa Zúñiga Silva (2023-09-11). 'Chile Needs a Communist Party': Interview With Lautaro Carmona. orinocotribune.com The general secretary of the Communist Party of Chile says with the resumption of democracy, the Communist Party has made the case for its legality by reviving this slogan in the country. | On August 31, 2023, the President of the Communist Party of Chile, Guillermo Teillier, was buried in the historical cemetery of Recoleta. In this graveyard lies the remains of a range of important people, from former Chilean President Salvador Allende to the socialist singer Victor Jara. Both Allende and Jara were victims of the military coup d'état that took place 50 years ago on September 11, 1973. | Teillier, who was tortur…

Walden Bello (2023-09-11). Remembering Salvador Allende and the Chilean Counterrevolution. fpif.org When I heard that Salvador Allende won the Chilean presidential elections in September 1970 and sought to bring his country to socialism by peaceful means, I decided to do my doctoral dissertation on Chile. In May 1972, I went to take a crash course in Spanish in Cuernavaca in the Mexican state of Morelos, the birthplace of the legendary peasant leader Emiliano Zapata whose life had been made into a movie starring Marlon Brando that I had seen and liked as a teenager. After three weeks, I felt that the course had substantially improved the rudimentary Spanish I had from high school in the Philippines. So, I flew…

WSWS (2023-09-11). From the archives of Marxism: Lessons of the 1973 coup in Chile. wsws.org This statement was published by the International Committee of the Fourth International on September 18, 1973, in response to the overthrow of the government of Salvador Allende in Chile.

WSWS (2023-09-11). On the 50th anniversary of the Chilean coup: Lessons of a revolution betrayed. wsws.org Fifty years after Chile's horrific September 11 coup, its political relevance is becoming ever more urgent as the specter of dictatorship once again haunts the political life of Latin America.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-09-11). Líder de Junta de Justicia de Perú rechaza intento de remoción. telesurtv.net La presidenta del ente, Imelda Tumialán, denunció que la investigación sumaria aprobada por el Congreso "no tiene ninguna garantía" y que sus imputaciones "carecen de fundamento".

teleSUR, JGN (2023-09-11). Presidente venezolano dialoga con secretario del PCCh de Shanghái. telesurtv.net La entrevista se llevó a cabo en el marco de la visita histórica que el jefe de Estado de Venezuela efectúa por la nación asiática.

teleSUR, nbb, JCM (2023-09-11). Presidente de Colombia asistirá a Cumbre del G77 en La Habana. telesurtv.net Por primera vez, Cuba preside el G77+China, que congrega a 134 países miembros de la ONU.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-09-11). Presidente de Bolivia insta a accionar para enfrentar sequía. telesurtv.net El mandatario indicó que el déficit hídrico tiene efectos devastadores en sectores clave como la agricultura, la ganadería y la economía de las regiones productivas.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-09-11). Miles de mujeres chilenas realizan velada en La Moneda. telesurtv.net El presidente Gabriel Boric destacó que "las mujeres de Chile, una vez más, como siempre, dándonos a todos una lección".

teleSUR, JCM (2023-09-11). Presidente de Venezuela continúa su gira en la provincia china de Shandong. telesurtv.net El Jefe de Estado arribó al Aeropuerto Internacional Yaoqiang de la ciudad de Jinan.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-09-11). øCómo sucedieron los hechos del golpe de Estado en Chile. telesurtv.net Pinochet, mediante el golpe, interrumpió el Gobierno democrático de Allende e instauró uno de los períodos más crueles y terribles de la historia de la nación suramericana.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-09-11). Presidente de Venezuela asiste a banco de los Brics en Shanghái. telesurtv.net El mandatario Maduro se entrevistó con la presidenta de la institución financiera y exjefa de Estado de Brasil, Dilma Rousseff, quien asumió el cargo desde marzo de 2023.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-09-11). Descarrilamiento de tren en Perú deja un muerto y dos heridos. telesurtv.net La circulación de trenes entre Ollantaytambo y Machu Picchu se reanudará sólo con la confirmación del buen estado de la línea férrea en este tramo.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-09-11). Presidente de Venezuela visita isla de la inteligencia artificial de Zhangjiang. telesurtv.net El mandatario recibió un recorrido en el centro experimental de Zhangjiang, epicentro de desarrollo tecnológico y científico al más alto nivel de la República Popular China.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-09-11). Candidato opositor gana elección en Santa Fe, Argentina. telesurtv.net Con el escrutinio del 99.7 por ciento de las mesas instaladas, el radical Pullaro obtuvo 1.023.759 votos, equivalentes al 58.4 por ciento.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-09-11). Carabineros reprimen manifestación en las calles de Santiago. telesurtv.net La "gran marcha por los derechos humanos" en el día previo a los 50 años del golpe de Estado en Chile, convocada a metros del Palacio de la Moneda en Santiago, inició con incidentes con carabineros.

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