Daily Archives: November 17, 2023

2023-11-17: News Headlines

infobrics (2023-11-17). BRICS: A Bloc Without a Vision or a Force for Change. infobrics.org The term BRIC was coined by British economist Jim O'Neill in 2001 to describe four emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, and China. He did not envision them as a political bloc that would challenge the West's dominance. He was only interested in their investment potential…

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-11-17). Cuban table tennis player Yunier Fernandez is close to a medal (+Photos). plenglish.com Santiago de Chile, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban Yunier Fernandez took another important step towards the medals today by defeating Fernando Eberhardt from Argentina 3-0, in the second day of table tennis of the VII Parapan American Games Santiago 2023.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-17). Brazilian university launches book ®Che Guevara the Minister ® (+Photo). plenglish.com Brasilia, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) Under the premise that his revolutionary thought remains today the seed of actions, the book El Ministro Che Guevara, authored by Cuban professor Tirso Saenz, was presented at the University of Brasilia (UNB).

Ana Perdigón (2023-11-17). President of Colombia Will Travel to Venezuela on Official Visit. orinocotribune.com The president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, will be in Venezuela on an official visit this weekend, and will meet with his Venezuelan counterpart Nicolás Maduro. | Upon the completion og the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders Summit, held in San Francisco, USA, the Colombian president will travel to Venezuela. This was announced on Wednesday, November 15, in an official statement of the Colombian government. | Petro is expected to arrive in Caracas on Friday, November 17. On Saturday he will meet with Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro as well as other authorities of the Venezuelan government. | "On…

Ariadna Eljuri (2023-11-17). Venezuela Rejects Israeli Entity's Position Against Latin American Countries Opposing Genocide. orinocotribune.com Venezuela has issued a condemnation of the statements and actions made by the president of the Israeli settler colonial entity, Isaac Herzog, who has made verbal attacks against different nations in Latin America and the Caribbean for their positions against the genocidal Israeli entity's attacks against Palestinians in Gaza. | During an

krish-rad_ind (2023-11-17). Venezuela Rejects Israeli Entity's Position Against Latin American Countries Opposing Genocide. orinocotribune.com

Juan Carlos Junio (2023-11-17). Argentina — Sergio Massa: ahora, a triunfar. globalizacion.ca

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-11-17). Political campaigning is on halt in Argentina. plenglish.com Propaganda campaigns, surveys publication and dissemination, and parties near the polling stations are strictly forbidden from 08: 00 hours, local time, this Friday to 21: 00 hours, local time on November 19. | Voters' meetings, shows, sports activities, and selling alcoholic beverages are also banned. | Carrying weapons and using flags, badges, or others are also punished. | Over 35 million Argentinian citizens will vote on Sunday to elect the nation's president and vice president. | The Unión por la Patria (Union for the Homeland, UP) alliance with Sergio Massa and Agustín Rossi and La Libertad Avanza (Liberty A…

scorinoco (2023-11-17). Colombian Government Will Resume Peace Talks With FARC Dissidents. orinocotribune.com The head of the Colombian government's delegation for the peace process, Camilo González Posso, announced that the peace talks with the Central General Staff (EMC) of the of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) will resume, after being suspended for 10 days. | González Posso explained that for the new round of negotiations, a package of protocols and agreements focused on respect for the civilian population was approved. "We have approved 21 commitments based on humanitarian law and human rights to protect life in all its forms, including the non-recruitment of children and adolescents, limiting anti…

Adriaan Alsema (2023-11-17). Colombia's deputy chief prosecutor again linked to drug trafficking. colombiareports.com Two prosecutors accused Colombia's deputy chief prosecutor of protecting corrupt officials allegedly involved in drug trafficking. The accusation comes less than a year after jailed drug trafficker Carlos Ramon Zapata,…

Adriaan Alsema (2023-11-17). Colombia's war crimes tribunal allows submission of former AUC commander. colombiareports.com Colombia's war crimes tribunal JEP allowed the submission of former paramilitary commander Salvatore Mancuso to the transitional justice system. Mancuso will be tried by the transitional justice system for his…

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-11-17). Image of Lacalle Pou and his administration in Uruguay deteriorates. plenglish.com Montevideo, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) The image of the citizenship regarding President Luis Lacalle Pou and his administration shows unfavorable results, according to the figures of a survey released today in Uruguay.

WSWS (2023-11-17). Israel provokes diplomatic row with Brazil over Gaza, Hezbollah. wsws.org Behind the diplomatic tensions that emerged last week between Brazil and Israel lies the US drive to drag Latin America into its global war plans.

teleSUR, lfb, JDO (2023-11-17). TSJ de Venezuela ampara realización de referendo sobre Esequibo. telesurtv.net Alta corte ratifica el desconocimiento por parte de Venezuela del Laudo Arbitral de París de 1899. Subraya que solo reconocen con valor legal en cuanto a derecho internacional el Acuerdo de Ginebra de 1966.

teleSUR, lfb, JDO (2023-11-17). Se inaugurarán en Chile los Juegos Parapanamericanos Santiago 2023. telesurtv.net El Comité Olímpico Internacional indicó que este evento contará con 37 atletas que ganaron medalla de oro en los Juegos Paralímpicos de Tokio 2020.

teleSUR, MS (2023-11-17). Presentan proyecto de ley contra los crímenes de paz en Colombia. telesurtv.net Dicho proyecto de ley sanciona con agravantes a los altos funcionarios que cometan infracciones o violenten la ley cayendo en actos de corrupción en fondos públicos destinados para la paz.

teleSUR, MS (2023-11-17). Así quedó la tabla tras la quinta fecha de eliminatorias Conmebol. telesurtv.net Argentina y Brasil cayeron en sus compromisos dejando un cierre de año espectacular para las eliminatorias de cara al Mundial de la FIFA 2026…

teleSUR, MS (2023-11-17). Candidatos a la presidencia de Argentina cierran campaña. telesurtv.net Sergio Massa y Javier Milei cerraron sus campañas electorales en sus bastiones más importantes.

teleSUR, SH (2023-11-17). øCuáles son los planes de Gobierno de los candidatos presidenciales en Argentina. telesurtv.net Durante la campaña electoral, los candidatos Sergio Massa y Javier Milei expusieron las propuestas en materia económica, social, salud y seguridad de llegar a la presidencia.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-11-17). Comuneros mapuches rechazan condena emitida por tribunal chileno. telesurtv.net Los cuatro comuneros se encuentran en huelga líquida desde el 13 de noviembre como protesta y resaltando la urgencia de revisar el proceso judicial.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-11-17). EE.UU. ha deportado a más de 380.000 migrantes en siete meses. telesurtv.net El gobierno estadounidense reanudó recientemente las deportaciones directas a Venezuela, para frenar la migración irregular.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-11-17). Eligen a Henry Kronfle presidente de Parlamento de Ecuador. telesurtv.net Instalan nueva Asamblea Nacional. Legisladores mantendrán sus cargos por 18 meses. En mayo de 2025 se posesionarán nuevos legisladores, luego de comicios generales de ese año.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-11-17). Inicia veda electoral en Argentina de cara al balotaje. telesurtv.net Todas las restricciones de la veda electoral rigen hasta tres horas después de cerrados los centros de votación a las 18H00 hora local (21H00 UTC) del domingo.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-11-17). Comienza campaña televisiva de cara a plebiscito en Chile. telesurtv.net A las 12H45 (hora local) de esta jornada se transmitió oficialmente la franja electoral por la televisión abierta.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-11-17). JEP de Colombia acepta sometimiento de exjefe paramilitar. telesurtv.net Según la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz, los aportes de Salvatore Mancuso "cumplen con los criterios de valoración exigidos por el órgano de cierre".

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